MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 56

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"Can you stop it now?"

Pierce sneered: "Your Excellency Rodriguez, whether you want to admit it or not, the mutants of today are no longer the mutants of the past...they can't hold back anymore!"

"War is a matter of time, and the horn is sounded even now!"

One word from him made the atmosphere in the meeting room chill: "And what we need now is time! As long as the antidote for mutants in Worthin Laboratory is successfully developed, or General Ross's super soldier project achieves a breakthrough The progress of the progress... Isn't it easy to enter the X Academy and eliminate all mutants by then?!"

The eyes of Rodriguez and Admiral Scudder flickered slightly.

The former glanced at the president: "The research of the Worthin laboratory has entered the most critical moment, and the superpower elimination agent for human experiments will soon be produced!"

The Worthing Laboratory, apparently affiliated with the White House's mutant research project, is in charge of him.

Admiral Scudder heard the words and did not hide it: ".Ross has brought the abomination back to the base. It shouldn't be a problem to research the Hulk serum. We just need to find a way to eliminate the violent factor and make it controllable. Get an army of Hulk!"

The president heard the words and did not respond.

Instead, he looked at Pierce with a strange expression: "Pierce, you, the secretary of the World Security Council, know our secret plan very well!"

"That's what S.H.I.E.L.D. is for, isn't it?"

Pierce didn't seem to hear the dissatisfaction in the president's words, and smiled and said: "Your Excellency, our world is undergoing unprecedented changes, and mutants are only an insignificant part of it, and it's not worth your effort at all. !"

This seems to mean something else.

The three presidents looked at each other and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Look at this!"

Pierce smiled, took out a small projector, and aimed it at the wall of the conference room: "Just when you were being overwhelmed by mutants, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered that the earth has been visited by aliens. After initial contact, got this..."

Needless to say, the three presidents have already seen it from the screen.

This is a desert.

A rainbow beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then, a robot with a strange shape appeared out of thin air, with a red light in its eyes, and a violent explosion occurred in the small town on the desert.

I saw a burly man rushing out of the town with a hammer in his hand, and fought with him.

All of a sudden, the storm surges, the thunder and lightning dance wildly—

This turned out to be a battle between Thor and the Destroyer (Thor 1 plot)!

The pupils in the eyes of the three presidents suddenly shrank to the extreme. Even watching the video, they could feel the terrifying power displayed by the two in the picture!

"You mean, the aliens... are here again?!"

The president swallowed, moved his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Pierce.

As the president, he certainly knows a lot of secrets. Captain Marvel fought against the Kree on Earth and fought alongside Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D., all of which are sealed in (Lee's) files.

And those files, as the president of SHIELD's largest employer, of course he has the authority to read them!

In fact, if it weren't for these, the officials of various countries would not have spared no effort to support the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

"Yes, Your Excellency the President!"

Pierce did not turn off the projector, but sat up straight with the power of Thor and the Destroyer, and looked at the three presidents: "This guy who calls himself Thor comes from the mythical Asgard. Son of King Odin!"

"They seem to have come to Earth thousands of years ago, and now they are here again!"

The three people present were all old foxes, so Pierce just briefly introduced the situation, and then stated his purpose in a simple and rude way:

"Your Excellency, the earth is facing an unprecedented threat, and the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. is far from enough!"

"We need bigger support!"

When he said this, his expression was extremely solemn, as if at any time he would fight a **** battle with aliens for the survival of the earth.

But in his heart, he was extremely excited.

The mutants are doing well!

Just find a reason to let General Ross stay in charge of the super soldier project without being punished, and S.H.I.E.L.D. can take this opportunity to intervene... as long as...

The Asgardians are also wonderful!

The greater the threat they bring, the more important the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. is. In this way, all countries in the world have to increase their support, asking for people, money for money...

With the superposition of the two phases, the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. will grow stronger and stronger, and gradually develop into a behemoth that no one can control...

Who will this end up being cheaper for?

Of course it is the hydra attached to it!

Long live Hydra!

