MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 109 Sick Dad 20

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When the group returned to the rented yard, Wang Caiwei, Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Wang and others were already waiting at the gate of the yard. When they got out of the carriage, Han Erlang saw Wang Caiwei and yelled, "Sister-in-law, brother-in-law!" Lifted, big brother won the lift!"

His voice was so loud that Wang Caixia at the gate of the next courtyard heard it too. She couldn't believe that Han Ze passed the exam?

If Han Ze passed the exam, did his husband also pass the exam?

Liu Xiucai's carriage followed Han Ze and others' carriage to the gate of the courtyard next door. Wang Caixia didn't care about why Han Ze won the exam, so she hurried forward to greet Liu Xiucai. When she saw the gloomy-looking man, her heart skipped a beat.

Wang Caiwei's face was sad and joyful, her eyes were red, did she win the exam? Really won?

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhang hurriedly congratulated Wang Caiwei, and Wang Caiwei recovered and wiped away her tears, and hurriedly apologized.

Mrs. Wang smiled and said, "You are crying with joy!"

Wang Caiwei nodded with sobs, she was crying with joy, she should be happy that her husband won the election. No one knows the pain in her heart in the past few years. Ever since her husband fell ill in bed and couldn't get up for several months, the pity and sympathy of the villagers, and the words of her parents telling her to give up her husband and prepare for the future, all made her feel sad. She broke down, but it was so painful to pretend that everything didn't exist. Now everything is over.

Mrs. Wang said enviously: "I don't know if my stupid son passed the exam?"

As soon as the words finished, Wang Ziwen walked over, heard his old mother's words, and continued: "I passed the exam, the last one."

Mrs. Wang didn't understand so much. When she heard that her son had won, she was so excited, she just said: "As long as you win, what's the difference between the last one and the first one? They are all candidates."

Wang Ziwen raised his forehead in shame, the difference is huge, my mother, if we don't understand, can we stop talking nonsense?

Mrs. Zhang also looked envious, and looked at Zhao Zhengxiu. Zhao Zhengxiu laughed at himself and said, "You are on the list anyway, but I am not named Sun Shan."

Mrs. Zhang sighed slightly, and looked at him worriedly. Zhao Zhengxiu smiled again: "It's okay, I didn't have any hope for this township examination. I will take it next time, and I will be more confident."

Zhang's expression is slightly relaxed, it's good that Mr. Zhang can think about it. Zhao Zhengxiu looked at Han Ze enviously, and said with admiration, "I didn't expect Brother Han to come in third."

Han Erlang laughed loudly and said, "My elder brother also came third in the last exam."

The first place in the township examination is Jieyuan, the second is Yayuan, the third, fourth, and fifth are Jingkui, and Han Ze can become Jingkui if he wins the third place. Han Erlang didn't know what Jingkui and Yakui were. He only knew that his elder brother had passed the examination, and he was also the third place in the college examination.

Liu Xiucai got out of the carriage and clenched her fists when she heard Han Erlang's words. Wang Caixia looked at him carefully, for fear that he would lose his composure on the spot. Even if he didn't say anything at the moment, she knew he failed the exam. Her eyes were complicated, the husband she had hoped for failed the exam, and her brother-in-law from a farming family who she had never looked down upon not only won the exam, but also came in third in the exam, which is simply ironic.

Han Ze Erlang continued to say: "Brother, if you get the third place in the exam next time, isn't it just some kind of third prize? It is said that you can still see the emperor?"

Liu Xiucai sneered, thinking that if he won the third place in the college examination and the township examination, he could also take the third place in the general examination and palace examination? Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue and daydream.

Han Ze patted Han Erlang's head and said, "What are you talking about? After the provincial examination, there will be a general examination. If you fail the general examination, where can you go to test for flowers? Even if you pass the general examination by luck, you may not necessarily pass the examination. Tanhua is so easy to take the exam?"

Although Han Erlang could read a few words, and knew what the No. 1 Scholar, No. 2, and Tanhua were, but he was not very clear about the process of the scientific examination. He giggled twice, and didn't dare to say more, so as not to make others laugh.

