MTL - Almighty Summoner-v2 Chapter 448 I am back

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In the first game of the new season, the first head-to-head match, Jian Zhan Yuntian vs. Mumu, ended with Mumu's victory.

In the eyes of the audience, this game was very lively, but in the eyes of the experts, it is the memory of Zhang Lin's remarks. It is true that the happiest way to head to head is the most direct way, but the professional league If you play this kind of direct game, you can't go far, because you can't please the audience in one way.

Aesthetic fatigue.

So the contestants are simply a group of actors, and the competition is a play. If the plot of each play is similar, it is impossible to earn ratings, and it is impossible to have a good development.

As actors, players also need to fulfill their responsibilities. A well-known comedy expert once said that even if you have just died on the stage, you have to show the brightest smile, which is the same reason.

Of course, the Holy Light Professional Tournament is far from such a big psychological contradiction. No matter how you can play on the field, it is actually happy for the players. All kinds of mental calculations and skill routines are also the embodiment of technology. I believe no one will be disgusted.

As an actor of the Holy Light Professional Competition, it is undoubtedly a blessing.

All the applause is dedicated to the two people who contributed to this wonderful game. Although there are winners and losers, it doesn't matter. For many neutral audiences, the regular season is still a long way to go, and one or two losses are not a big deal. What does it represent, there will be opportunities in the future.

However, some of the special meanings represented by this place are enough to make the home audience feel sad. Although they will give applause, it is more of a helpless encouragement.

"Boss, you are awesome."

"King of heads-up, well deserved."

Zhang Lin, who returned to the lounge, was treated like a hero, everyone gathered around, congratulations to Zhang Lin for winning the most important victory of the new season, and also for the entire team in the long journey of the season. A good head.

Zhang Lin seemed very calm, and said, "It's just a heads-up match, you will be happy, don't forget, our goal is the championship."

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely work hard."

Xiao Ke came and clenched his fists, a look of determination in his eyes.

He knew that Zhang Lin had been looking forward to the championship for a long time. He had never won this honor in Weiba before, but Mochizuki was not Weiba, and everyone worked together to win the final trophy.

Li Xinran walked over to Zhang Lin, raised his hand and wiped his forehead very gently, although there was no sweat there.

"It's hard work," she said softly.

Zhang Lin took her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm really happy today. I haven't felt this way for a long time. I find that I'm walking with wind."

The field is still the same field, but there are many differences from before. The team is no longer the team it used to be, and the name sounds more comfortable; the teammates are no longer the teammates they used to be, they are more reliable and more united ; Even the girlfriend is no longer the former girlfriend, the one in front of him is more in tune with him.

Everything seems to be getting better.

Looking at the smiling faces in front of him, Zhang Lin felt that this year was not as wasted as outsiders thought. He had harvested too many things, and there is no richer experience than this.

Everyone here, regardless of whether they had hatred or not, has now become a whole, fighting for a common ideal. Zhang Lin has reason to believe that in the next ten years, they will fight together to bring their best Youth is dedicated to this stage.

In the next two duels, perhaps because Mochizuki's morale was high after Zhang Lin's victory, Qixiao and Bai Xiaotian both won, and Mochizuki's team was full of momentum. The victory ended, and the defending champion was defeated on the first day of the new season, which made the audience sigh.

Before the season, in fact, many people were not optimistic about the Mochizuki team. After all, this is a new army. Even if Zhang Lin and Bai Xiaotian are the mainstays, they have not been baptized in the professional competition.

And this game is to let everyone see Mochizuki's strength. Although the victory or defeat of a single game in the regular season is not important at all, some people may even think that they lack stamina, but at least they have won a good first impression.

The first impression is very important. The attention of this game is absolutely unprecedented, and it will definitely allow Mochizuki to gain a lot of new fans, which is very beneficial to the development of the team. With the support of these fans, various Commercial sponsorships will follow, and everything will go for the better.

After the game, the players from both sides appeared on the field, and they got unhesitating applause from the audience.

Of course, the most applause was given to Zhang Lin.

The reason why this game is eye-catching, in addition to the duel between the new team and the defending champion, is mainly because of the title of the king of heads-up. Now there is no suspense. Zhang Lin returned to the stage after a year, and no one has this title. To be able to take it away, not even a sword slashing the sky.

And it is conceivable that after today, the support rate of the Summoner profession will definitely increase in a straight line. This is also the result that President Fan and the operators want to see. It is impossible for a game to stand out, otherwise it is not far from extinction. Although Zhang Lin Not a normal summoner, but it can carry forward the summoner and make more newcomers love the summoner and choose the summoner.

In a heads-up stage, the Summoner is also competent.

The atmosphere in the audience was very warm, and almost everyone stood up. Whether it was in the home or away seats, they had to admit Mochizuki's strength, as well as Zhang Lin's strength.

