MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 112 Sick Dad 23

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Wang Caixia's accusations annoyed the always good-tempered Wang Caiwei. People with a good temper generally don't lose their temper. Once they lose their temper, even the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will find it difficult to persuade them to make peace. Wang Caiwei is in such a situation now, she is angry with Wang Caixia in her heart, at the end of the year when she was giving gifts to her natal family, when she met Wang Caixia, she would usually call her "big sister", when she saw her again at her natal home this year, she tilted her head as if she didn't exist .

Wang Caixia sneered, she really became a Juren lady, her wings became hardened, she turned around and complained to Liu Xiucai, Liu Xiucai laughed at herself helplessly, but it wasn’t that her wings were stiffened, Han Ze is now a Juren lady, Wang Caiwei is a Juren lady, not the crew cut People, there is no need to be angry with your own family.

The identity of the Han family changed suddenly, and it was obvious that the Han family adapted well. Looking at her own wife, she probably hasn't changed yet. Also, after so many years of being pampered and pampered, she will not bow her head, learn to please others, and cannot bear the anger of others, especially her half-sister. , but it's hard for her, he is useless, if he can win the exam, why are they like this?

But these years, every time they went to their father-in-law's house, the father-in-law and the two uncles praised the couple everywhere. Although they did not belittle Han Ze and his wife face to face, anyone with a discerning eye could see how alienated and indifferent the father-in-law and brother-in-law were to their sister and husband. Maybe he has no idea, if he has been in the trough, that's all. He was born with a beautiful belly and a good body, so he passed the examination as a scholar, and the next year he won the Juren. Who knows if he will be able to win the Jinshi in one fell swoop in the spring of March? ?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile wryly. At the time of Han Zezhongju, he was very angry. After several months of precipitation, he had to admit that some people are born to study.

Han Ze is a person who was born to read. What he was born with has nothing to do with his family background. That is, God rewards the food, and others can't help it if they are jealous.

He was not born to study, and no matter how good his family background was, it was useless. Just like him, Han Ze only studied in the county school for one year, and he studied in the county school for four years, but the result is that the books he studied in four years are not as useful as others in one year.

Han Ze didn't know what Liu Xiucai and his wife were thinking. He was already in the capital at the moment, and Wang Caiwei didn't go with him, but if Han Ze went to the capital alone, the Han family was worried, so they asked Han Erlang as usual. Accompanied his eldest brother to the capital. Han Erlang got used to running with Han Ze in the past two years, so he also wanted to visit the emperor's feet. Look at the difference between the capital city and Yangcheng? Otherwise, why does everyone have to go to the capital?

The capital is more than 2,000 miles away from Yangcheng, and there are six people from the county who went to the capital to participate in the Spring Festival.

This time when he went to Beijing, Han Ze brought a full six hundred taels of silver. Given the situation of the Han family, even if the Han family was sold, it would not be enough to collect this much silver.

Fortunately, when Han Zezhong held the ceremony, the Wang family sent two hundred taels of silver. Later, Zhao Zhengxiu and Liu Xiucai sent one hundred taels of silver for the banquet. The money he got together was six hundred and eighty taels of silver. He took six hundred taels of silver to Beijing, and the remaining eighty taels of silver was returned to Dr. Wang's family with twenty taels of silver, and the rest was left to Mr. Wang. The family repairs the house.

The old couple Han Youtian disagreed with anything, the eldest son went to Beijing to rush for the exam, the poor family was rich, and every penny in his hand was more guarantee. But Han Ze insisted that six hundred taels of silver was enough, but it was not enough, so he thought of another way. Mrs. Han's eyes were sore, the capital is so far away, what can her son think of?

Han Ze felt a little helpless, and comforted him: "Mother, I'm a child after all, so I can't be starved to death..."

Mrs. Han hurriedly covered his mouth, poohed several times, and glared at him: "What nonsense are you talking about?" It's unlucky. Thinking of her son going to the capital, she couldn't hear any bad words.

Knowing her worry, Han Ze said instead, "Mother, if the money is not enough, I will make a few paintings and sell them, and I can always make up enough money to go home."

