MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 402 field captain

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Zhang Lin led a group of monsters and rushed towards the Weiba team, his expression was very calm, and he didn't look like he was going to die.

Of course, no one thought he was courting death. If he really lay here, Mochizuki would have no hope at all. How could he be so stupid.

The Weiba team members were all looking forward to it. Such an opportunity could not be missed. No matter how awesome Zhang Lin was, it would be impossible to escape from under the eyes of the six of them.

"It must be killed, or where will our face be."

"He's dead and it's over."


The six of them drank together, and then released their skills at Zhang Lin with awe-inspiring murderous aura.

At this time, Zhang Lin finally had some changes on his face. It was a kind of perseverance. At the same time, a red light flashed on his body.

Various skills poured down and slammed into Zhang Lin's body. The scene was extremely shocking, and all the audience couldn't help but stand up. This was a decisive moment. As long as Zhang Lin fell, the battle was over. , no suspense.

Zhang Lin chose to resist, he had no intention of evading, and as a commoner professional, no matter how good the equipment on his body, he would definitely fail in the face of such an attack.

However, Zhang Lin is not fighting alone, he has helpers.

Swish swish.

Several beams of white light fell on Zhang Lin's body one after another, causing his blood bar to rise again. Although he was bathed in a hail of bullets, he was like a **** of war, unstoppable.

"what is that."

"It's the pastor baby I said before, it's too shameless."


Just like the old predecessors and others before, seeing this situation, the high morale of the Weiba six suddenly dropped, and a sense of horror rose in their hearts. Such a bang would not kill them, but it was an indescribable blow to their confidence. .

Zhang Lin's brows were furrowed, and he looked so imposing that the six of them didn't dare to look at him. The pressure created by this imposing manner and the blow of the holy dragon only made them feel that their legs were shaking.

In fact, although Shenglong's treatment is strong, it can't be sustained. The game will not design such a perverted baby, so if you continue to attack calmly, how can you not kill Zhang Lin, but they are already discouraged at this time, and the release of skills is not enough. Not coherent anymore.

For team cooperation attacks, even if one person is in a situation, there will be obvious gaps. It is even more worrying that these guys have no awareness of cooperation at this time, and the attack does not seem to be particular about it, it is very messy.

The corner of Zhang Lin's mouth evoked a smile. The captain who used to be the captain of Weiba for so many years was not in vain. He had already established prestige in the hearts of these team members. Even if they were rebellious, they would still be afraid in their hearts, so if Opposite is not a member of Weiba, if it is someone else, the result may be another matter.

The space was huge, and Zhang Lin didn't need to fight hard if he didn't endure it. He immediately took the Eight Immortals Steps and walked past a mad warrior in front of him as if he was drunk, and rushed straight into the formation.

"Stop him, don't let him come."

The pastor named Liang Xiu Qingfeng shouted loudly. The others at the back didn't feel so much pressure, and naturally they wouldn't be forced by Zhang Lin's momentum.

His idea was very simple. If Zhang Lin broke through the front line, it would not be so easy for the people in the back to block him. When the city defense troops swarmed in, how could they care about Zhang Lin, then this opportunity would also be missed.

But it was already too late. Zhang Lin's figure was elusive as he swayed with the Eight Immortals Steps. After the two melee moves failed to contain him, it was no longer possible to take advantage of the opportunity to rush to kill him. At this time, the city defense army attacked. has also arrived.

"whispering sound."

The melee in front spat into the ground, but did not turn to meet them, because they must not be restrained by this group of monsters, the primary purpose is to kill Zhang Lin, not to let Zhang Lin run away, as for these monsters, just let them go Bar.

"Don't let him run away, even if everyone loses here, he will be taken down."

The six of them don't care whether they cooperate or not. The rhythm has been disrupted just now, but there are so many of them that I can't believe that they can't kill a Summoner.

Immediately, the six of them assigned an elemental mage to kill the baby, and the remaining five were madly attacking Zhang Lin.

Even Zhang Lin felt the pressure from such an attack. Although he was still in a state of dominance, the Sacred Dragon couldn't help him. Under the attack of the Elemental Master, the Sacred Dragon simply couldn't spare time. Zhang Lin couldn't Continue to sell blood.

In this way, he can't rush unscrupulously, otherwise he will undoubtedly lie down, but fortunately there are only six people on the other side, and he will not be in a stiff state when he opens the hegemony body, and the remaining blood volume is still enough for him to support a while.

Of course, this so-called "one moment" was only a very short time. After all, he didn't have a long time to dominate the body, and if the hegemony body disappeared, it was impossible for him to rush out of the siege of six people.

At this time, Zhang Lin managed to hit a magic trick while dodging the two melee attacks. Then, he turned his footsteps, did not rush forward, but approached the priest, and at the same time picked out a round dance stick.

