MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 411 Li Yuanhong

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Although most of the monsters in the mountains and plains are just tree elves summoned by the druids, they cannot hold a large number.

And apart from these, Zhang Lin glanced over and could see at least four elite monsters. No wonder those people couldn't rush in. This is simply life-threatening.

However, there were a few scattered one-horned luans on the distant mountain as far as the line of sight could see. They did not come to the wrong place, but if they could not break through the encirclement of these druids, it would be impossible to approach the mountain.

"The guy who came in in front is really harmful, making the monsters so dense."

Zhang Lin gritted his teeth. If the Druids hadn't summoned the mobs, there would have been enough space to go to the one-horned Luan's refresh point, but now there were mobs everywhere, and there was no blind spot in the monster's line of sight. It was easier said than done.

Not to mention rushing, it would be difficult to even save his life. Although Zhang Lin was in a coquettish position, after all, there were too many monsters, and he really couldn't find a correct route.

And in a loss, he actually plunged into a pit and was surrounded.


In desperation, he could only use the straw man as a substitute and teleported out. Unexpectedly, he sold his life-saving skills only a moment after he came in. The situation was quite severe, and Zhang Lin had a feeling that death was approaching. .

"You have to leave, or you'll end up here."

Zhang Lin is not afraid of death, but although he is not wearing a divine suit, the weapon never leaves his body. After death, there is a certain chance that the weapon will be destroyed. If it disappears, he will go crazy.

Just then, a few more people came in.

Zhang Lin was overjoyed when he saw it, this was really a savior, without saying a word, at the same moment when he finished singing the skill, his body jumped out towards the empty seat beside him.

Provocative puppet.

I saw a cute little puppet fly out of Zhang Lin's hands, throwing at the newcomers, immediately attracting the attention of the monsters, the whole group of monsters loosened a bit, and they all moved towards the people. He ran in the direction of the puppet, and Zhang Lin just landed after the forced action due to his skills, and at this time, the provocative puppet just happened to make a small monster next to him take a step forward, revealing a message that Zhang Lin had long been optimistic about. route.

Everything is calculated.

It was not accidental that those people came in at this time. They just noticed that Zhang Lin and Bai Xiaotian had entered the map, so they deliberately got stuck in time and then entered. The purpose was very simple. It's better to get in.

After they came in, they found that no monsters noticed them, and they were overjoyed to find a way to escape, but unexpectedly a provocative puppet fell over.

"Fuck, your mother summoner."

Several people wanted to cry without tears, and hurriedly ran away while the puppets were not destroyed, but there was not much space, and they were also in a hurry, and there was no suspense in the consequences.

But this is enough to free up some time for Zhang Lin.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the method to walk through the monsters, especially in the case of such a dense number, it is impossible to rush forward at all, that is the behavior of courting death, so the space is also very important.

Monsters are scattered everywhere, but they are not so blocked that there is no place to stand, so they need to be gathered in a certain direction to free up all the distance between monsters, and Zhang Lin let those few The unlucky ghost attracts hatred, and there will naturally be space around him.

And even if those guys are going to die, they won't be so fast, they can relieve some pressure on Zhang Lin's back, so that there is space and time, and things will be promising.

The essence of walking is to circle in circles, and how to circle the monsters around you can go behind you, and the monsters in front of you to your side, and slowly extend it, so that there is always space around you to use, this is a test of skill. , Zhang Lin's skills are naturally not to mention, the walking is extremely beautiful, if anyone sees this scene, they will definitely be amazed.

The pressure is getting smaller and smaller, Zhang Lin can also see that the monsters in front are getting thinner and thinner. This difficulty is over. At this time, he can't help but relax, glanced at the friend column, and found that Bai Xiaotian still hasn't hung up.

"This kid, it's not bad."

Zhang Lin smiled slightly. With such a strong helper, he couldn't leave empty-handed this time.

He was moving forward, but Zhang Lin suddenly turned his head and found that a guy in a cloak also rushed out not far away, which made his eyes bright.

"Well, it's not Xiaotian."

Obviously, this guy is holding a magic wand, either a Summoner or an Elemental Mage.

No matter who it is, it's not from the Mochizuki Guild anyway, and it must be destroyed.

Zhang Lin turned around immediately, turned towards the guy and rushed over, no nonsense. After the distance was close, a star bomb shot. The target was not this player, but a monster beside him. Look at the direction of the star bomb and hit it. After the monster is hit, it will get stuck in the opponent's route, and it is very likely to be surrounded.

