MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-v2 Chapter 606 1 enemy 2

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"Human, it's really a good trick!"

The Holy Master Pengniao didn't know whether the suede demon saint in front of him was a "demon saint", but he didn't mind cheating to see how he would react.

The iron-eating beast transformed by Lin Xuan did not respond to the Peng Bird Demon Sage, but pulled out a sneer. The huge figure put a lot of psychological pressure on the two demon saints. The iron-eating beast at this meeting was really too big. , Like a mountain, stopped in front of the demon saint.


Really strong!

Aoki Demon Saint and Peng Bird Demon Saint saw this scene, and their hearts were slightly terrified. The strength of this Demon Saint really exceeded their expectations, but it also relaxed a bit. After all, those two Human Race Saints are juniors, never Possibly so powerful!

This is probably a sea beast demon saint!

As for why he came to the land, the reason is very simple, that is, he came to grab the territory. Although the sea is larger than the land and has more resources inside, the number of monsters in the sea is by no means a few. There are enough resources for practice, so naturally you need to continuously expand your territory.

The land is the unexplored blue ocean in the eyes of the sea beasts and monsters.

The two demon saints glanced at each other. They couldn't tolerate a human saint being presumptuous in the demon world. Similarly, they couldn't tolerate a sea beast demon saint coming to the demon world to fight for territory. The demon world was their territory, and the status of the son of the world was their one knife and one knife. The gun was made with blood!

So, a fight? !

This one, I'm afraid it's inevitable!

But just when the two demon saints were about to attack Lin Xuan, they found that this iron-eating beast actually ate bamboo and bamboo shoots, and didn't take them seriously at all. No, no, there was no war on its body. I mean, you don't seem to want to fight?

Why is this?

Soon, the two demon saints understood.

This "iron-eating beast" really wants to fight for territory, but it doesn't want to end up on its own. After all, there is a lot of risk for the king to the king. If an accident happens accidentally... no demon saint is willing to fall.

In fact, Lin Xuan's idea is very simple, that is, to consume the living power of the demon world, there is no need to slaughter low-level demon beasts, only the demon beasts of the middle class need to be eliminated. The war between humans and demon beasts, will have

Absolute victory!

As for the battle of the saint level, this will naturally take place, but wait, and consume some monsters.

Lin Xuan was not in a hurry, and the two demon saints were not in a hurry. The three demon saints remained silent like this. They had a tacit understanding of each other and overlooked the entire battlefield of monsters, waiting for the outcome of the battle.

The collision of old and new forces, the powerhouses of the new forces have more fighting spirit, they rise in the end, and every bit of cultivation resources are relied on by themselves to fight back, they are very familiar with fighting, so their combat power Extremely powerful and extremely rich in combat experience.

And the powerhouses of the old forces are by no means ordinary people. They were born with golden keys and were born to be high-ranking beasts. The cultivation resources and cultivation paths along the way have been arranged by the seniors in the family. They may not be one Bit by bit of practice resources have been desperate, but they have never lacked this bit of practice resources.

They have a systematic cultivation path and a way of protecting the way. Compared with the powerhouses of the new forces, their background is undoubtedly much stronger.

Therefore, at this moment, the two sides are fighting fiercely, and for a while, it is difficult to tell the winner.

The flames of war spread throughout the entire demon world, and it seems to have reached a certain critical point. The two demon saints finally couldn't bear it any longer. This sea beast demon saint may have collected enough resources and patted his **** to return to the sea, but this devastated demon world was left behind. But their homeland, and there are too many dead and injured If things go on like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to beat the human race.

Therefore, they have hung up the free card, or they are preparing for the king battle.


Can't stand it?

Lin Xuan took a bite of the crisp bamboo leaf, glanced at the Peng Bird Demon Sage, and clapped his hands indifferently. The situation is now very good. Next, as long as he defeats these two demon saints, he will probably It can complete the human race's counter-kill against monsters... Well, with a high probability, this ground-level copy can also be completed.

"Let's decide the outcome of the battle, you win, we both bow our heads, we win, you join us and don't care about the affairs of the demon world!"

Holy Master Aoki swayed his emerald green body and talked about his own conditions. They were going to fight two against one. After all, this is the demon world, not the sea, but the territory of their two demon saints.

They call the shots.

Moreover, they also give enough face to the demon saint, and joining them, there will be no shortage of resources.

Unfortunately, this iron-eating beast was transformed by Lin Xuan.

"Okay, the two of you are ready to bow your head and be your servant!"

Lin Xuan stood up, roared, and the terrifying sky thunder exploded, hitting the ground, creating a blossoming ground fire, this is an iron-eating beast that has mastered the way of thunder and fire.

Like a huge **** and demon, waving a black bear paw, the terrifying thunder elements gathered in its bear paw, and one paw slammed down towards the two demon saints.

That's right, at the beginning, he just played two games directly, and he didn't care about the terrifying strength of the two demon saints.

Underestimate me so much? !

Compared to Lin Xuan's randomness, Holy Master Aoki and Holy Master Pengniao are angry. After entering the realm of demon saints, they are still the first... Oh, the second time they were treated like this, one against two, this is look down on them,

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