MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 120 Landlord Dad's Trouble 6

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Han Jiwen and Han Jixue returned home crying and shouting, but Liu Juhua's heart ached so badly that he asked, "What's going on? What's going on? Which **** dares to bully my grandson?"

Han Jixue was sobbing and speechless, he spoiled his grandpa when he beat him, and never beat him, "Daddy, daddy hit me."

Han Jiwen wiped away his tears, he was not beaten, but seeing his father getting angry, he was also very frightened: "Uncle bought candied haws, we thought he bought them for us, no, he said that since we want to eat candied haws Let my dad buy it for us..."

Liu Juhua's face darkened: "Your uncle bought candied haws, and you asked him for it, but he didn't even give it to you?"

Han Jixue and Han Jiwen nodded, Liu Juhua snorted heavily, stood up and said, "You wait, grandma will get you candied haws."

Han Jixue and Han Jiwen gave a "huh" at the same time.

Liu Juhua ran to Han Ze's house angrily, as if to settle accounts with Han Ze.

Han Ze took Little Six back home. Han Maode stood up and asked, "How is it? Have you seen the doctor?"

Han Ze said with a smile on his face: "Father, the doctor said that our little six is ​​not a fool."

Han Maode was overwhelmed by the surprise, stunned for a while before regaining consciousness, and then hurriedly asked: "You're not a fool, why can't you talk?"

What the man said echoed in Ge Hongbu's mind, Little Six is ​​not a fool, Little Six is ​​not a fool...

Han Ze touched his nose guiltily: "Maybe I was scared."

Thinking that Xiao Liuzi has already said aloud, at least he can make a sound, and they will guide and guide him to relieve the knot in his heart. With the help of the pills prepared by the medical department, he will always talk.

Han Maode frowned, and asked anxiously, "Why are you so scared?"

Ge Hongbu also looked at Han Ze worriedly.

Han Ze added: "When we were in the town, Little Six was already able to make a sound. Usually, when we have nothing to do, we should teach him how to speak. I believe he will be able to speak sooner or later."

Han Maode said happily: "Really?"

Han Ze looked at him: "Of course it's true." Then he looked at Xiao Liuzi: "Little Liu, say yes!"

Little Six pursed his lips, met the expectant eyes of his parents and grandpa, and raised his voice.

"Okay, okay!" Han Maode yelled three times in a row, "God is kind to us."

Ge Hongbu wiped away his tears, and hugged Xiao Liuzi. Not only is her son not a fool, but he may not be able to talk after a while, which is great.

Han Ze smiled: "I'll catch a chicken later, kill a chicken to celebrate."

Han Maode waved his hand: "Kill, I'll catch the chicken."

Then Han Ze saw his father in this world chasing chickens all over the yard, running faster than him, he was in good health, so he didn't have to worry, and went to the study with a smile.

Da Niu and the children held the written big characters in their hands, and stood in front of Han Ze in a row, waiting for his inspection. After Han Ze checked Da Niu's five big characters, he nodded: "Although the writing is good, But you can write better, and you need to work harder tomorrow, but for the sake of your obedience, I will reward you with a bunch of candied haws.”

As Han Ze spoke, he took out a bunch of candied haws and handed it to her. The big girl took the candied haws in a daze.

Han Ze didn't care about her, but looked at Er Niu. Er Niu hurriedly passed the big characters she wrote to Han Ze, and Han Ze took it. Er Niu looked nervous and clenched her small hands. Han Ze read it carefully, and nodded with satisfaction: "Er Niu's writing is very good, and she has made great progress, but I believe you still have room for improvement. I will reward you with a bunch of candied haws and a piece of candy."

The second girl smiled, and took the candied haws and candies from her father, the third girl, the fourth girl, and the fifth girl licked their lips, and looked enviously at the candied haws in the hands of the eldest sister and the second sister. Sanniu carefully handed the big characters written in her hand to her father. After Han Ze read it, she frowned. Sanniu looked at her father's expression and lowered her head suddenly. What she wrote was not as good as the eldest sister and second sister. Will father beat her? ?

