MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 72 step dad 5

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At six o'clock in the morning, Hu Xialan woke up on time, sat up, and was about to get out of bed to put on her shoes. She stopped suddenly, and lay back on the bed as if angry. The family invited an aunt, and there was no need for her to get up before dawn to make breakfast.

She was lying on the bed without any sleepiness, and Han Zeqing's shallow breathing sounded from beside her. The aunt was invited by Han Feiyu, and she must be facing Han Feiyu. Will she do something bad to her and Mingda while she is not paying attention?

No, she has to go and stare at her. Thinking of this, she quickly got out of bed and hurried downstairs.

Aunt Chen also just got up, she came out of the bathroom after washing, looked up and saw Hu Xialan who looked flustered, her heart was pounding, she just got up, why was she panicking? She opened her eyes slightly, wouldn't Hu Xialan be worried that she would steal something from the house, so she came here to stare at her?

Thinking of this, she became angry, and cast a glance at Hu Xialan holding back her anger. Brother Han and the others didn't get up, so bear with it for now. If Hu Xialan's attitude is still the same, even for Han Feiyu's sake, she will not continue doing it.

Aunt Chen ignored her and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Hu Xialan followed her into the kitchen without washing her face and stood behind her like a ghost. Aunt Chen was not used to it. She had been a nanny for so many years and had never I have seen a hostess like Hu Xialan before.

Aunt Chen ignored her and started making sandwiches. Last night Shu Tao told her to prepare sandwiches, milk, eggs, and fruit for her and her brother for breakfast.

Seeing her movements, Hu Xialan knew that the sandwiches were made for those two cubs, and she couldn't help asking, "Do you make porridge?"

She is not used to sandwiches, she must have porridge every morning.

Aunt Chen looked back at her: "Sister Hu, do you want some porridge?"

Nonsense, no porridge, what did she mention?

Hu Xialan was obviously impatient, and said in a bad tone: "You came to my house to be a nanny, shouldn't you ask the host what to eat before cooking? Just do it casually, what if we don't like the meal? ? Keep it for you to eat? It's a good idea."

After so many days of being aggrieved, Hu Xialan's endurance, when facing the nanny hired by the family, she could no longer pretend.

Aunt Chen turned her head abruptly and looked at her in astonishment. What did she do that this woman doubted her so much? She couldn't believe that Brother Han was such an upright and polite man, and married a wife of such poor quality. In all these years of nanny career, she had never been so insulted by the master. How could she not be polite to her?

She red-eyed: "Sister Hu, it's true that I'm a nanny, but I behave in a well-behaved manner and don't steal or rob. You don't have to insinuate that I take advantage of your family. To be honest, your family's salary is not the highest. Yes, if it wasn't for Han Feiyu's face, I wouldn't come to your house, I'm so sour and look down on anyone."

Hu Xialan seemed to have been poked into a sore spot, and asked loudly, "Who do you think is sore?"

Before Aunt Chen came, she got a general idea of ​​the situation of the Han family from Han Feiyu. When Han Feiyu mentioned this stepmother, his tone was extremely indifferent. She liked Han Feiyu very much. There are countless powerful and wealthy businessmen, so a young man of such ability is extremely polite when he sees her.

Such a good guy, I didn't expect the Han family, they didn't seem to know that he could earn money, they just thought he was not capable, he was an ordinary worker, and the money he earned was not as much as that stepson named Liu Mingda.

What does all this mean?

It shows that Hu Xialan's stepmother is not as virtuous as Brother Han said, she must be pretending, and Han Feiyu and Han Shutao brothers and sisters are willing to spend money to hire a nanny just to make Hu Xialan less tired. Thinking of this, she feels that Hu Xialan is scheming deep.

Seeing her getting up in the morning, she is so energetic, how does she look tired?

Besides, a person in her fifties is not young if she is young, and she is definitely not old if she is old. At least Hu Xialan doesn't look like a person in her fifties who is well maintained and tired after cooking for a few days fall sick? How weak is her body?

Aunt Chen said coldly, "Of course you are the one who is sour."

