MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 153 The Troubles of the Han Prince 12

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Yong Wang bit his head and walked towards Mingxin Hall, cursing Chun Wang in his heart, he is a blind, domineering fool. Not as good as him.

Walking outside the Hall of Mingxin, she saw Qian Xiangxiang standing there waiting eagerly, and glanced at her coldly, Qian Xiangxiang was startled, seeing him pass her and go to the Hall of Mingxin, she didn't intend to do anything to her , slightly relieved.

King Yong stepped into the Mingxin Hall with a feeling of apprehension, and when he saw the majestic emperor, he knelt down with a plop: "I greet my father!"

Emperor Mingzheng snorted, "With you restless sons, I don't feel uneasy at all."

King Yong's face turned pale, and he lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

Emperor Mingzheng raised his head and glanced at him: "Do you know what brother and brother Gong is?"

King Yong promised, "I know!"

Sure enough, Chun Wang complained to his father, and his heart tightened.

Emperor Mingzheng said angrily: "Since you know it, why do you bully King Chun over and over again?"

King Yong was resentful, and his father was too eccentric, obviously it was King Chun who first insulted him and his mother.

Han Ze said next to him: "Since I entered Beijing, the first time you saw me, I knew you looked down on me, and you looked at me sideways. Huh, I am the son of my parents, and both parents If you don't look down on me, why do you look down on me? Don't you think I'm a fool? "

Emperor Mingzheng was furious. He knew that the people in the capital looked down on A Ze and felt that he was out of his mind. He didn't think that his own son would also look down on A Ze. He asked Yong Wang with a sullen face, "Is what King Chun said true?"

King Yong hurriedly said: "Father, I don't have any."

King Yong could never admit this matter, he didn't think Chun Wang would be so keen as a fool to see his thoughts, could it be that Chun Wang knew that he looked down on him, so he deliberately made things difficult for their mother and son at the father's birthday banquet? If so, is Chun Wang really stupid or fake?

Emperor Mingzheng said with a sullen face: "Bastard, do you think Aze is so stupid that you can't tell if you despise him or not? Aze knows what's good, who treats him well and who treats him badly, he knows better than anyone else, you neither If you like him, he will definitely notice."

"Father, my son and minister have been wronged."

Yong Wang was embarrassed, he wanted to know that Chun Wang was not as stupid as he imagined, and the contempt on his face would not show.

Han Ze said unhappily: "I didn't wrong you. I will remember whoever looks down on me in the palace."

"I didn't look down on you, you were wrong."

King Yong's face twisted instantly, he had never seen such a narrow-minded and vengeful person, and then he couldn't help gloating, and he didn't know who in the palace looked down on King Chun, thinking of the ridicule he received at his father's birthday banquet, he waited to see those Sued by Pure King.

The table in front of Emperor Mingzheng is full of memorials, which shows that he is busy with state affairs, and he has no time to care about the petty quarrels between his children, so he said impatiently: "Go back to the mansion and think about your mistakes behind closed doors. , when to come out, back down."

Seeing his father's impatience, King Yong dared not intercede, so he could only leave Mingxin Hall aggrieved, and saw one of the culprits of the crime that made him think about it behind closed doors, cast a gloomy look at her, and returned to Yongwang's mansion with a sneer.

Emperor Mingzheng looked at Han Ze: "You are a prince after all, you can't be ignorant, you can study with Xinghui Danzhu and the others tomorrow, and you can do nothing all day long."

Han Ze frowned, and said unhappily, "I'm Daddy, how can I study with Xinghui Danzhu, I don't agree."

Emperor Mingzheng felt that Aze could not read as many characters as Xinghui Danzhu. Although Aze was simple, he wanted to save face. It would be inappropriate for him to study with the children, so he thought for a while and said, "Father will arrange another husband for you."

Han Ze drooped his shoulders and looked at Emperor Mingzheng expectantly: "Can I not study?"

Emperor Mingzheng looked at him indifferently: "What do you think?"

Han Ze still wanted to rescue him: "I don't think I need to study..."

Emperor Mingzheng smiled and said: "If you don't want to study, then you don't want to read it. In the future, your mother and your prince will get a golden bull, a golden pig, and a golden Pixiu... and you won't be able to give them to you."

Han Ze: "I'll read it, can't I read it?"

Emperor Mingzheng waved his hand: "Okay, let's go back."

Han Ze: "..."

Qian Xiangxiang was standing outside Mingxin Hall, and when she saw Han Ze coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Just now King Yong looked at me when he came out of Mingxin Hall, his eyes are so scary, he..."