Liu Xiucai sneered, you are self-aware.

Wang Ziwen said: "This time there were eight students from our county school who participated in the provincial examination, and only two of us passed the exam."

Han Ze smiled and said, "No matter what, it's fine if you hit it."

Wang Ziwen laughed when he thought of this, and said: "It's already good if I can win the weightlifting. I will try next year. I don't plan to participate. You have achieved good results. You can give it a try next year."

Han Ze was indeed planning to take part in the next year's test. He nodded and said, "You haven't reached the championship yet, don't worry, but I'm nine years older than you."

He is twenty-seven years old this year. If he doesn't take part in the examination next year, if he doesn't meet Kai Enke, then he will have to wait three years later. Three years later, he will be thirty years old, which is still young for other juren. But can't wait.

Zhao Zhengxiu sighed and looked at Wang Ziwen: "I didn't think about it. You are only eighteen years old this year. There are many young talents in our county. There are no such young people."

Han Ze was also full of admiration. Wang Ziwen was elected at the age of 18. It can be said that he has outstanding qualifications and a young genius.

After all, Wang Ziwen was still young, and he was flattered by the two people's few words. In this way, he actually got the last place in the exam, and his grades were not bad?

Mrs. Wang said: "Since I have won Juren, let's celebrate with a whole table in the evening."

Wang Ziwen hesitated for a moment. He, Han Ze, and Zhao Zhengxiu came to take the exam together. He and Han Ze won the exam, but Zhao Zhengxiu was the only one who failed. If they wanted to celebrate, would he be uncomfortable?

Zhao Zhengxiu seemed to see what he was thinking, and said calmly and confidently: "Although I am older than you, I am younger than Brother Han. Brother Han was 27 years old, and I am 21 years old now. I ask myself I am not bad at learning, how can I pass the exam at the age of 27, you should celebrate as you please, I have nothing to do."

He, Han Ze, and Wang Ziwen have become best friends along the way. Although he failed the exam, but his friends passed the exam and became Juren, he was also happy for them and couldn't bear to sweep their happiness.

In the private school in Tongyang County, when Fang finished school, Han Jinye dragged his cousin Xuewen to rush home, turning a blind eye to Yan Hong who followed closely behind him. When they arrived at home, Han Jinye and Han Xuewen still ignored Yan Hong. Han Jinxiu saw the small lawsuit between several people, and asked with a frown, "What's the matter, is there a dispute?"

Han Jinye snorted and turned his face away from Yan Hong.

Yan Hong pursed his lips, but did not speak.

Han Jinxiu went to see Han Xuewen, and said seriously, "Xuewen, tell me!"

Han Jinye glanced at Han Xuewen, and then looked at Yan Hong sarcastically: "Hu Juren, Master Shen's classmate in the school, came to the private school yesterday and plans to take Yan Hong as a disciple."

Han Jinxiu looked at Yan Hong suddenly, "You want to learn from others?"

Yan Hong frowned: "I have a master."

Han Jinye snorted, "Since I know I have a teacher, why do I have to compete to express myself in front of that Hu Juren? Is it because I want to abandon my father and ask someone else to be my teacher?"

Yan Hong didn't look at him, but said to Han Jinxiu: "I won't worship others as my teacher, I have a master."

Han Jinxiu still believed in Yan Hong's character, she turned to look at Han Jinye, and said in a deep voice, "Don't talk nonsense about unfounded things, don't say that Yan Hong is Daddy's apprentice, we should trust Daddy's vision, just say we Having been with Yan Hong for so long, do you think he is the kind of perfidious person?"

Han Jinye snorted again. When he first heard that Hu Juren was going to take Yan Hong as his disciple, he was furious. He didn't think so much. For Mr. Shen's sake, he held back, left the school, and faced Yan Hong. Hong, but he doesn't have such a good temper.

