MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 25

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Lynn didn't talk nonsense and continued to assign work.

Hammer falls, Oasis eats.

With the amount of money obtained from the stock market in the next period of time, the capital situation of the second world is completely sufficient, and the expansion can be accelerated.

So what we need to do now is to set up game distribution points in major cities around the world.

In this way, it can be connected with Stark Industries' production and transportation channels all over the world.

As long as "Oasis" is officially released, players all over the world will be able to purchase game equipment immediately and feel the infinite charm of the second world!

This is one of the most important preparatory work in the early stage.

Although tedious, it is not difficult.

It's nothing more than spending money.

Lynn believes that with Louis' ability, he can make overall arrangements. At the same time, he also arranged Iceman, Colossus, and Roberto in this team to increase experience and knowledge.

"It's the same sentence, don't care about the cost, speed is the key!"

Lynn emphasized this point again, and waved his hand to let Louis leave with the Iceman and others.

His gaze turned to Kitty the Phantom Cat.

"The matter of Daily X is very simple..."

Phantom Cat took out a stack of documents and said: "According to the plan, the company is registered in my name and has nothing to do with the Second World. The app has already been developed and can be released at any time..."

As she spoke, she curled her lips: "Lynn, you have already arranged these things, which makes me feel very unfulfilled!"

Unlike world-renowned media companies such as Bugle Daily and Planet Daily, X Daily is positioned as a new media, focusing on short videos, and has never thought of entering the newspaper or TV market.

The era of smartphones has arrived, and no one knows better than Lynn the terrifying influence of self-media such as short videos!

So this matter, as Phantom Cat said, is not too difficult.

All you need is an app.

As for the X Daily app, Lynn has already developed it with reference to TikTalk (the overseas version of a certain music) from his previous life.

The later operations can be handed over to Alice.

What needs to be done now is to use the fastest speed to let the whole world know the existence of X Daily, accept and use it.

In response to this, Lynn also arranged "X-Men Documentary" as a hot spot.

It's no wonder that Phantom Cat feels that he is a tool man!

"Stop complaining, your task is heavy!"

Lin En smiled and looked at the two daughters of Phantom Cat and Li Qianhuan: "From now on, your positions will be officially confirmed. As the technical director of the second world, Qianhuan will upgrade Alice at the same time, and Katie Ms. Pride..."

"Congratulations on becoming the chief reporter of X Daily!"

The Phantom Cat's ability is to travel through objects and is not suitable for combat.

But it is very difficult for others to hurt her.

Over the years, with Lynn's help, she has developed her own abilities to a very powerful level, no less than the X-Men such as Storm.

There is no one more suitable as a reporter for X Daily than her!


The phantom cat put away his joking thoughts and nodded: "From now on, the mutant channel will be handed over to me!"

This was planned long ago, and she had always been mentally prepared.

Li Qianhuan, on the other hand, said a little unconfidently: "Lin En, the technical department is the core department of the second world. I'm afraid I'm alone..."

After all, she had just stepped out of school, and she suddenly had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, so she inevitably felt uneasy.

Seeing this, Phantom Cat took her hand and encouraged her: "Be confident in yourself, Qianhuan! Looking around the world, in terms of artificial intelligence, you are second only to Tony Stark!"

"Katie's right, you can do it!"

Lynn nodded, with a look of mystery on his face: "Of course, it was too hard for the two of you, so I found an assistant for each of you."


Li Qianhuan and Phantom Cat looked at each other in surprise.

"Guaranteed to satisfy you!"

Lynn took out his mobile phone and put it on the table: "Alice, connect to the video call!"

"Got it, boss!"

Following Alice's response, two rays of light flickered, opening two holographic projection screens.

It turned out to be two women.

One of them is a typical western beauty, with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin and beautiful appearance. She wears red lips and a pair of glasses, giving people a kind of intellectual and wild beauty.

"Felicity Smoke, the IT genius I recruited from the Star City Quinn Group."

Lynn introduced, and then looked at another mixed-race woman with oriental beauty: "Skye, the world's top hacker, one of my friends in the dark net."

Skye showed off her figure in a black leather jacket.

"Hey, Lynn~"

The two greeted each other at the same time.

Phantom Cat and Li Qianhuan keenly felt that these two women were no strangers to Lin En, and they didn't look like they had been in contact for a while, but they felt like old friends.


There seems to be some ambiguity between the eye contact!

But hasn't Lynn been in the academy all these years?

How do you know people outside the academy?

The two women looked at each other, with a trace of vigilance in their hearts at the same time, but they still greeted enthusiastically on the surface: "Felicity, Skye, welcome to the Second World!"