Mrs. Han sighed softly. The eldest son is a capable person. She worried too much, and instead dragged him down and obeyed him.

Even though Han Ze has all agreed, she should still be worried. Since the day Han Ze left, she has had all kinds of nightmares at night. She was often startled into cold sweats and couldn’t sleep all night, even if the house was covered. The new house could not dispel her worries, until the good news came that Han Ze got the second place in the exam, she was relieved, and then suddenly fell ill, and the Han family was terrified.

It wasn't until half a month later that a classmate in the county sent Han Ze a letter from home, accompanied by three hundred and fifty taels of silver notes, that she recovered.

The son won the Jinshi, became the second place in the palace examination, became an official in the capital, and bought a house, let them go to the capital to enjoy the blessings, heard that all her illnesses were cured at once, looking at the bank note in her hand, she began to feel distressed again Li said: "Before I left, I got six hundred taels of silver, and I took back three hundred and fifty taels of silver. The food and lodging of the two brothers along the way, and even buying a house in Beijing, cost a lot of money, even though I can't read a word. Old lady, I also know that the yards in the town are cheaper than those in the county, so the houses in the capital must be more expensive, and the boss has an exam, where can I get the money to buy a house?"

"It is said that if you pass the Jinshi examination and become an official, you will be a rich man. I know the son I gave birth to myself. I will not steal or rob, and I will not do anything wrong. The total is two hundred and fifty taels of silver. No matter how the two brothers Flowers, is to live frugally, this money is not enough, let alone bought a house. Thinking about it makes me worry."

Wang Caiwei also had a worried expression on her face. What happened to Xianggong? Xianggong won the second place, bought a house, and asked them to go to the capital. The letter seemed to make it clear, but in fact, the details were not clear. But Xianggong was ranked second in the list and entered the Hanlin Academy as an official. She understood, why did she buy the house? Where did the money come from? Even if you sell paintings, you can't sell so much money.

No matter where Han Zeyin's money came from, everything will be known in the capital. It's useless for them to think too much at home. Mrs. Han hurriedly ordered Wang Caiwei to pack up and was about to go to the capital.

It's not a simple matter to talk about going to the capital suddenly. I have already gone to the capital. What should I do at home? Erlang didn't come back this time, obviously he stayed in the capital, so Han Erlang's wife and children must also go with him. San Lang and his wife also wanted to go with them, but after several years of hard work, it happened that his wife became pregnant, and she didn't even say that she was pregnant. She was very sick, and she had to go to the capital by water or by boat. How is the situation by boat? You can go to the capital at any time, but the children can't ignore it.

So Han Youtian made a decision, Han Sanlang stayed at home and Gu's family, and the rest went to Beijing. And so it was decided.

Before going to the capital, Wang Caiwei led a few children back to her natal home. Mr. Wang looked at her and said a few good words excitedly. Wang Caiwei declined, then accepted, why not? Although the relationship between her and her natal family is not as close as outsiders think, outsiders don't know it. For the sake of her husband, she still knows that her natal family's business has improved by more than 10% to 20% in the past six months.

As for Yan Hong, he is twelve years old this year, and he is not in a hurry to be a scholar. Han Ze explained in his letter that he should go to Beijing together. Thinking of his mother, Yan Hong felt a little depressed, but Aunt Yan said sternly: "In the future, if you succeed in your studies, you can take your mother to your side. When a man is alive, he should be broad-minded and have high aspirations. Don't be like a girl." Twitchy, what does it look like?"

"Mother, don't worry, I will definitely be like the master."

He didn't say how he is like a master, but master, his current achievements are obvious to all.

Yan Hong clenched his fists, his mother was right, if he could pass the Jinshi examination, he would be able to receive his mother to serve as a filial piety like his master.

Before leaving, Granny Lu said to Han Jinxiu with a smile: "You are the smartest girl Master has ever seen. You have taught everything that should be taught in more than two years, and you have learned it. The rest is up to you to think about. Master can't teach you anything."

