MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 426 Where are the people

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Mochizuki Guild took the Unicorn Canyon all the way and the horses and horses went offline collectively, and the Ghost Horse Stream all the way was completely dominant. When the gourd was back, what medicine was sold in the gourd made the legend of the moonlight completely unintelligible.

But in any case, whether it is offline or back, it will be beneficial to the legend of the moon night. What should I do or what should I do?

"Hurry up and move the team forward"

The matchbox reorganization force has returned to the narrowest area before. What Mochizuki does is their business. At least for the Moonlight Legend, it occupies a favorable terrain, but it is the most important thing.

"What on earth are they trying to do?" asked someone beside the matchbox

The matchbox shook his head: "How do I know that maybe it is to lure the enemy to show weakness and let us take it lightly, and then they will come back?"

"It should be like this, by the way, aren't we here for reinforcements? Maybe they heard the news and deliberately made such a gesture to let our reinforcements go back."

"It makes sense"

After a simple analysis, what I can guess is the result. It's just teasing them.

Originally, Mochizuki has an absolute advantage in terms of military strength in Guimajian, and the reinforcements are forced to be adjusted. If Mochizuki retreats, will the reinforcements return or not?

this is a problem

Mochizuki must be holding on to this hurdle to make their reinforcements feel at a loss.

"Reinforcements must come." The matchbox gritted its teeth and said, "Mochizuki's people are too fierce, especially that ** full of ghosts, before a wave of stones rained us so that we couldn't fight back, maybe there's something else that can't be done. Take it easy"

"The boss said yes"

Guimajian still has to send heavy troops to defend it. This is the conclusion they came to. As for the cities in the territory, there are people who stay behind. At this time, there should be no one who can't get through with them. There is no need to worry too much.

As expected, Mochizuki's soldiers and horses came to a stop less than 200 meters away after exiting the gully. They circled the gully in a semi-circle and seemed to be waiting for the legend of the moon night. kill people

"I'm not that stupid"

After hearing the news, the matchbox sneered at the other party. This kind of idiot thing that is standing still is indeed an idiot in his opinion. This is simply a naked mockery of him. Although the matchbox is not very famous, it has fought some tough battles. how can you jump

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" someone asked


Wait for this word until eleven o'clock at night

Naturally, the reinforcements from Guimajian arrived, but they seemed a little lackluster, which is understandable. They came here to kill people, but after running around for a long time, they didn't even see a ghost. Say if you're not depressed, how could it be possible?

And the original army, let alone a big defeat, was forced to retreat and the morale has not recovered until now. How can we talk about it?

What's more important is that it's too late now. Most people have already gone to bed. Although staying up all night is not a big deal, the biological clock is not a thing that can be changed. Everyone is yawning and fighting for a long time. at least halved

"Boss Mochizuki's people are offline"

"Oh, they really can't stand it." The matchbox exhaled. He was already sleepy, but he couldn't help but lift his spirits. After all, he was the coach.

Now that the other party is offline, there is nothing to talk about, leaving the cats on the night watch, and then what to do?

At this time, the people who have been waiting for Mochizuki to go online in Unicorn Canyon are almost all offline. However, the offline locations are organized in an orderly manner, and there are a lot of night owls left. set the alarm clock

In the game, you still have to obey your orders. After all, the general big guild system is very clear. In reality, there are also salaries available, especially during wars, a salary increase is inevitable. In addition, the person who plays the game is a passionate person who responds even in the middle of the night. not less

Mochizuki and the two men both went offline, even if ** and Xiao Ke came.

Before, the two touched the Elf Mountains along the path and came to the Elf Forest. They stopped in front of the border city of Shady City. At that time, the ** said two words "off the line" and then disappeared.

Xiao Ke came here and had the heart to scold his mother. He thought that if he wanted to sneak attack at night, although it was still difficult to reach the sky, with his strength and resourcefulness, he could at least have a little hope, but now he is offline. Wait until Tomorrow in the daytime, a hundred ** is not enough to take the city.

