MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 51

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On the top of a building with only a dozen floors, Lynn looked down at the battle between the Abomination and the Hulk, his face full of curiosity.

Kitty the Phantom Cat curled her lips: "Probably, this is the self-confidence you mentioned`ˇ."

Lynn shrugged.

"Tony is here."

In the sky in the distance, red and gold meteors flew towards him quickly, and soon joined the battlefield. Pulse guns and various missiles shot towards the abomination as if they didn't need money.

But unfortunately, with the firepower of the Mark 10, facing a monster like Abomination, the damage is really limited.

"Poor Tony, he obviously wants to retreat to study more advanced steel suits, but someone always disrupts his rhythm..."

Lynn was a little embarrassed.

The last time he interrupted Tony's research.

This time, it actually had something to do with him.

He sighed softly, and said, "Let's get started, give Tony some time to go back and study the suit."


The phantom cat couldn't bear to press it for a long time, and immediately activated the set up mobile phone after hearing this.

"Hello, audience friends..."

The people who were frantically commenting on the mutant channel suddenly discovered that the channel had started a live video broadcast, and the beautiful female reporter who once appeared in the mutant documentary once again appeared in the camera.

I saw the phantom cat in the lens, with an extremely serious expression.

The voice was also full of inexplicable grief and indignation.

"Not long ago, we informed the X-Men of everyone's comments on this channel, but in fact, the X-Men had already rushed to the battlefield as soon as we knew the news!"

"Now, they've arrived!"

Under Alice's control, the lens automatically shifted, and the high-definition zoom function was activated.

Immediately, the audience saw that familiar Blackbird fighter plane appearing in the distant sky!


"The X-Men are coming!"

"I knew that they are all superheroes, and they will never care about the lives of the people!"

"That's it, the X-Men will definitely defeat those two monsters!"

"Twisting Covenant City has been saved!"

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you see that after Iron Man joins the battlefield and joins forces with another little Hulk, there's nothing he can do about that violent monster? The X-Men will definitely win?" "Hey, didn't you Ever seen the sharpness of Wolverine's claws? It must be able to break through that monster's defense!"

"And Storm, she can control lightning!"

"And the laser light from Cyclops!"

"Phoenix Girl can also control objects!"

All the people who paid attention to this matter instantly boiled.

From the beginning of the live broadcast, the popularity has skyrocketed at an incredible speed.

However, to their surprise, there were still four people getting off the Blackbird fighter plane, but there was no Storm, but a bald old man in a wheelchair instead.

Moreover, this old man seems to be the leader of the X-Men!

"Professor X!"

Those who have watched the X-Men documentary immediately saw his identity.

Immediately, everyone heaved a long sigh of relief. After all, it can be seen from the documentary that Professor X has powerful psychic abilities and can completely ignore the terrifying physical defense of the green monster.

Sure enough, as soon as Professor X appeared, he was beating Hulk's abomination violently, and his movements stopped abruptly!

Hulk, who had been beaten up all the way for a long time, and Iron Man, who was circling in the air, were slightly taken aback.

But then, Professor X's surprised voice sounded in their minds.

"His thinking is extremely chaotic and violent, and it seems that there are more than one. Two violent thoughts have merged together, and an unknown change has taken place..."

"I can only temporarily control him, the time is too short, there is no way to take him away from this place..."

"At most thirty seconds, he will break free..."

"He must be eliminated!"

As Professor X said, he unconsciously pressed his right hand on his temple. This kind of small movement when activating his psychic ability, he only did it when he was young, which means that he has done his best!

"Do it!"

Hulk's mind was also in a mess, so he didn't react for a while, but Iron Man didn't hesitate at all, and a powerful red laser appeared on his arm instantly.

When facing whip locks, this laser weapon can only be used once.

But now, it's ready for multiple uses!


The red laser shot directly at Abomination's chest, the severe pain made him howl unceasingly, and his thoughts became more and more tyrannical, wanting to break free from Professor X's control.

It's a pity that at this time, Wolverine and Phoenix Girl have also been killed!

"Hey big guy, do you think your skin is thicker, or my claws are sharper?"

Logan spat out the cigar in his mouth, leaped three meters away, and came to the front of Abomination. With his claws stretched out like a bag, he pierced Abomination's chest with a "hiss!"

Edelman alloy is worthy of being the hardest metal in the world, yet it easily broke through the defense of the abomination!

But Logan's strength is not enough after all, and he cannot fully utilize the sharpness of the Edelman alloy claws!

The wolf claws only pierced a small part!


Logan roared loudly, and the Phoenix Girl who had been prepared for a long time heard the sound and moved. The power of her telekinetics was exerted to the extreme in an instant, and she actually controlled Logan's wolf claws and merged with his own power... Tear hard!

A wound visible to the naked eye appeared on Hate's chest!


He roared loudly, his thoughts became extremely violent in an instant, and he finally broke free from Professor X's mind control.

But at this moment, Cyclops' red light also arrives!

The wound torn open by the wolf's claws in the middle!