The man was stunned for a moment, but he didn't panic, he hit the wind blade with one move, and then moved two small steps towards the monster.

The wind blade was rushing to hit the monster in front of the star bomb. Although the star bomb was also hit, the monster's rigid direction changed, as if it was giving way to the elemental mage, which seemed very well-behaved.

Zhang Lin raised his brows, he was a little capable, this guy is not an ordinary person.

But before he could speak, the other party spoke first: "Zhang Lin, don't think that I won't recognize you if you wear a cloak."

"Hey, little plum, you think you can hide your identity."

Listening to the tone of the other party should be a familiar professional player, and after narrowing the scope of this guess, although there are many more elemental mages than summoners in the professional circle, Zhang Lin still basically believes that it is Li Yuanhong.

The Brotherhood and the Donghua team are closely related, so it is not surprising to have such speculation.

The other party did not deny it, and smiled: "The guy with a bad name really pulled you in. What's the matter, if you want to kill me here, I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

"I originally planned to let you go. Since you want to court death, then I will fulfill you."

Zhang Lin said no more. Since the two sides are competitors, there is no reason to let them go.

Li Yuanhong snorted lightly, took the lead, and hit him with a fireball technique. Similarly, the target of this fireball was not Zhang Lin, but to form a restraint.

However, this is not a threat to Zhang Lin, but his actions are a little restrained, and it is impossible to force it too hard.

However, at this time, Zhang Lin suddenly found that Li Yuanhong was singing with a very twisted body turning movement, and everyone turned upside down, and the twist was not human.

"Two layers of ice and fire."

Zhang Lin was startled, the chant that was about to release the move abruptly stopped, and then quickly rolled out towards one side.

Li Yuanhong's ice and fire double heaven is his signature stunt, and others can't imitate it.

In addition to mastering the skills, it also requires this kind of action assistance that is not a day's work, similar to acrobatics. If it is not for a strong sense of balance and physical fitness, it is impossible to do it. This kind of equipment is the skill acceleration ring.

Like Zhang Lin's deceleration ring, this artifact is also very rare, and it is not very useful. However, compared to the deceleration ring, the acceleration ring will be used by a little more people. After all, it can accelerate in some desperate situations. Can fight a lifeline.

"Sorry, I lied to you."

Li Yuanhong's skill shot, but it was not a volcano of nothingness, but an arrow of light speed. The difference between the two skills caused Zhang Lin to make a mistake in judgment.

It's not that Zhang Lin is too stupid. It's because Li Yuanhong is too smart. He deliberately delayed the timing of this move. According to normal circumstances, after the fireball technique is shot, when should the next move be released? There will be a spectrum in the heart, otherwise the skill will slow down, then the fireball will be hit in vain, and it will be meaningless.

However, Li Yuanhong chose to play this time difference. He simply released the fireball technique empty-handed, and it really didn't make any sense.

Because of this, Zhang Lin certainly doesn't think that he will release light-speed arrows or other single-target magic, but a group of injuries. After seeing his unique movement, he will naturally think that it is a volcano of nothingness, and then If the Ice and Fire Double Heaven is unavoidable, he has no choice but to roll and run.

But after this roll, he fell into the pit dug by Li Yuanhong, and the light-speed arrow quickly hit Zhang Lin who was too late to get up.

The substitute straw man had been used before. Zhang Lin didn't have the skills to save his life at this time, and he couldn't choose to open the hegemony body. The tip of the arrow shifted a little to the right, and he was immediately shocked.

But at this time, it was too late to think about opening the hegemony body.

Li Yuanhong's previous gesture was due to the movement and Zhang Lin's mental slackening after a momentary judgment. He didn't see it clearly. In fact, even if he saw it in such a small way, he would not notice it. detail, but this detail is deadly enough.

That is surrounded by monsters.

With different skill trajectories, the direction of the back stiffness is naturally different. Although the magnitude is not large, it is enough to deflect the monster that was originally attacking him from behind, and then the direction of the stiffness will have a greater deviation.

This is a chain effect, which magnifies the results of this little detail change. After that, he would have been stiff again and again, which is also what he expected, but now it is very likely that he will fall into the side. surrounded by monsters, the result will not be under his control.


After two consecutive hits, Zhang Lin, who was hit by the speed of light arrow, was punched by the monster behind him and hit him on the left shoulder. Sure enough, his body was thrown into the arms of a bunch of monsters on the right, and another attack was waiting. he.

But at this moment, Zhang Lin's whip was released at the moment when Kankan ended his stagnation.

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