Han Ze said slightly proudly: "He was punished by his father to go back to the mansion to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors."

Think behind closed doors!

Qian Xiangxiang understands, that is to say, King Yong was grounded by the emperor, gloating in secret, it deserves you to stare at me!

When the two returned to Kunning Palace, the Queen smiled and said, "Are you back?"

Han Ze sat down on the low stool, took a few sips from the teacup, wiped his mouth, and said, "Miss Qian and I met King Yong in the Royal Garden, and King Yong scolded us, so I'll tell Dad, Dad punished him to go back to the mansion and contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors."

Mrs. Zhen Guo was startled, and hurriedly looked at the queen.

The queen's eyes were slightly cold, she looked at Han Ze with a smile and said, "Since your father punished him to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors, then he should contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors in the mansion."

Han Zejun's face was full of complacency, as if the emperor had punished Yongwang because of his complaint, and said: "He scolded me first, it was his fault, of course father would not turn to him, I never bully others, it is others who first If you bully me, I will return it."

As soon as Han Ze finished speaking, a servant from the palace came to report that Concubine Li begged to see her.

The queen sneered, "Let her in."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong hurriedly got up and said: "Madam, the minister's wife will leave first?"

The queen nodded and looked at Madam Liu: "Help me send my wife off."

Grandma Liu knelt down and saluted: "Yes."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong and Qian Xiangxiang walked out of Kunning Palace under the leadership of Madam Liu. Concubine Li entered Kunning Palace and bowed her knees: "Empress, my concubine is here to make amends to King Yong."

Yong Wang insulted Chun Wang and was reprimanded by the emperor for not being respectful to brothers and sisters, and punished him behind closed doors. In order to dispel the emperor's anger, she dare not plead with the emperor.

The queen looked at her meaningfully: "So, Concubine Li knows that King Yong insulted King Chun?"

Concubine Li's knees softened and she knelt on the ground: "Empress Empress, this concubine didn't know beforehand."

"I don't know what King Yong did, so what is your so-called apology?" The queen sneered, her tone of voice trembled. In her eyes, Concubine Li and her son were nothing but clowns. The clown dared to insult her sharp heart, who gave them the courage? Could it be that she thought she had lost her temper when she turned a blind eye on weekdays?

Concubine Li hurriedly said: "The concubine did not teach Yongwang well, everything is the concubine's fault, please punish me."

The queen said coldly: "You made a mistake, shouldn't it be right to punish you? So you don't have to ask me, I will punish you."

Concubine Li was taken aback, and looked at the queen in disbelief. The queen really wants to punish her?

"If you know you are wrong, you will be fined for one year and banned for half a year." The queen sneered and insulted her son. How can she be forgiven if she knows her mistake? Concubine Li was too naive.

Concubine Li doesn't care about the penalty, but she can be banned for half a year. If she won't see the emperor for half a year, how can she intercede with King Yong? There is nothing she can do if she is not reconciled, she is just a concubine, her son is not up to the mark, she is the queen of the palace, and her son is the prince, and he is deeply loved by the emperor. The situation is stronger than others, so she can only bow her head to the queen.

The queen watched Concubine Li leave, and she looked at Han Ze, as if what happened just now hadn't happened, and said with a smile: "Are you sure? Is Qian Xiangxiang willing to marry you as the princess?"

Han Ze nodded: "I am so nice, of course she is willing to marry me."

The queen smiled and joked: "Yes, yes, my son is so handsome, Qian Xiangxiang must like it."

"Qian Xiangxiang didn't marry me because I'm handsome."

Han Ze rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "I told her, as long as she treats Little Xingxing and Xiaozhuzhu well, she will be our family. Whoever bullies her in the future, I will help her bully her back. She is very happy."

The queen burst out laughing, the fool actually knew how to please girls, she joked: "She is your wife, a man should protect his daughter-in-law."

"I will definitely protect her." After Han Ze finished speaking, he suddenly became depressed, "Father asked me to study, mother, tell Dad not to let me study, I don't like reading."

The queen was funny, and then her face became serious: "Your father let you study for your own good, I dare not ask your father, lest your father even scold me."

Han Ze said unhappily: "Okay, just read."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong and Qian Xiangxiang were sitting in the carriage, and Mrs. Zhen Guogong couldn't wait to ask: "Tell mother what's going on? Why did King Yong insult you and King Chun?"

