MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 122 Landlord Dad's Trouble 8

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Han Ze's three-day limit made Han Xingwang's family soberly aware of Han Ze's ruthlessness. The sentence that the married mother is the spilled mother also let them know that they can no longer rely on Liu Juhua. Ze, so that he can provide food and drink for the family.

"What should we do?" Liu Juhua asked Han Xingwang with blank eyes, "What shall we eat after giving rent?"

Han Xingwang didn't make a sound, but looked at Han Chengming, and asked in a deep voice: "What are you thinking about what we discussed last night?"

Han Chengming's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hu, tugged at Han Chengming's skirt. The son she gave birth to through hardships was finally brought up, and she couldn't bear any of them. It's not her fault that Han Ze's son is a fool. No one should think of her son.

Han Chengming also didn't want to adopt any of his sons to Han Ze. He faltered and said, "Father, it's not up to me, it depends on Han Ze's will."

No matter how much they say here, if Han Ze doesn't want to, it's just empty talk.

Han Xingwang squinted his old eyes: "You just said whether you are willing or not?"

Han Chengming lowered his head, unwilling to speak.

Han Xingwang said anxiously: "Okay, since you don't want to adopt the child, I won't force you, lest you blame me in the future, if so, take out your private money and pay the rent in three days."

Han Chengming was taken aback, and said in disbelief, "Father, where did we get the money from our private house?"

Han Xingwang laughed angrily and said, "If you don't have money, then adopt a child to Han Ze. You can decide whether to give money or adopt the child."

He knows better than anyone else whether his son has private money in his hand. Difficulty is imminent, and he is unwilling to do anything, so there is no way for him. If he was not willing to pay the money, he should not have enjoyed the things Han Ze sent at the beginning. If he did not pay the money at this time, he should share the responsibility after enjoying it.

Han Chengming didn't expect his father to say this, so he said with difficulty: "Dad, don't you have any money at home?"

Han Xingwang said, "Where did you get the money?"

Hu howled, with a resentful face and a sharp voice: "She, Ge Hongbu, can't give birth to a son, so why should she want to **** my son? I don't agree."

Liu Juhua glared at her with a gloomy face: "Why howling? If you don't give it to your son, then you will give it money?"

Hu stood stiffly on the spot, his eyes were red, and his index finger was clenched.

Han Chengming put his head in his hands, squatted down in pain, "Father, don't force me, don't force me."

Hu's tears fell down in a flash, she knew that her man's heart had been loosened, thinking of this, she couldn't care less, staggered while supporting her eight-month-old belly, and wiped away her tears: "I'll go find Ge Hongbu, I'll go beg her..."

Said and stumbled out.

Liu Juhua pointed at her blankly, and said angrily: "It's turned upside down, it's turned upside down."

Han Xingwang sighed: "Let her go, or let her explore the way and see what Han Ze wants."

Liu Juhua withdrew her hand, thinking that her daughter-in-law was still eight months pregnant, she slapped her thigh suddenly: "No, I have to go and see."

After taking two steps, he turned around and kicked Han Chengming: "Get up quickly and chase after your wife, don't let anything happen again."

Han Chengming didn't care about being sad, he quickly got up and ran out, Liu Juhua quickly trotted behind him.

Ge Hongbu came back from washing clothes by the river, and passed by Han Xingwang's house. When Hu came out, she saw Ge Hongbu. Jealousy flashed in her eyes, and she took a step forward to grab Ge Hongbu's arm, and Ge Hongbu was pulled by her. She staggered, turned her head, looked at her with her big belly, and asked holding back her breath, "What are you pulling me for?"

With red eyes and tears streaming down her face, Hu grabbed Ge Hongbu's sleeve: "Sister-in-law, please, don't rob my son, don't rob my son?"

Ge Hongbu pulled her away and succeeded, frowning: "I have a son, why should I rob your son?"

Unwilling to give up, Hu grabbed Ge Hongbu and begged, "Sister-in-law, little six is ​​a fool, so you can't blame me. Don't rob my son, okay?"

