MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 10

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"She's great, sir!"

Jarvis's voice was a little excited: "Although give me a little time, I can get rid of her entanglement soon, but even so, she can still be called..."

"Shut up, Jarvis!"

Tony Stark interrupted impatiently.

The pulse cannon in his palm was still aimed at Lynn: "I don't care who you are or what you are going to do, I just know that I am in a bad mood right now, what kind of business, what SHIELD, what kind of **** world is in danger , have nothing to do with me..."

"I just want to drink now, the kind that I drink until I die!"

"And drink alone!"

"one person!"

In the eyes of Phantom Cat and Li Qianhuan, the famous Iron Man seemed to be a little neurotic. This irritable appearance was more like a drunkard than a superhero.

Accompanied by the night wind, a distinct smell of alcohol came to his nostrils.

How much did you drink?

Drunk driving? !

"What S.H.I.E.L.D.? What world safety? What is he talking about?"

Li Qianhuan clapped his hands, "crackling" between his fingers, and a few shining energy **** appeared: "Lin En, I think we need to help Mr. Stark sober up first..."

In Tony's steel battle suit, there was a sudden "drip" and "drip".

"Don't make trouble, we're not here to fight."

Lin En quickly grabbed Li Qianhuan, but he didn't expect that the pulse cannon in Tony Stark's palm was so bright that it shot out without hesitation!

Well, the current state of this product is indeed not right!

Although he temporarily raised his hand, the laser cannon landed at the feet of Lin En and the others, but this move undoubtedly showed his attitude!


This moment!

Nothing matters more than drinking!

"Conscious that you must die, so your mentality has changed?"

Lynn's eyes lit up, not surprised but delighted.

The more intense Tony Stark's reaction was, the more serious his psychological problems were at the moment, so the purpose of this visit would be easier to achieve.

That being the case, let him vent first!

Thinking of this, Lin En did not retreat but advanced at the critical moment, sending himself into the firing range of the pulse gun!

"So fast…"

Tony Stark only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and before he could react, the pulse gun blasted Lynn head-on!


Looks like it missed the target!

There seemed to be such a strange force around Lin En's body. The moment the pulse gun hit his body, it deflected strangely and shot into the sky!

Three-ring magic · Psionic deflection!

The expected pulse explosion did not appear!

"No wonder you dare to break into my company in the middle of the night, you are not an ordinary person! It seems that I have softened my heart!"

Tony's expression changed, his drunkenness surged, and he pointed his palms at Lin En, and two fast and powerful pulse guns whizzed out.

But the same scene happened again.

The two pulse guns didn't even touch Lin En's clothes, and they were twisted and deflected by that strange force.

"Jarvis, are you drinking too much like me and can't even lock on a target?!"

Tony curled his lips in disbelief.


However, what made him extremely irritated was that this was of no use.

Jarvis's voice came from next to him, with a trace of grievance: "Sir, I'm sure I locked on the target..."

"Then why can't you hit him?!"

Tony roared, and suddenly jumped into the air.

The armor on the shoulder of the battle suit was opened, revealing several rows of mini howitzers. The sound of "whoosh" and "whoosh" pierced the night sky, and dozens of miniature shells bombarded Lin En from all directions.

"Tsk tsk, the duel between technology and magic..."

Lynn spoke with great interest. These mini-cannonballs are not energy, and the magical force field formed by the deflection of psionic energy obviously cannot produce effects.

So, he snapped his fingers.

Three-ring magic · distortion field!

With the place where he, Phantom Cat, and Li Qianhuan were at the center, the force field with a radius of ten meters changed quietly!

The next moment, under Tony's disbelieving eyes, dozens of mini-cannonballs with an automatic locking system seemed to have lost their way, and all of them passed Lynn!

Lynn didn't come to fight, so none of these shells landed on the roof, but like pulse guns, they all shot into the sky.

Boom boom boom boom...

The shells exploded like fireworks.

Chapter 14 Tony: I hate mages!

"Damn it!!"

Tony's mentality exploded on the spot, and the hot weapon had no effect, so he swooped down under the control of the steel suit, and swung his steel fist towards Lynn.

Lynn took a few steps forward without changing his expression.

But the distortion field quietly shrunk, covering only his body.

