MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-Chapter 2 Dual SIM? !

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Dual SIM? !


Lin Xuan sat up straight and looked at it seriously.

[Card]: Twin Template Card

[Attribution]: Exclusive · Lin Xuan

[Talent]: Dragon Sparrow's Wound (Knife)

[Level]: SSS

[Direction]: Attack

[Talent Skills]: 1. Drink blood, 2. Kill, 3. Try hard, 4. Kill the soul, 5. Slaughter the god, 6. Kill the cause

1. Drinking blood---a talent skill, passive effect: inflict damage to the enemy, and 80% of the damage heals himself.

2. Killing --- Innate skill, passive effect: Inflict damage to the enemy once, and the enemy needs to accept a death judgment. (inactivated)

3. Endeavor---innate skill, passive effect: inflict damage to the enemy, absorb a certain amount of the enemy's physical strength, and feed back to himself. (inactivated)

4. Soul Killing---innate skill, passive effect: every time a ghost enemy is killed, a layer of Soul Killing is attached, which increases damage to ghost enemies by 50% and causes 1% soul burn per second (cannot be erased) (inactivated)

5. Slaughter God---Innate Skill, Passive Effect: Deals true damage to enemies with divine nature, and the damage doubles for each kill. (inactivated)

6. Absolute Cause---Innate Skill, Passive Effect: Killing the enemy is not affected by clones and doubles, and it will die if you die. (inactivated)


What the hell, my own, oh, that's fine.

So terrifying, is this an SSS-level attack talent?

All of them are passive skills. What does this mean? You don't need to consume anything. Every swing of a knife can have such an effect.

Drink blood to ensure your own safety, so that you are not afraid of team battles!

Killing guarantees his ability to clear the field. The death judgment of this hit is a certain death for an enemy whose strength is not much different from that of Lin Xuan. Even a slightly stronger enemy has a certain chance of dying suddenly.

Trying to have nothing to say, mother no longer has to worry that I will be tired.

Soulkilling, ah, this can be called the lifelong enemy of ghost-like creatures, rubbing it and dying.

Slaughter God, uh, let’s start with the divine creatures, and then slay a **** with one knife.

Jue Yin is too unreasonable. Others were just cut off by me as a shadow avatar. How could they be cut to death by me?

If the SSS-level defense talent Wall of Sighs can guarantee that Lin Xuan will become an "undead" one day, then the SSS-level attack talent Dragon Sparrow's Wound can guarantee that Lin Xuan will become a new generation of "killing gods"... God, not too much Well, after all, it is foreseeable that a few will be slaughtered, that is, the "God Killer".

The most powerful guardian.

The most powerful warrior.

Lin Xuan hopes to get his hands on both of these, it's so exciting!

"Papapa", their senior class teacher on the podium smiled and clapped his hands, immediately attracting everyone's attention, "I've been excited and excited, now, to start trying to form a team, during the first year of high school, it was At the stage of trying to form a team, to find out which guardian, warrior, and auxiliary division are suitable for your battle, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a tacit understanding, the important thing is the battle rhythm.”

"Now sit the guardian on the left, the assistant teacher in the middle, and the war clerk on the right, you can communicate with each other, and when you form a good team, the teacher will take you to the school's fixed dungeon secret realm 'Wild Grave' to try to fight, there are some spicy chickens inside. Skeletons, just right for you."

"Five minutes!"

Lin Xuan got up and walked to the left, his best friend Lin Xiaoran winked at Lin Xuan, and seemed to say "Please, please!".

Lin Xuan smiled coldly, ignored him, and sat aside.

The other guardians were not like Lin Xuan, they dawdled away from their original seats, came to the left and found a random seat, buried their heads, and didn't care about anything.

"Hey, Cui Dajun, you are a defensive talent. I just asked you why didn't you say Le?"

"Hahaha, Sha Huiqian, you fat girl really is a defensive talent. I will say that you have a lot of flesh and are suitable for top."


This time, the class started laughing again, the head teacher stood on the podium and said with a smile, "You guys, if they deliberately missed a few mobs when they were defending... Hehe, that would be interesting. ."

For a while, the classroom was cold. Indeed, defensive talent is never a reason to be ridiculed. The technical dish is, a highly skilled guardian, and they are the ones who provide it, and now everyone is just awakening the template, I can't say which one The classmates later became powerful guardians.

"There are still three minutes, and the group has not yet been set up. This time, I will practice individually."

On the podium, the head teacher was calm, looked at his watch, and said casually.

A single exercise?

That's pretty good!

Men and women are matched, and work is not tiring. Boys aim at girls, girls aim at boys, and auxiliary teachers are in demand, both men and women are rushing.

"Mr. Li, do you want to join us? I have S-level healing talent, your S-level attack talent, and I also have a younger brother who is defensive talent. I grew up with a small group, and I have a good understanding. How about it? Are you interested?"

Lin Xiaoran was the only one among the assistant teachers who took the initiative to invite others, but Lin Xuan was able to use Lin Xiaoran's head to guarantee that this guy's purpose was not pure, the team formation was fake, and the flirting was real, but with Lin Xiaoran's current capital, It is indeed qualified to tease Concubine Li.

The S-level talent is not bad, even very strong. Don't look at the grades 1 and 5 of high school, there are several students with S-level talent, but Lin Xiaoran is the only one in the class for the S-level therapeutic talent. Maybe he is the only one, if there are two, the school leaders will wake up laughing from their dreams.

B-level talent is the mainstream, A-level talent is not bad, and S-level talent is the top student.

"Yes, your brother is Lin Xuan, right? Which level of talent is he the guardian of?"

"Is this important?"

"It's not really important."

After all, they are just trying to form a team. Whether it is Lin Xiaoran or Concubine Li, what they want is for them to try to form a team and see the cooperation between the fighting rhythms. As for Lin Xuan, it is not important, because he is Lin Xiaoran's buddy. , So I only brought it this time. If it is found that it is not suitable, Lin Xiaoran will not hesitate to team up with Lin Xuan, and forcibly bring it not to help him, but to harm him.

Moreover, with their S-rank talents, there must be a lot of guardians they want to bring. A strong output can reduce a lot of defense pressure, and an excellent healer can save the life of the guardian.

He Ming watched helplessly as Concubine Li promised Lin Xiaoran to form a team, but he had no choice. Although he was also an S-level talent, he was the flame of an S-level offensive talent ball. Of course, he could form a "one defense and two offense" with Concubine Li. The battle combination, but if it can form an iron triangle of "defense, attack, and animal husbandry", Concubine Li will never refuse.

Hateful, so hateful!

A pen was broken by him, and when he came back to his senses, the other auxiliary divisions had already entered other teams, pouting, and could only helplessly form a defensive combination of "two defenses and one attack".

"Since your team is completed, let's go. Let me remind you again that this is just an attempt to form a team and find the most comfortable fighting rhythm. Don't change yourself or others easily. Only your destined teammates can It's worth changing."

Read The Duke's Passion