MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 106 Sick Dad 17

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The rural examination of this dynasty was divided into three sessions, which were held on the tenth day of the eighth month, the thirteenth day of the eighth month, and the sixteenth day of the eighth month. Each session was held for three days, and admission was required one day in advance.

Han Ze and his party set off on the second day of July and arrived in Yangcheng, the provincial capital, on the eighth day. They didn't dare to delay at all. Once they arrived in Yangcheng, they temporarily found an inn.

Han Ze and Wang Ziwen don't have a lot of money in their hands, and they don't have high requirements for the temporary rented place, as long as it is quiet and does not affect their studies. Zhao Zhengxiu had more money in his hands, and he didn't want to rent a house privately. They all came back to Yangcheng for the first time, and they were unfamiliar with the place. Living together is convenient for communication, and it is good for each other to take care of each other. He is willing to accept Han Ze , Wang Ziwen. So I planned to rent a yard for the three families.

Even so, in the year of Dabi, it is not easy to rent a house. After looking at several places, I found a small yard. The house in the yard is secluded and small. The three families live in a little crowded, and it will be able to live there. , The victory lies in the quietness, not far or near from the examination room.

The dormitory in the examination room is even more crude, and now they just live in a smaller house, and they can still bear some difficulties. Otherwise, how can they survive the environment of the examination room? If you want to be a master, you need to endure hardships that others cannot bear. Besides, you just live in a crowded place, which is not considered hardship. The three of them had no objections, they had no objections, and the family members who accompanied the exam had no complaints.

After discussing with the three candidates, they decided to lease the yard.

The newly rented house needs to be cleaned up before people can live in it. Naturally, the three candidates don’t need to do these things. Wang Caiwei and Wang Ziwen’s wife, the old lady Wang, need to do housework every day. The house I live in is tidied up. There are several servants in Zhao Zhengxiu's family, and his daughter-in-law Zhang is not required to operate the well mortar, so she is a little clumsy in doing housework, but she can find the clue by groping slowly.

The house was cleaned up, and I retired from the inn room and moved to a rented house. After driving for a few days, I went back and forth to find a house. The group of people were very tired, but they couldn't rest. They didn't have to go to the stove house when they had a place to stay. Meals are served in the restaurant, so additional food needs to be purchased. The three examinees don't need to worry about these things. Han Erlang, Wang Ziwen and Zhao Zhengxiu's book boys will come forward.

After resting for a day, the group settled down completely. The next day, the three of Han Ze read books in peace of mind at home. As for the wives of Wang Caiwei, they cooked and washed clothes at home. The three families have different backgrounds, and the food is of course It's not the same, Han Ze proposed to open fire alone, Wang Ziwen agreed, Zhao Zhengxiu smiled helplessly, and agreed. Even if everyone is classmates, they are all students in the county school, but scholars have the arrogance of scholars, and he can understand that they don't want to take advantage of him.

Han Erlang and the two schoolboys cleaned the yard every day besides shopping for vegetables. Grass was growing on their idle bodies. On this day, there was a sudden commotion next door. To acquaintances. He turned his head and hurried into the house, and when he saw Wang Caiwei, he said, "Sister-in-law, I just saw Liu Xiucai."

He knew Liu Xiucai.

Wang Caiwei was doing embroidery work, when she heard his words, she looked at him in surprise: "Where is it?"

Han Erlang pointed to the next door, "They seem to rent the room next door."

Wang Caiwei opened her almond eyes slightly, what a coincidence.

It's not a coincidence, but when Liu Xiucai and his group were renting a house, Yaxing said inadvertently that several students from their county rented houses nearby, and they decided to rent a house here after thinking about it. After all, even though the students from the same place are not familiar with each other, they know each other well. Once there is something to do, it is better than strangers.

Han Ze came out of the room, heard what the two said, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Wang Caiwei: "Are you going to take a look?"

Wang Caiwei shook her head, put the embroidery work in the needlework frame, and said, "Let's go and have a look after they settle down."

She has a bad relationship with her eldest sister, but she knows they live next door, so she should visit them. She is always her eldest sister, and she cannot be ignored as a stranger. Before Han Ze and the others went to visit Liu Xiucai, Liu Xiucai and Wang Caixia came to visit.

Wang Caixia looked at the rented house of her younger sister and asked, "Is it a little smaller?"

Although they are also renting a house with others, the yard they rented is larger than this one, and it is only shared by two families. The house is very comfortable to live in, and they can even have a study room by themselves. She just Looking at the house rented by my sister, not to mention that there is no study room, even the bedroom is extremely small.

Wang Caiwei smiled, and she didn't feel small because the husband didn't care about that, so she changed the subject: "Have you been here for a long time?"

Wang Caixia glanced at her sister and saw that she really didn't care, so she felt bored and said casually, "A few days later than you." After a pause, she continued: "Han Ze and your brother-in-law are brothers-in-law, so we should have come here together. Your brother-in-law's family has arranged a motorcade. If you come together, you can save some money by taking our motorcade. The rural examination costs a lot of money. Besides, it is more difficult to get a person than a scholar. My brother-in-law takes several times in a row to be a scholar. The county school that you only entered at the age of 20, there is no need to end this year, it is just a waste of money, besides, your husband's family is a farmer..."

