MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-Chapter 8 Deep in the bat cave

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The fourth, fifth, and sixth floors of Baibao Building are a vegetable market exclusively for the able-bodied, with meat on the fourth floor, vegetables on the fifth floor, and fruits on the sixth floor.

"Boss, how do you sell this fan-tooth pork chop?"

"It's 3,500 jin per pound, and this fan is over 120 jin. I'll consider you 120 jin."

"Then... the boss will wrap it up for me."

It cost about 400,000 yuan for a pork steak, and then went to buy 100,000 yuan of Lingmi, as well as some vegetables stir-fried with tooth pork, fruits after meals, etc. It cost about one million yuan.

Lin Xuanzhi grinned, he didn't expect that he would get money quickly and spend money quickly.

All the food worth hundreds of thousands in large and small bags was put into the personal card. When Lin Xuan was promoted to the lower level of the yellow rank, a small space was automatically opened up on the personal card, which could store items containing spiritual energy.

As for the remaining money, Lin Xuan did not put it in the account and waited for interest. All of it was spent. Two million bought ten body tempering potions, and three hundred thousand bought a thousand-refined Tang sword card of the low level of the yellow rank. Card.

The remaining 100,000 was donated to his own former orphanage.

Good guy, it's all empty in the end!

3.4 million was spent.

Baibaolou is worthy of being the legendary gold-selling cave, but Lin Xuan really got to know it.

But, it doesn't matter, it's still the same sentence, those who can spend money can also make money.

The dungeon building is the place where capable people make money!

Just now, Lin Xuan's tour guide has brought Lin Xuan to the copy building. The first floor is the Hall of Ability Certification. There are no other functions here. It is for ability certification for students who have just become able.

Lin Xuan is also not clear about this. The first time he came, he should have entered through the copy door, and then went through the ability certification to get the certificate of the ability person.

The second floor is the mission hall, or the low-level mission hall of the yellow rank, which is mainly responsible for publishing and certifying low-level missions of the yellow rank.

The third floor is the yellow-level low-level dungeon hall. There are many dungeon space portals, all of which are yellow-level low-level dungeon spaces.

The fourth floor and the fifth floor belong to the yellow-level intermediate level, and the sixth and seventh floors belong to the yellow-level senior level.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up the quest. Are there any monsters with a lot of numbers but weaker attacks?"

"Hello, sir, this is the task of collecting luminous sand from the bat cave, the task of taking thousands of nectar from the flower tree world, and the task of stealing ore from the ant cave... Which one do you think is right for you?"

The underground route of the ant nest is complicated. It is not very friendly to people like Lin Xuan who can’t tell the difference between east, west, north and south, pass.

It’s okay to take Wanhua honey from Huashujie, but this quest can’t hurt honey bees. Every time a honey bee is hurt, the taste of honey will drop by one point, and Lin Xuan’s omnipotent passive… quest pass.

It is okay to collect luminous sand in the bat cave. The number of bats in the bat cave is inexhaustible, and there is no limit that cannot be killed. There is a large amount of luminous sand that can be collected in the end.

"Help me accept the task of collecting luminous sand in the Batcave."

"Okay sir, this is your mission certificate, you can use it to collect Ye Mingsha."

After receiving the quest certificate, Lin Xuan went directly to the third floor, paid the 200 yuan dungeon portal maintenance fee, and entered the low-level dungeon space of the yellow order - Bat Cave.

[You have entered the low-level dungeon of the yellow order - Bat Cave]

【I wish you a safe return】

It's sloppy!

The dungeon space of the school is different from the dungeon space of the able-bodied guild. One is completely controlled, and then even the core inside has been remodeled, and various plug-ins have been installed. As soon as you enter, you will get rattan armor, small round shield, and exercise. Armor level +1.

And the dungeon space of the Abilities Guild is an ordinary and normal dungeon space. There is no equipment and skills, but there are endless monsters.

In front of him is a pitch-black underground tunnel, and behind him is a chaotic tunnel entrance. If you can't get out, the entire copy space is this bat cave.

He took out the torch given by the guild and lit it, and the warm light illuminated this cave.

On the rock wall above the head, a dense number of bats hang upside down. Every now and then, a bat is squeezed out, like a mass of rotten meat squirming, which is extremely disgusting.

The ground that Lin Xuan stepped on was covered with a layer of fine sand emitting fluorescent light. These were actually luminous sand. The so-called luminous sand was nothing but bat feces.

The task this time is to collect luminous sand. The higher the quality, the better, but the quantity is not so important.

Go inside, go deeper into the cave, and the further you go inside, the stronger the bats will be. If the bats at the entrance of the caves are just the most common bats, then in the deepest part, there will be thousands of low-level yellow-level bats. Bat entrenched.

The bat cave is known as the three forbidden places in the low-level dungeon of the yellow order.

Walking in a straight line along the cave, Lin Xuan held a torch and walked silently forward. To be honest, before he came in, what he thought was that he was happy in the bat cave, and countless bats came to bite him but took him There was no way, and finally collected a pile of feces... Ye Mingsha left.

The script is a good script, but this is the direction, something went wrong.

Lin Xuan is confident that those ordinary bats can't hurt him, but what about the low-level bat monsters of the yellow rank?


Lin Xuan: …

A dead bone in the scene was accidentally stepped on by Lin Xuan and shattered into small pieces, but he still let out his own wailing before "dying"!

Now that's it, the bat above the head is starting to stir!

Without saying a word, Lin Xuan rushed in. No matter if he was dead or alive this time, he had to gain something.

The commotion of the bat swarm was like a domino, affecting more and more bats, and Lin Xuan no longer covered his footsteps. Bats attacked him.

The deepest part of the bat cave is an abandoned sacrificial square. The square is very large. There is also a moonlight shining directly on the sacrificial platform through the gap in the top of the rock. It looks beautiful and full of mystery.

Lin Xuan broke into the sacrificial square directly. Surprisingly, the bat group that was chasing Lin Xuan all the way behind him stopped and stopped abruptly at the edge of the square, as if there was some terrifying existence that shocked them.

It is not without reason that the bat cave is known as the three forbidden places for the low-level dungeons of the yellow level. No matter which low-level ability person of the yellow level comes in, facing countless bat groups, it is already very strong to be able to kill a small part of it. impossible!

Moreover, Lin Xuan has never seen a low-level bat monster of the yellow level, maybe it is here.

The floor tiles in the square had patterns that Lin Xuan couldn't understand. The pillars standing in the square didn't seem to be anything good either, with protruding spikes and a pair of shackles. They were either punishment pillars or sacrificial pillars.

The more he walked closer to the altar, the more Lin Xuan could smell a fishy smell, which was bloody, and the more intense it was.



This is a hollow brick. Lin Xuan can't see that this brick is equipped with a mechanism. When he stepped on it, the brick shattered instantly. Lin Xuan stepped on the empty brick. My friend in the yard, the tooth pork I just bought... Ten seconds passed, and nothing happened!

It seems that the mechanism is too old, so it is stuck...

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in a corner of the square, a large group of low-level bat monsters of the yellow rank heard the sound and flew towards Lin Xuan.