Qian Xiangxiang's face was full of resentment: "I talked with King Chun in the imperial garden, and I didn't offend King Yong. He saw us open his mouth like a lunatic and insulted us. Of course, King Chun would not let him scold us for nothing. King Chun and I will go to Mingxin Palace to complain to the emperor."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong supported her forehead, listening to why she was so silly, she asked: "Have you seen the emperor?"

Qian Xiangxiang shook her head: "I didn't enter Mingxin Palace, it was King Chun who went to sue."

Zhen Guogong's wife asked in a daze: "The emperor punished Yongwang?"

Qian Xiangxiang nodded: "The emperor punished King Yong to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors." After she finished speaking, she thought for a while and added: "Prince Chun also said that if I marry him, we will be a family with him. If someone bullies me in the future, he will help me bully him back. .”

Qian Xiangxiang's cheeks were hot, this was the first time someone said that to her.

Mrs. Zhen Guogong: "..."

Looking at the blushing face of the daughter, silently slandering, who said that the pure king is stupid? Fools know how to please girls? She doesn't look stupid at all.

Back at Duke Zhen's mansion, the mother and daughter went to Mrs. Tai's place. Mrs. Qian smiled kindly when she saw the mother and daughter, "You're back?"

Mrs. Zhen Guogong sat down, the little maid served tea, she took a few sips.

Qian Xiangxiang snuggled up to the old lady, and the old lady patted her arm, and asked in a gentle voice: "Why did the queen announce that you entered the palace?"

Mrs. Zhen Guogong put down her teacup and said after deliberation: "The queen wants to point us Xiangxiang to King Chun."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Mrs. Tai, for fear that Mrs. Tai would be anxious, after all, King Chun's reputation outside is not good.

Mrs. Tai smiled kindly: "I guess that's the case."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong was a little surprised when she saw that Mrs. Tai was not in a hurry. Mrs. Tai explained: "Xiangxiang was brought up by me. I know what his temper is. This child is not suitable for marrying into a family. He was favored by the emperor and empress, but he did not dominate the world or bully others. Some time ago, I heard that he took the compensation gold given to him by the Chen family for disaster relief.

"Kuang Chun's mansion is relatively simple. Although we Xiangxiang married in as a second concubine, King Chun has no other concubines and concubines. If you want to come to King Chun's temperament, the emperor and queen will not accept him. We Xiangxiang can marry Chun. King, what a perfect marriage."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong was a little embarrassed: "Mother sees it clearly."

Mrs. Tai smiled and said: "You are Xiangxiang's mother who is anxious about Xiangxiang's marriage, but you are temporarily confused."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong's old face was a little embarrassed, but she still said: "I saw that Chun Wang today. He looks dignified and handsome, and his speech is a little childish, but he is also well-organized and well-founded. I mistakenly believed the rumors outside."

Mrs. Tai snorted coldly: "I don't know what those rumors are thinking. I don't even think about the stable position of the prince. Even if they jump around very well, they are just jumping in the frame drawn by the prince. They jumped out of the box, how can the emperor spare them? It's just to provoke the emperor's disgust."

Qian Xiangxiang hugged Mrs. Tai's arm, and said in a low voice: "Chun Wang said that if someone bullies me in the future, he will help me bully him back."

Mrs. Zhen Guogong glared at her daughter, she is really a big girl who never forgets to say good things to the pure king.

Mrs. Tai smiled and said, "This kid has a good eye."

I am more and more satisfied with Chunwang in my heart. She is not old at heart, her granddaughter likes gold and silver, but not reading and painting. How can she not know how the young masters of the rich and powerful families treat their granddaughters? How could she not be angry that her lovingly raised granddaughter was so disliked by others? Now meeting a pure king who has a unique vision and can discover the advantages of his granddaughter, how can he not make her happy?

Mrs. Zhen Guogong is also quite satisfied. No matter how many shortcomings Ren Shichun has, as long as he is willing to treat his daughter well, she is willing to marry her to him.

When Qian Xiangxiang returned to the boudoir, the servant girl came to report: "The eldest lady, the second lady and the third lady are here."

Qian Xiangxiang was a little annoyed, "What are they doing here again?"

The maid bowed her head and said nothing, Qian Xiangxiang no longer made things difficult for her, "Forget it, let them in."

"Yes!" The servant girl withdrew.

The second lady Qian Jingjing and the third lady Qian Jiajia walked in lightly, and saw that Qian Xiangxiang was holding a flower in her hand, pinching the petals one by one, and the pieces she tore off were scattered everywhere on the table and on the ground. broken petals.

Qian Jingjing frowned slightly, and said softly: "Eldest sister, Hua'er is so innocent, you should not use Hua'er to vent your anger if you are so angry."