"Felicity and Skye have just arrived at the appointment, and after they settle down, they will come to the company to report."

Lynn explained, looking at Li Qianhuan: "Felicity graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and her computer skills are quite good. With her as your assistant, your work will definitely be much easier."

Then there is Phantom Cat: "Skye is your assistant. After the mutant documentary is released, she will use hacking methods to spread the edited short video all over the world and attract traffic to Daily X."

There is no doubt that Felicity and Skye are the top computer talents in the world.

In the movie plot, the former is the technical consultant of the Green Arrow team.

The latter is the future Shockwave, the Inhuman descendant who eventually became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Lynn has planned for many years, how could he let go of this kind of help?

Over the years, the three of them have had innumerable exchanges on the dark web. It can even be said that Felicity and Skye have today's hacking skills, thanks to Lynn's contribution.

For the two daughters, he can be regarded as a mentor who is also a teacher and a friend.

It's just that among the two girls, Felicity is not a mutant, and Skye has not yet touched the obelisk and acquired superpowers.

Lynn has never recruited them.

Not long ago, when he was about to have a showdown with Professor X and really start planning, he finally found the two girls and invited them to join the Second World.

As for how to invite...

Without him, they just slept separately.

With the in-depth exchanges, let's talk about cooperation.

Everything is in order.

Chapter 36 Sweeps the Internet! It turns out that the X-Men have done so much for mankind?

The next day, a video suddenly went viral on the Internet.

In the video, Wolverine, who has been in the limelight recently, is tied to an experimental table, pierced into the body of the instrument, and the mercury-like liquid flows and quickly pours into his body.

Wolverine twisted all over and let out a tragic wail.

And behind him, stood a middle-aged man in military uniform, his face was full of excitement and excitement, his expression was crazy and distorted, hideous like a ghost.

The screen flashed, and the symbol of the beautiful country appeared - the Statue of Liberty.

At the top of the goddess statue, a sci-fi instrument is spinning crazily, and the milky white light is spreading crazily towards the surroundings.

On the small island not far away, there are dense figures gathered, from various countries, and it seems to be the scene of an international conference.

The milky white light was like a wave, and it was about to swallow the island.

Still Wolverine!

He stretched out his bone claws, and tried his best to prevent an old man from continuing to operate the machine, but the old man seemed to be able to control his bone claws, no matter how hard he tried, the claws were not worth an inch.

At the critical moment, Cyclops, Phoenix, and Storm appeared on the screen.

Cyclops aimed for a long time, and a red light shot out suddenly, hitting the old man's back!

Wolverine's long-prepared claws "stabbed" out, tearing up the instrument on the spot and scattering it in all directions!

The milky white wave that was about to swallow the island disappeared immediately!

Senior officials from all over the world looked at each other with joyful expressions on their faces!

"What is this video?"

"A new movie coming out?"

"It's not a movie. Isn't that strong man with claws the same mutant who gave his life to save others at the Hammer Industry Fair?"

"Yes, yes, the other three too, I saw it in the live broadcast!"

"Then what's the situation?"

This video only lasted for one minute, but it aroused the curiosity of countless netizens. Before they had any doubts, the video automatically gave the answer.

【X-Men Documentary: The Past and Present of Mutants】

【X Daily Exclusive Report】

【Please download】

"Daily X?"

At some point, all the netizens who saw the video reacted, quickly turned on their phones, and soon found the X Daily app, which was a simple X icon.

Open it and see that everyone can post videos and share every bit of life.

Such a novel software immediately aroused the interest of many people.

But now is clearly not the time for research.

In the X Daily, there is currently only one mutant channel, and when you click on it, there is only one long video that lasts half an hour.

A female reporter with a sweet smile spoke slowly.

"Recently, what happened at the Hanmer Industry Expo triggered a discussion that swept the entire network..."

"After an in-depth investigation by our reporter, it was a superhero group composed of mutants called the X-Men who came to save people that night. It is dedicated to combating mutant crimes and protecting the safety of the public..."

"In order to let the general public have a deeper understanding of the X-Men, this newspaper exclusively produced an X-Men documentary, please watch it..."

Without further ado, the feature film begins.

To the surprise of the audience, it was not any of the four Wolverines who appeared first, but a well-mannered young man.

Looking at the background building, it seems to be in the 1960s.

And as soon as this person appeared, he showed the powerful ability of mind control, but he didn't use his super power to do any bad things, instead he cooperated with the CIA!

He even became lovers with a female agent of the CIA, Mora Mactag!

This surprised all the audience!

"As early as the 1960s, the government actually cooperated with mutants?"

"This Professor Charles is the creator of the X-Men!"

"The X-Men... turned out to be an official organization?"

Read The Duke's Passion