Han Jinxiu couldn't bear to look at her. It was not when she would see her master again when she went to the capital. Her voice was choked up: "When I settle down in the capital, I will come to pick up the master."

Granny Lu smiled, patted her head, and said with a smile: "Hanjia Village has beautiful mountains, green waters, high sun, and simple folk customs. The master is old and can't stand the long journey, so he will spend his old age here. If you have the heart, come back Just look at the master."

Han Jinxiu's tears flowed down her cheeks. The master is not as old as her grandparents. It's not that she can't travel long distances, but she just doesn't want to bother her or bother her parents.

Han Ze got the money he bought the house from selling paintings. He sold four paintings in total and got 2,000 taels of silver. When he was at home, he made two paintings, one is Songhe Yannian, and the other is Arriving Soon. He succeeded, and before the examination, he sent it to the painting and calligraphy gallery for consignment. The shopkeeper of the painting and calligraphy gallery was shocked when he saw his painting, and immediately signed a contract and agreed to sell it on consignment. Within five days, the two paintings were sold. Songhe Yannian map sold for five hundred taels of silver, and Ma Dao Gongcheng map sold for four hundred and fifty taels of silver.

The two paintings made a name for the art gallery, but the owner of the art gallery did not want to charge Han Ze's fee, but only said that Han Ze had paintings in the future and would send them to them for consignment. Han Ze neither agreed nor refused. After all, he is a foreigner taking part in the scientific examination. Where he will be in the future depends on the results of the examination. The owner of the art gallery knew that he was here to participate in Chunwei, and felt a little regretful. He only said that Han Ze could stay in the capital, and if he wanted to sell paintings in the future, he must choose their art gallery. Han Ze readily agreed. The owner of the art gallery breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it was the year of the Grand Competition, the capital city was much more lively than before. When he arrived in the capital city, he had money, so Han Ze did not dare to relax. Even if he read it again, he couldn't learn much, so he still insisted on reading at home. It was only a few days before the exam that he put down his books to relax and adjust his mentality.

The exam was in March, and the capital city was still a bit cold in March. After nine days of torment, I came out of the exam room and lay in bed for a few days. After recuperating, I waited for the exam to be released. I was in no mood to read, and came to paint again, so I drew a picture of the title of the gold medal, and a picture of sending children, and took it to the gallery for consignment. Before the two paintings were sold and the list was released, Han Ze came in fourth.

Next came the Palace Examination. Han Ze was lucky enough to win the second place in the list. He belonged to the first class and could be directly appointed as an official.

The imperial court appointed officials and only gave them a one-month vacation to return home. One month is a lot for people in Beijing. But for Han Ze, it was not enough. Besides, the capital has to buy a house, and there is no time to go back. Fortunately, I got a lot of money by selling the paintings, otherwise I would have to rent the house temporarily.

The two brothers found Yahui and bought a house for 1,800 taels of silver in a slightly remote place. The house has a main room, with side rooms on both sides. The two elders lived in the main room, and Han Ze and Han Erlang lived in the side rooms. If San Lang didn't come, they would be crowded enough to fit in. Once San Lang went to Beijing, there would be no place to live.

When Han Youtian and his party arrived in the capital and saw such a spacious house, Mrs. Han and Wang Caiwei were not happy but worried. How much money would such a large yard cost? Before Han Ze opened his mouth, Han Erlang explained: "It's all the money that big brother sold the paintings."

The tone was full of pride, and then explained the details clearly, Mrs. Han and Wang Caiwei were relieved, knowing that the source of the money was clear, and began to look at the house happily again.

Except Han Sanlang's family, the family temporarily settled down in the capital. Han Ze went to the Hanlin Academy every day, and taught a few children how to read and write.

After a few months like this, Han Erlang ate and slept every day, and he couldn't sit still. He began to miss the days at home. Originally, he wanted to do some small business in the capital, but after thinking about it, he didn't know what to do. After all, he knows nothing but farming.