Now that her face has been torn apart, she doesn't plan to continue working in this family. Although she feels sorry for Han Feiyu, being stared at like a thief is unbearable to anyone. Her original employer once called her to help, but Her nephew was Han Feiyu's apprentice, and she helped Han Feiyu as if she were helping his nephew, so she agreed to come to Han's house, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Hu Xialan didn't expect that Aunt Chen would dare to talk back to her. She stared at her incredulously: "I am your boss, you are just a nanny and a part-time worker. If you say that about me, you are not afraid that I will fire you?"

Auntie Chen smiled disdainfully and said, "Just fire me. It can be said that your family is the boss of my work, the poorest family, what kind of boss are you? Even my salary is not paid by you."

Is this nanny looking down on her family? Hu Xialan sneered: "You are just a nanny, what right do you have to look down on us?"

The two started arguing sentence by sentence, Aunt Chen was completely confident, she didn't plan to do it anyway. Hu Xialan thought, let's quarrel, quarrel, it's best to drive this woman out, and Ming Kai's house will be vacated.

The noise between the two became louder and louder, waking up Han Shutao, who was sleeping upstairs. She was rushing to write the manuscript last night and didn't go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning. She felt that she had just fallen asleep when they woke her up. The older one opened the door and went downstairs in a few steps: "Why are you so noisy, why are you keeping people from sleeping?"

Aunt Chen and Hu Xialan's eyes were red from arguing, even though Han Shutao yelled at them, they didn't stop talking.

Han Ze, Han Feiyu, Liu Mingda, and Wang Peining also went downstairs.

Han Ze saw clearly the two people who were arguing in the kitchen, and couldn't help frowning: "What's going on?"

Hu Xialan turned her head and looked at Han Ze with a guilty conscience, but she still said stubbornly: "Old Han, you also know that I want to eat some rice porridge every morning, but Aunt Chen didn't even ask us before making breakfast. I made a sandwich according to my own ideas. I just mentioned it, and she quarreled with me. Who can afford such a hot-tempered nanny? Moreover, she also said that I was so sore... ...."

Auntie Chen stood by and squinted at her, letting her finish her sentence. She wanted to see what tricks this woman could make up. After hearing it, she knew why Brother Han was fooled by this woman. Look at her What is said, out of ten sentences, there are two true words and eight false words, true and false, others will believe it when they hear it, and they are quite good at speaking. Feiyu and Shu Tao are both straightforward people, no wonder they were young , was pushed out by her.

Han Shutao rubbed his painful head, and said quietly: "Auntie, I told Auntie Chen to prepare sandwiches in the morning. If you want rice porridge, you can tell her directly. What's the noise?"

Han Ze looked at Hu Xialan expressionlessly.

Hu Xialan turned pale, not daring to look up at Han Ze.

Han Ze didn't speak, his brows furrowed deeper, and he looked at Hu Xialan deeply, wondering what he was thinking.

Liu Mingda's expression tightened, his face turned ugly, he didn't understand, why the **** are you arguing with the nanny? He knew that Auntie Chen lived in Ming Kai's room, she felt uncomfortable and didn't like Auntie Chen, so couldn't she bear it? At least endure until he gets the money and buys a house? Could it be that she doesn't know that her gentle and virtuous image for so many years will collapse after she makes such a noise? Dad might suspect her?

Aunt Chen looked at the expressions of everyone in the room, looked at Han Ze in a calm manner, and asked, "Brother Han, I really wanted to work in your house, but Sister Hu doesn't seem to like me. I'm afraid I'll take it." Your home seems cheap. Last night, when I was cooking, she stared at me from behind. In the morning, when I got up on the front foot, she went downstairs in a panic and followed me step by step. What does she mean? Everyone knows it well Ming! Although I am a nanny, I have graduated from high school anyway, and I still have the most basic professional ethics. No matter how poor I am, I will not do such things as stealing or taking advantage of her. This is an insult to her."

Han Ze's eyes were deep, his mouth was pursed, and he didn't speak. No one knew what he was thinking.

Hu Xialan was a little flustered, she had never seen Lao Han like this before, she quickly argued: "I didn't insult you, nor did I say that you stole things, I, I was just afraid that you just came home and were unfamiliar, so I want to talk to you."