But the scolding and scolding ** all ran away, and it was useless to stay behind. He had to go offline and go to sleep.

When I came out of the game, I took a shower and was about to go back to the room to sleep. I found Li Xinran in the room and couldn't help but say with joy, "Hey, you don't want to sleep with me, that's really what you want."

"Don't talk nonsense." Although he knew it was a joke, Li Xinran still slapped him with a red face. "Just now, Maureen said that the mobile phone numbers we counted are quite different. It is said that they are more than 10,000. is wrong"

"Isn't it true that the mobile phone number was given to the Thinkers a few months ago?" **Some accidental small guilds may not need to count mobile phone numbers, but it is a relatively common thing for large guilds, especially before important wars. senior generals for emergencies

Some things are important tactical components, and it is absolutely impossible to send messages on a large scale in the game, which will give the insiders a chance to take advantage of it Notification of news in advance is also something that the guild needs to consider

Mochizuki naturally also did this job, but before the war, they said it was foolproof and wouldn't go to check it out in person and said that the phone number was wrong.

"What should I do?" Li Xinran asked worriedly.

** shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter those who wrote it wrong, let them bear the price of the wrong writing."

Nine o'clock the next morning

The Ghost Horses Stream ** all went online together. The surrounding is calm and the waves are calm. Sure enough, the men and horses of the legend of the moon night did not dare to chase out the ghosts and horses. *I don't know what the purpose of waiting for people to quit Jiankou will be when they will go online.

The Unicorn Canyon is different. It is a valley. It does not need too many people. It can be encircled and the reinforcements can be added online. It is completely foolproof. Helpless, after all, the main force of the legend of the moon night was there, the situation was not dominant at that time, and it was not allowed to retreat, even if it was offline, it took a lot of sacrifice to get the rear troops out of the fighting state.

So at this time, the situation in the Unicorn Canyon is not very good, and it is not a unified launch, but one after another, and it is killed by the people of the legend of the moon night. back to town

These are the so-called costs of writing the wrong number and it is not a pity for these people to die

In this way, the people of the Moon Night Legend were alerted, and all the combatants were called up in an instant.

At the same time, the Ghost Horse Stream began to charge again, but this time, it was different from yesterday, not so fast or intense, but it was like looking at the scenery. Two whips on the back of the ass

Of course, ** and Xiao Ke are here and they are also online.

Xiao Ke came and glanced at the city wall not far away, swallowed and said, "Boss is really going to take the city now"

** glanced at the message box and shook his head: "Wait a minute"

"What are you waiting for, I don't see any chance"

"Why don't you believe me"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's that I can't imagine it. I really can't guess how you can take this city down." Xiao Ke came and sighed.

Originally, even if the whole city is dispatched, at least each city has nearly a thousand guards. What is the difference between two people fighting a thousand soldiers and eggs hitting rocks

"Hey, not only do I have to take but also more than one site of the legend of the moon night, I want to uproot it, and the legend of the moon night army in the Elf Mountains, I want them to go back, and I don't even have a chance to ask for help" ** laughed

"Are you dreaming?" Xiao Ke came and thought it was crazy

** Wen Yan narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "Don't think that I only dispatched 200,000 people this time, but it's actually more than that."

Xiao Ke came for a moment and said, "Ah, where else is there?"

"Wait, they'll be here"

** Saying that, I lay down on the grass leisurely, humming a little song as if I was on an outing

Xiao Ke is here and it's so frustrating. ** It's really uncomfortable to always like to sell off the hook.

The two of them were waiting on the grass, and they were already in the middle of the ghost horse.

Xiao Ke came and looked over quickly, this only made him open his mouth wide.

I saw a large number of troops appearing around the green city. Not to mention, there are nearly 10,000 people who are frantically attacking the green city.

"What kind of people do I rely on?" Xiao Kelai shouted in surprise

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