MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 74 step dad 7

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After get off work, Liu Mingda and Wang Peining met at the gate of Boya Xinyuan Community as usual, and then they went home together. There is a small supermarket next to the gate of the community. Wang Peining arrived first, went to the supermarket to buy a package of melon seeds, and waited for Liu Mingda while eating melon seeds. I was in a good mood thinking about what delicious food my aunt would give her today.

She was eating melon seeds, humming her favorite song, and was in a great mood to greet passing acquaintances. Liu Mingda arrived soon, she put the melon seeds in his hand, Liu Mingda smiled and said: "I don't eat melon seeds .”

Wang Peining glanced at him with a proud face: "It's not for you to eat, hold it for me."

Liu Mingda said with a good temper: "OK, OK, I'll help you carry it."

The two talked and walked home with a smile. Liu Mingda caught sight of the uncontrollable smile on the corner of his girlfriend's mouth, and his mood soared, and he asked, "What good thing happened?"

Wang Peining gave him an embarrassed look, lowered her head, and said uncomfortably, "Mingda, although I'm sorry for saying this, uncle and aunt, but don't you think that since Uncle Han moved away with Han Feiyu brothers and sisters, don't you feel more comfortable at home? Uncle Han After all, he is a man, and he is not your own father. Every time I come to your house, I take a bath with fear, for fear that the clothes I wear will not conform to the rules. After all these years, only this time has been spent at your house The most comfortable day, no outsiders, just my aunt and us, no need to look at anyone..."

It may be unreasonable for her to say this, but if she had a choice, she really didn't want to live with the Han family, it was too awkward.

Following Wang Peining's words, Liu Mingda's complexion gradually became dark. I have to say that what Peining said was right, he would get tired after acting every day. During the period when Dad moved away, he lived the most comfortable life. When I got home, I had no precautions, no calculations, no need to think carefully about what I said, and I didn't have to be cautious for fear of saying the wrong thing and offending my stepfather.

With a low tone, he whispered comfortingly: "It won't be like this forever."

Aunt Qu's son, who didn't live with her after marriage, she had a lot of time, and others just got off work, she had finished dinner and went out for a walk, when she saw Liu Mingda and Wang Peining walking home holding hands, her eyes flashed, and she smiled. He asked, "Mingda, are you off work?"

Liu Mingda and Wang Peining looked up at the same time, it was Aunt Qu in the community, and they smiled.

Aunt Qu looked at Wang Peining with a smile and said, "This is your girlfriend? She looks so handsome."

Liu Mingda responded with a smile, and Wang Peining smiled slightly, with the shyness of being praised.

Aunt Qu asked again: "I heard from your mother that you are going to get married and are considering buying a wedding house?"

Liu Mingda responded vaguely and casually.

Regardless of what he said, Aunt Qu looked at Wang Peining self-consciously and said, "This young man is capable, diligent and thrifty, and he must also love his wife. You have a good vision."

Wang Peining smiled. After Aunt Qu finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Liu Mingda, and said with a gesture of consideration for him: "You can move out after buying a house, so you can save yourself the discomfort of living in someone else's house."

Live in someone else's house? What does this aunt mean?

Liu Mingda smiled slightly and did not speak.

Seeing that they were silent, Aunt Qu didn't care, and continued: "After all, Han Ze's house is property before marriage, and the family money is also the money from the old man of the Han family who sold the land. Except for Han Ze's salary, everything else belongs to the Han family. , you are stepsons, you will definitely get nothing, you earn all by yourself, it's hard for you, but fortunately, even if your child has nothing, you can still buy a house by your own ability, it's really proud of your mother. "

Liu Mingda's face changed slightly, how did Aunt Qu know that the house and money at home belonged to her father before marriage? Why did everyone in the community know about their family's affairs? Thinking of this, he said to Aunt Qu: "Auntie, you are busy, it's getting late, we should go back."

Wang Peining glanced at Aunt Qu, and trotted back home with Liu Mingda.

Han Ze came and left. Hu Xialan was in a bad mood, so she cooked a table of dishes and waited for her son and future daughter-in-law to return. Hu Xialan glanced at the time, and when her son and future daughter-in-law came back, she got up and went to the house to get the dishes. As soon as the bowls and chopsticks were placed on the dining table, Liu Mingda and the two came back.