Now that he's here, Han Ze doesn't intend to let him go back. After all, Xuewen has to study with him, so he can't delay. In the past few months, at the request of the owner of the art gallery, he painted a few more paintings and sold a lot of money. Just when someone resigned from office and returned to his hometown and planned to sell his land, he bought a small Zhuangzi outside the city. There are two hundred acres of land on the ground, let him guard Zhuangzi, even if Han Sanlang comes over, he will have a place to live.

With work to do, Han Erlang stopped talking about returning home. Han Youtian and his wife couldn't get used to living in the city, so they also went to Zhuangzi, and only came back to visit from time to time, or Han Ze took a rest and went to Zhuangzi to live for a day.

After they left, the house was clean all of a sudden, and the room was relatively big. Han Ze decided to buy a maidservant, but they couldn’t use the maidservant. I don't need maids and wives, but Han Youtian and his wife need them.

When Yan Hong was thirteen years old, Han Ze asked him to go back to his hometown to prepare for the children's exam. Han Jinye was five years younger than him, but only eight years old, and he also made a fuss about going back to take the children's exam, but Han Ze severely stopped him.

Ask Han Erlang to accompany Yan Hong back to his hometown. He hasn’t been back to his hometown for more than a year. Han Erlang also wants to go back and have a look. Even Han Youtian’s old couple also want to go back to their hometown. The last time Sanlang’s wife wrote a letter saying that she had given birth to a boy , They didn't seem to have any regrets in their hearts.

Han Ze gave Yan Hong one hundred taels of silver as his exam fee, but he didn't say anything. He remembered how well Master treated him.

When Yan Hong was selected as a scholar, Han Ze was promoted and became the editor of the Imperial Academy, a sixth-rank official. Yan Hong was selected as a scholar because of his first grade in the court examination. He did not return to the capital immediately, but chose to study in the county school. Yan Hong was selected as a scholar at the age of fourteen. It can be said that he is a young genius. agreed.

Han Ze didn't say anything, but Han Jinye said that Yan Hong didn't show loyalty and left them alone, and went to have a good time alone. Han Ze tapped his forehead, "Senior brother Yan Hong is here to study, not to play. "

Yan Hong stayed in the county school for two years, and went to the capital two years later. After staying in the capital for two years, after Han Ze's guidance, he felt that it was almost done, so he was ready to end. When they returned to their hometown to take the provincial examination, Han Jinye and Han Xuewen also went back. After many persuasion, the two of them finally got Han Ze's agreement, and they were going to go back to take the children's examination.

Fortunately, the two of them still have some real talents. Although their grades were not very good, they were selected as scholars in the end. They also followed Yan Hong's example and planned to stay in the county school for two years.

Han Erlang and his wife left Xiaobao in the capital and came back to take care of them. Han Jinye and Han Xuewen didn't care much. According to them, they were old enough to take care of themselves. There is no need for adults to take care of it.

That is to say, thirteen or fourteen-year-old children are old enough to be relatives, but no matter how old they are, they are still children in the eyes of adults. Since they are children, they must be taken care of by adults, let alone such an important thing as reading.

In the past few years, because of Han Ze, Mr. Wang has been very successful in the business field. Everyone knows that he has a son-in-law who is an official in the capital, and he will give him some convenience. I went to the county seat and knew that my grandson was studying in the county school, so I bought him a yard in the county seat because I haven't given my grandson lucky money for all these years.

Han Jinye went to write a letter to his father, and only after receiving his father's reply did he dare to accept the yard presented by Mr. Wang. Holding the deed, I lived in the yard I bought with my second uncle and aunt Han Xuewen.

There is a smile on Mr. Wang's face, as long as he is willing to accept his gift. If the son-in-law is not close to him, let him not be close. My grandson was selected as a scholar at the age of fourteen. With such a capable father, he will definitely do something in the future. It is also a reason to be close to his grandson.

Mr. Wang smiled, but Liu Xiucai looked helpless. Last time he went back to the country test, he took part in it again, but it still ended badly. Han Ze’s classmate and friend Zhao Zhengxiu also went, but he got 72 in the test. Low, but won the Juren, and received a special congratulatory gift from Han Ze from the capital, which can be described as infinite scenery.