Auntie Chen glanced at her disdainfully, and said: "Your original words are like this. You came to my house to be a nanny. Shouldn't you ask the host what to eat before cooking? Just do it casually, in case you do it What should we do if we don’t like the meal? Do you keep it for you? It’s a good idea.’ Doesn’t this sentence mean that you suspect that I’m taking advantage of your family?”

Hu Xialan's trembling body was speechless, and she did say that sentence.

Han Ze suddenly turned his head to look at Aunt Chen. He said sincerely in a low tone, "I'm sorry."

Hu Xialan looked at Han Ze blankly, why did he apologize?

Han Ze's apology made Aunt Chen a little uncomfortable. Hu Xialan is not good, but Brother Han is still good. She said awkwardly: "Brother Han, I also made mistakes. I came to be a nanny, so I shouldn't be so impulsive. But I I really can't bear it, being guarded as a thief."

Han Ze whispered: "I know, sorry again."

Aunt Chen was silent. It was Hu Xialan who should apologize, not Han Ze.

Hu Xialan suddenly burst into tears, why did Lao Han apologize? Did he think she was wrong too?

Hu Xialan's crying made the scene fall silent. Han Ze looked at Liu Mingda and ordered in a deep voice, "Take your mother back to the house."

Liu Mingda also felt that it was inappropriate for his mother to be here again, and when it came to the intense part, he might quarrel with Aunt Chen again. Step forward and hold her by the shoulders. Hu Xialan wiped her eyes, she broke away from Liu Mingda's arm excitedly, and said loudly: "If I don't go back to the room, I will be here."

Han Ze looked at her helplessly, with a heavy tone: "Xia Lan, you have always been gentle, kind and virtuous, but now you have lost your composure to quarrel with Aunt Chen. What's wrong with you? During this time, I always feel that you are not in a good mood. Yes. But you don't tell me anything."

Hu Xialan's heart and eyes are full of bitterness, tell you? Let me tell you, we're going to be done. This family is falling apart.

Han Ze sighed, and he frowned and said, "Look, every time I ask you, you always have such an aggrieved and distressed expression, but what can make you feel wronged and depressed at home? It's just a few children or me wronging you. Now, you tell me, if you don't tell me, how will I know what you think? Besides, after all these years, don't you understand me? Don't you depend on you for everything? "

Hu Xialan sniffed and shook her head: "Old Han, I'm fine. I just feel that many people in the family are not used to it..."

Han Ze rubbed his brows with a headache, and after a long while, he said, "When I ask you, you just say it's okay. Even if you're not used to having multiple people at home, there's no need to argue with Aunt Chen? She just came home yesterday. Just quarreling, is it nice to say it? Those who don’t know think that something happened. Xia Lan, you have always been reasonable, gentle and virtuous, and the children paid you for your aunt for the sake of your health. I really don’t understand why you Do it."


These four words only made Hu Xialan feel ironic. In the past, with this image, she was invincible in front of Han Ze. She never knew that these four words could make people feel so aggrieved and powerless. She said with red eyes, "Maybe I've been sick for a while, and I'm in a bad mood."

Aunt Chen snorted, she figured it out, this woman didn't have a word of truth in her mouth, she said slowly: "How can you be so energetic when you are sick? I don't know if it is a real illness or a fake illness?"

Startled, Hu Xialan raised her head to meet Han Ze's eyes. The flash of doubt made her heart sink slowly.

Liu Mingda and Wang Peining also twitched their eyebrows. They both looked at Han Ze and saw the doubt in his eyes.

Hu Xialan glanced at Aunt Chen, and hurriedly argued: "I'm free, why pretend to be sick when I'm not sick?"

Han Ze looked at her: "Since we are sick, let's go to the doctor, and if we are sick, we will treat the illness. It is not an option to procrastinate like this. Minor illnesses have also been dragged into serious illnesses."

Hu Xialan shook her head, she is not sick, what disease is she seeing? She said, "I'm afraid of seeing a doctor."

Aunt Chen fanned the flames: "I don't think I'm sick."

