MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 157 The troubles of the foolish prince 16

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Two months later, after more than half a year of hard work, Han Ze finally finished reading the enlightenment book. The husband touched the cold sweat on his forehead and gave him a day off, and he also gave himself a day off. This student is one of the students he has taught. , the most difficult, but also the most worrying and tiring, he wished to give him a holiday every day.

Han Ze completely ignored what the gentleman was thinking. He stretched his waist and raised his head to look at the sky. The prince was going to fight for two months, the queen was worried about the prince, and the emperor was worried about the queen, so he asked Xinghui Danzhu to accompany the queen in the palace. He was shut up by the emperor to study in the mansion, and he hadn't entered the palace for a few days, but he missed those two little guys, so he simply went into the palace to see them.

When Han Ze arrived at the palace, he went to greet Emperor Mingzheng first, and then went to Kunning Palace. When he arrived at the Imperial Garden, he heard a sneer. Han Ze frowned and looked at it. Seeing that it was King Yong, he pretended not to see it and planned to walk over directly, but King Yong didn't intend to let him go, so he stepped forward and stopped him.

Han Ze glared at him: "What are you stopping me for?"

King Yong smiled triumphantly: "You don't know yet, do you?"

Han Ze looked at him: "It's weird."

King Yong's face sank slightly, and then he smiled wildly: "You don't know yet, do you? Your brother prince is missing."

Han Ze said loudly: "Impossible. I don't believe it."

King Yong continued to smile and said, "You said the crown prince is missing, and without the crown prince, who will the father ask to be the crown prince?"

Han Ze suddenly looked at him: "It's not you after all. Besides, it's absolutely impossible for my prince brother to have an accident."

King Yong's face was gloomy, he was already missing, so it's impossible for something to happen?

"You can't be an idiot, can you?"

Han Ze said: "Except for my brother, who among you is qualified to be the crown prince?"

King Yong snorted disdainfully: "So what if your prince brother is the most qualified to be the prince, he has been missing for half a month, and he has not seen anyone alive or dead! Everyone is gone, so he can't still occupy the position of the prince?"

Han Ze pointed at him: "You curse the prince, I want to tell dad."

After speaking, he turned around and ran towards Mingxin Hall.

King Yong cursed inwardly. When he suddenly heard the news of the prince's disappearance, he was so happy that he forgot that Han Ze liked to sue. Thinking of this, he hurriedly ran after him, hoping to stop Han Ze.

It's a pity that he was one step too late. As soon as he stepped into the Mingxin Palace, he was shocked by Emperor Mingzheng's angry shout and knelt down straight on the ground.

Emperor Mingzheng didn't even look at him, and said sharply: "Kneel outside." Then he said: "Drafting the decree, Concubine Li is not strict in teaching her children, and she is demoted to a talented person; Prince Yong disrespects her elder brother and deprives her of the status of prince."

Concubine Li sat paralyzed on the ground after receiving the order, she was not strict in raising her son, she was not strict in raising her son, could it be that her son was only hers?

When the queen heard about this, she showed a sneer, but couldn't help worrying in her heart, what happened to the prince?

Han Ze walked into Kunning Palace, and seeing the empress's expressionless face, he scratched his head: "Mother, the prince will be fine."

Seeing him, the queen squeezed out a smile: "Come and sit down, tell mother how your reading is going?"

Han Ze said: "Mother, don't worry, sir still praised me today."

"Really?" The queen smiled, "Mister really praised you?"

"Of course it's true." Han Ze patted his chest, "My husband said that I have made great progress, so I won't lie to my mother."

The queen felt relieved, touched his head, and murmured: "That's good, that's good!"

She believes that the prince will be fine and he will always come back.

The days passed day by day, and until half a month later, there was still no news from the prince, and all the concubines in the palace were watching the jokes in Kunning Palace. On that day, King Yong was punished to kneel outside the Mingxin Palace for a day and a night, and he fainted directly in the Ming Dynasty. Outside the heart palace, after being carried back to the palace, the concubine mother was demoted as a talented person because of him. He dared not make any other moves, and no matter how happy he was, he could only hide it in his heart.

Of course, with King Yong's lessons learned, no one dared to show it even if other people saw Kunning Palace's jokes, for fear of being known by the emperor and angering the emperor.

A few days later, I received a report from the frontier customs that the crown prince had won the battle and wanted his teacher to return to the court. When he got the news, Han Ze was in the Mingxin Hall. Go tell your mother the good news."

He didn't inquire into the details of the crown prince's victory, as long as the crown prince returned safely, his mission was mostly completed.

When the queen heard that the crown prince had won the battle, she said happily, "Reward, everyone has a reward."

Han Ze took a step forward, smiling all over his face: "Mom, do you have my reward?"

The queen waved her hand: "Yes, there are."

Han Ze asked immediately: "I want gold."

Queen: "Give you gold."

Han Ze: "And little stars and little beads?"

Queen: "They have too."

Han Ze: "Is there still Xiangxiang?"

The queen glanced at him, seeing a brat who had a wife who forgot his mother, and said helplessly, "Give her the gold, and I will give you all of mother's gold."

The smile on Han Ze's face became brighter, "Mother is so kind."

The queen shook her head. The crown prince came back from victory. With the emperor and crown prince around, no one can bully Aze. Aze has suffered in the first half of his life, but in the second half of his life, he can do whatever he wants. After all, whoever suffers, he can't suffer.

[Congratulations to the tasker for completing the task: change the fate of the original body, get 200 points; change the fate of the children of the original body, get 400 points; change the fate of Qian Xiangxiang, get 200 points; change the fate of the prince, get 500 points point. 】

[System: The points obtained by the tasker have reached the purchase value of the body, may the tasker buy the body? 】

Han Ze was taken aback. He had just told Xinghui to take care of his two younger sisters, and then he didn't know about his personnel. When he woke up and heard the news, he had some thoughts in his mind. He asked, "What's the use of buying a body?"

[System: Can be resurrected from the dead. 】

Han Ze hurriedly asked: "Really? Why didn't you say it before?"

[System: ...the tasker can choose any resurrection plane. 】

Han Ze was overjoyed. Seeing that the system avoided his question, he didn't care. Instead, he asked, "Can I choose my original interstellar plane?"

[System: Yes. 】

Han Ze was silent for a moment, his tone a little excited: "I want to buy a body."

He didn't expect to be able to come back from the dead.

[System: The physical body has been purchased successfully, and the tasker can use it at any time. 】

Han Ze glanced at the body lying there, and asked again: "After buying the body, can I continue to do the task?"

[System: Yes. Quest points can buy many things that questers want. 】

anything wanted?

Han Ze laughed, he wants a child that really belongs to him, is that okay?

[System: With enough points, taskers can not only have one child of their own, but also have many children that truly belong to them. 】

The system seemed to know what Han Ze was thinking.

Han Ze said: "I will continue to do the task, and I will have a child who really belongs to me."

The system skipped a beat and didn't tell Han Ze that only he can do these good things, come back from the dead, and have his own real children, because he has a big brother who controls the fate of their systems. Don't think about it, it might be good to be in the mission world. Of course, some missionaries did not die in the real world, so I won't talk about it.