So, in the eyes of Katie and Li Qianhuan, they saw that Iron Man's fist was clearly aimed at Lin En, but inexplicably deviated from the direction on the way, and in the end, it only brushed the side of Lin En's face with a slight difference.


The powerful and heavy punch hit the ground, revealing a pothole made of reinforced concrete.

This scene looked like Iron Man's conscience found out after he punched, and he took the initiative to let the target go, but because of the huge inertia, he cheated himself.

"Shit! I can't believe I can't hit you!"

Tony was furious, the thrusters under his feet whirred, turned over in the air, and swept Lynn's lower body with his right foot like a whip.

Can't hit the face, my legs are so long, can I always hit the target?

The scene that made him despair happened again.

Obviously, this kick will definitely hit Lin En, but on the way, he first felt a huge repulsive force, and then a strange traction force, which made this kick, and finally with a slight distance , brushing past Lynn's right leg.

Still missed the target!

Inertia added to the body, and the steel suit spun a dozen times like a top before it stabilized!

Tony was dizzy right away!


It fell to the ground with a bang.

"Sir, the force field around this person is constantly changing, give me a few seconds, and I can calculate how fast and strong I need to break the limit of this force field..."

Jarvis is worthy of being a top artificial intelligence. In a short period of time, he discovered the abnormality of Lynn's magic.

Tony's head was buzzing.

He reopened the steel mask and took a big gulp of air.

was about to speak.

There was a sudden thunder in my ear: "Mr. Stark, are you sober?"

Of course, this voice came from Lynn's mouth, as calm as ever, but for some reason, in Tony's ears, it seemed to be amplified hundreds of times...


It's not ringing in the ear at all...

It's more like it exploded directly from my mind!

Four-ring Magic·Mind Whiplash!


Tony felt like his brain was exploding, gold stars were popping up in front of his eyes, and a wave of heat surged in his stomach, and he couldn't help vomiting.

Jarvis' voice stopped suddenly.

Even if it was just an artificial intelligence, it knew very well that even if it found a way to hit Lynn, it would be useless in Mr. Stark's current state.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

I don't know how long I vomited.

Tony finally recovered a little bit, the drunkenness receded, and reason took over his mind again.

He lay down without any image, with a look of lying down and admitting that he was lying down, and glanced at Lin En: "What are you talking about?"


Lynn smiled slightly: "I am a mage, Mr. Stark!"

Tony was silent for a long time.

Suddenly cursed: "I hate mages!"

Phantom Cat and Li Qianhuan looked at each other, with gloating smiles on their faces at the same time.

"Believe me, Mr. Stark, you won't be annoying soon enough."

Lin En put away his magic, and said lightly: "For example, now, I only need to move my fingers to extract all the palladium in your body."

no doubt.

This sentence was like a bomb, thrown in Tony's heart.

"How did you know that I was poisoned by palladium?"

His first instinct was to be vigilant and alert.

But then, the constant pain in his body made him swallow honestly: "Your magic... can really extract the palladium element?!"

During this period of time, he was almost collapsed by palladium poisoning!

If it wasn't because he found out that his life was not long, how could he deliberately indulge himself and give up on himself? On the one hand, he handed over the company to Pepper, and endured the other party's misunderstanding; on the other hand, he specially asked his friend Colonel Rhodes to "rob" Take the mark3 steel suit? !

Neither Pepper nor Rhodes knew, he was explaining his funeral!

God testifies!

Tony Stark has never been one to accept fate!

But he is a self-proclaimed genius, but he has exhausted all methods, and he can't find a new element to replace palladium, so he can only fall into the despair of waiting for death!

But now...

The young man in front of him, who doesn't even know his name, actually said that he has a way to extract the elements from his body? !

At this moment, Tony was afraid that he was dreaming!

"In the middle of the night, do you think I'm here to joke with you?"

Lynn said with a faint smile.

Seeing the disbelief on Tony's face, he shrugged: "So, is Mr. Stark planning to entertain guests on the rooftop?"

There was no enmity between the two sides, and Lynn didn't come to find trouble. Now, after venting, Tony has obviously regained his senses.

Next, we can talk about business in a calm manner.

Read The Duke's Passion