At this moment, all Mochizuki members, under Bai Xiaotian's signal, suddenly held Zhang Lin, and then threw it up, and the lighting engineer was also very keen, with a "pop" sound that extinguished all the light, leaving only a bunch of chasers. Light followed Zhang Lin who was constantly being thrown into the air.

He is definitely the brightest star on this stage.

All members of Chiyang watched this scene quietly. This is their home field, but now it seems to be Mochizuki’s home field, but they are not unhappy. Everyone has experienced the battle just now, and Mochizuki is indeed very strong.

Not only Zhang Lin, but also Bai Xiaotian.

This is their former captain. When they played at the finale of the previous heads-up match, everyone stood up and cheered. Even Zhang Lin did not receive this treatment, and the player who played against Bai Xiaotian did not show his true level. To the pressure to death.

Don't underestimate the influence of the captain. No one takes this factor seriously when he is in the team, but when he leaves the team, he will find that he has carved an indelible mark in the hearts of every player. The imprint of the past, how can we easily forget every sentence of encouragement and criticism.

This is a stage that Bai Xiaotian is familiar with. He will feel embarrassed when he steps on this stage again, which is the same as Zhang Lin's feeling during the competition.

Many people think that Bai Xiaotian and Zhang Lin are on the same team, and there may be friction. First, because Zhang Lin is strong, everyone knows that, and second, Bai Xiaotian is not a trouble-free master, and the dispute with Jian Zhan Yuntian is also a fact, so these two people Even if they are friends, it is normal to have conflicts over the seat of the boss.

But Bai Xiaotian knew in his heart that this was impossible, because from the beginning, he did not enter Mochizuki to be the boss, but just to advance and retreat together with Zhang Lin, and to engage in this career that they both love very much.

No matter who is in the alliance, Bai Xiaotian doesn't feel that he can be condescended. Zhang Lin is an exception. After being an opponent for so many years, Bai Xiaotian has long recognized Zhang Lin. Even if someone says that he has no self-esteem and is willing to be a green leaf, he will not be angry. , because by Zhang Lin's side, anyone can only be a green leaf.

No one is exempt.

Jian Zhan Yuntian looked at Zhang Lin, who was illuminated by the chasing light, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he whispered to himself, "It's good to have a goal."

From the beginning to now, although Jian Zhan Yuntian has been targeting Zhang Lin, from another point of view, it also proves that he cares about Zhang Lin the most for no other reason, because Zhang Lin has always been his target, before and now.

Why do you play Swordsman, because of Zhang Lin, why you want to enter the professional league, because of Zhang Lin, why you train hard, because of Zhang Lin.

He wants to reach the level of Zhang Lin, or even surpass Zhang Lin, this is his goal, and before this goal is achieved, he still needs to work hard, which is also his motivation.

If there is no comparison, there will be no goals, and without goals, there will be no progress. This is also an important reason for promoting the development of the Holy Light League, and it is probably what President Fan hopes to see.

The audience did not leave the stage for a long time, but it was impossible for the players to stay on the stage to interact all the time, and they still needed to attend the press conference.

The regular season press conference was not held in the game, but at the club, but when all the reporters rushed to the scene with great interest, they found an unprecedented thing.

Zhang Lin actually appeared.

Zhang Lin, who has never appeared in public, actually participated in the press conference. This is simply the biggest news today. Any game is weak.

clap clap.

The reporters picked up cameras and cameras one after another, grabbing the lens like crazy, for fear of missing even the slightest bit.

Zhang Lin's appearance is not very handsome, and there are some differences with Mu Linsen, but he is quite similar to Mu Mu, and there is no sense of incongruity. I think this is one of the reasons why Zhang Lin chose to appear on the scene. Now Mu Linsen has long since become a thing of the past. , Mumu is the king, and fans will not have a psychological gap because of their appearance.

When the manager announced that the reporters could start asking questions, the atmosphere was very lively for a while. All the reporters were scrambling to get ahead, and the questions asked were all directed at Zhang Lin.

"Excuse me, how do you feel about returning to the Holy Light Professional League as the new team captain and playing a beautiful first battle." one of the reporters asked.

"Thinking." Zhang Lin looked up at the sky for a while, and then said word by word, "I just want to say, I'm finally back."

(End of the book)

There are not many testimonials, so I will post them in this chapter together.

This is the first time I wrote an online game. There are many shortcomings. I read some comments. Although I did not reply, I have collected them. These are all valuable opinions. I can't figure out how to write it, I need to strengthen it.

Zhang Lin returned to the Professional League and regained everything that belonged to him, and it should be over. The following chapters are a bit delayed, but it is actually reluctant to give up.

A new book will be published soon. The new book should also be an online game. I will pay special attention to some defects in this book. I hope that I can write as wonderfully as possible, and I hope that book lovers can continue to support. It's definitely better than this one.

Finally, I would like to thank all my friends who read this book, I sincerely thank you.

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