Hu Xialan looked at Aunt Chen resentfully, and said angrily, "Do I have any grudge against you?"

Aunt Chen didn't want to talk to her at all. This woman was looked down upon from inside to outside. She looked at Han Ze and said, "I have never seen a sick person with such spirit. Brother Han, I still have no fate with your family." , you can find someone else to do this job."

Han Ze took a deep look at Hu Xialan, then turned to Aunt Chen and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Han Feiyu frowned and said, "Dad, Aunt Chen was invited by me. What do you mean by driving away when you say you want to drive away?"

Aunt Chen tugged Han Feiyu's arm, and said meaningfully: "Some people are too good at acting, and they say the positive is the negative, and the negative is the positive, and your father can't tell the real from the fake, and you can't tell the difference." Don't blame him, after all, this person's heart is the most unpredictable."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Hu Xialan with disdain, and went upstairs to get her luggage.

Hu Xialan and Liu Mingda's faces were ashen, while Wang Peining looked around worriedly.

Han Ze glanced at Han Feiyu and said, "Send your Aunt Chen back and cause her trouble. It's my family's fault that we didn't discuss it. Let her figure out the salary."

Han Shutao suddenly said: "Wait."

Han Ze looked at her, "What are you going to do?"

Han Shutao looked at Hu Xialan, her face full of stubbornness, and she asked with red eyes: "Auntie, I want to ask if you are sick? Can you tell me, my dad, the truth?"

Hu Xialan looked at her red eyes, and hated in her heart. This girl never cried in front of her when she was a child, but now she will cry because of her illness? Give me a break. She reproached, "Of course I'm sick."

Han Shutao pursed her lips and sniffed. She nodded, "Okay." After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Han Ze and said, "Dad, since Auntie is sick, Auntie Chen can't leave. After all, Auntie Hu is going to the hospital. , Aunt Chen is gone, what should we do at home?"

Hu Xialan panicked, and hurriedly said, "I'm not going to see a doctor."

Han Shutao looked at her firmly: "You used to go to the doctor when you caught a cold, but now you're tired and sick, why don't you want to go to the doctor?"

Hu Xialan was persecuted by her and had no choice but to turn her head to Han Ze for help. Han Ze said worriedly: "Xialan, you have to go to the hospital when you are sick. Why don't you want to go to the hospital?"

Han Feiyu said coolly: "I'm not sick, of course I don't want to go to the hospital."

Hu Xialan started to cry. She was anxious and flustered. She said, "Why do you say I'm not sick? I'm obviously sick."

Han Ze frowned: "Go to the hospital if you are sick. If you don't go to the hospital, don't say they are puzzled, even I am also puzzled. Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Hu Xialan just cried and didn't speak.

Han Shutao said from the side: "Dad, I think my brother and I should move out. We haven't moved back for so many years, and Aunt Hu didn't get sick. As soon as we moved back, she became tired and sick. Obviously we dragged her down." gone."

Hu Xialan shook her head quickly, "I don't, I don't."

Aunt Chen had already taken her luggage and came down.

Han Shutao already thought so. She looked at Aunt Chen and said with a smile, "Aunt Chen, don't leave. I like your cooking. My brother and I are moving out. Can you cook for us?"

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I'll just cook for the two of you, and I'm relaxed."

Han Ze said beside him: "Since you guys insist on moving out, I will move out too."

Hu Xialan really panicked this time, she didn't care to cry, staggered, and took Han Ze's arm: "Old Han, this is your home, where are you going to move?"

Liu Mingda and Wang Peining also panicked, is Dad planning to separate from Mom?

Han Ze looked at her calmly, and said: "Xia Lan, you have always been gentle, virtuous, and reasonable. You have changed during this time. I dare not even know you. You even quarreled with others. Is it Hu Xialan? I move out to live for a while, maybe you will change back. Change back to the gentle and virtuous Hu Xialan."

Being gentle and virtuous again, Hu Xialan felt that sooner or later she would be suffocated to death by being gentle and virtuous.

Han Shutao looked at Han Ze suspiciously, "Dad, you really don't want to live with us?"

