MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 32

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"Sir, we are NYPD..."

Cyclops glanced at Catherine, who nodded and approached slowly with a gun.

It's just that before she could finish her sentence, the figure of the night walker suddenly disappeared from her sight, and when she reappeared, she was on top of a tall beam.

"He can move instantly!"

The well-informed Cyclops immediately wakes up.

Phoenix Girl quickly stretched out her right hand.

Mind power activated!

Nightcrawler's body was frozen instantly, and an invisible force bound his whole body, he couldn't even move a single finger!


Eddie Brock let out a cry of surprise. He thought he would experience a fierce battle, but he didn't expect the X-Men to make a move and take down the target so easily.

This news still lacks explosive points.

The Phoenix Girl controlled Nightcrawler to slowly descend and float in front of everyone.

Out of professional habits, Catherine asked, "Sir, you are suspected of invading the White House and assassinating the president, and we are going to arrest you now..."

She still hadn't finished speaking.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the ceiling, and then, grenades fell like raindrops, scattered all over the church.

White smoke gushed out of it!

At the same time, dense footsteps came from outside!

"what's the situation?!"

Everyone who saw this scene through the live broadcast was trembling. At this moment, even a simple-minded person, a thought flashed in their minds involuntarily:

There is an ambush!

Those smoke bombs are by no means unusual. Not only do they spread extremely fast, but they also contain a strong sleep-inducing effect. The X-Men, NYPD and others in the picture took a puff without paying attention, and they all fell down in unison!


"The X-Men who captured the assassin were taken over by someone instead?!"

Before everyone who saw this scene could react, they saw teams of heavily armed elite soldiers rushing in from all the entrances of the church, armed with various weapons.

Most of them went straight to the fallen X-Men.

A leader looked at the camera, picked up his rifle, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The audience before the live broadcast subconsciously shrank back.

Immediately afterwards, his complexion became extremely strange.

The camera was shot and apparently no longer live.


The screen is still there! .

Chapter Forty-Six One Shot, Lynn's Means!

No one knows, it's on another beam on the right side of the church.

Lynn, Magneto, and Mystique stood here, looking down at what happened below.

A transparent light shield enveloped the three of them.

From the outside, it looked empty.

Not even the slightest sound could be heard.

"It turns out that William Stryker... is your real target!"

Magneto's expression was extremely complicated.

Compared to when he was just released from prison a few days ago, his spirit is much better, but the bewildered expression on his face is even worse than that.

It seems that he still can't keep up with Lynn's methods.

Lynn smiled slightly: "See?"

"You used the live broadcast of the Global Daily to let the whole world know that it was William Stryker who controlled Nightcrawler to assassinate the president, and you used the credibility of the NYPD to convince those who watched the live broadcast that it was true..."

Magneto is worthy of being Magneto, and he thought of a lot of things just at the beginning: "In this way, William Stryker, no, the entire military can't explain it clearly, and it will only be seen by the White House, the political circles, and even countless people. engulfed in rage..."

"Hehe, the military is secretly controlling the mutants and wants to assassinate the president. This is a scandal enough to shock the world..."

"When the time comes, the military and the political circles will fall into infighting, and the mutants will be able to clear their suspicions..."

"You can even get unexpected benefits..."

"Because, many people will subconsciously think about the past murders by mutants, are there also black hands behind the scenes?"

"Are you... blaming mutants too?"

Every time he said a word, Mystique's face changed slightly.

Lynn nodded.

"Not everyone wants to eliminate mutants, otherwise, the "Mutant Registration Act" will not always fail to pass."

With his hands behind his back, his eyes are calm, but he has a penetrating charm: "There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom, all the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit."

"Those congressmen and politicians who support the "Mutant Children Registration Act" are just trying to conform to public opinion and win votes."

"Those who disapprove of dealing with mutants may not mean it sincerely. They may just do so, and it won't do him any good."

"But so what?"

"There is no need for mutants to be enemies of the entire human population."

"For those like William Stryker, who wholeheartedly want to eliminate mutants, we will eliminate them with our backhand."

"For those who do not reject mutants, we try our best to divide, win over, and even support them as spokespersons."

"In this way, more and more friends, fewer and fewer enemies..."

