MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 28

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Has his plan to rescue Magneto been discovered by the X-Men?

So just sit here and wait? !

Magneto obviously thought of this, and his expression suddenly became complicated: " here too?"


Lynn shook his head and glanced at Mystique: "Actually, the professor didn't know that someone would come to rescue you. The reason I'm here is that when Ms. Darkholm invaded the prison network, she was caught I just noticed it."

Mystique was startled and angry.

Magneto grasped the point of this sentence keenly: "You... are monitoring here?!"

"To be more precise, to watch you, Mr. Lanshere."

Lynn doesn't hold back either, telling the truth.

Ever since the artificial intelligence Alice was developed, the first thing he did was to hack into the official network, find out where the prison where Magneto was held, and has been secretly monitoring it.

For this moment!

Magneto's scalp tingled.

But at the same time, his mood was slightly relieved: "If what you said is true, then, judging from what you and Charles are doing now, you are not cooperating with humans... That is to say, you are not Waited for me to break out of prison, and then sent me to prison, right?"


Lynn smiled: "I just want to talk to you."

Magneto glanced at the vines tied to his body, and sneered, "Is this how you talk to people?"

"I didn't mean to..."

Lynn shrugged, without any intention of taking back the magic: "But now, it seems that this is the only way you can listen to me quietly?"

As soon as these words came out, both Magneto and Mystique were speechless.

After the silence, Magneto took a deep breath: "Just tell me, what do you want to do?"

Lynn didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

"Ms. Darkholm has already told you about the changes outside..."

He glanced at Mystique and said, "But there is one thing Ms. Duckholm probably doesn't know yet. Xavier College is preparing to open enrollment in the near future. At that time, mutant students from all over the world will gather together, and it will inevitably require a lot of people. Faculty and staff…”

"So, I would like to ask you, the famous Mr. Magneto, to be the vice principal of the academy!"

"By the way, Ms. Darkholm and other elites from the Mutant Brotherhood are also invited to serve as visiting professors at the academy!"

"Mutants don't lie to mutants!"

"Academy X needs talents like you!".

Chapter 40 Magneto with a burst mentality!


As soon as Lin En finished speaking, the blazing flame space suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Both Magneto and Mystique looked dumbfounded.

He even thought he was hallucinating.


Magneto stared blankly at Lynn, and it took him a long time to react. He sneered and said, "Ask me to be the vice-principal of Xavier College? Are you kidding me?"

No wonder he didn't believe it, it was Lynn's words that were too ridiculous!

Who is he?


Leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants!

Fight an enemy that the X-Men have fought for decades!

How could it be possible to go to Xavier Academy...that mutant kindergarten that he doesn't like at the vice principal? !

"Are you afraid you are dreaming?!"

Mystique stared at Lynn like she was looking at a fool, and the trace of fear that had just been born because of Lynn's powerful strength disappeared in an instant.

She couldn't think of any other explanation for such an invitation except that she was out of her mind!

It's a joke in the world!

"I know you don't believe it, but... what's so ridiculous about it?"

Lynn smiled, not surprised by the reaction of the two.

He looked at Magneto, his eyes full of sincerity: "Xavier College needs high-quality professors, and you are one of the top mutants in the world, and the mutant fraternities under your command are also elites, so I hire you there anything wrong?"

Every word and sentence, resoundingly.

How can there be a little bit of joking?

"Are you serious?"

Magneto's expression finally changed from sneering to astonishment.

Then, a little dignified.

As the leader of the Mutant Brotherhood, he is undoubtedly one of the most intelligent and capable mutants in the world, but at this moment, he finds that he can't understand Lynn's brain circuit at all!

He even felt that he was old?

Are the young people of today so fierce?

Reminiscent of the news brought by Mystique, he is not surprised that Xavier College is going to open enrollment. After all, what the X-Men have done during this period of time has made it clear that they do not intend to hide anymore.

But even so, he still couldn't help asking: "The open enrollment you are talking about is the kind that discloses one's existence to the world, so that all mutants of the right age can enroll openly?"

"That's right!"

Lynn nodded slightly.