Han Ze looked at her: "Aren't you going to let me?"

Han Shutao nodded, and said caringly: "Why don't you let me, you are our father, of course I live with my brother. As for Aunt Hu, she is Mingda Mingkai's mother, I believe Mingda Mingkai will give her retirement."

Han Ze frowned, "It sounds strange to me what you said, but it seems to make sense."

Hu Xialan swayed, her cheeks whiter than paper.

Liu Mingda and Wang Peining also looked very ugly,

Han Shutao said again: "Dad, since you are going to move out with us, then go pack your luggage. Aunt Chen, please continue to help us prepare breakfast."

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "Okay."

Han Ze glanced at Hu Xialan, turned around and went upstairs.

Hu Xialan followed him upstairs, Han Ze began to pack his clothes, Hu Xialan looked at him with tears in his eyes: "Old Han, it's been more than ten years, do you really want to treat me like this?"

Han Ze paused as he collected his clothes, and turned to look at her: "Xia Lan, I don't want to, but I really can't face you like this. How did you become like this? I'm afraid I'll face you again , our marriage is really over. During this time, let's calm down. "

Hu Xialan stepped forward, hugged Han Ze, and cried, "Calm down? I don't need to be calm. Shu Tao and Feiyu are going to move out. Can't you let them move out? Why do you have to go out with me? Let's go back to the past On that day, I will become gentle, don't move away..."

Han Ze broke her body and told her to stand up straight. He looked at Hu Xialan disappointedly: "You really don't want Shu Tao and Feiyu to move back?"

Hu Xialan was taken aback: "I, I..."

What did she just say?

Han Ze's face was full of pain, and he asked, "Aren't you always regretting that Shu Tao and Feiyu don't like you?"

Hu Xialan looked up at him with tears in her eyes: "I'm sorry, but they're all grown up..."

Han Ze interrupted her: "They have grown up and become sensible and caring? Why don't you want them to move back?"


Hu Xialan smiled wryly, even now, Lao Han's trust in her is already in jeopardy, she can't give up on herself and say why she doesn't want the two cubs to move back.

Han Ze shook his head, as if he couldn't believe that Hu Xialan would become like this. He said, "Maybe you think they are getting old and disturbing you. Since you are sick, you should take care of yourself at home. We have all moved away, you Alone at home, clean and easy to recuperate."

What does Lao Han mean, he still wants to move out?

Hu Xialan sat down on the bed, crying softly, begging and crying, but still couldn't change his decision, she really had no choice.

In the past, people said that Lao Han was cold, but she was still not convinced, and argued with others, but now she finally realized his coldness, because she had a fight with the nanny, and he thought she was not gentle, so he was going to move out? Does he still have her daughter-in-law in his heart? Or is it that all he needs is a gentle daughter-in-law?


After breakfast, Han Feiyu called and asked his assistant to find a truck and move their things away in one trip. When they arrived at the house where Han Feiyu and Han Shutao lived, Han Ze let their brothers and sisters and Aunt Chen pack up their luggage, while he sat on the sofa in a daze. When they packed everything up, Aunt Chen went out to buy groceries, and Han Ze was still sitting on the sofa. Preoccupied.

Han Shutao tugged at Han Feiyu's arm and asked, "This old man, is there anything wrong?"

Han Feiyu said disapprovingly, "What could be the matter?"

Han Shutao glanced at him, walked up to Han Ze and sat down, she asked in a low voice, "Dad, it's noon soon, and Aunt Chen is going to buy vegetables, what do you want to eat, I'll ask her to buy it for you to cook?"

Han Ze shook his head, sighed and asked, "Shu Tao, how did you become so fast when you are alone? Your Auntie Hu was such a gentle person before, but she even quarreled with others. I couldn't believe my eyes .”

Han Shutao: "..."

Han Feiyu said irresponsibly from the side: "Isn't there a saying that you know people, but you don't know the heart? You only see her tenderness on the outside, how do you know what she thinks on the inside?"

Han Ze glared at him: "She's your aunt, how could you say that about her. It's not big or small."

Han Shutao rolled her eyes, and she said, "Dad, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth."