Wang Caiwei didn't think there was anything wrong with the farmers. The family was not as rich as the eldest sister's family, but they could always live a good life with their concerted efforts. Besides, it was the elder sister's fault that the husband took the exam several times in a row before he was selected as a scholar. Xianggong has real talents and learning, even if he entered the county school last year, he may not fail the exam.

The eldest sister's tone sounded uncomfortable to her, as if my husband must fail the exam. She didn't know him well, so how could she conclude that he failed the exam? Have confidence?"

Wang Caixia was not annoyed when she interrupted her words, and when she heard what she said, she smiled with pride in her smile, "Your brother-in-law has studied in the county school for four years, and he was not sure when he went back to the county school because he just entered the county school. It didn’t end there, after several years of study, he has solid knowledge.”

She didn't say whether her man has confidence, but the meaning in the words has already shown.

Wang Caiwei lowered her eyelids. Compared with her brother-in-law, her husband did enter school three years later. The gap of three years is not a day or two, even if you have confidence in your own husband, you will inevitably feel uneasy.

Wang Caixia picked up the teacup on the table, the smile deepened in her eyes, and she said, "Don't worry, my brother-in-law is still young, so I have experienced it."

That would mean that Han Ze failed the exam this time.

The expression on Wang Caiwei's face faded, and she became more reluctant to speak, but she thought in her heart, after all these years, she finally knew why Da Xiao and her sister couldn't get along, her sister is so strong, it's okay, but she is so strong, but she likes to praise herself and step on others, If she trampled on her younger sister, she could bear it for the sake of her elder sister, but she didn't like it when she trampled on her husband-in-law.

Wang Caiwei stood up, her body was a little stiff, and she said: "It's time to prepare lunch, I'll cook, eldest sister will have dinner at home at noon."

Wang Caixia also stood up and said with a smile: "Your brother-in-law is going to take a scientific examination, and he has to drink tonic soup every day. The mother-in-law should have stewed the tonic soup and is waiting for us to go back to eat."

Wang Caiwei didn't make much effort to keep them, as the eldest sister said, their family is a farmer, and the food must not be as rich as the eldest sister's, let alone the so-called tonic soup, so they will not be left at home to eat simple food.

When the two came out, Han Ze and Liu Xiucai had finished talking, Wang Caiwei and the eldest sister had nothing to say, and Han Ze and Liu Xiucai had nothing to talk about, so they asked each other a few questions about scientific research and sat down. There, relatively silent,

After sending Liu Xiucai and his wife away, Wang Caiwei looked at Han Ze and said softly, "From what my sister said, I think my brother-in-law is very likely to pass the exam this time."

Han Ze sat down, picked up the book on the case, and said with a smile, "Confidence is a good thing."

It is better to have hope of passing the exam than to have no hope of passing the exam. Having said that, whoever comes to take part in the scientific examination, who doesn't hold great hope to win in one fell swoop?

Wang Caiwei was not convinced. It wasn't that she had any bad intentions, nor that she didn't want her elder brother-in-law to pass the exam, but that her husband was so belittled by her eldest sister, and she was unfair to her husband, but she didn't seem to care, so she felt relieved. Said, let alone, as long as the husband is confident, it will be fine when the list is released, and we will know when we meet, she believes in the talent of the husband.

What's more, if you fail the exam, it's nothing. You will have to take the exam again next time. During the college exam, my husband was drugged by the elder sister many times, but he survived in the end, and later he was a scholar in the exam. Now that Xianggong is in good health, she doesn't need to worry about failing the provincial examination once. With his talent, he can always become a juren.

After Wang Caixia came to the door, Wang Caiwei didn't mention to visit her eldest sister again, but concentrated on doing embroidery work at home and taking care of Han Ze. Wang Caixia didn't know what she was thinking, and she came to chat with Wang Caiwei from time to time. I didn’t talk about anything else, just talking about how she would instruct her mother-in-law to make tonic soup for Liu Xiucai every day. After drinking the tonic soup, she would definitely not faint in the examination room and so on. She even asked Wang Caiwei to make tonic soup for Han Ze , Not to mention passing the exam, at least you don't have to worry about fainting in the exam room.

Wang Caiwei is meek and annoying her, so she replied that Han Ze fell ill the year before last and drank the medicine for a long time. Now he can't smell the medicine, and vomits when he smells the medicine, so he can't make tonic soup for him. You can't just drink it.

Wang Caixia choked and stopped coming after that, Wang Caiwei was relieved.

Wang Ziwen's wife, the old lady Wang, muttered: "Every day I can smell a smell of medicine coming from the next door. There is nothing wrong with a big man's body. He takes supplements all day long. He drinks tonics every day, and he is not afraid of drinking too much. , can't sleep at night."

Wang Caiwei didn't understand the meaning of her words at first, looked at Zhao Zhengxiu's daughter-in-law who was blushing, and suddenly came back to her senses, followed by blushing, stared blankly at her old lady, and then looked awkwardly at Zhao Zhengxiu's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Zhang With a glance, he quickly put aside, Xindao is not a tonic for aphrodisiac, it should be, it should not be so.

Mrs. Wang said again: "I have exhausted all my energy from working at night, so I don't believe I still have the energy to study during the day."

Wang Caiwei Zhang: "..."