Ge Hongbu became angry all of a sudden. She couldn't give birth to a healthy son for the Han family in the past few years, which has always been a knot in her heart. Taught Xiaoliuzi to read and write, and said that when Xiaoliuzi could speak fluently, he would be sent to the town to study and take the imperial examination in the future. In the past, even the village knew that Little Liu was stupid, and no one had gossiped in front of her, but now Mrs. Hu actually said that Little Liu was stupid in front of her, and that she wanted to rob her son?

"My little six is ​​fine, why would I want to rob your son?" Ge Hongbu looked angry, and no one could say that little six was her backside.

Mrs. Hu was about to speak, but Ge Hongbu knew that she had nothing good to say, interrupted her, and said sarcastically: "Han Ze took the little six to see the doctor, the doctor said my little six is ​​not stupid, but very smart, you can rest assured , no one robbed your son."

Mrs. Hu didn't believe it. If Little Six was not a fool, why couldn't the original doctor see it?

Ge Hongbu saw what she was thinking, and said displeasedly: "In the last episode, Han Ze took Xiaoliuzi to the best medical clinic in the town for diagnosis and treatment. The doctors there heard that they were from Fucheng, and their medical skills were superb. Can a quack be compared?"

Ge Hongbu had also heard earlier that a doctor with better medical skills had come to Mingsheng Hall in the town, and she was still thinking about finding that doctor to show her her body and see if she could have children. That day Han Ze came back with Xiaoliuzi. After hearing the name of the clinic, she knew that the doctor who treated Xiaoliuzi was the doctor from Fucheng. Now that Xiaoliuzi was getting better, she took a rest. That plan.

Hu looked at her blankly, and murmured: "What you said is true?"

Ge Hongbu said impatiently: "Little Six is ​​my son, I won't talk nonsense about him."

After finishing speaking, he didn't intend to talk to her, thought for a while and said: "I won't **** your son, don't say that the little six is ​​better now, even if it's not good, we will only adopt the son of the side branch of the family."

Mrs. Hu watched Ge Hongbu go away, for some reason, she felt a little lost in her heart, the little six sons were healed, Ge Hongbu's life is really good...

Liu Juhua and Han Chengming came out, saw the Hu family who was still there, and saw Ge Hongbu going away, Liu Juhua asked, "Did you meet Ge Hongbu just now?"

Mrs. Hu nodded in a daze, and without waiting for Liu Juhua to continue to ask questions, she said to herself: "You can cancel the matter of adoptive children, Ge Hongbu said that Little Six is ​​not stupid anymore."

"What? What are you talking about?" Liu Juhua asked loudly.

Mrs. Hu looked at Liu Juhua with a sarcasm on her face: "Little Six is ​​not stupid anymore. Han Ze has a normal son, so he doesn't care about your grandson anymore. So you don't have to sell my son."

Liu Juhua was anxious and angry, and seeing the ironic smile on Hu's face, she went up and wanted to slap her, but was stopped by Han Chengming: "Mother, Hu is pregnant with a child, what are you doing?"

Liu Juhua withdrew her hand resentfully, and looked at Mrs. Hu with a sullen face: "Since the matter of adopting children is out of date, let's pay for the money."

Hu gritted her teeth, "I have no money."

Liu Ju looked at her gleefully: "I can't help you."

Han Chengming frowned: "Mother, why are you persecuting the Hu family? We really have no money."

"Fart!" Liu Juhua looked at Han Chengming, "Don't think I don't know your background."

Han Chengming was a little irritable, and complained: "They are also mother's sons, why is Han Ze's life so easy?"

Liu Juhua was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Han Chengming suspiciously: "Are you blaming me?"

Han Chengming pursed his lips, not wanting to say that he was actually somewhat resentful. If, if he was Han Maode's son, he could at least get half of Han Maode's family property, why bother about renting a house?

Although the son didn't say anything, his expression was enough to show everything. Liu Juhua couldn't believe it: "Are you really blaming me?"