Han Ze looked at her, and said with joy in bitterness: "Tell me, after what happened to your Aunt Hu, I can bear whatever you say."

Han Shutao said seriously: "Dad, the reason why my brother and I are willing to accept Aunt Hu is because she is your daughter-in-law and our stepmother. As long as she can take care of you and let you enjoy your old age, we don't care how she treats us." , if she makes you sad, we will not like her, let alone forgive her. Our mother passed away early, and grandparents and grandparents have all gone. You are the only elder in our world, me and I Brother can't let others hurt you."

After hearing this, Han Ze was moved. He said with relief, "Your brothers and sisters are still caring. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise Dad would not know where to go."

Han Feiyu raised his eyebrows and looked at his sister, okay, I'm pretty good at talking.

Han Shutao also raised his eyebrows in a small way. She withdrew her gaze and looked at Han Ze: "Dad, why do you have no place to go? The house in Boya Xinyuan is yours. If you want to live in it, who can drive you out?"

Han Ze smiled wryly and said, "You're right, no one chased me away, but facing Xia Lan now, I'm a little scared."

Han Shutao pouted, and she asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Han Ze said: "I saw her arguing with Aunt Chen in the morning, and I couldn't believe my eyes because of her distorted face. It was your Aunt Hu. I was afraid that if I often faced her, I would think of her distorted face." , After a long time, I'm afraid I can't help but divorce her. If I get old and get divorced, the influence will be bad."

Han Shutao: "..."

Han Feiyu cut his voice: "Dad, you are just too hypocritical."

Han Ze shook his head, and finally said: "In short, I can't face Hu Xialan now."

Han Shutao said impatiently: "If you can't face it, you can't face it. You are worthy of their mother and child. You can't face them anymore. You haven't kicked them out yet, and you still let them live in our house."

Han Ze looked at Han Shutao disapprovingly, and said, "They are a family with us. Although they can't face your Aunt Hu, Mingda and Mingkai are right. Mingda hasn't bought a house yet, so don't let him live at home, let him where to live?"

Han Shutao smiled and said, "Your stepfather is really the best stepfather in the world."

Han Ze suddenly said: "Speaking of the house, I reminded me of it. I plan to find a time for Shu Tao to transfer the house in Boya Xinyuan."


Han Shutao looked at him in disbelief, just bought her a car, and now he gave her back a house? When did her old man get so good?

Han Ze ignored her shock, looked at Han Feiyu and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

Han Feiyu shook his head: "I have no objection, it's just a house."

Han Ze smiled with satisfaction, and he said: "We have four children, three boys, and you are the only girl. We will give you two big houses in the family. If you find a husband's house in the future, you will have the confidence to avoid being wronged. As for The three boys, let them fight on their own."

Han Shutao felt a little strange in her heart, she looked at Han Ze seriously: "Dad, are you serious?"

Han Ze touched her head and said, "Let's go to transfer the ownership tomorrow. You and Feiyu were lavish when they were young. I just saw Feiyu's car, at least six or seven hundred thousand. How much money did he earn? Buy such an expensive car? Give Feiyu the two smaller houses."

Han Feiyu touched his nose, "Is there still mine?"

Han Ze said seriously: "You spend so much money, the house can be considered as a guarantee for you. But let's say something first, the house is for you, there is no life event, you can't sell the house at will. Do you know?"

Han Feiyu said with a smile: "The house is given to us, can you still take care of it?"

Han Ze was stunned, and said angrily, "Then I won't transfer the ownership to you."

Han Feiyu hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I'll sign a contract for you as a guarantee, isn't that okay?"

Han Ze looked at them: "The house is given to you, and I will return some money and some shares in my hand, and I will really lose everything. You should give me a pension."

Han Feiyu promised: "Of course I will give you a pension."

If the old man was still the same as before, only caring about Liu Mingda and Liu Mingkai, he would definitely not care about him. Now that he gave the house to his siblings, it showed that he still thought about them. As a son of man, he would of course give him old age.

Han Shutao also said: "Dad, you can rest assured to live here."

The children are sensible and filial, Han Ze is relieved.

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