MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 413 , The age of the gods

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He was still falling, and when he heard Li Ya calling for the Eternal Gun again, he subconsciously forcibly stabilized his body and was ready for the fourth attack.

However, when I looked up at the sky, I found that instead of falling, the golden light disappeared into the sky.


Darkside cursed, knowing that he was being played by the other party. At this time, a strong and extremist death screamed.

It's death lightning!


Among the black lightning, a sickle shining with silver and white flashed by, and the death-specific sickle fell, taking away a large amount of vitality from Dakside, which made his eyes extremely angry.

"Enough! This war must end, you all will die!"

The energy of Daxside's voice spread all around, and the red transparent hood in front of his armor suddenly condensed a dazzling scarlet light like a small sun, followed by an endless horror.

He went to detonate the Omega effect!

If the Omega effect of Daxside explodes, the entire earth will be blown up and shattered. The death lightning bolts present, as well as the heroes such as Shazan, will all become ashes.

Maybe they can survive, but the radiation of the Omega effect will still have an adverse effect on them.

"Stop Daxside! Barry, kill Daxside together!"

With a roar, Li Ya stabbed the eternal gun and stabbed at Dakside's head. The other party raised a thick arm for a stop, and the golden spear pierced his bone, but failed to advance halfway.

On the other side, Superman and Fiorah, as well as other Red Light Legionnaires who can free up, all use energy figurative chains to tie Dakside.

However, these chains showed cracks in the mad struggle of Dakside.

It was here that the black lightning turned back, merging the power of the anti-life formula onto the death sickle, and slashing it to Dakside's chest.

Huh! !!

As if a thick wall was hit by an iron ball, black lightning penetrated Dakside's chest, and the anti-life equation interacted with the power of the Omega effect to cancel each other out.

A black hole that devoured everything was formed in Drakside's penetrated chest, but it quickly disappeared.

At this moment, time seemed to be stopped, and everyone held their breath and looked in the direction of Duckside.

The **** of darkness, Duckside, had a cloudy eye at the moment. He wanted to speak, but a mouthful of blood spewed out. His chest Omega effect and the anti-life equation canceled each other out, merged with each other, and finally separated .

The next moment, the giant **** of darkness fell down.


The ground shuddered, and blood like magma flowed out, and a horrifying breath rushed out of Duckside.

"Ahhhhh ..."

The first to break the silence was Shazan.

Shazan hugged his head, painful: "I heard the quarrel between the gods, they are competing to come out, even the gods are trembling ..."

Wow! !!

Six thunders descended in the sky, Shazan's body flew to the sky, how powerful the magic power exploded like a bomb from his body, the power was great!

A **** fell down!

Yet another **** was born.

Shazan was bathed in thunder and lightning. At the moment ... he is the **** of gods, Shazan!

Rumble! !!

Superman also felt that he was hit by some force, and a red light burst from his body, and the cloak behind him moved against the wind.

"Divine power ... I can also feel divine power on Superman? And Arthur Curry ..."

Diana noticed something strange. After Daxside fell, there was a slight change in the several people present, and they seemed ... to God!

In the golden light, Li Ya took a deep breath.

Dakside is the terminator of the age of the gods on earth. He has killed countless old gods and inherited their deities.

Now that Daxside is dead, his divine power is overflowing, with the gods of the gods killed by him, and he begins to look for new heirs, and Shazan, Superman, Neptune ... and himself become the crowd The new host of the Godhead.

Simply put, everyone, including themselves, has become a new god!

Following Batman became the **** of knowledge, Flash became the **** of death. Now, Sha favors the **** of the gods, Superman becomes the **** of power, and Neptune becomes the **** of the ocean.

As for herself, Li Ya felt that her basic divine power had reached the upper level of the golden legendary level. After her full strength broke out, her strength could break through the orange epic level.

Reach the same level of existence as Daxide!

The age of the gods ... is here!


Earth 3.

Sitting on the chair of Mobius, Batman, with Green Lantern Hal Jordan, following the trail of the anti-monitor, came to Earth 3 in countless parallel universes.

What came into my eyes was a burning world destroyed by war.

The tall buildings collapsed, there were deep pits caused by explosions all over the ground, and there were countless dead bodies on the ground. Looking away, I could not see a living life at all.

"This is Gotham City! Batman, your Gotham City has blown up!" Green Lantern Hal saw the destroyed city in front of him, and he was instantly calm.

Batman in the blue seat gave Hal a white look, and said lightly: "This is indeed Gotham, but not my Gotham, but Earth 3, or it should be relative to our universe. Say, here is the parallel universe of the third sequence, all in all, this is not our universe! "

"Even so, I still find it difficult to accept a world like this ... was made by anti-monitors?"

"Yes, the anti-monitors killed 5103,075 people here. He absorbed all the energy here to fight against Dakside!"

"Perhaps, the Anti-Surveillor will be defeated with Dakside, and then we will enjoy it!" The Green Lantern had to think optimistically at this moment.

Batman was silent for a moment and didn't answer. After a moment, he looked up: "Green Lantern, follow me, let's go to the place where this chair originated, Kovad Star!"

"Where is that?"

Green Lantern asked, Batman's chair suddenly moved at the speed of light, and took Green Lantern to shuttle through the endless universe.

He explained: "That's where anti-monitors built this chair, where there are legendary taboos."

"What is a taboo?"

"Anti-life equation, hasn't the Avengers told us, the anti-life equation is the origin of this war!"

The Covad star, like Earth 3, has been completely destroyed, but Batman has found a place where anti-monitors have studied the anti-life equation.