But now Han Ze's sons have all come to the county school. As an uncle, he is still squatting in the county school. He is ashamed to think about it. I was looking at my son. The eldest son was not good at studying, so he married a wife early and planned to inherit the family business. The youngest son is better than his elder brother, but he is sixteen this year, but he didn't even pass the entrance examination for Tong Sheng. How can he compare with Han Ze's son? Not to mention comparing with Han Ze's son, even Han Xuewen, Han Ze's nephew. This gap is really not a little bit.

When he came home and saw his son who was teasing with the maid, he was even more angry, and kicked him when he went up, so startled that Wang Caixia glared at him again and again: "You got angry outside, why are you angry with the child?"

Liu Xiucai roared: "A loving mother has many failures. Han Ze's son and nephew all passed the examination of scholar, and they all studied in the county school. Fortunately, he failed even a boy student."

Liu Xiucai's son, Liu Meng, clutched his buttocks, and whispered, "Dragon begets dragons and phoenixes, and my uncle is the second best. It's not surprising that my cousin passed the exam."

Liu Xiucai laughed angrily: "Are you complaining that you didn't cast a good baby?"

Although Liu Meng thought so, he didn't dare to say so.

He didn't dare to say that, but it doesn't mean that Wang Caixia also didn't dare to say that, "Mengzi is right, Han Ze is the second place in the list, with him personally teaching, how could Han Jinye be worse? Didn't you see what the name of Han Ze's apprentice is?" Yan Hong's, did you also win the scholar award early?"

Liu Xiucai asked with a dark face and trembling body: "You all blame me?"

Wang Caixia didn't mean that, she just told the truth, her man is many years older than Han Ze, and he is almost forty this year, even if he won the Juren, he may not be admitted to Jinshi, let alone these years, for her man In Zhongju, she has given up hope, why not pin her hope on her son, then find a good master for her son. As for the candidate, she has plans. Thinking of this, she waved her hand to signal her son to step back.

Liu Meng is not good at reading, but he is good at reading people's eyes. After receiving his mother's gesture, he left in a hurry.

Liu Xiucai said angrily, "Just protect him."

Wang Caixia stepped forward and said in a low voice: "I remember Jinxiu Jiji from my sister's house? I don't know if they are engaged or not."

Liu Xiucai looked at her suddenly, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to say?"

Wang Caixia asked: "What do you think about assigning her to our ally?"

Liu Xiucai sneered and blurted out: "It's not that good."

Wang Caixia became anxious, and said, "Although Jinxiu grew up in the countryside, Han Ze is now an official, and he is worthy of our family's Mengzi."

"I mean Mengzi is not worthy of Jinxiu."

She has a big face and wants to marry a lady from the official family. When the Han family is still the original?

Wang Caixia stared at him with dissatisfaction, "My son is so good, who doesn't know that Liu's restaurant is in the county? How can he not be worthy of her, Han Jinxiu? Although Han Ze became an official, he is poor. How much money can he earn a month as a student of the Hanlin Academy? It is a problem to support the whole family, and the fact that Mengzi can marry his daughter is because his family burns high incense."

Liu Xiucai was once again laughed at by his daughter-in-law, "Although I am a scholar, our family is a businessman, and I want to marry an official woman. It's not that I look down on myself. If it were you, would you marry your daughter to such a family? Delusion. What's more, Han Ze is not stupid. Do you think he will marry his daughter to your son? It's fine if Mengzi has fame and fame, but he has nothing, not even Jin Ye. What do you use to let someone marry his daughter to your son? "

Wang Caixia was a little embarrassed for a while, she also knew that she had taken it for granted, but she was right in thinking, Han Ze has the power, and the Liu family has money, as long as Han Ze is willing to marry Jinxiu and personally teach the allies, she is willing to give more For some betrothal gifts, she told Liu Xiucai what she thought.

Liu Xiucai felt that she was whimsical, so he sternly explained: "This matter is inappropriate, don't bring it up again. You must not offend the Han family. As for the matter of hiring a teacher for Mengzi, I will figure out a way."