Han Chengming felt a little guilty, and changed the subject: "No, mother, don't think about it, you should think about the renter. Han Ze's attitude has already shown that there is no way to rely on the renter. Although our family is also a Han surname, but not from this village... No one will turn to our family."

Liu Juhua snorted, not pursuing it, and said: "Usually, Han Ze subsidized me, and you hid the money from your private house. From now on, without Han Ze's subsidy, he still has to collect rent arrears, so you have to take out the money from your private house." , or don’t blame me for being rude.”

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Mrs. Hu, don't think that she doesn't know what this woman is thinking, she doesn't want to do anything, she just wants to hide behind them and enjoy the happiness, thinking beautifully.

Han Chengming supported Mrs. Hu: "Go back and count how much silver we have, and take some out."

Mrs. Hu paused: "The money for Jixue Jiwen's study has not been settled yet, and besides, the family has no elder brother to subsidize it, so they have to pay so much rent every year. Chengzong Chengxu Meizi is not married yet, and parents have to save money. To save their dowry for marrying their daughters-in-law, they will definitely not be able to pay for their two children to study. I still have one in my belly, and I need money everywhere. "

When Han Chengming heard his wife's words, he was very worried. Without Han Ze's subsidy, would their family be so difficult? He said dejectedly: "From this point of view, it's better to adopt Jiwen Jixue to Han Ze."

Mrs. Hu paused in her footsteps, and smiled wryly, even if they wanted to adopt a child now, it would not be possible. They have healthy sons, why should they raise other people's sons?

When Ge Hongbu returned home, he told Han Ze what Hu said. After hearing this, Han Ze was not angry. If they can stand up with their own abilities, I will look up to them."

Jumping over the wall in a hurry?

Ge Hongbu stared at the man in astonishment, thinking that it seemed that the man really hated Han Chengming and the others, so he jumped the wall and said it out.

But since the man said not to worry about them, she left this matter behind and ignored it. Besides, there were a lot of things at home, so she didn't have the time to care about others.

Three days later, Han Maode led a group of people to Han Maode's house. Han Xingwang knew that he had to pay the rent today, so he didn't say anything. After so many years of rent, the family's food must be insufficient, so it can only be converted into silver, even if it is silver. It's a lot of money, but the family members put together it, and it's enough.

Han Maode directly asked a few strong young men to take the food to Wangjia Village, and as for the silver, he threw it back to Han Ze.

Han Ze didn't expect them to be so straightforward and pay all the rent. It seems that Han Ze has subsidized them a lot in recent years.

Han Maode snorted, "Most of the people in the village are members of our Han family. They have to hand over. If they don't, they won't be able to live a stable life in the village in the future."

Han Ze also knew this reason. Originally, Han Ze didn't care. Even if the villagers couldn't see it, they couldn't say anything. Now it's Han Ze who doesn't want to be taken advantage of anymore. Of course, the villagers stand on Han Ze's side.

After Han Xingwang’s rent was recovered, Han Ze devoted himself to teaching the children to read and write at home. On the day when the little girls went to Wang’s house to learn female celebrities, he devoted himself to teaching the little six. After this period of teaching, little The six sons can already call their parents.

Han Maode was dissatisfied when he heard his grandson call his father and mother, and he stopped going out. He taught his grandson to call him grandpa every day at home. Fortunately, the little six also knew how grandpa felt, and he learned to call him grandpa in a few days. I am overjoyed.

The days passed quickly, seeing the autumn harvest, Ge Hongbu looked at his son, and wanted to go back to his mother's house, and let the grandparents of the child look at the child, so that he would be happy, so that he would not have to worry about her all day With this in mind, I considered this matter with Han Ze.

This is not a big deal, of course Han Ze agreed, thought for a while and said, "Big girls have been studying and learning female celebrities these days, and they are also tired. Let them rest for a day in the future, and our family will go to town tomorrow. Fengji, you go to the town to buy some things and get ready."

Ge Hongbu was surprised: "You, you want to go too?"

Han Ze glared at him: "What? I can't go?"

Ge Hongbu quickly waved his hands: "No, no, no."

She didn't dare to say this, even if she didn't dare to think about it.