Obviously, on the way here, everyone has already discussed the strategy to deal with the abomination, and the cooperation is full of tacit understanding at this moment.

Just one face-to-face, the hatred was severely injured!

The laser light blasted directly into his body along the wound, and the blood that gushed out was instantly evaporated. Seeing this scene in the eyes of the audience, they almost thought his body had been shot through!

".You mutants, why are you here to join in the fun?!"

An angry and violent voice came out of his mouth, his green eyes were full of hatred, and he broke free from the hatred of mind control, showing a completely different side from Hulk.

He perfectly retains Bronski's character and sanity.

And of course... combat literacy!


He kicked the Hulk away almost immediately, and his huge body smashed towards Cyclops and Phoenix Girl in the distance, forcing them to dodge.

The laser light suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Hate's arms spread out, and both of them closed suddenly, as if to smash Logan into a pulp.

"Shit! How does this guy look like a well-trained soldier?!"

Logan, who had served in the special forces, immediately sensed the difference in the loathing, and quickly drew out his wolf claws, doing a backflip to avoid the claws of the loathing.

The same question also appeared in the hearts of the audience at the same time.

As if to help them out...

The camera suddenly splits into two, one part is still a dangerous battle scene, while the other part shows the phantom cat of the on-site reporter.

"I believe everyone must be very curious, where did these two big guys come from, and whether they are mutants who failed to evolve..."

Under Lynn's influence, Phantom Cat has matured a lot.

When she mentions mutants, she always uses the word "evolution", which subtly (Li's) influences the public's perception of mutants.

"In fact, on the way to the scene, I had the same question as everyone else. If these two are mutants who failed to evolve, it undoubtedly shows that there is a huge risk in human genetic evolution."

"But after coming to the scene, I happened to meet one of the participants in this incident, and only then did I know the truth of the matter..."

At this point, the previous anger reappeared on Phantom Cat's face: "It turns out that these two green monsters have nothing to do with mutants, but the product of the military's super soldier plan!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole Internet was boiling.

In everyone's mind, a thought appeared unconsciously.

The military again?

Why is it the military again? !

The matter of William Stryker is still being fermented on the Internet, and the military has come up with such a thing again. How many buildings were destroyed in a big battle between Hate and Hulk? How many people died? !

How many things did the military do that threatened the safety of the people behind our backs? !

For a while, all the people who saw the live broadcast were blown up again.

And those who supported the military and believed that the Phantom Cat was wantonly slandering, the next moment they saw a terrified face appearing in the live broadcast.

"Hi everyone, my name is Samuel Stern, my online name is Mr. Lan, and I am a Ph.D. in genetics..."

Wearing a blue coat, with a trace of blood still remaining on his face, the man explained to the world with a wry smile: "The reason why I appear here is because the smaller Hulk is my netizen..."

"And that violent green monster became like this after being injected with the serum I researched..."


The whole network is in an uproar! .

Chapter 69 Out of control super soldier plan!

Samuel Stern, in Lynn's address book, is also called Mr. Blue.

At this moment, the battle between X-Men, Iron Man, Hulk and Abomination is in full swing, but most of the audience in the live broadcast room are not paying attention to it.

Everyone listened attentively to Mr. Lan's explanation.

"Actually, I'm not particularly clear about the whole thing. It was all told to me by my netizen...that is Hulk...!"

Mr. Lan glanced at Lynn who was not in the camera, took a deep breath and said slowly: "Many people have seen the statue and deeds of the US team in the World War II Memorial, but they don't know the appearance of the US team Stephen Rogers. It originated from a secret experiment of the military—the Super Soldier Project!"

"The content of this plan is to develop a super serum that changes the human gene and inject it into the human body, so that the experimenter has powerful strength, speed, endurance, and responsiveness!"

"Stephen Rogers is the subject of this project, and the only one that succeeded!"

"The injection of the super serum made him change from a thin little man to a rampant superhero on the battlefield!"

"If there are no accidents, after him, there should be an entire corps of super soldiers!"

"But unfortunately..."

"Dr. Erkins, who developed the super serum, was assassinated!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Lan didn't show any sadness on his face, but was a little weird: "Dr. Erkins is the only one who has mastered the serum formula. His death has brought the entire super soldier plan to a standstill..."

"But the military did not give up. Soon, they restarted the plan, with General Ross in charge..."

"The Hulk Hulk you see, that is, Dr. Bruce Banner, was once tricked into joining the project. He thought he was conducting gamma ray experiments, but he didn't know that he was actually participating in the super soldier project... "

"Then, the accident happened again!"

500 "During an experiment, he was polluted by gamma rays, and his body mutated. As long as he was angry to a certain extent, he would turn into the green monster that everyone saw..."

"Since then, he has been hunted down by General Ross..."

"The military wants to study his blood and create a brand new super serum that is far superior to the original!"

At this moment, the audience has absolutely no idea that everything Mr. Lan said has actually been memorized by heart.

Read The Duke's Passion