MTL - Almighty Summoner-Chapter 7 Popular name

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Back in the game hall, Zhang Lin did not enter the game again, but borrowed Li Xinran's computer to check some information on the fifteenth level dungeon.

Although Zhang Lin had been playing online games for half a year, it was a long time ago, and his impressions were blurred. However, when he clicked on the official forum of Shengguang, he was attracted by a theme post, which also reminded him of an important thing in vain.

"Damn, how could you forget this mission!"

This post discusses a quest chain, Legend of Heroes.

Legend of Heroes is really a legend for every Light player because it's so hard.

The Legend of Heroes is a single-player quest that can be picked up at level 15, and can be reconnected after failing before level 30. There is no time limit for completion. That is to say, the tasks you take at level 15 can also be done at level 70, but the difficulty changes with the level, and it is unique. The task can be accepted by multiple people at the same time, but as long as one person completes the last link of the task, the task will be automatically canceled regardless of the progress of other players.

Since the operation of Shengguang, only one person in the six new districts has completed this task chain, and that was last year, that is, what happened in the sixth district. At that time, the entire professional league was a sensation and attracted widespread attention.

The final reward of the quest chain is a hero medal. Although I don’t know the specific attributes, it is officially declared that it is a super powerful piece of equipment, and it may even affect the pattern of the professional alliance.

As soon as the news came out, the major clubs threw olive branches to the lucky guy, and was finally accepted by the champion team Chiyang with a lot of money. This year, he should be able to appear on the stage of the professional league.

Faced with such a life-changing task, people in the new district are crazy about it, but still no one can complete the first ring.

The post is very popular, and there are endless people who follow it below, all of them are talking about their own failures, and they are suffering. In fact, Zhang Lin had done this task in the first district before, but unfortunately he couldn't even make it through the first ring.

After he entered the professional league, this matter was forgotten. It wasn't until last year that he was able to pick up his memory again, but he didn't take it seriously. Anyway, he didn't have the opportunity to do this task again.

Even if he was killed below level 30 in the old area, he would not transfer to the new area. Someone had tried this before, and Zhang Lin's Mu Linsen would not have this chance.

According to people familiar with the matter, the higher the level of the quest chain in The Legend of Heroes, the more difficult it is to complete, so each link is best done at the minimum required level. If it exceeds one level, you will lose a glimmer of hope.

Level 15 is the best time to do the first ring task.

Of course, even if you are over level 15, if you have the heart to do this quest, you can drop the level back to level 15 by dying, but it's a waste of experience gained from hard leveling, and it doesn't count.

Zhang Lin happens to be level 15 now. If he doesn't do it at this time, when will he wait?

Impatiently returned to the room, put on his helmet, and Zhang Lin entered the game.

But after entering the game, he realized a problem, the equipment on his body is a bit poor. He didn't have much confidence in doing the Legend of Heroes mission with this equipment.

How to do? To play equipment? Zhang Lin really doesn't have the patience. He doesn't know when he will be able to get a good set of equipment, and he must be more than level 15 by then. Can't he kill himself and come back?

Zhang Lin thought about it for a while, only to take some shortcuts and smash other people's equipment.

If you want to efficiently display the equipment on the player, the best choice is undoubtedly the popular name. Although everyone is generally not high-level now, many players enjoy this kind of PK, and the popular name is not uncommon.

Zhang Lin immediately sent a message to Kuangcao Yizhuxiang: "Dude, do me a favor."

"It's you, the master! If you need anything, just open your mouth and bring me with you next time."

"That's fine." Zhang Lin agreed. "You shout in your guild and see where there is a red name."

"Red name? There are a lot of them in our guild. They can't go back to the city, so they get together to brush monsters and level up."

Zhang Lin was overjoyed: "Great, where are they leveling?"

"What about tree frogs in the twilight jungle, why are you looking for a red name?"

"Ask them to borrow some equipment."

"Oh... ah?!" Kuangcao Yizhuxiang didn't react at first, but then became shocked: "You mean to smash their equipment? No, you can't go!"

"Don't worry, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Zhang Lin comforted him.

The mad grass is about to cry, am I worried about you?

Zhang Lin was also introduced to join the guild before, but Zhang Lin was going to destroy the equipment of the guild members in a blink of an eye. What is this called? At that time, let alone join the guild, it would be good not to be blacklisted by the guild to hunt down and kill. After that, what position would he take to follow Zhang Lin to dungeon?

"How about, let's discuss it again?" Kuangcao Yizhuxiang said.

"Discuss what?"

"Don't go, okay?"

"No, I need equipment." Zhang Lin denied.

"Isn't it just equipment? I'll go talk to our boss and ask him to give you a set."

