MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-v2 Chapter 631 Road East Law and Power

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"Lu Dongfa~!, why, why do you want to help Taixia, you, you, aren't you a traitor to Taixia?!"

Aio was furious, and the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. He never thought that someone would actually come out to help the heavenly man of Wanfa, and it was the fallen angel Lu Dongfa who was also called him!

The relationship between He and Lu Dongfa is not bad. After all, both of them are the only two powerhouses on the Blue Star. They are of the same rank and are in the same circle. The relationship between the Dragon King and the two of them is not very good, but he imprisoned a strong person of the same level as them, and he was a little unhappy in his heart.

Therefore, in the past, even though he didn't know that Taixia had secretly attacked him, he still lacked favor with Taixia, so he aimed his own at Taixia, preparing to cause trouble in Taixia, but he didn't expect it. , Tai Xia's strength is so hard, he just didn't let him take advantage of it.

But now, his "friend" jumped out and became Taixia's "friend". This really gave him a feeling of being betrayed. It was uncomfortable, angry, and hard to understand. He wants a fight!

"Taixia traitor?! I have never said that I am a traitor of Taixia, and Taixia has never regarded me as a traitor of Taixia. This is just what the Eagle Sauce Kingdom said. It has been circulating for a long time, and the world is like this. But facts are facts, and rumors are always just rumors.”

Lu Dongfa looked directly at Ai Ou. Originally, he had no confidence in saying this. The last time he rode the Fallen Paradise Mountain into Taixia, although there was a lot of movement, but because there were too many things that happened, it was too big. Too many strong people noticed him.

The first time I returned to the country was to visit the graves of my parents, and the second was to confirm Taixia's attitude towards him. He was originally a traitor sent by Taixia, but after 30 years and 30 years, he has become the only three in Blue Star. Originally, he was going to return to the country to become the fifth pillar, but some high-level officials refused and let him continue to lurk in the dark forces of Blue Star.

Last time, the old fairy talked to him a lot, and he also knew Taixia's attitude towards him, and Taixia also knew his attitude, and the two sides hit it off.

"Ah ah ah, Lu Dongfa, I want you to die!"

Ai Ou disdains to listen to Lu Dongfa's "sophistication", and against Lu Dongfa, who is also a heavenly rank, he will not use the power of the heaven and earth that he is best at, but will take these powers into himself, after all, Lu Dongfa is also a heavenly rank. He is good at it, and Lu Dongfa is also very good at it!

After the abyss invasion, Blue Star's power of disaster became more and more active, and the number became more and more. Therefore, Aio's power became more and more powerful. Unfortunately, there is always a limit to the increase of this power. After all, Io is the native deity of Bluestar, not the deity of the Abyss.

Once the abyss invades Bluestar to a certain extent, Bluestar will turn into a part of the abyss. By that time, Bluestar is already dead, and Aio, unless he gives up his identity as an innate god, can only follow.

The power of the plague condensed on Io's dog claws, turning it into four gray gloves, with sharp claws protruding on them, and the gray light of the plague circulated, and anyone who saw it could feel it very much. Oops.

The fallen angel Lu Dongfa is not a vegetarian either. He has practiced the fallen angel's meditation technique to the extreme, and the fantasy comes to reality, which really enables him to transform into a fallen angel.

Fallen Angel · Armed Possession!

Lu Dongfa suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and held it in the air, an angel spear condensed in his hand, and a set of fallen angels appeared on his body, with six dark mechanical wings behind him. With a gentle wave, he was covered with a black and blood-colored angel battle armor. The most terrifying thing was the top of his head. A half-white and half-black crown appeared on top of his head.

Holy Evil Slash!

Lu Dongfa started with the ultimate move, and his body moved quickly, like a teleportation. In just a blink of an eye, he appeared next to Ai Ou, and then he raised it from the bottom to the top, and shot to kill, a line of white and pitch black. The spear of the gun was drawn, and it went straight to Ao.

Ai Ou's dog face was full of hideousness. In the face of Lu Dongfa's ultimate move, he couldn't fight, he just used his own claws of plague to slam him. He knew that these few shots were not enough to hit him hard. , and even if it is severely damaged, it can quickly recover with the help of the power of disaster.

The two sides started a crazy fight, and Lu Dongfa consciously took Ai Ou away from Taixia, but Ai Ou, the dog brain, didn't think of this at all, and he wanted to kill Lu Dongfa wholeheartedly.

Wanfa Tianren raised his head and glanced at it, then closed his eyes and continued to break through.

The old immortal and Wanfa Tianren have already begun to break through, and both of them have also found their own guardians. In the end, only Lin Xuan was left, and they saw the rise of two places in Taixia. The golden beam of light, I felt in the dark, the time has come, it is time to break through!

Lin Xuan squeezed his fist, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The next moment, he mobilized all the strength bases in his body. Every muscle seemed to be shaking, and not a single cell seemed to be roaring. The invisible body has realized a higher level, but unfortunately, limited by the environment, it is difficult to break through.

Power, power, power!

The space is shaking, even if it hasn't been activated, even if the power is still in Lin Xuan's body, it is only a slight breath that leaks out, causing the space to shake.

This power is terrifying!

The powerhouses on the opposite side are not without eyesight. Seeing this scene, I don't know where Lin Xuan is going to make a big move.

No one wants to face Lin Xuan's full-strength blow. It is true that this human emperor Lin Xuan is too perverted. Since the beginning of cultivation, he has broken one inherent concept after another, and has entered the kingdom in five or six years. Who else does such a feat?

As old fritters on the road of cultivation, they know that they can't judge people by their appearance, let alone time. Whoever said that the breakthrough time is short, and the strength is poor, why not look at the old gods, and Wanfa Tianren, these two can be They are all descendants of Undying Minghuang, Wanfa Tianren is still a disciple of Undying Minghuang, and now their strength has surpassed her.

Immortal Minghuang: ...Why, I still have negative teaching materials? !

The emperor is extremely shocking and power!

Fist is both power, power is also a fist, it is power, and it is also fist power. With this fist, Lin Xuan's strength exploded, and he unleashed all his strength, and only one blow broke the sky!

Disregarding space, appearing around everyone in an instant, ignoring time, and directly imprinting on everyone's body.

The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!

This is the greatest power in the universe!

Read The Duke's Passion