"People go to high places and water flows to low places. My father is just a scholar, and Hu Juren is a juren. Now there is a Juren who wants to take him as a disciple. Even if he doesn't agree, he must be moved." Han Jinye plausibly said.

Yan Hong's face was gloomy: "Unexpectedly, my junior brother sees me like this. I, Yan Hong, am the one who betrayed my master in order to climb to the top."

Han Jinxiu frowned, and looked at Han Jinye coldly: "What's wrong with you? Have you eaten gunpowder?"

Han Jinye looked at Yan Hong's indifferent face, felt a little guilty, and insisted, "Didn't Hu Juren ask you to come back and consider it? If you can firmly reject him tomorrow, I will believe in your character."

Dad has spent so much effort on Yan Hong, but he can't let others take advantage of him and be robbed of his apprentice. Besides, his dad is going to take the provincial examination, so he might be able to pass the exam this time.

Yan Hong only said: "I will not ask others to be my teacher."

The master regards him as his own son. He is not an ungrateful person. If he worships others as his teacher, even he himself will look down on himself.

The next day, after breakfast, the three of them went to the school. Han Jinxiu explained anxiously: "Be careful with your tone when you refuse them. You still have to study in the school, so don't offend sir."

Yan Hong's heart warmed up, and he nodded gently: "Don't worry."

Han Jinxiu felt relieved about Yan Hong. What she was worried about was her troubled younger brother. Thinking of this, she looked at Han Jinye and said seriously, "Let Yan Hong handle this matter by himself. Don't meddle in it, you know?"

Han Jinye said lazily, "Understood, sister."

Han Jinxiu watched them leave, still a little uneasy, and only hoped that if Dad could pass the Juren examination this time, it would be fine if he offended Hu Juren.

When he arrived at the school, Yan Hong was called out by his husband. Han Jinye looked at his back and narrowed his eyes.

Hu Juren looked at the student in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked him. Not only is this boy pleasing to the eye, but he is also smart, and he is willing to study hard. His knowledge is so solid at a young age, and he should have no problem taking the exam for children's students. In a few years Maybe you will be able to pass the exam, and even a Jinshi is expected to pass the exam.

He is a Juren, already old, and has long since given up taking part in the examination. It would be a blessing for him to be able to teach a Jinshi. He asked with a beard and a smile: "How are you thinking?"

Yan Hong said: "Mr. Hu, I have a master."

If you have a master, you cannot ask others to be your master.

Hu Juren blew his beard and stared at his eyes, his body trembled in anger, and he said in a bluff, "Why didn't you say it yesterday?"

Yan Hong smiled wryly, yesterday you also gave me a chance to talk.

Hu Juren snorted, "Who is your master?"

He knew all the Juren in Tongyang County, so he wanted to see which Juren robbed his favorite apprentice.

Yan Hong said: "My master is a student in the county school, and he went to Yangcheng to take the township examination."

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to come to the private school to study.

Hu Juren's old eyes stared again: "Is your master a scholar?"

Yan Hong looked at him: "Master is going to take the provincial examination. If he passes the examination, he will not be a scholar."

Hu Juren waved his hand. He still knew some outstanding students in the county school, and asked, "What's your master's name?"

Yan Hong said, "Han Ze!"

Hu Juren frowned: "I haven't heard of it."

Since he has never heard of it, he must be of average talent. Every time he goes back to the township examination, it would be good if there are three candidates from the county school. Even he has never heard of Han Ze. Presumably, the knowledge of the master Yan Hong in the county school cannot be accounted for. For the top three, there should be no hope of winning this time.

Yan Hong didn't speak. Hu Juren had never heard of the master's name. It didn't mean that the master was not well educated and couldn't pass the exam. On the contrary, he had great confidence in the master. .

Hu Juren looked at Yan Hong regretfully, "Why did you become a teacher?"

What's more, he also worshiped a scholar as his teacher. What a pity, what a pity. If he meets that Han Ze, he must talk about him well. He misunderstood his disciples. This is the seedling of Jinshi. How can he worship a scholar? As a teacher.

Read The Duke's Passion