His idea was very simple. None of the six people in front of him opened the hegemonic body. If they could fall, then they would not be able to get rid of the city defense army that was chasing after him. He had the opportunity to get away and do what he wanted to do.

However, Zhang Lin's attack was already very concealed, but the priest seemed to have been guarding Zhang Lin for a long time, and ran away early, causing Zhang Lin's round dance stick to be unable to reach at all, so he made an empty move.

Not to mention, the others are even more like crazy. The originally disorderly attack also showed a pattern at this time. The three concentrated on Zhang Lin, and the skills of the other two were placed between Zhang Lin and the priest. It seems to be preventing Zhang Lin from chasing.

"Not so much."

Zhang Lin felt a little surprised. Even if the priest needed protection, he couldn't be so cautious. It was a bit too much.

"Could it be..."

Zhang Lin glanced at the expressions of the Weiba team members and found that they all seemed a little nervous. This nervousness was not because he was afraid that he would run away, but because he was worried. He turned to look at the pastor again, but saw the pastor running fast. Turning his face away, he didn't want to look at him, but the anxiety in those eyes still couldn't escape Zhang Lin's eyes.


Zhang Lin was pleasantly surprised. Although he thought deeper, these guys were probably acting, but based on Zhang Lin's understanding of them, it was absolutely impossible.

After getting along for so many years, he knew exactly who and what kind of personality they were. He knew what kind of **** they were pulling as soon as they shoved their butts. There is no doubt that they were really worried that Zhang Lin, who was in a state of dominance, would chase and kill the priest, even more than him. Escape is even more important, and there is only one possibility.

The captain is just a breeze.

Zhang Lin originally thought that Liang Sheng was the captain, and planned to escape to No. 16 Street (the only way to go to the main hall from No. 14 Street), but now he has given up this idea. If Qingfeng is really the captain, then Killing him Mochizuki also won, no matter if Liang Sheng and the others won the main hall, the result is the same.

In the past, the attacks of the Weiba members were very targeted, some attacked Zhang Lin, and some blocked his escape route, so Zhang Lin felt a lot of pressure, but now because of the empty round dance stick, the Everyone's attacks are very concentrated, so the sky will naturally appear.


Even if Liang Xiu Qingfeng was determined to be the captain, Zhang Lin couldn't take his life under the current circumstances. He couldn't do it.

The other party is so nervous about the priest, in addition to being the captain, it is also because Zhang Lin is in a state of dominance. If he kills the priest in a state of dominance, it is possible to succeed based on Zhang Lin's attack power, but this is only a powerful The other team members would think so, but Zhang Lin himself would not think so, because his hegemony time was too short.

The necklace on his neck has never been changed. It is still the one that Liu Bo gave him. Any equipment in the professional arena is better than his. Before the end of the hegemony, he wanted to kill the priest. impossible.

So if you want to achieve this goal, you must increase the containment of the Weiba players, and the city defense army at the end of the street has to use it.

Therefore, Zhang Lin didn't say a word, turned around and ran straight to the end of the street.

The unidentified audience was a little incomprehensible to the neat attack of the Weiba team, and they could not help but exclaim when they saw Zhang Lin rushing out of the encirclement by taking this opportunity.

In the tower before, three people could block Zhang Lin, but now Zhang Lin is attracting monsters to rush to No. 11 Street, and six people can't stop him, although the assassin has a professional advantage, and Zhang Lin also opened the hegemony at this time, The situation is different, but the contrast is really big, especially the spectators in the main seat are very dissatisfied.

"You six are too useless, you can't stop it like this."

"It wouldn't be intentional to release water. Now it's an opponent. That person is not from our team."

"Even if you want to win, you can't take it lightly, he is Zhang Lin."

The home audience thought that the six guys were too relaxed, which led to such a situation, but they didn't know that the six people on the field were also heavy in their hearts. After all, Zhang Lin broke through their siege, which really made them feel dull.

And since Zhang Lin has rushed out, it is impossible to block him again. Even if there is a strange blockage in front of him, there is no suspense to pass Zhang Lin's ability. How strong is the former captain, they all have deep impression.

"Let's leave him alone, there are too many monsters in front of us, and we are going to the rear."

The six of them all sighed. At this point, they had no choice but to give up. Since Zhang Lin brought monsters along the way, there were still a lot of them, but Zhang Lin gathered in a hurry behind them and couldn't stop them. How much time, it is completely possible to detour and move forward.

Unexpectedly, they just started to attack, but they only heard some voices coming from behind. When they turned around, they saw Zhang Lin came back, and also brought all the city defense troops he used to block the end of the street.

"What the **** is this guy thinking, is he really looking for death?"