MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 400 jump off the building

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To change the situation, blood volume is an important factor. Otherwise, the pressure will be very high in such a situation. Even Zhang Lin is not sure. Because he cannot take risks, he cannot create some excellent opportunities. It is too conservative. Even if you can break through the action, it will cost a lot of time, and it will not benefit the overall situation at all.

I saw Zhang Lin slip behind the two city defense troops, shaking his hand and waving a white light, a very cute little white dragon floating in the air.

"What kind of stuff is that."

Everyone was stunned. They thought that Zhang Lin would summon some kind of baby, but what is this thing, is it a baby?

No one has seen it. Since the operation of Shengguang, Shenglong has appeared for the first time, whether in the field or in the game. Faced with this unfamiliar game that has never appeared before, everyone naturally finds it very novel and waits. Let's introduce it with explanation.

Every professional player's equipment will be registered for the record. Although this is only a competition, it is the last battle. There will inevitably be a team on both sides entering the next season of the professional league, and the record is inevitable.

Therefore, although Shenglong was also very unfamiliar to the two commentators, a piece of information was soon passed to them.

"Oh, this is a special skill called Summoning the Holy Dragon. It is a summoning spell. There is no doubt that the baby is the Holy Dragon. It looks very beautiful, but let's wait and see how powerful it is."

At most, the equipment will only show the name and vague concepts, and it is impossible to understand the players' bottom line.

But even if the explanation does not explain in detail, soon everyone will know the power of the holy dragon.

I saw that on the field, the cute and well-behaved little white dragon suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a ball of holy brilliance. Immediately, a white light descended from the sky and shrouded Zhang Lin's body.

"This is...healing."

Zhang Lin's blood volume is rising. It's not a healing technique, and it's not over yet. The little white dragon's movements didn't stop for a moment. All of them will bathe Zhang Lin in it.

Purify, restore (red light), soothe the mind (blue light)…

The audience was silent, this is too perverted, what is the difference between carrying a priest with you, and it seems that the little white dragon's magic attack is super strong, Zhang Lin's HP recovery is very fast, and soon Halfway through, it's still going up.

Still hiding this hand, where did it come from.

A lot of people have red eyes, how wonderful it would be if they too could have a baby like that.

After the accumulation of this period of time, the level of the holy dragon has been quite high, the attributes have been greatly improved in all directions, the duration is also long, and the singing time is greatly shortened, which has a very reliable practical value.

Even the commentary was not calm, and the frog said: "My dear, Zhang Lin is excellent in both melee and long-range attacks, and his coping ability is the Summoner's strength. Now he even has auxiliary abilities, which is really..."

Frog couldn't find words to describe his mood.

The professor swallowed his saliva, nodded and said, "Yes, he is simply an all-around warrior. Such a summoner has no shortcomings at all, and the operator is even the top **** of the alliance, and he is a monster at all."


Hearing the word of the commentary, many people felt the same way. Even the cloak gang couldn't help but nod their heads. The former Mu Linsen was already a monster in their eyes, but it was only outstanding in attack. That's it, but now Mumu looks much more balanced from this game.

From the description of this "monster" alone, Mumu is even worse than Mu Linsen.

In the field, the three assassins all vomited blood.

Your mother, they finally made this guy into blood. Although there was an accident, they did not give up and wanted to grind Zhang Lin to death here, but what is going on now, they summoned a priest baby, Their efforts were wasted at this moment, can they be any more shameless?

Unwilling, frustrated, all the negative emotions come straight from the bottom of my heart, and I can't stop it. This guy is simply a little strong, and it is impossible to beat him to death.

At this moment, they were all very aggressive, and their footsteps were no longer as flexible as before. At this moment, Zhang Lin suddenly resisted a move of the city defense army and grabbed an escape route. , using the surging of monsters to isolate Guangan from Laoqian.

"good chance."

Zhang Lin was overjoyed. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. He thought it would take a while. Now that there is such a space, time can be bought a little more. Bai Long also hurriedly flew behind him, not leaving an inch.

Get rid of two people, there is one more person, but this is no longer a problem for Zhang Lin.

"Go away."

Aiming at the passing general, Zhang Lin gave a loud roar, and his expression was very terrifying. The general was surprised when he pulled the car, and he moved his steps subconsciously.

He really got away.