Wang Caixia thought to herself, can the teacher you hired for Meng Zi still be the second place in the list? Can he still be a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy? Obviously not. But she was thinking in her heart that even at the risk of offending Han Ze, she would go back to her mother's house to ask.

Unexpectedly, when I went to my natal family, when I asked Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang sternly denied it. If Han Ze is willing to marry Yue's family, how can Liu Meng do anything? He has already let several of the age-appropriate grandchildren in the family go.

Liu Caixia listened to her father's harsh words, but didn't take them to heart. I just felt that even my father looked down on my son, so he went back home in anger. Seeing her gloomy face, Liu Xiucai smiled and said, "Father-in-law also thinks it's wrong?"

Wang Caixia pursed her lips, not wanting to talk to him at all. Liu Xiucai sighed and said: "This matter is unreliable. Meng Zi is sixteen years old, and it's time to get married. You can search the houses we met to see if there is a suitable one. If there is a suitable one, make a decision." .”

He figured it out. At the age of sixteen, he hadn't passed the Tongsheng examination. His aptitude was not as good as his. He thought that he was not as good as him in the imperial examination. It was better to start a family early. If his son was not good enough, he could still count on his grandson.

Wang Caixia was reluctant: "There are suitable girls, but they can't help Mengzi..."

Liu Xiucai was also a little impatient: "Then why do you think that the Han family will marry our family? Or do you think that Wang Caiwei is your younger sister, so she has scruples?"

Wang Caixia looked embarrassed. She and Wang Caiwei had a bad relationship, but no matter how bad they were, they were also sisters.

Liu Xiucai waved his hand: "Okay, you should worry more about Liu Meng's marriage. As for the Han family, you don't need to say a word, so as not to offend others."

Even if Wang Caixia didn't want to, she had to agree.

In August, Yan Hong went to Yangcheng to take part in the rural examination. Liu Xiucai was unwilling and went too.

In the capital, it happened that Han Ze was in Xiumu, and the older children were not around. For more than a year, Han Ze had only brought Han Jinxiu and a few younger ones to read and write. The twins are also twelve years old this year. Han Jinxiu put down the pen after she finished writing a large piece of calligraphy. Over the years, she insisted on practicing handwriting every day, and the style of writing small letters with hairpin flowers in one hand is beautiful, graceful and colorful, very beautiful.

There was a graceful smile between her brows and eyes: "Father, it's time for Yan Hong to enter the examination room?"

Han Ze looked up from the book: "I'm afraid I have already left the examination room. In about twenty days, it's time to release the rankings."

Han Jinxiu smiled and said, "I don't know how he did in the exam."

Han Ze said lightly: "It's just a choice of ranking."

Han Jinxiu was not surprised, but said, "Father has great confidence in him?"

Han Ze tapped her head lightly with a book: "You're joking with dad. Dad knows the students he teaches."

That's right. Han Jinxiu stopped asking.

Han Jinxiu didn't ask, but Han Ze put down his book and asked her, "What did you think about the matter your mother asked you?"

Han Jinxiu knew that her father was asking about marriage proposals in the Marquis of Anding, so she shook her head directly: "I don't think so."

Han Ze snorted and looked at her. Motioned for her to continue explaining.

Han Jinxiu frowned, and said, "The Marquis of Anding's mansion is rich and powerful, even the second son's second son, there are so many girls who are willing to marry into it. I don't understand that such a family can't choose a daughter-in-law. Why did they choose me? "

Han Ze disagreed. In his heart, his daughter was the best, and deserved to be matched by the best man in the world. It wasn't that Marquis Anding's family status was too high, but that he was not worthy of his daughter. Only this level, he can't pass it here.

Seeing that his father hadn't spoken, Han Jinxiu continued, "Besides, we are a small family, so there's no need to be high-ranking. A big family has many rules. I'm used to living a comfortable life, and I can't stand restraint."

Han Ze smiled: "Father knows."