Magneto stared straight at him: "You asked me to be the vice principal, that is to say, Charles is still the principal? The other X-Men are still professors of the academy?"

"It's natural."

Lynn answered decisively.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Magneto's mouth: "Don't you know the grievances between me and Charles, the Brotherhood of Mutants and the X-Men?!"

"so what?"

Lynn didn't care about this: "I invite you, just to teach students, not to resolve grievances."

As soon as these words came out, the pupils in Magneto's eyes shrank suddenly.

An unbelievable idea emerged from his mind.

"You just want us to check and balance the X-Men?"

"Are you worried that Charles is the only one in the academy?!"

"You want to share his power?!"

He thought he had guessed Lin En's plan, but after being shocked, he couldn't help admiring Lin En's means and courage.

But I didn't expect...

Lin En frowned upon hearing this, and looked at him speechlessly.

"As the leader of the mutant brotherhood, can the situation be bigger? Aren't you committed to changing the situation of mutants? Why are you full of messy conspiracies in your mind?"

When speaking, Lynn couldn't hide his disappointment: "Mutants are in danger of extinction at any time. To reverse the situation, we must unite all forces that can be united, especially the Mutant Brotherhood and the X-Men. As a group of mutants There are only some elites here, and they should cooperate sincerely..."

"You don't even understand such a simple truth?"

"No wonder I wasted half my life and achieved nothing!"

Magneto never dreamed that one day, he would be taught by Professor X's students.

Every word is like a needle, the needle hits the nail on the head!

It directly negates all his efforts in the first half of his life!

The mentality exploded on the spot!

"Ha, I did fail in the first half of my life, but you think you will succeed?"

He was ashamed and annoyed, and stared straight at Lynn: "I don't deny that your methods are a bit unexpected, but you don't really think that turning the tide of public opinion against mutants can make humans forget mutants threat?"

"Believe it or not, Xavier College is open for enrollment today, and tomorrow, the human army will enter the manor!"

This sentence is resolute and decisive.

Facing his mocking eyes, Lynn smiled slightly.

"You may not know that Xavier's Manor has changed its location, and the human army can't find it if they want to rush in... And when it reappears, it will be a giant that no one can shake!"

Limited by information, Magneto obviously couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

He could only sneer back: "In this case, why do you still ask me to be the vice principal?"

"It's very simple..."

Lynn said lightly: "Although Professor Charles is a respectable elder, he can't be regarded as an excellent principal. His educational philosophy is too gentle, and he can only cultivate elites instead of fighters. In this regard, Magneto You are obviously more authoritative, sir..."

"And Academy X needs both elites and fighters!"

As we all know, Hogwarts, where only Dumbledore is the headmaster, has no future.

It also needs a Grindelwald!

In a way, Magneto and Professor X are the Dumbledore and Grindelwald of this world, fighting each other and doing nothing to the mutant community.

But if their ideas can blend and collide in X Academy...

The growth rate of the students will be predictable!

Lynn is very clear that the students of Academy X must not be taught to be a group of sheep, nor can they be taught to be a group of war madmen. The combination of the two, with both kindness and thunderous means, is the talent that the mutant community really needs !

Then, on this basis, learn all kinds of knowledge and improve various skills to survive in human society.

For this reason, Lynn has even found out...

The third principal! .

Chapter 41: Mutants' Real Wealth!

"Academy X needs both elites and fighters?"

Magneto was startled.

Lin En's frank treatment made him suddenly wake up.


There was no conspiracy against Charles.

There are no ulterior tricks either.

Lynn's presence here is simply an invitation to them to contribute to the future of X Academy and the future of mutants.

That's all.

Thinking of this, Magneto's mentality quietly returned to calm.

The young man in front of him is obviously also committed to saving the future of the mutant group, but his ideas and methods are different from himself and Charles!

He didn't know what method to use, but he had already convinced Charles!

Now... it seems that you still want to convince yourself?

"You want me to join your plan?"

As expected of Magneto, when he really calmed down, he immediately showed a vicious and precise vision.

Finally, a touch of relief flashed across Lynn's eyes.

This is in line with the image of Magneto in his mind!

Read The Duke's Passion