MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 97 Sick Dad 8(2)

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Is the Yue family eating? Why did it suddenly say that the daughter-in-law harmed the brother-in-law, but why did the daughter-in-law harm the brother-in-law? The two are brothers and sisters, and there is no hatred or enmity. Why is she?

"Da Ya, why are you doing this?" He said bitterly. "You do this, do you know the consequences? Have you ever thought about the child and me?"

Looking at the man's extremely disappointed face, Han Daya finally panicked. She doesn't need to care about her natal family, but she can't let the man go.

The purpose of her rebirth is to change the fate of her family. If he knows what she has done, can he still treat her like before?

"His father, I don't." Apart from this, she didn't know what to say.

Brother-in-law Wang looked at her disappointedly: "Now you still don't want to admit it?"

"You trust me. I didn't do those things." Han Daya took a step forward and hurriedly grabbed his arm.

Brother-in-law Wang lowered her head and said in a low tone, "The evidence is there, I can't believe you."

Han Daya was stunned for a moment, and fell to the ground in a daze.

Han Youtian looked at her with no energy, and said, "No matter why you want to harm Han Ze, just pretend that I don't have you as a daughter. You go away."

Han Daya looked up at him abruptly, and laughed wildly, "For the sake of your son, you abandoned me again. What are you talking about about your daughter, I think I just picked it up."

Mrs. Han said bitterly: "I really hope that you were not born by me, but picked up. How could I give birth to such a wolf-hearted thing like you? Which of your three younger brothers is as vicious as you? Even your own brother will be killed?"

Now that they decided that she was the one who harmed Han Ze, Han Daya had nothing to say. She broke the jar and said, "That's because you never regarded me as a daughter. Everything is for Han Ze, but whatever I do is not good for you." I'm definitely the one who gets scolded about him."

Mrs. Han thought she was very kind to her only daughter, but she never thought that she would still get her resentment, and even resented her younger brother. She couldn't believe it was his daughter.

Daya Han wanted to say something, but Han Youtian didn't want to listen to her. He waved his hand and said, "Go, go. Just pretend that I didn't give birth to you as a girl."

Brother-in-law Wang called Dad, Han Youtian waved his hands again, and said sadly: "You guys go away. I won't pursue what Daya did, but she is no longer my daughter."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Han Ze and asked, "Dad, do you have any objection to doing this?"

Han Ze smiled, with a bit of helplessness on his face. So what if there are opinions? He has already spoken, what else can he say? I could only say: "No matter what the elder sister did to harm me, for the sake of my parents, I don't need to pursue her, but this elder sister, I will not recognize her again. Let's treat this sister-brother relationship as a whole."

Doctor Wang dragged his dumb son away without saying a word. In his opinion, his mother-in-law treated his daughter-in-law very well, but he didn't understand why the daughter-in-law had such a big resentment towards her mother's family? Resentment to the point of harming his own brother, such a daughter-in-law would be a disaster to the family.

Living with such a daughter-in-law, he was afraid that one day he would be killed by her if he didn't pay attention, and he didn't know how to die.

Looking at the back of her father-in-law and the man leaving, Han Daya collapsed on the ground, crying silently.

Wang Caiwei looked at her with no sympathy at all. She hurt her husband, so what right did she have to cry? They should be crying.

The Zheng family and the Wu family sighed endlessly, harming others and themselves, why bother? They just clearly saw that Dr. Wang looked at the eldest sister with wrong eyes. Maybe he will let the eldest brother-in-law divorce the eldest sister, too, who would want such a vicious daughter-in-law?

It's really self-inflicted.

Her natal family didn't want her, and if she was abandoned by her husband's family, they shook their heads. As a woman, I really dare not think about that day.

Han Youtian glanced at Han Daya blankly, and said, "Erlang, send her out. Our family temple is small and cannot accommodate her big Buddha."

Han Daya stood up abruptly, and said indifferently, "No, I have legs, and I can walk by myself."

Without looking at them after speaking, he turned around and strode away.

The whole family looked at her back and didn't speak.

Suddenly, Mrs. Han collapsed on the recliner, "What the **** did I do to give birth to such a thing?"

Han Youtian said in a muffled voice, "The child's heart is broken, how can I blame you?"

Han Ze and Wang Caiwei looked at each other. At this moment, they didn't know how to persuade their parents.