Han Jinxiu also laughed. While talking, a servant girl came to report that the girl from Zhang Hanlin's family next door came to find Han Jinxiu. Han Ze smiled and said, "Go, don't make your little sister wait."

Han Jinxiu walked over with light steps, and when he saw the little sister, he smiled: "Shuxuan, why did you remember this today?"

Zhang Shuxuan said: "I'm engaged."

Han Jinxiu was a little surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Which one did you order?"

"Zheng Shilang's house."

Han Jinxiu raised her eyebrows. Zheng Shilang's daughter married Lin Xueshi's son, and Lin Xueshi was the head of the Imperial Academy. She poured a cup of tea for Zhang Shuxuan with a smile and said, "It's pretty good."

Zhang Shuxuan said quietly: "Zheng Shilang's bastard."

If it is a son of the first son, even the second son of the first son is better than the son of the bastard.

Han Jinxiu paused while pouring the tea, since marriage was an important matter, the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, since the marriage was already engaged, Shu Xuan was unwilling and had nothing to do.

Zhang Shuxuan also knew that this matter was a foregone conclusion, and she came to Han Jinxiu just to find someone to talk to and relieve boredom, so she asked curiously: "I heard that the Marquis of Anding proposed marriage to you, how is it?"

Han Jinxiu lowered his head and said shyly, "It's all up to the parents, so where can we intervene?"

Zhang Shuxuan's shoulders drooped, "You're right."

If he could make his own decisions, he would not agree to marry the concubine of the Zheng family.

After sending Zhang Shuxuan away, Han Jinxiu went into his father's study and said, "The Zhang family is going to marry the Zheng family, and Zhang Shuxuan's father actually married her to the Zheng family's concubine."

Zhang Hanlin is now a bachelor's student, and like his father, he is a fourth-rank official, so there is really no need to curry favor with the Zheng family.

Han Ze smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dad won't let you get married."

Jinxiu might feel wronged by the daughter of a fourth-rank official marrying the concubine son of a second-rank official, but Zhang Hanlin obviously didn't think so. Rank 7 to rank 6 and rank 5 are easy, rank 5 to rank 4 is not easy, and rank 4 to rank 3 is a little easier, but rank 3 to rank 2 is even more difficult. Many officials in this life have difficulty achieving it. Therefore, if a fourth-rank official can marry his daughter-in-law to the concubine son of a second-rank official, in Zhang Hanlin's view, their family is superior.

Han Jinxiu said, "Father, I didn't mean that..."

Han Ze said softly: "Whether you mean it or not, Dad will ask for your opinions on your marriage. As for official positions, that's not important."

It really doesn't matter, the original body's request is only for him to pass the scholar examination, he has already exceeded his quota, and he is not so active about promotion, otherwise he would not be just a fourth rank now.

Han Jinxiu was moved: "Father..."

Han Ze smiled and said, "Father rejected the Marquis of Anding tomorrow."

Han Jinxiu looked at him worriedly: "Will you offend them?"

Han Ze didn't take it seriously: "Don't worry, Dad knows it well."

Now that her father has reassured her, she has no choice but to rest assured.

At the end of September, Han Ze received the good news from Yan Hongzhongju. Before leaving, the kid promised him that he would take the Jie Yuan test, and he really did. Han Ze shook his head with a smile, is it possible that he really wants to teach a champion?

Regardless of whether Yan Hong could win the No. 1 Scholar Examination, he rushed to the capital after the results were released. When he heard Han Jinming, who was a twin, said that someone proposed marriage to his elder sister, he changed his face and wanted to ask Han Jinxiu about the situation. The defense of men and women finally stopped. When Han Ze was on duty, he saw him come back and led him to the study. He fell to his knees with a plop.

Han Ze raised his eyebrows and said casually, "What is this?"

When Yan Hong heard his words, for some reason, his heart skipped a beat and his spine felt chills, but for the sake of Jinxiu, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Master, if I win the first prize, can the master promise my disciple one thing?"

Han Ze's face was dark and gloomy. He didn't say anything, but he knew what he was going to say in his heart, but he still said, "Tell me."