Crazy Grass and a stick of incense clapped the board, and immediately contacted the president of the Brotherhood Guild, Qinxiang Taotao.

"Boss, introduce a master to you."

After a long time, Qinxiang Taotao replied: "Master? How tall?"

"It's very high. Even though he's only level 15, he can play 5-player dungeons with 2 people at level 11. Do you think he's high?" Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, Kuangcao Yizhuxiang believes that Zhang Lin has this ability. .

"It's so powerful? Well, let him come to me to join the club." Qinxiang Taotao said casually.

"But he needs a set of equipment, boss, get a set for him at will."

"What are you kidding? I didn't make any contribution to the guild, and I still want to send equipment? How can it be so cheap?" Qinxiang Taotao was not happy, and she sent equipment as soon as she joined the guild. No one in the guild has ever had this kind of experience. kind of treatment. Even if that person is really a master, what will happen if the equipment is returned and returned?

"Boss, if you don't give him the equipment, he will go to the sunset jungle to find trouble with our third elite team. Multiple enemies are not as good as multiple friends. It's only level 15 equipment." Kusao Yizhuxiang is still trying to persuade.

"What is this? Is it a threat?" Qinxiang Taotao snorted coldly. "Don't laugh at the equipment of our elite team. You tell him, I will support him and see how he dies."

The mad grass Yizhuxiang sighed, and it seemed that there was no hope. Of course, he also believed that Zhang Lin couldn't make the guild's third elite team. Although the third elite team was only level 20 on average, they were all fierce guys. And with ten people getting together, it was almost impossible for Zhang Lin to force their equipment.

It's just a pity that he can no longer go to the copy.

"Our boss said that we won't stop you from storming your equipment." A stick of incense from the wild grass sent Zhang Lin a message.

"Oh, then I'm welcome, thank him for helping me."

Mad Grass Yizhuxiang rolled his eyes and closed the message window in front of him.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Lin first went to the city to buy some potions, and then rushed to the Twilight Jungle excitedly.

Twilight Jungle is a level 15-25 leveling area, and the outermost area is a gathering place for tree frogs. Although these little guys have strong attack, their defense is very weak. Under the circumstance that there are priests, they can be used for leveling. Very good choice.

Zhang Lin quickly found this ten-member team. In addition to the pastor, there were two people with yellow names and only seven people with red names. And the equipment on each of these people is very dazzling, almost all blue equipment, and even a lot of pink equipment, Zhang Lin is drooling, these are big fat sheep.

"Well, it's quite a tacit understanding."

Zhang Lin noticed that the skills of these people are not bad among players. Although it may be the first time to play Shengguang, they obviously have some online game background, and they play well together, which makes Zhang Lin also feel some pressure.

He originally wanted to rush out and start a killing spree, but now it seems that it is not so easy.

Or look at it again, and look for opportunities.

Zhang Lin followed him all the way, and soon an hour passed. Just when Zhang Lin was waiting impatiently, he suddenly heard the knights in the team shout: "Elite monster!"

Sure enough, in front of their team, there was a tree frog that was obviously a circle bigger than the ordinary monster, and the color was also different. It was golden, and it was indeed an elite monster.

Elite monsters are not bosses, but some are even harder to fight than bosses, and there is a chance of getting good equipment. Naturally, they will not let go of elite monsters.

The team quickly divided the labor, and the two knights stepped up, the melee class assisted in the card position, and the long-range class did not move, waiting for the hatred to stabilize. Everything is in order and looks very skilled.

"The attack is so strong!"

Monsters like tree frogs are strong on offense and weak on defense, not to mention elite monsters. But although the defense is weak, the HP of the elite monster is far from being comparable to that of ordinary mobs, and it will take a long time to kill it.

The blood of the two knights was dropping a little quickly, and the priest was struggling to draw blood. He could only rely on other melee classes to share some of the pressure of the knights, which made it easier. At the same time, the remote occupations also started to attack, and the situation quickly stabilized. If this continues, this elite monster will not be able to make any waves.

"The opportunity is here!"

Zhang Lin's eyes lit up, this elite monster appeared just in time, this is a godsend opportunity.

When a knight lost half of his blood, Zhang Lin rushed out of the bushes next to him, and a star bullet hit the priest.

The priest was about to draw blood for the knight, but he was suddenly attacked, and the singing was interrupted.

And he didn't react for a while, so he received Zhang Lin's dragon tooth again, and it was impossible for him to protect himself.

Only at this time did someone notice the situation here, and the two closest to them rushed to rescue and attacked Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin calmly summoned a goblin beside the priest, then turned to avoid the two who were rushing towards him, and went straight to the elite monster.

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