When Liu Mingda saw his mother, he opened his mouth and asked, "Mom, how did Aunt Qu know about our family? Did you tell her?"

Hu Xialan thought of what Han Ze said to her in the morning, and thought it was rumors about Han Ze's harsh stepson and Han Feiyu's brothers and sisters being domineering. She glanced at Wang Peining and said uncomfortably, "It's just because your father moved away. They are talking nonsense. Nonsense, just guessing, don't take it to heart, after a while, your dad will move back, and the rumors will naturally be self-defeating."

This is also the result of her thinking all afternoon, and she plans to call Han Ze at night. As long as he moves back and their family lives in harmony, others will naturally not believe those words, and the rumors will change.

Liu Mingda said dissatisfied: "Mom, what are you talking about? Do you know what Aunt Qu said?"

Hu Xialan frowned: "Isn't it just the rumors about Lao Han's harsh stepson and Han Feiyu's brothers and sisters?"

Liu Mingda took a deep breath, and said, "It would be great if this is the case."

Hu Xialan looked at his expression and thought deeply. Aunt Qu and her were used to being at odds. She might have said something to Lao Han today. She hurriedly asked, "What are the rumors?"

Liu Mingda said: "Except for Dad's salary, the Han family's assets are all pre-marital property rumors."


Hu Xialan's tone was very absolute, and she lost her voice: "I didn't go out and talk nonsense about this matter, how could they know?"

All of a sudden, she thought of the strangeness of Lao Han when he came back. Could it be that Lao Han said it? There is such a possibility, after all, he chatted with Aunt Qu in the morning. Him, how could he do this?

Liu Mingda looked at her, and said in a deep voice: "You didn't say how they know? Mom, I know you like to talk about family affairs with the sisters in the community, but what should be said and what should not be said, is in your heart. Is it out of line?"

Hu Xialan said in a low voice: "I didn't say it, it was Lao Han who said it."

Liu Mingda opened his eyes slightly, and he said suspiciously: "Dad hasn't come back yet, who is he talking to?"

Hu Xialan lowered her eyes, and said with reddened eyes: "He came back in the morning to give me living expenses. Aunt Qu talked to him, and you know that I don't get along with Aunt Qu, and I don't know what she said in front of Lao Han. Out of our house."

Liu Mingda sighed deeply, he knew that everything his mother did was for the benefit of their mother and son, but sometimes, when his mother talked about Han Feiyu and Han Shutao, he would have no scruples, how to belittle them, how to say. Mom, doesn't she know that some things, if you talk too much, it will not end well? Why didn't she think about it, because the image of him being frugal and frugal in Dad's heart was so realistic, didn't Dad even think about buying a wedding room for him?

"Mom, are you spreading the news about Han Feiyu and Han Shutao again?"

Hu Xialan was displeased by her son's questioning tone, she said: "I didn't say anything wrong with them, I just said they didn't like my cooking..."

Liu Mingda knows his mother's temperament best, and things are definitely not as simple as his mother said, so he tried to analyze to her: "Mom, Han Feiyu and Han Shutao have changed their tactics, and now they are sensible and filial good children in Dad's heart. If you talk about them outside, if those words reach Dad's ears, do you think Dad will refute, in order to refute their rumors, it is very possible to tell the real situation of our family."

Hu Xialan looked at her son in a daze, and she murmured: "So, it's because of me that your father told about the family affairs?"

Wang Peining whispered next to her: "Auntie, Uncle Han is not a talkative person. If he didn't hear it, he would be too angry. He would not tell the family affairs."

Hu Xialan pursed her lips tightly, and suddenly said without energy: "Let's just say it, anyway, Lao Han has nothing at the moment..."

"What's the meaning?"

Hu Xialan's demeanor made you Liu Mingda feel a sense of panic, he asked cautiously and apprehensively.

Hu Xialan had a helpless smile on her face. There was resentment and hatred in that smile. She gritted her teeth and said, "Old Han gave Han Feiyu and Han Shutao his house, stocks, and cash. Now he has nothing but salary." gone."