Han Ze looked at her and said, "The handwriting is illegible and the writing is unqualified, but since you are young, you will not be punished, but there will be no reward."

San Niu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as her father didn't beat her, it would be fine.

In the end, Si Niu Wu Niu and Xiao Chun Xiao Dong also did not receive rewards, but although they regretted not being able to eat candied haws, they were relieved. At least I didn't get punished. Next time I write better, maybe I can get a reward?

There are eight hawthorn fruits in a bunch of candied haws, and the eldest girl shared them with several younger sisters. The second girl looked at the candied haws in her hand and was a bit reluctant, but she still planned to share them with her younger sisters. As for the candy in her hand, she took I gave it to Ge Hongbu, but Ge Hongbu didn't want it, "This is a reward from your father, you can eat it yourself."

Er Niu pursed her lips, "Then, mother, why don't you eat a candied haws?"

Ge Hongbu touched her little head: "Mother doesn't like to eat it, you can eat it."

Er Niu frowned, how could anyone not like eating candied haws, she turned around and looked at her father standing in the yard, walked up to him bravely, raised the candied haws in her hand: "Dad, eat candied haws!"

Han Ze was slightly surprised. He had a deep understanding of how these children were afraid of the original body. He never thought that Er Niu would think of him when she had something to eat. He smiled and knelt down, took Er Niu's hand, and ate one. "It's so sweet!"

Erniu laughed, and raised her hand again, signaling to Dad to eat another one. Han Ze shook his head and said with a smile, "Father just eat one, and you can eat the rest yourself."

As soon as the words were finished, Liu Juhua arrived, and she stared: "Han Ze, where's the candied haws you bought?"

Han Ze pointed to the candied haws in Er Niu's hand, and said casually, "Of course the candied haws are for the children, what's the matter?"

Liu Juhua looked at the candied haws in Er Niu's hand, and said angrily, "What kind of candied haws do you eat?"

Taking a step forward, he was about to **** the candied haws in Er Niu's hand, Han Ze stopped in front of Er Niu, and said unhappily, "What are you going to do, mother?"

Liu Juhua was taken aback, she didn't think that Han Ze would dare to stop her, she said unhappily: "Get out of the way, Jixue Jiwen wants to eat candied haws, let Er Niu bring the candied haws, I will take it back for Jixue Jiwen to eat , She eats whatever she loses money, it's a waste."

Han Ze laughed angrily: "Even if they are losers, they will still lose my money. You can rest assured that they won't go to Han Chengming's head. Besides, I don't think they are losers."

Liu Juhua was furious: "What nonsense are you talking about? You are my son, isn't your money my money?"

Before Han Ze opened his mouth, Han Maode came over and said sarcastically, "I don't know, how did my Han Maode's money become your Liu Juhua's money? Why do you have the face to say that? I'm going to ask Han Xingwang Is it because he can’t afford a wife or what? He’s thinking about my family’s money?”

Liu Juhua blushed and said angrily, "Han Ze is my son, shouldn't he raise me?"

Han Maode snorted: "It is true that you gave birth to Han Ze, but you have remarried. Now the mistress of our family is Wang Lanhua, Han Ze's mother is her, and she is the one who should be filial."

Liu Juhua's face was blue and white, Wang Lanhua, she always looked down on Wang Lanhua, picked up the man she didn't want, and Han Ze never recognized her... She looked at Han Ze: "You are my son, you should Be filial to me."

There was no emotion on Han Ze's face: "Should I be filial to you? My father is still alive. I will listen to my father."

