MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 439 Batman and Catwoman

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At 4:30 in the morning, Gotham City started to have a faint light.

Batman Bruce Wayne stands on his favorite tall building overlooking the world.

The wind on the top of the high building brought a touch of coolness, and Batman subconsciously rubbed his injured shoulder in the battle just now, as if there were dense fog in his eyes.

A scent of fragrance came, and Batman sniffed his nose and smelled the scent, and knew who it was.

"I knew you were here, Bruce."

The comer's figure is graceful, wearing tight black leather clothes, showing her hot body to the fullest.

The pair of cat ears on her head added infinite charm to her. She stepped on high heels, walked behind Batman, stretched out her arms like black lotus roots, put them on Batman's shoulders, and pressed gently.

"His ... lightly, Kate, you know, I got a shoulder injury!"

Batman wanted to endure the pain, but his old lover had a very strong pinch, and he could not help taking a sigh of relief because of his endurance.

Catwoman Selina Kyle continued to press, "I'm here to help you relax and promote blood, Bruce, I think you should go to your friends in cloaks, and they will definitely solve your problem once they hit trouble!"

"I said, I can handle it !!!"

Batman turned abruptly, with an angry emotion in his voice, but when he saw the woman with an elf-like beauty in his eyes, Batman's tone softened immediately.

"Sorry, Kate ... I mean, my friend once killed the clown for me, or legally executed the clown, but ... Somehow, the clown has been resurrected, and it is more crazy and fatal than before! "

A year ago, Li Ya took Cara to arrest the clown who was planning to rob the bank, and brought the clown to the Court of the Three Sages.

After trials by the Three Sages Tribunal, the clowns were eventually exiled to Phantom Zone, a terrible area full of brutal alien prisoners.

The clown's superb IQ was lost there, and the ferocious aliens there soon hanged the clown.

Later, Steel Bone repeatedly confirmed that the death of the clown was announced, and Batman was greatly relieved, because the clown almost pushed him down the endless abyss, lost his bottom line forever, and became a dark slave.

But just a few months ago, the clown reappeared in Gotham.

At first, Batman thought it was just a parody, a parody criminal with unparalleled criminal talent, like the original clown, but the truth was far less simple than he thought.

"Kate, when I became the **** of knowledge, I once asked the chair of Mobius. I asked it who the clown was, and the chair said a name."

Batman said here, and suddenly lowered his head, his eyes as if engulfed by darkness.

Catwoman Selina Kyle tilted her head, staring at Batman's eyes, and eagerly asked, "What name is this clown?"

"That name is ... Bruce Wayne!"

"What ?! You ... Are you kidding me ?!"

When Batman said his name, Catwoman's first reaction was to think he was joking, but think carefully, when did Batman joking with himself?

This steel straight man has nothing in his mind except training and being a vigilante.

And I was worried that the world would be ruined all day long. I had to pretend a dude who played dudes everywhere in the daytime, as if I never really joked with myself!

Catwoman's face suddenly became weird when she thought of this, stuttering to grab Batman's arm, and asked:

"What the **** do you mean, Bruce, you have the same name as the clown? Or did you create the clown? The clown created you? ... You and the clown live and fight with each other. Have you in me, have you in me?"

Catwoman's brain was wide open, but she still couldn't understand it. Batman was silent for a while. She shook her head and said:

"Somehow, the chair of Mobius overlapped my identity with the clown ... Of course, don't think about it, that chair is not omniscient. He doesn't even know how to control and reverse the anti-life equation. Know more. "

"Who is Li Ya?"

Catwoman asked subconsciously, then suddenly covered her mouth, and looked at Batman Bruce Wayne with a wonderful look, "Oh my dear, you just accidentally revealed the truth of a Justice League member. Name, let me guess who it is? ... "

"Your friend in the red cape? ... No, no, he looks the same as the Americans, and was adopted by American couples from a young age. He shouldn't be like that ..."

Superman's alien identity is no longer a secret, and Clark has participated in many interviews in the past two years and has disclosed some of his own situation.

Denying Superman, Catwoman's beautiful eyes flashed a sly light, as if she could see through the deepest secret of Batman's heart: "I know, the only Asian of the Justice League, Avengers!"

Batman's mouth is twitching wildly, and his forehead doesn't feel a trace of cold sweat, and his heart is crying without tears. Are you women Holmes? !!

All blamed the **** of Zhenglian who called the other person's name when they were okay. It turned out that they all called someone else's code, but somehow they came up with a real name.

"The true identity of the members of the Justice League are state secrets. Please keep them confidential ..."

"Few state secrets to frighten me. If you want to keep me secret, you have to promise me a condition!"

Catwoman dragged her plump chest with her left hand and stretched out a finger in her right hand, shaking in front of Batman.

Batman touched his forehead and asked helplessly: "What conditions do you say ?!"

"Give me a kiss!"

Catwoman showed a smirk expression, stretched out her hand, yanked Batman's collar, dragged him towards herself, and her red lips printed on it.


At noon the next day, Li Ya helped her old waist and appeared on the top floor of the Planet Daily.

This is where Clark and his friend, Jimmy Olson, met secretly.

The fire door opened, and Clark Kent, wearing a suit and lead glasses, appeared in front of Li Ya, walking along the way, from time to time, he was tripped by the debris on the side, looking completely daredevil.

"No need to pretend in front of me, Clark!" Li Ya glanced at the other side.

Just looking at the appearance, the person in front of him is really difficult to connect with the greatest superhero in the world.

Clark smiled, revealing his own teeth, and explained, "You know, bring your eyes, I'm just an ordinary person. This is still the idea you put forward, let's say ... what's the matter with me?"

"I'm looking for you ... Is it convenient to share your wedding church with Louise?" Li Ya asked with a shrug.

"Share ... wedding church?"

Clark first glanced at it, and then came to understand, smiled suddenly, eyes came forward with surprise and patted Li Ya's shoulder, "Oh my God, you ... are you marrying Diana?"

"It's not because of you. You suddenly want to marry Louise. Diana forced me to propose yesterday, otherwise she ... hey!"

With a bitter face, Li Ya rubbed his old waist subconsciously.

I, the **** of punishment, the fusion of the equations of life, should have endless energy and inexhaustible super combat power.

However, I never expected that Diana, as the **** of love and peace, is now very peaceful, and when she and Diana did some love and things, the essence of life launched was full of the purest life energy.

These vital energies are absorbed by Diana without reservation, nourishing and strengthening the goddess.

Although Li Ya ’s lost life energy can still be recovered, but a drop of life energy and 100,000 drops of blood, it ’s gone and gone. Diana is getting more and more brave, her spirits are glowing, her brilliance is shining, and she is squeezing her life crazy energy.

And Li Ya naturally suffered, as if her body was hollowed out.

Clark saw the sadness in Li Ya's face, as if he understood something, and subconsciously supported his old waist.

In fact, Clark had to control 100% of his muscles when he communicated with Louise deeply. After all, if he was not careful, he could break Louise into a comminuted fracture, so for Superman, Very energy consuming.

However, for Louise, she didn't have so many worries, she just needed to enjoy the body of steel to bring her unparalleled enjoyment.


Li Ya and Clark sighed at the same time, the two met each other and saw the helplessness of each other's heart.

Tears too much!

"Okay, I understand, Li Ya, all in all, congratulations on finding a partner who will spend your life with you. As your friend, I think our wedding can be held together, which is very memorable!"

Clark smiled back, and the problems in life were trivial. The point was that he really loved Louise.

So is Li Ya.

"Our wedding can also be held together. You can discuss it with Louise afterwards. With her consent ... That's it. I'll tell Barry them first. I have to quit the Justice League best man group."

"No problem, go to church with me at noon tomorrow!"

Clark had a press release to write, and said goodbye to Li Ya, and returned to the Planet Daily.

Later, Li Ya told Barry and Arthur and others that they were going to marry Diana, and the feedback they received turned out to be They also wanted to take this opportunity to marry their beloved woman.

Barry Allen, and Iris West!

Arthur Curry, and Mela!

Even Batman Bruce Wayne intends to make a splash.

This surprised Li Ya.

"Bruce, who is your bride? Talia El Gore or Selena Kyle, or Victor Wally, Silvo St. Cloud?"

Li Ya talked to Bruce Wayne on the phone about his target.

After all, as a famous **** in Gotham, Bruce's lover can be connected to form a strengthened company.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, saying: "Thalia is unwilling to give up the Assassin Alliance, and since Dakside and the anti-watchers almost destroyed Gotham, Kate has been helping me ..."

‘Kate’ is Bruce ’s nickname for Catwoman. Li Ya originally thought that Bruce was devoted to being a superhero, but he did n’t expect him to secretly play fiery with Catwoman.

"Okay, I see. Sure enough, your favorite is not Clark, but the seductive kitten, but Bruce, are you sure she is serious this time, I remember you seem to have been cheated by her before Many times ... "

Before Li Ya finished speaking, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

Obviously, it was someone who had opened the scar and the young mind was hurt angrily and hung up the phone.

On the side, Diana cut a piece of apple with a Vulcan sword and stuffed it into Li Ya's mouth. "Hey, is there anything so appealing to you, watch out for Batman and you!"

"What is a broken friend ..."

Li Ya chewed the apple, and suddenly saw Diana staring at her with anticipation, and Li Ya stiffened her life and swallowed the last half of her words.

"Regardless of Bruce, let's determine the wedding invitation list!"

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Read An Extra's POV
Read Superstar From Age 0
Read Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor
Read Apocalypse Gachapon
Read Van Gogh Reborn!

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Chapter 265:

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