Yan Hong looked at Han Ze and said solemnly, "Master, I want to marry my junior sister."

Han Ze said angrily, "Presumptuous."

presumptuous? Presumptuously, he also wants to say that it is related to Jinxiu. If he doesn't fight for it, he will have no relationship with Jinxiu from now on. Thinking of this, he said: "Master, I ask myself that no one in the world can give Jinxiu the life she wants except me."

Which of the sons of the aristocratic families in the capital didn't have a room before they got married? Let's not talk about these, even the rules of those aristocratic families, the junior sisters who are used to living a comfortable life can't get used to it.

Han Ze laughed angrily: "I'm such a father that I don't know what kind of life my daughter wants to live."

Brat, don't you know that the more you talk, the more you will displease me? Even if you are my apprentice, it is not so easy to marry my daughter.

Han Ze said again: "Just now you said that if you pass the exam, you will marry Jinxiu, and if you fail the exam, you will not marry?"

Yan Hong nodded, "This is my sincerity."

Han Ze said angrily, "If you don't win the first prize, why don't you make Jinxiu wait for you?"

Yan Hong let out a cry.

Han Ze laughed, it's good that the kid is dumbfounded.

Yan Hong wanted to say something else, but Han Ze waved his hand and didn't intend to listen to him anymore, he just said: "Everything will be discussed after you have tried it. I can withdraw the marriage in the Marquis of Anding Mansion. If you win the first prize, you will be able to withdraw." How about it? How can a poor and white No. 1 scholar be as good as Master Hou Men? Don't tell me that the No. 1 scholar is not the No. 1 scholar, I don't like to hear it."

Although the master's tone was not good and the words were not pleasant to listen to, Yan Hong smiled. He didn't think it was strange that the master didn't agree to his words. Based on his understanding of the master, he didn't care about family status so much, but as long as the master didn't promise An Ding Hou Mansion, he has hope.

Han Ze looked at Yan Hong and went out with a smile, and snorted, I didn't agree to the Marquis of Anding Mansion, but I didn't agree to you either, the brat was too happy. If you can't meet my requirements, if you want to marry my daughter, go ahead and dream. But what is my request, I can figure it out for myself.

In the evening, Han Ze said to Wang Caiwei: "I refused the marriage of the Marquis of Anding. Today, that boy Yan Hong told me that he wanted to marry Jinxiu."

Wang Caiwei was not surprised at all. When it comes to children's affairs, women's eyes are sharper than men's. She said: "I thought he would wait until the imperial examination to mention it."

Han Ze was a little surprised, and asked in surprise, "You know?"

Wang Caiwei smiled and said, "That kid, every time I see Jinxiu in the past two years, my eyes are glued to her, how can I not know?"

Han Ze's face darkened, and he scolded: "This brat." Then he said: "You too, let the two of them meet when you know."

Wang Caiwei said: "I think Yan Hong is a good child, and he is your apprentice. He knows everything, and his family is simple. Not to mention, if Jinxiu marries him, at least he won't be angry with his in-laws."

The Marquis of Anding came to propose marriage that day, she was afraid that Han Ze would come down. After Han Ze refused, she was relieved. As a mother, she knew what kind of temperament her daughter was, and that high family compound was not suitable for her at all.

Han Ze thought for a while and said, "Take some time and ask Jin Xiu to see what she thinks."

If Jinxiu is willing, he, of course he will stop her. If you want to marry his daughter, just wait slowly.

Wang Caiwei smiled and said, "My daughter, I know her well."

If you don't have Yan Hong in your heart, why care so much about others?

Han Ze was annoyed again, and also thought of the fact that his daughter had made clothes for Yan Hong, "This girl is turning her elbows outside before she is married."

Wang Caiwei couldn't stop laughing, "Sooner or later the children will start a family when they grow up, so it's useless to be angry."

Han Ze sighed: "No wonder everyone has a son."

So he doesn't like ancient times, but in modern times, when a daughter is married and her husband's family is not used to living in it, she can still live in her mother's house. Not now. After getting married, there are more constraints.

Read The Duke's Passion