MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 349 Advent 1

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   Chapter 349 Advent 1

   After Gu Qingmo finished all the affairs, the night became darker.

   Chuli had already eaten dinner, and was sitting next to Gu Qingmo at this time, her small head was bit by bit, she seemed to be very sleepy.

  Gu Qingmo took Chuli back to the room, lit a small lamp and sat in the study to start stringing beads.

  Gu Qingmo has never done meticulous work, and he has spent a lot of effort in order to string the beads beautifully.

   When it's done, it's already dawn.

   Chuli heard the movement, rubbed her eyes and walked over, just in time to see the picture of Gu Qingmo tying the knot.


   "Chuli, come and try it."

  Gu Qingmo made this kind of little thing for the first time, and it seemed to be very successful, so he quickly tried it on Chuli, and it was just right on his wrist.

   "Thank you, Master!" Chu Li looked at the extra bead bracelet on her wrist, and her whole body became excited.

   This was the first gift he received.

   "As long as you like it." Gu Qingmo looked at the string of hands with satisfaction, and his eyes flashed with pain.

   There were only a dozen or so Aya wood beads in total, she only strung a few, and there were more than half of them left.

   She originally planned to string all of them, but found that it would be too big, so she could only pick up and count them and string them up one by one, so as not to wear them badly.

  Gu Qingmo thought for a while, then pulled Chuli's hand, "Chuli, how about making a promise with Master?"

   "Okay, okay." Chu Li didn't ask what the agreement was, and agreed.

   "Master hopes that you can grow up quickly, and keep your own fat and white, until all those Aya wood beads are strung on the rope."

   Chuli glanced at the tools on the table that had not been cleaned up, patted his chest and replied, "The disciple will do it."

   "Go, pack up, it's time for morning exercise."

  Gu Qingmo glanced at Chuli's well-behaved figure, put away everything on the table, and went to Sun Yuzhou to ask for a shovel.

  Sun Yuzhou heard that Gu Qingmo wanted a shovel, thought for a while, and asked her to wait.

   Although they have a lot of good stuff here, they don't have a shovel.

   Therefore, Sun Yuzhou could only go out to find it.

   If you want to ask where there are many shovels, it must be the military camp, especially those under Gu Qingmo.

  After all, a shovel is absolutely necessary for every battle aftermath.

   When Sun Yuzhou came back with the shovel, Gu Qingmo had already found a place.

  Gu Qingmo stuck the shovel in the mud and waited for Chuli to come over and plant the seed together.

  Sun Yuzhou still didn't know what Gu Qingmo was going to do, but seeing her posture now, he immediately understood, turned his head and went out again.

When    Chuli came to him, he only saw Gu Qingmo.

   Master and apprentice carefully planted the seeds, Sun Yuzhou just came back, and came back with a kettle.

After   , Chuli started to practice hard, eat hard, and take care of the seeds.

  Sun Yuzhou also began to learn how to get along well with children.

   Facts have proved that Sun Yuzhou's ability to learn is useless no matter how strong it is. In just seven years, Chu Li's rejection and disgust for him turned into disgust.

   However, the relationship between the two did ease a lot.

   During the seven years, Gu Qingmo had to leave the temple from time to time to run errands. During the time she was away, Chuli was taken care of by Yunchen.

   Therefore, Jiangling Temple is like his second home.


   On this day, Gu Qingmo was watering the small sapling, which was the seed they planted together, and it has grown into a small tree after seven years.

   Chuli has also grown a lot, and her body is well-proportioned. She no longer has the shadow of being skinny, and even has a few more Ayagi beads.

  Gu Qingmo stared at the boy who was reading. The seventeen-year-old Chuli had grown up and was even taller than her.

   In the past seven years, Chu Li would run here whenever he was free, or just lie by the window and stare, and rarely left the temple on his own initiative.

   There were only a few of them around him.

   After seven years, Ruo Li Shenjun finally realized that his apprentice had no friends.

   "Chu Li, aren't you going out to play?"

   "Where is the Master taking the disciples to play?"

  Gu Qingmo looked at Chu Li's expectant eyes and fell silent.

   She seems to have raised her child too lonely.

   When it comes to going out to play, children tend to think of going out with their friends, not their elders.

   "Chu Li, do you want friends?"

   Chuli blinked and asked, "Like Feng Rui?"

  Gu Qingmo:  …

  Speaking of which, since Feng Rui knew that Gu Qingmo had taken Chuli, he would run here every three days, every time he would fight with Chuli.

   In the beginning, Chuli was still a little shrimp with no cultivation, the kind of person who couldn't run away.

   In this case, Chu Li could not protect himself, so he could only ask Gu Qingmo or Yun Chen for support.

   When Feng Rui saw these two people, he was scared away every time he didn't move his mouth.

   However, surprisingly, Yuanyang Shenjun did not appear to support his precious grandson.

  Thinking about it, Feng Rui didn't tell Yuanyang Shenjun, he was always looking for opportunities to provoke Chuli.

   After Chu Li gained some strength, Gu Qingmo and Yun Chen didn't care anymore.

   They can't keep Chuli living under their wings. Since they have the ability to solve problems, they should take responsibility themselves.

   After knowing that there would be no one to protect Chuli, Feng Rui's provocation frequency became higher and higher.

   But without exception, every time he was beaten by Chu Li, his nose was blue and his face was bruised.

   Yuanyang Shenjun had a lot of trouble with Gu Qingmo because of this matter, but every time he was lightly blocked by Gu Qingmo.

  Gu Qingmo thought about Feng Rui's fierce eyes every time, and wondered if his apprentice was joking with her.

  Although she did not agree with Feng Rui's character and personality, the child was serious about cultivation.

   Even if he was defeated by Chuli every time, he didn't think of a way to play tricks.

   Even if he is lazy and doesn't cultivate himself, and is therefore ridiculed as the slowest spiritual root to cultivate, he will not use sideways to improve his cultivation.

   At this point, Gu Qingmo can only praise the seriousness of cultivation, that's all.

   Now that Chuli said she wanted to be friends with Feng Rui, she was a little worried.

   Could it be that the two children were fighting each other, and they had feelings for each other?

  Gu Qingmo disagreed.

   "Do you want to be friends with him?" Gu Qingmo kicked the question back again.

   "I don't want to." Chu Li refused without hesitation.


   "Will Master be friends with a sandbag?"


  Gu Qingmo was speechless, it turned out that Feng Rui was just a sandbag in his eyes.

  The kid knew that he was going to die of anger.

  Gu Qingmo sighed, she has to think more about making friends.

   After another year, the heaven suddenly shook.

  Gu Qingmo came out to check the situation, but saw a beam of light rising into the sky in the distance, which was the location of the Jiangling Hall.

   "Master, what happened?" Chu Li looked at the beam of light in the distance, wondering why.

  Gu Qingmo almost guessed what it was when he saw this scene, and happily grabbed Chu Li, "Tutor, you finally have friends!"

   Chuli: ...?

   Today's second update

   Q: Is the rhythm a little fast?



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion