MTL - Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant-Chapter 564 season finale

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   Chapter 564 Finale

   How powerful a person is depends entirely on how far-reaching his vision is and how neat and swift his wrists are.

   For example, Tang Jinchuan.

   is probably because he knows his mother too well.

   So that after establishing a relationship with Jiang Mingyu, he has already started to prepare the way for the two of them.


   is amazing.

   Among them, Bai Qihui, who was severely attacked by Tang Jinchuan's reorganized company, was naturally included.

   Looking at the arrogant man standing in front of him, with a strong and domineering look in his eyes, Bai Qihui finally sighed fiercely, took a step back and said,

   "Okay, if I lose, I'll leave now."

   After he finished speaking, he gave Tang Jinchuan a deep look and turned to leave.

   Before he took a step, he heard Tang Jinchuan speak slowly and said in a low voice,

   "Mr. Bai, wait a moment, our Mingyu, there is still more to say."

  Jiang Mingyu heard the words and looked at Tang Jinchuan, but saw the other party nodded clearly and said,

   "Go and do what you want."

   "You all know?"

   "Well, we all know that, so let's go."

  Tang Jinchuan smiled tenderly.

  When he treats Jiang Mingyu, he seems to never care about the time and place, and always insists on releasing all his tenderness.

   Jiang Mingyu is extremely useful.

   Resisting the surging emotion in his heart, Jiang Mingyu raised his head and looked at Bai Qihui again.

   At this time, Bai Qihui had completely blackened his face.

   only had a slight upper hand at the beginning, but only for a little while. After that, he was completely locked up by these people and became an attack target.

   Now it is difficult to even escape.

  Really, there is nowhere to vent the anger that is so full.

  If it wasn't for that little bastard, if it wasn't for that little bastard, why would he bother to go this far.

   "Bai Zong,"

   At this time, Jiang Mingyu gave a cold cry from President Bai, pulling back Bai Qihui's thoughts.

   He looked at the woman standing in front of him, there was no arrogance and arrogance, only the calmness and the warmth and safety of being pampered.

   is true, a woman who is loved by thousands of people.

  ‘Maybe, it should be pampered. ’

  Bai Qihui thought of a certain little animal, and his heart moved.

   Looking at Mr. Bai, who had lost his mind again and didn't know where his mind was drifting, Jiang Mingyu was a little dumbfounded.

   had no choice but to cough and continue,

   "Cough, this is the end of the matter, I hope Bai can always agree to a condition for me."

"you say."

  Bai Qihui completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking, and his whole person suddenly showed a bit of failure.

   He looked at Jiang Mingyu with his hands in his pockets, and said again,

   "As long as it doesn't kill Bai, I can consider it."

   "I hope Mr. Bai can give me someone."


   "Chen Ke."


   Bai Qihui's expression suddenly became stagnant.

  Chen Ke, the crazy woman, is his deepest hidden line.

  I don't know where Jiang Mingyu knew this.

   At this moment, the assistant standing beside Bai Qihui suddenly leaned over and said a few words.

   After that, Bai Qihui's complexion changed again, he closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and after a few seconds he raised his head again and said,

   "Okay, it's yours."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left here with great strides.

   And Jiang Mingyu thought that after parting with Bai Qihui this time, there would be no need or possibility to meet again.

   But she never imagined that when we met again, it would be like that.

   A scene.

   Of course, those are all for later.

   Now, after getting Bai Qihui's nod and agreement, a stone in Jiang Mingyu's heart finally fell.

   This moment, this moment, this minute, this second, her real goal

Has been completed.


   After Bai Qihui left, several shareholders who colluded with him were also taken away by the bodyguards of the Nangong family, and they were directly pressed back to Nangong Island.

   There, the Nangong Patriarch was waiting for them.

   And this side

   After the brief conflict ended, the scene resumed with enthusiasm.

   Naturally, no one dared to say anything.

   While everyone was chatting with each other to calm the surprise in their hearts, Jiang Mingyu was also on this side and met many unexpected people.

   At that time, looking at the people standing in front of him, even though he was used to seeing big scenes and experienced many storms, Jiang Mingyu's eyes were red, and he covered his mouth excitedly.

   "Ming Yu, don't be like this, aren't we all here?"

   The first person who came over was his best friend Wei Xin.

After    hugged Jiang Mingyu's arm affectionately, she gently wiped away the tears that had hung on the corners of her lips.

   Since accompanying Qiu Xiao to recover, she left her company and finally flew abroad with Qiu Xiao.

   After seeing Jiang Mingyu so excited, Wei Xin started to cry after barely saying a word at first.

   The unsatisfactory appearance of these two people is really worrying, Feng Wanlu, the queen of the big movie, couldn't help it and walked to the other side of Jiang Mingyu,

   "Can you two do it? It's just like this when we first met. It's not ashamed."

   When the words fell, he still reached out his hand and wiped tears for the two of them.

   Two years ago, not long after Jiang Mingyu left here, Feng Wanlu and You Shiqing also went to settle abroad.

   The same thing as Tang Jinchuan is that You Shiqing also took the step back and gave the company to Mu Jingchi, but in fact, he just retreated behind the scenes.

   The two men were like this, just to avoid Madam Tang's entanglement and design.

   But now that the Tang family has begun to decline, everything no longer needs to be hidden.

   All of them are stronger than before, and their strengths have already stood at the top of the pyramid in different fields.

   is beyond compare.

   Right now, Tang Jinchuan, Qiu Xiao, and You Shiqing are standing opposite each other, looking at the three women hugging each other with the same doting and doting in their eyes.

  Fortunately, no matter how long time has passed and how many hardships they have experienced, what they love is always there.

   Affectionate, gentle.

  This life can finally be completed until it ends.

   There will be a sideshow tomorrow.

   All the extras you want are available.



   (end of this chapter)