MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 407 To create a purple light ring

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Diana could see that Superman was extremely angry.

劝 She persuaded: "Carl, Grayl is the daughter of the Dark God. She has unparalleled power. Let me help you deal with her!"

But Superman can't listen to anyone's persuasion now.

不用 "No, I am alone!"

After I finished speaking, the ground exploded, Superman flew out, and chased after Grayl disappeared.

Lu Shazan, Death Shot, and others rushed to see the anger that could not be heard in the hearts of the Justice League that had become ashes.

Especially Shazan.

的 His body is a fifteen-year-old boy. He experienced the closure of his orphanage, his adoptive father and his mother disappeared, and he grew up like an ant.

Until he was selected, he inherited the power of the six gods and was brought into the Justice League by Li Ya.

I can say that Justice League is his home.

"Who ruined this place? Who did it? Who is Milina Black? Are there a series of things that are related?"

Wu Shazan asked, covering his head.

Diana patted him on the shoulder comfortably, "I think they are looking for Milina Black, assassin on Paradise Island, and the person who ruined it is Milina Black's daughter, or, Daughter of Dark God, her name is Greer! "


Diana's words shocked everyone present.

"Assassin on Paradise Island? Daughter of Daksad?"

Wu Shazan felt that his brain was not enough. What was Solomon's wisdom and why did he still not understand what Diana said?

I did understand it.

"Do you mean, those who killed 'Melina Black' are actually substitutes for some Amazon assassin? The one who destroyed the Justice League is the daughter of the assassin and the **** of darkness?"

Fang Sheshe opened his hand, "Why should we look for that Milina Black and let her live on her own?"

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm afraid it won't work. To stop Greer, maybe Milina Black is the key. She is an Amazon. I know she definitely doesn't want the world to be ruined by her daughter!" Anna believes in the Amazons.

拜 "Please, what lunatic will have children with his enemies?"

Wu Shazan made a disgusting expression, the adult world is so complicated!

It is true that the assassin of the paradise island, Milina Black, had a child with Dakside, not because of love, but because of Greer as a weapon that could kill Dakside.

"Anyway, you must be the first to find Milina Black!"

Diana said to the heroes, "Shazan, dead shot, Fire Demon ... You bring the Red Lights Army, and continue to look for Milina Black. If you find the person who pursued her, report immediately and don't go with each other Fight hard! "

Until now, Diana had guessed the identity of the murderer who murdered Myrina Black.

They may only be under the hands of the God of Darkness.

"Roger that!"

Xi Shazan and Commando X received orders and immediately took them away.

Diana turned to Fiorla and Carla. "Let's go and support Superman. I'm still worried about what Grael will do next!"

Uh ...

one day later.

Distant Zamarun star.

After several days of hard work, Li Ya and Atoshitas teamed up to dissolve the star blue stone ore and cooperate with the energy connection of the predator to build the star blue stone ore into a huge energy source.

"The purple light energy source is completed, my queen!" Hal held his girlfriend Carlo's hand.

At this moment Carol is wearing the queen costume of Zamalen.

Wearing a bright star-blue stone crown on his hoe, he looked like a goddess.

"Next, create a purple light ring. The raw material is still star blue stone. The ring needs to write some programs with energy. This will ask your guardian to help write it. As for casting the ring, give it to Atoshitas. "

Li Ya stretched a lazy waist, although the recent work is not tedious, but also very tiring.

The most important factor is that this galaxy is not illuminated by the yellow sun.

However, Attositas did not answer Li Ya's words. He found that his red light ring flickered a few times, which was a message from the members of the Red Light Corps of the Earth.

Atochitas clenched his fists, the energy of the ring was released, and he read this piece of information.

"What's the matter, Attositas?" Li Ya asked, seeing that Attositas's face became very ugly.

"There was an accident on the other side of the earth, a destroyer who claimed to be Grey's, seriously injured Batman and the Flash, and destroyed the Justice League headquarters!"


Hall Jordan and Carlo Ferris exclaimed at the same time.

Especially Caro, because her boyfriend Hal Jordan is a Green Lantern relationship, she has been yearning for the Justice League, and also wants to go to the Justice League with Hal.

But Li Ya promised her!

Now that hearing the Justice League is destroyed, how can she not be angry!

Li Ya missed the name ‘Greyer’.

当然 Of course he remembers the name.

That's the daughter of Duckside. Thanks to her father's genes, she was born with the power of a god!

Reappearing in the sight of the crowd at this moment, must be to realize the meaning of her life ~ ~ Wage the war of gods and kill Dakside!

"I thought it was a long time before the prophecy. I didn't expect that more than a month had passed. The war in the prophecy was about to come!" Li Ya sighed.

The guardian Ganser opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he still didn't speak.

As early as the invasion of the Dominator, she foreshadowed the emergence of Dakside.

战争 This war is no less trivial than the dominance of the dominator.

的 The battle between gods will destroy the world at every turn!

"Athositas, Caro, you stay here to create the Purple Lantern Ring. After the entire army is equipped with the Purple Lantern Ring, you will go to the earth to support it." Li Ya said.

Carlo shook her head and refused, "No, I don't want to wait, I can now merge the predators, I am strong!"

After merging the Lantern Beast and Plundering Beast, Carol became a Marauder, her power instantly surpassed Hal Jordan, known as the greatest Green Lantern in history.

相信 "Trust me, after you create the purple light ring, you will be stronger and your army will be stronger. It is not too late to support us at that time!"

After speaking, Li Ya portrayed a portal in midair.

"Let's go, Hal."

"Carlo, don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Hal Jordan doesn't want his girlfriend to go to the battlefield, even if she is now stronger than him.

Li Ya and Hal left, and Attositas walked to Carlo, who was lost.

Speaking sternly, "Her Majesty, summon the people of the Star Blue Stone Corps. With the help of everyone, I will be able to create a purple lantern ring in a short time!"

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