Liu Mingda looked at her in disbelief, his face was very ugly, and he asked gloomyly: "What you said is true?"

Hu Xialan nodded bitterly. After all, although Lao Han left the two cubs for more than ten years and didn't care much about them, he still had a loving father's heart for them. After all, they were his own children.

Liu Mingda fell to the ground, Wang Peining was taken aback, she quickly pulled him up, Liu Mingda pulled the corner of his mouth at him, and said, "I'm fine."

Wang Peining sighed, and pulled him to sit on the sofa. Liu Mingda felt that he was in a daze. He laughed at himself: "After all, Dad still prefers his own child!"

Wang Peining didn't want her boyfriend to be so decadent, and was even more worried that he would give up on himself because of this. She persuaded: "Mingda, how has Uncle Han treated you all these years? Don't you know?"

She also wanted the Han family's house and money, and tried to figure it out, but she didn't expect that in the end, she accelerated Uncle Han to give the family things to his own children. Now, Uncle Han has nothing left, and they have no choice but to admit it. Without those things, it doesn't mean they can't live on. The combined salary of her and Mingda is 20,000 to 30,000 a month, which is enough for them to gain a foothold in this city.

Liu Mingda smiled stiffly, and said, "No matter how good you are to me, it can't be as good as your own."

Wang Peining looked at Hu Xialan standing there, and she couldn't help complaining: "Who told you to be that frugal image in front of Uncle Han? Uncle Han thought you were rich, so how could you think of leaving things to you?" ?”

So many things have happened, she is a fool if she hasn't figured out what Hu Xialan and her boyfriend are like. However, although they were calculating, they treated her well. She doesn't want to fuss too much.

Liu Mingda froze, but he still insisted: "Don't say I don't have money, even if I have money, if Dad really treats me as his own, he won't give me nothing. After all, I'm not his own." of."

Wang Peining knew that her boyfriend had got into a dead end, so she frowned and said, "But your surname is indeed not Han. The house and money of the Han family belonged to Uncle Han before his marriage, and some of those things were inherited by Uncle Han from Grandpa Han. Do you think Grandpa Han Will you give your own things to people with a foreign surname? Would you like to change it to you?"

When she said that, it didn't mean she was willing, but no matter how unwilling she was, there was nothing she could do. She could only comfort herself that those things didn't belong to them in the first place, and if they were gone, they would be gone.

Liu Mingda didn't speak. Hu Xialan glared at Wang Peining unhappily, and she said, "Peining, you are Mingda's girlfriend, which side are you on?"

Liu Mingda looked at Wang Peining hesitantly, and said, "Peining, that's not what you told me before."

Wang Peining sighed, and she said slowly: "But, I don't think so, what can we do? Can you change Uncle Han's mind?"

Liu Mingda shook his head. It might be easy to change Dad's mind before, but now Dad may be suspicious of his mother, and it is very difficult for his mother to convince him.

Wang Peining said again: "Even if you can change Uncle Han's mind, his things have already been transferred to Han Feiyu and Han Shutao, do you think they will give them to you?"

Liu Mingda shook his head without thinking about it, those two brothers and sisters hated them to death, how could they pass the things they got to them.

Wang Peining spread her hands: "Isn't that enough? Since we can't get those things no matter what, we simply don't care about them anymore and live an honest life, isn't it all right? Our wages are higher than most people's. Gao, there is no need to underestimate yourself. Uncle Han is right in saying that everything depends on your parents, and it is difficult to stand up. Everything depends on yourself, and you will not be in a hurry when you encounter major problems in the future. Han Feiyu and Han Shutao rely on Uncle Han for everything. It may not be good, let's wait and see."

Liu Mingda smiled bitterly: "You can figure it out."

His girlfriend's open-mindedness made him seem narrow-minded. But he was not reconciled. He called Han Ze his father for more than ten years, courted him for more than ten years, and calculated for more than ten years. In the end, he got nothing.

Wang Peining shrugged: "What can I do if I can't figure it out? Isn't life over?"

Hu Xialan was extremely dissatisfied with Wang Peining today, she said: "It didn't happen to you, but you don't feel back pain when you stand and talk."

Wang Peining is also on fire. After all, it's not that Mingda's mother has no skills. If she is really capable, how can Uncle Han doubt her gentleness and virtuousness? If Uncle Han doesn't doubt her, he won't move out. Not to mention transferring the house and stocks to Han Feiyu and Han Shutao's names so quickly.

She said: "Auntie, what do you say? Can you still make trouble with Uncle Han? You must know that the house we live in now is no longer owned by Uncle Han, and it is very noisy. Do you think the Han Feiyu brothers and sisters will?" kick us out?"

Hu Xialan said sharply: "They dare."

Wang Peining said in a matter-of-fact manner: "Auntie, if you really make trouble, Uncle Han has seen your true face, and they really dare to kick you out, Uncle Han will not say anything."

"What is my true face?"

Hu Xialan was stepped on a sore spot, and she asked with red eyes, "Tell me, what is my true face?"

Hu Xialan thought of how she tried to make delicious food for Wang Peining every day, but she didn't expect that she would say that to her. She hasn't entered the house yet, and if she really gets married in the future, will she still have a good life? Old Han was right to be worried, Wang Peining had a bad temper and would definitely bully her in the future.

Wang Peining also knew that what she said just now was inappropriate, so she hung her head and said nothing.

Hu Xialan was so angry that she didn't intend to let her go. She pointed at her and said, "I am an old mother at home every day, serving you, washing clothes and cooking for you, but I didn't expect to wait for a white-eyed wolf to come out. Old Han always thinks you are squeamish." , In the future, he will bully me when he enters the door. I still don’t believe it. Now it seems that Lao Han is right. Before entering the door, he started to blame me, the future mother-in-law. I can still work now. If I can’t do anything , are you going to kick me out? I can't afford such a daughter-in-law. "

Wang Peining's eyes were red, she stood up with a bag in her hand, she looked at Liu Mingda with tears in her eyes, and said, "Mingda, I will rent the house back tonight."

After speaking, he took his bag and opened the door and left.

Liu Mingda came to his senses and wanted to chase her, but was stopped by Hu Xialan. She said angrily: "Don't chase her. She's used to it."

Liu Mingda looked at her impatiently, and complained: "Mom, Pei Ning is also for our own good, don't you think those words are too much?"

Hu Xialan looked at him in disbelief: "Are you blaming me?"

Liu Mingda rubbed the center of his eyebrows with a headache, and he said: "Mom, if Pei Ning was a white-eyed wolf, she would break up with me when she knew that Dad would not prepare a wedding room for me. She didn't, and suggested that we both pool money to buy a house. Although she I have a little temper, but most of the girls nowadays are raised by their parents, who has no temper? There is nothing wrong with it, it's fine, you really shouldn't say that about her. "

He glanced at Hu Xialan, and sighed: "Pei Ning ran out alone, I don't worry, I will go after her, and I may not come back at night. You stay at home alone and lock the door."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

Hu Xialan looked at the figure of her son leaving, and couldn't help crying in a low voice anymore, because of the unfilial thing that her daughter-in-law forgot her mother. Fortunately, she still has Ming Kai, otherwise, wouldn't she be helpless when she gets old?

Thinking of this, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Ming Kai's number. The call got through, but no one answered for a long time. She was worried and lost, and didn't know why Ming Kai didn't answer her call, and hung up the phone. She took out a piece of paper to wipe away her tears, panicked, looked at her phone, couldn't help it, and dialed Han Ze's phone call.

Han Ze had just finished dinner when the phone rang. Seeing that it was Hu Xialan, he answered the phone and said hello.

Hu Xialan heard Han Ze's voice and started crying again. She realized that she was nothing without Lao Han. She even offended her son and daughter-in-law. She choked up and said, "Old Han, when will you move back?"

Han Ze frowned and asked, "Why are you crying?"

Hu Xialan wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, and said hoarsely, "I can't do anything well if you're not at home."

Han Ze raised his eyebrows, "What happened?"

"Pei Ning despises me."

There was a cry in Hu Xialan's voice.

Han Ze's hand holding the phone paused, but he didn't speak.

In his previous life, Yuan had given all his family's belongings to his two step-children, and Han Feiyu and Han Shutao's brothers and sisters had cut off contact with him.

After Hu Xialan's ex-husband was released from prison, he had nowhere to go. Liu Mingda and Liu Mingkai couldn't bear the heart of their biological father, who was old and homeless, so they took him back home. Liu Bingshen couldn't get used to the original body. During the dispute, they pushed the original body down from the stairs. , fell into paralysis.

After Hu Xialan's mother and son knew the truth, they just said a few words to Liu Bingshen and did nothing. After the original body was paralyzed, Hu Xialan's mother and son took care of him for a while, and then they began to dislike him. When they got busy, they often forgot to feed him.

Later, Wang Peining gave birth in the hospital. In order to take care of Wang Peining, Hu Xialan ran between the hospital and the house, forgetting about him. For four or five days, he didn't get a grain of food or a sip of water. It turned out that he was starved to death afterwards.

Thinking of this, Han Ze asked in a low voice, "Why does Pei Ning despise you?"

From the original memory, I know that the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been very harmonious. Now there is a dispute?

Hu Xialan cried: "I have no culture, I don't know how to speak, Pei Ning may think that my words are not very pleasant, so she dislikes me and let them take care of them, she left in a fit of anger, Mingda also went after her, I am the only one at home. …”

Han Ze asked: "What did you say? I'll analyze it for you and see why Pei Ning is angry with you."

Hu Xialan faltered: "I didn't say anything, I don't know why she was angry."

Han Ze sighed slightly, and he said: "Pei Ning may have a little temper, as you said, she is a college student, her parents are still teachers, she is definitely a reasonable girl, she will not get angry for no reason, unless you say What about her, otherwise she won't be angry with you."

Hu Xialan argued strongly: "I really didn't say anything, you also know that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are natural enemies..."

Han Ze is funny, this woman tries to blackmail anyone she doesn't like, what is she trying to do now? Could it be that because Wang Peining quarreled with her, did he want to change Liu Mingda's partner?

He was a little impatient: "Xia Lan, Pei Ning is a junior. It's okay for young people to have a little temper. As long as she is reasonable and willing to live a good life with Mingda, let's not ask too much. You are just her mother-in-law, not her mother. Pay attention to your tone. You did a good job in the past, why is it not working now? Or is it that you are so hot-tempered at first?"

Hu Xialan panicked, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly said: "Old Han, don't you know my personality? When have I ever blushed with someone?"

Han Ze said expressionlessly: "You may not have blush with anyone before, but during this period of time, you quarreled with Aunt Chen once, and now you quarreled with your future daughter-in-law that you like very much. The rumors about me and the children, they said that you also spread it, true and false, I don’t understand what kind of character you are..."

Hu Xialan's heart trembled, Lao Han really suspected her, no, maybe he had suspected her since she quarreled with Aunt Chen, otherwise he wouldn't have given his house and stocks to Han Feiyu and Han Shutao so quickly, thinking of this, she tried He asked, "Old Han, are you doubting me?"

Han Ze smiled wryly, "Xia Lan, do you know why I transferred the house and shares to Feiyu and Shu Tao so quickly?"

Hu Xialan was worried, but didn't ask, she didn't think that reason was what she wanted to hear.

Han Ze didn't care if she wanted to hear it or not, he said bluntly: "Although I told Feiyu and Shu Tao that you are gentle and virtuous, open-minded, and don't expect extravagant things that don't belong to you, otherwise you wouldn't let Mingda save money to buy a house. But seeing you and Aunt Chen quarrel over every detail, I have doubts in my heart. I want to convince myself that I have not believed in the wrong person for so many years, and I also want to prove that you are really a gentle, gracious, reasonable, and understanding woman, so I I gave Feiyu and Shu Tao all the things at home, and I want to see your reaction..."

With a bang, Hu Xialan felt that something was broken, and she asked in a daze, "Did you see anything?"

Han Ze squeezed his phone and remained silent for a long time.

Han Feiyu and Han Shutao next to him had been listening to him with their ears upright. It turned out that their old man was suspicious of Hu Xialan at that time, and they even gave them the house to test her. That would make sense, but the cost would be too high.

Han Ze didn't say a word, Hu Xialan seemed to be angry with herself, and asked again: "Did you see anything?"

Han Ze didn't speak. After a while, he said without emotion, "Let's get a divorce."