It was a huge pothole.

"I can still feel the power of the anti-life equation terror from here!"

Batman leaned against the blue chair, closed his eyes, and exhausted everything to understand the relevant knowledge.

"I saw the origin of the universe. At the center is free will. The white light at all its sources shattered into everything, man and **** ... As for the anti-monitor, the anti-matter universe, their source is here, and their source is the anti-life equation. ! "

"Anti-life equation, anti-monitor, Daxside ... I'm yearning for my life." Hal smiled bitterly.

The two chatted for a while, and Batman suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of his universe.

Batman said in a deep voice, "He's dead!"


Hal Jordan, who was saying this, was caught off guard, but after thinking about it, his face immediately changed, and he asked, "You mean? Anti-monitor, or Daxside is dead?"

"Yes, it was Dakside. The chair told me that the anti-monitors used the power of the Omega effect to lift the curse of the anti-life equation ..."

"That means ... we have only one opponent left?"

When two enemies suddenly fell down, Hal naturally thought it was a good thing, but after thinking about it, he asked, "Our friend is okay?"

"The war spread to the periphery of Gotham City, and we suffered heavy losses, but the Avengers and Superman Flash teamed up together to defeat Dakside ... they ... all seem to be gods!"

The last word scared Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

"What does it all mean?"

"Literally, after the death of Dakside, his personality was overflowing, and he entered the body of heroes such as Superman in the field. In plain words, he became a god!"

Green Lantern Hal Jordan rubbed his hair. "Well, that sounds like a good thing, at least they can deal with anti-monitors easily, right?"

"No, the anti-monitor uses Dixside's death to allow the Omega effect to separate him from the anti-life equation. At this moment, the anti-monitor changes back to his body, Mobius, and Mobius at this moment. It has left the earth, and there are only countless dark legions and demonic legions ... but these pieces are fragmented, and the gods on the earth join forces to encircle and be vulnerable. "

"That said, the war is over?" Green Lantern asked uncertainly.

Batman nodded without hesitation. Although he was far away in other universes, he could still learn everything from the chair of Mobius.

"Yes, Green Lantern, the war is over! Now I can finally focus on more important things. With the Mobius chair, I can finally turn Gotham into my ideal look! "

With that said, Batman was about to leave, but Green Lantern was standing in front of Batman and questioned: "This is all wrong!"

"Nothing wrong, green light, I know everything now, please don't question my judgment!"

"I'm not questioning your judgment, Bruce, if you were in the past, you will doubt whether this is really over! Before this chair ruins you, quickly roll off this **** chair!"

Facing the angry Green Lantern, Batman is still calm and scary, as if nothing can affect his emotions.

Batman shook Hal Jordan with energy and said lightly: "You should be more concerned about your Green Lantern Corps, Dakside is dead, Apocalypse's demon-like group is headless, they are invading the universe wantonly Just like locusts, they will be attracted to the most energetic place, the most powerful place, the white light of the universe! ... OA star! "

After listening to Batman's words, Green Lantern suddenly stunned. He couldn't imagine the scene of an overwhelming crowd of demons like OA star.

Where Dakside has been in the universe, all life planets have been transformed into arsenals by him, and countless lives have been transformed by him into a demon-like legion, brought to earth, but only a very small part, and more, Hundreds of billions of demons will roam the universe.

If these genies are attracted by the light of the OA star ... then the consequences are unimaginable!

Watching Green Lantern's heart beat faster, the adrenaline secreted, Batman sneered and shook his head: "So leave me alone and help your comrades, and I ... also help my comrades!"

Having said that, Batman didn't care whether Green Lantern could accept it, so he started the chair of Mobius, opened the space martyrdom, and crossed back to his own universe.

After returning to the universe, Batman and Green Lantern parted ways.

Batman flew directly towards the earth, while Green Lantern flew to the OA star. Along the way, they met a lot of hordes of demon-like legions that shuttled aimlessly in the universe. They controlled the mother. Box, attacking the living planet.


By the time Batman arrived on Earth, the battle was almost over.

The demon-like legion and the dark legion on the earth have been cleaned up, and the anti-monitor and Greer have disappeared without trace after the death of Dakside.

All the generals of Apocalypse's army were destroyed, and the death of Darkside, the **** of darkness, and his sons Cariback, Wolves, and others, naturally could not prevent the counterattack of the Justice League.

The war soon ended.

Death Lightning looked at the surrounding scenes. Because of the war, there were corpses all around, dark creatures, demons, and many human corpses.

In this dilapidated environment, Death Lightning took a deep breath, as if all the souls of all the dead had been absorbed. His state and his divine power were unprecedentedly powerful!

"The Flash, are you okay?" Diana felt the dark darkness emanating from Death Lightning ~ ~ a little worried.

Although many people at the scene have become gods, the **** of power is superman, the **** of the gods Shazan, the **** of the sea and the sea king ...

But at least, the breath on these people is normal, and there is no dark breath.

Only Flash!

Death Lightning looked at his hands, and he replied with a voice that seemed to come from the abyss of hell: "My feeling ... It's wonderful, death is not evil, and we would not be like this without death. Cherish life ... isn't it? "

Li Ya stood next to Diana, looking at Death Lightning and reminded: "Barry, the Dark Walker is still in your body, your thinking is affected by him, you need to wake up!"

These words made Death Lightning tremble, and then he held his head, and countless voices echoed in Death Lightning's mind.

"Who ... am I? Barry Allen ... or, Dark Walker, who am I ... who is darkness calling?"

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