"What's so difficult about mutants wanting to walk in the sun dignifiedly?"

Magneto and Mystique were speechless for a long time.

The worldview formed over the years made them feel that this was an absurd idea, but when they thought about it carefully, they had to admit that it contained great wisdom that they had never thought of!

Otherwise, why did Lin En's tricks work, but they spent decades and still failed to achieve anything?

"That's how you convinced Charles..."

Magneto finally understood why Professor X indulged Lynn so much.

He was thinking about Lynn's words, and suddenly thought of something, and looked down, Catherine and other detectives who were handcuffed by him: "This woman is the Delta-level mutant you mentioned?"

"Yes, her ability is very weak, but the degree of brain development is slightly higher than that of ordinary people."

Lynn nodded, then shook his head again: "Actually, these agents under her command are all Delta-level mutants, and their physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people, so in the case of deliberately hiding their identities, they can easily Just got into NYPD, and it's the elite!"

Magneto suddenly realized.

Of course he understood what Lynn meant.

It's showing him... the potential of a Delta-class mutant!

It's not about superpowers!

It's about integrating into human society and controlling more voices!

The purpose of bringing Catherine and others into this plan is to let the other party make great contributions, spread their reputation to the White House, and gain a huge reputation in the police circle...

Then step by step support, become the spokesperson of mutants in the police world!

"Then, what about the reporter?"

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Magneto asked again: "Is he also a mutant?"


Lynn glanced at the unconscious Eddie Brock, and smiled: "He's not, it's just an idle move."

An ordinary Global Daily reporter, although valuable, is not too big.

But in the future, if he is possessed by venom...

That's another matter!

"Okay, I still have a lot of questions, so I'll just say them all at once..."

Magneto took a deep breath, suddenly looked away, and stared at Lynn with burning eyes: "First, how do you know this is a conspiracy? William Stryker is using Nightcrawler as a bait to lure Charles out?"

"Did you forget that I have been monitoring the prison where you are being held?"

Lynn explained patiently: "William Stryker often went to you and used the special liquid medicine developed from his son's brain fluid to control your mind and make you tell a lot about X Academy, among which The most common ones are brain wave enhancers."

Magneto's eyes flashed: "So what?"

"The brain wave booster can only be used by Professor Charles. How could William Stryker be interested in it?"

Lynn smiled: "Obviously, his target is not just the enhancer, but also Professor Charles! If Professor Charles can be controlled with brain fluid, he can easily kill all mutants instantly..."

"But now, Academy X has disappeared out of thin air, and he can't find Professor Charles..."

"In this way, using the assassin who attacked the president as bait to lure the snake out of the hole is his only choice..."

"Isn't it?"

Magneto gasped.

He became more and more sure of his guess. Transferring X Academy was not just for hiding, but also for a more important purpose, which was to lure William Stryker...

Lead the snake out of its hole...

William Stryker was the snake!

His reaction was beyond Lynn's expectations!

"But how do you know that he will control Nightcrawler to assassinate the president?"

The more Magneto thinks clearly, the more doubts in his heart.

This is the premise of all plans.

If William Stryker hadn't done this, none of today's events would have happened.

For this...

Of course Lynn wouldn't say it because he was familiar with the plot.

He thought for a while and said, "There are many kinds of magic, and one of them is a very special branch called prophecy magic."


Magneto and Mystique lost their voices, it was extremely unbelievable.

The two looked at each other and were about to talk again.

Lynn has already said it for them: "You must still want to ask, since I know William Stryker's plan and I am going to use it, why did the X-Men make a high-profile statement? In this way, he got the news, It is very likely that the anomaly will be detected and the operation will be canceled?"

"That's right!"

Mystique couldn't hold back any longer, and said, "Besides, William Stryker must have known about Eric's escape from prison, he's not an idiot..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted.

Not Lynn.

But Magneto.

"It was because I escaped that William Stryker had to carry out this operation, because the only bait he used to lure Charles into the bait...that was me...was gone!"

When he said this, he looked at Lynn's eyes and was completely numb: "So, even my escape is in your plan, right?"

Lynn shrugged, noncommittal.

Mystique gasped.

How did the young man in front of him have a brain? !

Read The Duke's Passion