Yang Mingchao in the Weiba lounge spit out a mouthful of old blood, which is too unacceptable. If the general doesn't let the car, maybe he can buy a little time for Kangan and Lao Qian to catch up, but this kid To be so obedient, what kind of thing is this.

In fact, it's not surprising. Zhang Lin was originally the captain of the general's car. The mental pressure caused by the superiors to the subordinates is not so easy to eliminate. Listening to a person's orders too much will form a subconscious habit. , no matter what that person says, the first reaction is to do it.

Especially if you are not mentally prepared.

Zhang Lin brought out the holy dragon, which made their minds chaotic all of a sudden. Negative emotions had already made them lose their calm. At this time, Zhang Lin rushed towards him like a god, and told the general to pull the car and get out of the way. I couldn't think of that much for a while, but just moved on instinct.

There was an uproar at the scene, and stars appeared in the eyes of Zhang Lin's fans.

Seeing Mu You, how domineering, this is the aura, the Great God is indeed the Great God, and he scared the opponent away with a single sentence. It seemed that the entire arena started to tremble because of Zhang Lin's roar.

But soon, the faces of the fans changed from admiration to doubt.

General Zhang Lin took the car around the sky, so he should run to the lower floor without a doubt, and he could rush out of the tower and get out of the restraint of these people. However, Zhang Lin suddenly turned around the stairs and rushed towards the window on the side. past.

"What does he want to do?"

Everyone looked at each other, including the three assassins on the fifth floor, completely ignorant of the purpose of Zhang Lin's position.

The next moment, Zhang Lin, who was rushing with his head down, didn't mean to stop at all. He ran faster and faster. When he reached the wall, he suddenly jumped up and hit the window with his shoulder.


Zhang Lin's body shattered the glass, rushed out of the tower, and disappeared out of the window.

The audience at the scene fainted a lot. This guy has a problem with his brain. This is completely suicide. There is no suspense. The three assassins on the field were also in a state of sluggishness. Forget it, I never thought that Zhang Lin would choose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to jump from a five-story tower without dying. Even a knight can only hang up and cannot survive.

Even with the help of skills, such as the teleportation of the elemental mage, or the tricks of the assassin's shadow attack, the falling force cannot be buffered, unless the shock is used by external factors, but in the air, what external force can be borrowed? This is simply not the case.

Zhang Lin's actions were incredible.

However, did Zhang Lin really commit suicide, of course not.

It is true that Zhang Lin doesn't need to care about the city defense troops by escaping from the stairs, but that would be too slow. Now he has to fight every second, jumping out of the window is the fastest shortcut.

Besides, Zhang Lin has other intentions.

At this time, Zhang Lin was in the air, his eyes did not look at his feet, but looked into the distance. In a certain area of ​​the city, the monsters seemed to have some abnormal movements, which seemed to be relatively chaotic, and it was obvious that someone was attracting the monsters.

"Ninth Street, it's still too late."

Although he only glanced at the information in the message column, with the words in his eyes and his own guesses, he could already know what the other team members were doing now. After all, he didn't need the details at all. You know, just know that in the current situation, the tower and the granary cannot be preserved, then the main hall must be preserved, otherwise, the only way to lose is.

Since the Weiba side can contain Ma Liner and others, from the time of receiving the previous news, the current granary must have been burned down, and the other side will definitely start rushing towards the main hall, but they don't know which way they will go.

And this must be determined, so it can only be observed by the human eye.

In the whole city, there are only two places where you can look down and watch, one is the main hall, and the other is the tower.

From the inside of the tower, you can't see the outside world. Even if there are windows, they are not transparent. You can only get a glimpse of it by breaking the windows. There is only one thing that makes people tangled. It is impossible to break the windows simply by attacking the windows in the building. , the tower is not designed to be a watchtower to watch the enemy, but if you commit suicide, you can smash the glass with your body, and the price is death. In that case, even if you get the information, you will be out of the game, useless. .

All professional players, including the audience, understood this, and they were puzzled by Zhang Lin's behavior.

But for Zhang Lin, Mochizuki has no one who can provide the necessary information. This is the only way for him to determine the direction of the opponent's army so that he can take countermeasures. As for the death by jumping off the building, he is not worried at all.

Whoever said that jumping off the building will definitely die, maybe it is the case for others, but Zhang Lin has the means to save his life.

Read The Duke's Passion