MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-v2 Chapter 621 Ancient Balrog

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Xidu, the setting sun is like blood!

The Western Capital, which was originally full of people, suddenly opened door after door to the abyss, and groups of abyssal demons poured out from it and ran to all parts of the city. For a time, countless capable people rose up to resist. , beheaded one demon after another.

These demons are the lowest level of cannon fodder, their only value is to cause some riots, and after they die, if no one collects their corpses, the land will be polluted.

But there are too many such low-level demons, and even those who are stronger than them have been slightly traumatized.

This thing is really useful for clearing the field!

Lin Xuan didn't have the slightest complacency. It was just a group of low-level demons with only the strength of the yellow rank, so why should you care, the only thing worth caring about was their number.

He looked at the gates of the abyss standing on the ground. The gates of the abyss were large and small, and their shapes were different. Some were like a dog hole, and some were comparable to the majestic Nantianmen. The bigger the gate of the abyss, the stronger it is, and the strong in the abyss can only come out from the gate of the big abyss.


Lin Xuan looked at the largest abyss door, and saw a terrifying Balrog with a rank of rank coming out of it. Waiting for the chaos of the city caused by the scurrying demons, it couldn't help showing a cruel smile on its face.

Of course, it did not ignore Lin Xuan, who exuded a powerful aura, which was the powerful aura of the Demon Lord series and needed to be dealt with carefully.

However, the devil is never afraid of fighting, even in the face of an opponent stronger than himself, he will use all his strength to fight gg...

Ahem, let’s get down to business, it’s not that the devils are iron-headed, although they are really iron-headed, but the point is not this, but that they are very chaotic, because of this confusion, so they lose their reverence for the strong, unless it is suppressed by the origin of the abyss .

"%...¥%...¥...%# (Devil Language: Surrender, Lord Extreme Flame Demon is watching here!

Lin Xuan understood, although he didn't know exactly what he said, but he relayed through the language of the copy space.

, he still easily heard the meaning, the extremely ancient flame demon? The big man in the abyss?

But it’s a pity, Tai Xia was about to give up Blue Star, and before giving up, he didn’t mind fighting the ancient flame demon. After all, Blue Star is the home of the Blue Star people, and the dungeon space has not been released to date. Higher strength restrictions, even if the sky-level powerhouse enters Blue Star, will be suppressed.

"Extremely ancient flame demon? It doesn't dare to come in. If it dares to come in, the labor and capital will hammer it into a meat paste!"

Lin Xuan's face was full of disdain, and his taunting skills were full. As for whether the other party could understand, this was not something he needed to worry about. The dungeon space took care of it all for him.

Devil's Wrath.jpg

"%...¥...%¥%&& (Demon language: I dare to despise the ancient flame demon...

It looks angry, but maybe it's pretending...

Because at the next moment, a huge gate of abyss space appeared in front of Lin Xuan, and the gate of this abyss far exceeded the gate of the abyss that the flame demon walked out of.

Could it be that the ancient flame demon is coming?

If he walks out, then Lin Xuan is not afraid at all, but he is afraid...what is he afraid of, Murphy's law is always the god!

The huge door to the abyss opened, revealing a dark curtain of light, which reflected the scene of the abyss opposite. It was an endless active volcano erupting, billowing black smoke filled the sky, countless low and medium, UU reading www.uukanshu The .com high-level demons are lying on the ground quietly, as if there is something terrifying in front of them.

Lin Xuan was naturally curious about an unknown world, or the abyss. Although he knew it shouldn't be, he couldn't bear to look into the huge abyss gate.

Then, a huge eyeball appeared. It stared at Lin Xuan on the blue star. Its eyes were filled with tyranny and flames, as well as a hint of instinctive cruelty.

This is an extremely powerful flame demon, who has already crossed the sky and became the abyss lord of a certain layer of the abyss, commanding a layer of abyss.

Just this sight put Lin Xuan in an unstoppable danger of life and death. If it weren't for the fact that two worlds were separated from each other, if it wasn't for the limitation of the dungeon space on Blue Star, if it wasn't for Lin Xuan's awakening "to God"

Innate skills, just this one glance, he is already dead!

High position vs. high position and low position is such an unreasonable dimensionality reduction blow!

However, even with the blessings of many factors, Lin Xuan survived, but he was still in a state of near death. If it wasn't for the "immortality" innate ability to lock blood, Lin Xuan would probably be gone at this moment.

The abyss is really scary!

When Balrog saw his Lord reveal his true face, he immediately knelt down reverently, praised the greatness of the Lord, and told his loyalty and belief.

It didn't care about Lin Xuan who was dying. He was severely injured by his master. He was afraid that he was not far from death. It would not be too late to harvest his soul after the master was gone.

But what it didn't expect was that Lin Xuan, who fell to the ground, was recovering quickly. In just a few breaths, he had recovered a little strength, and the speed was still increasing.

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