MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 445 The meaning of one-on-one

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There seems to be nothing wrong with Zhang Lin's words, but there seems to be a little bit of a problem in his tone, and it is easy for people to have some associations.

"Fuck, you're making a little movie."

There was a burst of laughter in the audience, Zhang Lin kept asking Jian Zhan Yuntian if he was happy, it looked very wretched, isn't that the atmosphere.

"It's too violent, and it's still a field battle on the top of the mountain. It's exciting."

The quality of the audience at the scene is not necessarily high, but this topic has set off another wave of climax, making the commentary speechless, and I don't know how to continue.

On the field, Jian Zhan Yuntian did not know the audience's reaction, but his eyes floated for a while.

"Haha, this type of duel is the coolest, and the opponent must be a master." Zhang Lin showed an intoxicated look, and said: "There are not many opportunities to play this kind of competition in the league, you Makes me very happy.”

"What nonsense are you talking about." Jian Zhan Yuntian completely disagreed.

"Don't you have any feeling?"

Jian Zhan Yuntian's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard the words, and he had to say that he did have some strange feelings in that round of attacking him just now.

At first, he was provoked by Zhang Lin. When he was anxious, he just wanted to suppress Zhang Lin as soon as possible. Otherwise, he had no right to explain. He made excuses, and that would be a good time.

As a superstar, it's very important to say what you say, otherwise it will affect your reputation. He has managed to achieve such a position. He must not be negatively evaluated because he is stupid, and his star career will not be smooth.

After all, in the final analysis, he is just a new star. Unlike a veteran superstar like Zhang Lin, he may fall at any time and become a short-lived existence.

Even Zhang Lin, last year's events can fully demonstrate that no matter what glory you have created, as long as no one praises you, you will gradually disappear from the public eye, be replaced by others, and become an outdated player, even if Still struggling on this stage can't be saved.

Because at that time all kinds of pressures will come, fans, leagues, team management, and even their teammates, etc., and these pressures will make a huge change in the players' mentality, and their state will plummet, even if it is a genius. will become mediocrity.

There are countless such precedents in the league.

Therefore, Jian Zhan Yuntian's pressure on the field is actually greater than Zhang Lin's. In addition, Zhang Lin deliberately used words to stimulate him, provoked him, and made him anxious. When he was anxious, he began to get excited, and there was only one thought in his heart. It is to fight the opponent in front of him and win the right to defend himself.

Generally speaking, Zhang Lin should continue to tease at this time. Long-range guerrilla tactics are the best choice, but Zhang Lin did not do this, but chose to deal with it head-on, so that Jian Zhan Yuntian could fully vent.

Jian Zhan Yuntian was very satisfied at the beginning, this is the situation he wanted to see, but what happened next, he can't remember now, just feels like taking a shower after sweating profusely, very comfortable.

"Everyone wants to win, no exceptions, but the difference is whether to pursue victory or create victory."

As Zhang Lin continued to fight with Jian Zhan Yuntian, he said: "On the premise of victory, there seems to be no difference between pursuit and creation, but our country's language is broad and profound, so please think about these two words from a different angle. In fact, they are The meaning is very different, the former is subjective, the latter is objective.”

"In order to win, each team in the league, including each player, will always ponder some routines, which are collectively referred to as tactics, whether it is a team battle or a heads-up match. Therefore, many people think that the heads-up match is a test of personal hardware capabilities. In fact, it is not Certainly, this is a comprehensive consideration, and the proportion of software is not small."

"I think everyone has this feeling. When we were newbies, we didn't have any skills, but PK with a player who is also a novice would be very cool. The exhilaration is indescribable."

"But when we become proficient and know a lot of play styles, such as how to match each move, and what kind of moves we should take after that, we all have a pattern in our hearts, and we naturally become familiar with it, and often The opponent can't find the North because of the abuse, but have you noticed that playing PK like this feels a little less enjoyable."

Jian Zhan Yuntian was stunned by Zhang Lin's words, this feeling was indeed there.

From the novice to the proficient, everyone has experienced it. Even if Jian Zhan Yuntian did not play the game with the purpose of the game from the beginning, it is the same. When he first PKed with people, the feeling was quite different. People remember.

Not only Jian Zhan Yuntian, but also many people in the audience were silent at this time, especially the cloak gang, they all knew what Zhang Lin was talking about, and gradually understood what Zhang Lin's purpose in this game was. .