The words of divorce also showed that he had seen her true face.

Hu Xialan's face changed drastically: "Don't think about it."

After finishing speaking, before Han Ze could respond, he hung up the phone.

Han Ze looked at the phone in a daze, Han Feiyu and Han Shutao looked at each other, Han Shutao looked at his own old man, sighed and shook his head, the old man ignored their brothers and sisters for more than ten years, they blame him, think about him being cheated by Hu Xialan's mother and son For more than ten years, without knowing it, I feel pitiful for him. Really poor people must have something to hate.

After all, it was her biological father. Looking at him like this, she couldn't bear it, and comforted her: "Dad, think about it, you still have me and brother."

Han Ze glanced at them, put his mobile phone on the coffee table, leaned on the sofa, and said with a wry smile, "Shu Tao, you are right. Dad is just a silly old man. He has been deceived for more than ten years."

Han Shutao said: "Dad, if you think about it this way, she only lied to you for more than ten years. At least you haven't been fooled by her all your life. Besides, although she has lied to you for more than ten years, she has taken care of you for more than ten years. After taking care of you for more than ten years, you raised her children and sent her children to school, and you did not treat her badly."

Han Ze lowered his head and said nothing.

Han Feiyu asked, "Dad, are you really planning to divorce Hu Xialan?"

Han Ze raised his eyes, a little bit reluctant: "After coming back this afternoon, I have thought about it a lot. For so many years, it must be a lie to say that I have no feelings, but since I know she lied to me, I can no longer get along with her. So Procrastination is not an option, divorce is good for everyone, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, she is still young, after divorce, she may be able to find a better one."

Han Feiyu and Han Shutao looked at each other, and Han Feiyu asked: "She lied to you, don't you hate her?"

Han Ze lost his energy and shook his head, "I only hate myself for being blind and not knowing people clearly."

Han Feiyu said: "You can figure it out. No matter what you do, Shu Tao and I will support you."

Han Ze was pleased: "Fortunately, you are here."


Hu Xialan hung up the phone in a daze, and then called Liu Mingda again. She said resentfully: "Mingda, it's Wang Peining's fault that your father wants to divorce me. If she doesn't make trouble with me and walk away in anger, I won't call your dad either, and your dad won't divorce me either."

Liu Mingda frowned. He suspected that he had heard wrong, and asked, "Why did Dad propose to divorce you? What did you say?"

Hu Xialan cried and said: "Your father knew that I lied to him, and he blamed Wang Peining for divorcing me. If it hadn't been for her bad idea to make me pretend to be sick, how could your father have thought of inviting auntie? I don't want to quarrel with auntie. How could he move out because he doubted me? And to test me, he gave his house and shares to those two bastards? Now it's because she quarreled with me, and your father is determined to divorce me... ..”

Liu Mingda said weakly: "Mom, you stay calm and calm. These things that have nothing to do with Pei Ning, Dad said to divorce you, or is he just angry?"

Hu Xialan shook her head, choked and said, "I know Lao Han. He is more serious and cool. At first, he thought that if those two cubs didn't listen to him and played against him, he could ignore them. Now he Knowing that I lied to him, he will definitely divorce me."

Liu Mingda actually knew his stepfather, he said helplessly: "Dad has nothing now, divorce is actually nothing."

What he said was the truth. His stepfather gave everything to his own children, and he only had a retirement salary of more than 4,000 yuan a month. What is the money enough for? He may not have enough money himself, so how can he subsidize him? Since he proposed a divorce, let's just get a divorce and save him from having to provide for his stepfather in the future.

Hu Xialan yelled in disbelief: "What sarcastic words are you talking about? I'm getting old, what should I do if I get divorced?"

Liu Mingda said expressionlessly: "You are only in your fifties. After divorce, if you want to remarry, I have no objection."

Hu Xialan shouted in astonishment: "Liu Mingda, you are also a white-eyed wolf."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

She couldn't believe it, that was what her son said, and he actually urged her to divorce. She divorced at an early age, wouldn't others laugh at her?

Besides, if she doesn't get a divorce, she can still live in this house. After the divorce, she has nothing. Where does she live?

Determined not to divorce.

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