Willow and chrysanthemum are on the block, if Han Maode doesn't let Han Ze take care of her, she really can't say anything, after all, they divorced and she remarried. But how could she be willing to let go of Han Ze, a big tree? She said: "Han Ze, your two nephews are smart and good at studying. They will not be able to pass the exam in the future. Although they and Xiaoliuzi are not a grandfather, they are a grandmother. Yes, you don't count on them? Can you count on those who have nothing to do with them? Do you think Wang Lanhua's grandsons will be relied on by Little Six?"

Han Ze narrowed his eyes: "Mother, I really believe that my stepbrother's child will help Little Six in the future. As for the two children of Han Chengming, I really don't believe him."

Liu Juhua froze, "They are your nephews."

Han Ze laughed: "It's true that they are my nephews, but I don't believe in blood kinship. I believe in people's hearts. My stepmother's hearts are upright, and the children and grandchildren she raised are also upright. Our Han family raised them and built them up." Buying a house and marrying a daughter-in-law, even if nothing else, just to be grateful. In the future, the little six will be in trouble, and they will help the little six. And what you and Uncle Xingwang did to my father, and what you and Han Chengming did to me Deception, I find it hard to believe that the child you are raising is a grateful child."

"You..." Liu Juhua was speechless with a livid face.

Han Ze continued: "To put it bluntly, your character is not good, even as a son, I have lost trust in you, and then I have lost trust in your children and grandchildren. Let you lie to me?"


Han Ze glanced at her: "Don't think I'm ruthless, think about what you did to my father, I don't think I'm so ruthless. You'd better go back, instead of counting my money, it's better to rely on your own hands , Find a way to earn money for your grandson to study, at least you don’t have to be looked down upon.”

"Hi, you, Han Ze." Liu Juhua finally yelled out the words, but unfortunately Han Ze had already entered the house, and no one paid attention to her in the yard. Liu Juhua clutched her chest and walked out unwillingly.

It was only when she walked out of Han Ze's courtyard that she panicked completely. She clearly realized that Han Ze really didn't recognize her. After being raised by Han Ze for so many years, she was used to it. Without Han Ze's support, she could return to her hard-working days ?

Han Xiaochun and Han Xiaodong looked at each other, and Han Xiaochun sighed: "You still can't do something wrong."

Han Xiaodong said: "If mother is at home, she will be happy to hear brother's words, right?"

Han Xiaochun also smiled: "I didn't expect my mother to be such a good stepmother in my heart."

Han Xiaodong smiled and said, "I didn't expect that either."

Da Niu Han asked from the side: "Mother, from now on, don't we need to be afraid of grandma?"

Listening to what my father said means that I don't plan to recognize my mother anymore. If my father doesn't recognize my mother anymore, do they still need to recognize my grandma?

Ge Hongbu frowned and shook his head, she didn't know, she didn't care if she recognized him or not, her little six sons were no longer fools.

Han Erniu finished eating the candied haws and said happily, "This is the first time Han Jixue and Han Jiwen didn't take away our food."

Han Xiaodong curled his lips: "That should have been your food. It was bought with our family's money."

Han Erniu pursed her lips, and the joy on her face faded away.

Han Ze came out and said, "Don't worry, I won't let them steal your things from now on."

Several people looked at Han Ze, and Han Ze said: "Little Six is ​​not stupid. We ignored him before and thought he was stupid. In fact, he can understand everything. Let him read and write with you tomorrow. In the future, he will talk to you." It's smooth, let him take the imperial examinations, test for talents, test for people, and become a high-ranking official in the future. With him, your father and I don't need to let others die in retirement. In the future, he will be your backer. You don't expect Han Ji to learn from Han Jiwen, so There's no need to please them anymore."

Da Niu Han opened her eyes wide, what dad meant was that the reason why he was kind to Han Jixue and Han Jiwen was because their family relied on them, but now the doctor said that Xiaoliuzi is not a fool and does not need to rely on Han Jixue and Han Jiwen, so there is no need for them to bear with grandma's family Ziren?

Read The Duke's Passion