Qian Jiajia frowned, and said: "Being known by others requires a lot of words. I don't blame others for talking about eldest sister. Eldest sister should pay more attention to herself."

Qian Xiangxiang raised her head and looked at them with a smile on her face: "Where did you see that I am angry? I am happy. Besides, I am at home, who would know?"

"Since eldest sister is not angry, why do you want to spoil these flowers?" Qian Jingjing asked, "Flowers grow in the soil, you don't like them, just move them away, why bother to treat them like this."

"It's just a flower, why don't you spoil it?" Qian Xiangxiang pouted, "You guys are making too much fuss."

Qian Jiajia said disapprovingly: "Flowers are alive, why doesn't Elder Sister have any love for them? If things go on like this, when will Elder Sister get married?"

What she didn't say was, if the elder sister doesn't marry, when will they get married?

Qian Xiangxiang didn't take it seriously: "What does flowers have to do with getting married? Besides, the lifespan of these flowers is not long. Even if I don't pick them, they will perish. Why do you feel sorry for them? Is my country's government The eldest daughter, can't you play with a flower?"

Qian Jiajia was slightly taken aback. In the past, she would have felt ashamed when she said such things to her eldest sister. Why is she so plausible today? Everyone entered the palace with the eldest aunt today, could it be related to this?

She tentatively asked: "Eldest sister, I heard that the empress is choosing a concubine for the prince. I wonder if it's true?"

A light flashed in Qian Jingjing's eyes, and she looked at Qian Xiangxiang suddenly.

Qian Xiangxiang looked at her: "How would I know?"

A look of displeasure flashed in Qian Jiajia's eyes, and she asked again unwillingly: "Didn't you enter the palace?"

Qian Xiangxiang said: "Even if she enters the palace, the queen won't tell me about this, will she?"

Qian Jiajia looked straight at Qian Xiangxiang. The elder sister's temperament is not suitable to be a princess. She thinks the queen will not choose her as a princess. She doesn't need to worry.

Qian Jingjing asked: "Then why did the empress announce you to enter the palace?"

Before the marriage decree arrived, it was impossible for Qian Xiangxiang to publicize the matter between her and King Chun, and said, "Did you just inquire about the empress's affairs?"

She is protected by King Chun. King Chun is not even afraid of King Yong, let alone those young masters and noble daughters. She is going to marry Chun Wang soon. Don't worry about being an old girl if she can't get married, and don't worry about those gossips outside the accident. , as long as she treats King Chun and the little princess well, she can live how she wants from now on.

Qian Jingjing blocked Qian Jiajia, and Qian Jiajia said angrily: "Elder sister ate gunpowder today, so angry?"

Qian Xiangxiang smiled and said, "I'm not angry, I don't know how happy I am."

Qian Jiajia said: "In the past, you didn't talk to us like this. Do you still want us to take you out to make friends?"

Qian Xiangxiang squinted her eyes: "After entering the palace, I gained some experience. It turns out that people can still live like this, so I want to change my way of life. As for making friends, hmph, since they don't like me, why should I put down my figure to please you?" they?"

She will be protected by King Chun in the future, so she doesn't have to be afraid of anyone.

Qian Jingjing and Qian Jiajia looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that Qian Xiangxiang couldn't ask for an answer, so the two stopped entanglement.

Qian Xiangxiang watched them leave, threw the flowers in her hand on the table, and pouted weakly, "You all think I'm a fool! In the past, I had no choice but to please you, but now I don't please you. "

In the Pure Palace, Xinghui Danzhu looked at Han Ze with dissatisfaction. His father was going to marry a wife, and they were the last to know.

Han Ze said naively: "Qian Xiangxiang won't bully you."

Xinghui curled his lips: "We are afraid that she will bully you. You are so stupid, and you were favored by Miss Shen before. We are worried that you will be deceived."

Danzhu also said: "We have grandparents and grandmothers, and we are not afraid of stepmother bullying us. We are afraid that you will be cheated by stepmother, and we are afraid that you will be ridiculed."

Han Ze scratched his forehead: "No, Qian Xiangxiang is very good, she won't lie to me."

Xinghui Danzhu didn't speak, his father used to say that Miss Shen was a good person, but in the end he lied to him.

Han Ze asked at a loss: "Then, what do you think should be done?"

Xinghui said: "Take us to see Qian Xiangxiang. Only after we meet her can we know if she is a good person. Only then can we trust you to him."

Danzhu also said: "Yes, we have to make sure that she is a good person before we can hand you over to her with confidence."

Han Ze: "..."

Is this the opposite?

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