Zhang Lin's words were not finished yet.

"When you enter the league, the team starts to formulate a training schedule for you, and you start to be systematically sculpted like a piece of rough jade, and every time before you play in the future, you must analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents and how to induce them. The opponent, put him in a disadvantageous position, and then use his strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses."

"It's like this in every battle, including the classic battle between you and Zhai Yao. If you didn't pretend to be crazy to lure that old man, what do you think the result would be."

Jian Zhan Yuntian's eyelids were beating, that battle was his signature, but why was Zhang Lin very disapproving of it, but Zhang Lin's words were not empty words, and he asked himself, if he fought Zhai Yao head-on, what would the result be? Not guaranteed.

"What are you trying to say? Are you trying to make me your object of fun? I think you're looking for the wrong person."

Zhang Lin's intention seems to be very obvious. He is here to compete, he is just here to have fun. Although Jian Zhan Yuntian really enjoys the happy feeling before, he will still be a little dissatisfied. This is a professional game, isn't it? Children's amusement park.

"I don't think I found the wrong person."

Zhang Lin shook his head and said: "I was thinking about the question I just said a long time ago, what is the meaning of a heads-up, just to show off in front of others, or to prove my strength, no matter what kind, after getting it It will be tasteless, and I guarantee you will be the same in the future."

"So, I really want to find that kind of unstoppable pleasure, this kind of pleasure is not the pleasure of abusing people, but the pleasure of simply fighting."

"Originally, I didn't know what kind of thing this was, until I read a martial arts novel two years ago, and I finally understood that in that novel, two peerless masters competed together, but the battle process was very difficult. Simple, in the eyes of the spectators they are not masters at all, but they are very satisfied, no matter the loser or the winner, it is the same."

"So I also want to play a simple game, don't think about the position, don't care about the routine, and simply have a good game, but unfortunately this idea is not easy to achieve, because playing This kind of game must have similar skills between the two sides, so I can only find a limited number of people, but all these wicked players start to hide and seek, no matter how much I taunt, no matter how taunted, make him jump with anger, It just doesn't fit."

Speaking of this, some of the cloak gangs off the court were all surprised. No wonder Zhang Lin always said some **** on the court. Dare to love has a purpose.

"They are all old fritters. They have long been used to what should and should not be done in a game. They are too rational, but this rationality is very boring, at least for me."

"So I can only find new players who have just entered the league and are not yet familiar with the professional game combat style, but these people's skills are still in the prototype. I'm not afraid to say something arrogant. I can win them with my eyes closed. What's the point? ."

"So you found me today." Jian Zhan Yuntian said with narrowed eyes.

Zhang Lin nodded: "Hehe, you are the most suitable, although you have been in the alliance for a year, but some things have not been assimilated, it can be regarded as your shortcomings, but it can also be regarded as an advantage, in fact, last year, I I would love to have a fight with you, but I don't have the chance."

"How come there is no chance." Jian Zhan Yuntian retorted: "If you invite me, I will be very willing."

"You're just saying that now." Zhang Lin shook his head and said, "Last season, you became famous under the cultivation of the league. At that time, you were all thinking about how to express yourself on the field, and you were still building up your self-confidence. During the process, if I send an invitation to play a private game, will you accept it?"

Jian Zhan Yuntian was speechless. Indeed, his career was on the rise, and he would not tolerate the slightest mistake. Even if he really wanted to fight Zhang Lin, he would never accept Zhang Lin's appointment at that time.

"But during the off-season, I refused to make an appointment with you." Jian Zhan Yuntian said.

"Last time, on the one hand, I had to think about the guild, and it was impossible to fight you one-on-one. On the other hand, in that environment, you couldn't be as excited as you are today. Without this objective pressure on the field, your emotions would not be It will be suppressed, and naturally it will not explode, then you are still no different from other players, it is not a good time."

After a pause, Zhang Lin continued: "Actually, there is another reason, the heads-up in the game and the heads-up in the professional arena are definitely not the same thing."

It is true that players can often be heard saying: I love this stage very much. This does not mean that this stage has a high audience rating and will make him famous, but because standing on this stage, There is an indescribable special feeling, especially for professional players.

Why does Zhang Lin want to return to the league so urgently? Is it for the sake of fame or money? These are really not important to him. The important thing is that there is a magic power in the league, which makes it difficult for him to let go.

Read The Duke's Passion