Han Ze snorted: "I'm going to save face for you, don't be ignorant."

Ge Hongbu said again and again: "Yes, yes, yes."

Han Ze looked at her: "I know that I complained to you because of the little six. Now that the little six is ​​well, let's live a good life. Don't think too much about it."

Ge Hongbu said in his heart, I don't want to, I'm just afraid that you will think too much, but you haven't followed me back to your mother's house for several years.

There was an ox cart at home, and after breakfast, Han Ze drove the ox cart out, carrying the bought wine, meat and cakes, and the whole family boarded the ox cart to go to Gejiaba.

When approaching the entrance of Gejiaba Village, Ge Hongbu looked at Han Ze hesitantly, and Han Ze frowned: "What are you always looking at me for?"

Ge Hongbu felt guilty: "It's nothing, it's nothing." But he was even more worried.

Father Ge and Mother Ge didn't expect the eldest daughter to come today, and the son-in-law also came, and greeted her happily. The eldest girls got out of the ox cart and called grandpa and grandma. Father Ge and Mother Ge responded with a smile. In the past two days, Ge Hongbu taught Xiaoliuzi to call grandpa and grandma at home, she pulled Xiaoliuzi and said, "Little Liuzi, this is grandpa and grandma, come to call grandpa and grandma."

Ge's father and Ge's mother looked at their daughter in surprise, and the little six sons shouted crisply: "Grandpa, grandma."

Father Ge and Mother Ge looked at Little Six in disbelief, and then went to see their daughter, until they saw her nodding, and Little Six called grandpa and grandma again, they wept with joy, hugged Little Six, and kept saying good, good .

Ge Hongbu's brothers knew that Xiaoliuzi was not stupid, so they would say it, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, no wonder his brother-in-law came to the door today.

The whole family was exchanging greetings when a woman came in, and the room suddenly fell silent.

Mother Ge glanced at Han Ze, and said awkwardly, "Why is Aster here?"

Ge Cuiju glanced at Han Ze: "I heard that the elder sister has returned to her mother's house. I haven't seen the elder sister for a long time. It's strange to panic. Come and have a look."

Ge Muxin said that you miss your eldest sister, why are you looking at Han Ze?

"Then, come in then."

Ever since the woman named Aster came in, the expressions of the people in the room were a little weird, even Ge Hongbu was a little uneasy, Han Ze raised his eyebrows, there must be something wrong with this woman named Aster.

Since the original body was already insane when he died, the memory of the original body he obtained was not comprehensive. Knowing the original body's enemies and benefactors and the family situation, he didn't care about those unimportant memories. At this time, looking through his memory again, he finally found something about Ge Cuiju deep in his mind.

After reading it, Han Ze just wanted to say shit, the original body and her had hooked up with each other.

No wonder Father Ge, Mother Ge and Ge Hongbu had weird expressions.

After Ge Hongbu gave birth to several maids and a little fool in a row, he had the idea of ​​taking concubines in his original body. After returning to his mother's house with Ge Hongbu once, he met Ge Cuiju, whose man had died.

However, due to a tragic incident decades ago, the Han family established a family rule. No matter whether a man has a reputation or not, he must be 30 and have no children before he can take a concubine. family.

Han Ze had a son, even though he was stupid, he was still a son, besides, he was not even thirty years old at the time, so how could he take a concubine? But the fight between the two was fierce at that time, the original body was full of passion, two hundred bucks was only two hundred bucks, manly man, he made up his mind about this fight.

Unexpectedly, at that time, there was a scholar in the clan who took a concubine outside without telling the clan members, and was discovered, and he was beaten two hundred times, and his leg was discounted on the spot. concubine thing. As for extermination, that is even more impossible.

After Ge Cuiju found out about this, she was so angry that she immediately remarried.

The original body hadn't returned to her natal family in the past few years. He didn't know that the man Ge Cuiju remarried died again.

Han Ze: "..."

I don't know if he was thinking too much, but judging by the woman's expression, it was obvious that he hadn't given up on the idea of ​​being Yuan Chen's concubine.

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