PS: My wife is swollen. I don’t know how many days the author can hold it. If the update is suddenly interrupted someday, don’t worry, it will be updated when it recovers.

Chapter 74 Charles, you don't know anything about Master Lynn!

It has to be said that the sudden appearance of Maura Mactag is too bizarre.

So much so that all forces were caught off guard.

Even Professor X was shocked when he saw his old lover on the news.

He came to the door almost immediately!


The door opened, and the old face of Mora Mactag appeared in his sight. One of the two was in a wheelchair, and the other was gray-haired, but they complemented each other somewhat.

Speaking of which, the reason why Professor X's lower body is paralyzed is because Mora shot Magneto back then, and when Magneto bounced the bullet, he accidentally shot through his lumbar nerve.


Mora's face was extremely complicated, but she was not surprised.

She seemed to have known that Professor X would appear for a long time.

"Since you're here, why don't you come in and sit down?"

She let the door open, walked into the kitchen on her own, and made a cup of coffee for Professor X.

Professor X pushed the wheelchair by himself, watched every movement of the old lover, and unconsciously became a little crazy: "Mola, when I..."

"You have erased my memory back then, right?"

Mo La handed him the coffee, and her expression returned to normal: "It's your student who helped me recover my memory. He also asked me to do what happened this time!"


Even though he had guessed for a long time, when he learned the truth from Mo La, Professor X was still extremely shocked.

It's not because Lynn will find Mora and let Mora take action.

During this period of time, he has already learned a lot about Lynn's style and methods, so no matter what Lynn does, he will not be surprised.

What really puzzled him was, why would Mora...why would she want to?

Professor X knows very well that although Lynn acts a little unscrupulously, he is different from Magneto. He must know the relationship between Mora and himself, and will never use the magic of controlling the soul on Mora!

So 500, Mora's behavior can only be voluntary by herself!


Why would an ordinary human spare no effort to help mutants?

Could it be that because of the recovery of memory, he remembered the love affair with himself that ended without a cause? !

"You must be thinking that if I openly speak out for the X-Men and mutants, it is almost equivalent to betraying humanity and my own race, right?"

Mora seemed to know what he was thinking, and said with a smile.

Professor X felt strange for a while.

He has always been good at this kind of conversation that reads people's hearts and grasps the rhythm, but at this moment, he feels that Mo La's eyes seem to have a strange insight, seeing his mind clearly.

This made him suddenly feel a little uncomfortable.

"So, Maura, can you tell me... how did Lynn convince you?"

Professor X suppressed the turmoil in his heart, looked at his old lover seriously, and tried not to say the word "betrayal".

Mora's smile was suddenly a little weird.

"You haven't changed at all, Charles!"

She sat down on the sofa, her movements were steady, and she didn't look like someone in her seventies: "Until now, in your subconscious, you still distinguish mutants from humans..."

Professor X was slightly taken aback.

Subconsciously, I thought of Lynn's theory.

Mutants are part of humanity!

Regardless of each other!

"You think that I'm helping mutants, calling for the official creation of a mutant affairs bureau, and making the X-Men an official organization with law enforcement powers. I'm helping you and other mutants..."

Mora looked at him quietly, with the same serious expression: "Then have you ever thought that the reason why I did this is because the military's super soldier plan really threatened the safety of ordinary people, and the X-Men, And it is really trustworthy, once you have law enforcement power, you can better (bgag) protect the people?"


Professor X froze.

This was obviously a reason he hadn't thought of at all.

"So, as a retiree who has served the people for decades, I want to make our country better and our people better, so this incident happened..."

Mo La said word by word, and finally asked: "What is this about betrayal?"

Professor X opened his mouth, but he was speechless.

It's been a long time...

Is it self-indulgence?

What Mora did has nothing to do with mutants at all?

But it's just that the government should use the power of mutants to better manage the country and better benefit the people?

"Charles, you're old..."

Mora suddenly sighed softly: "The limitations of thinking make you habitually put mutants on the opposite side of humans when you think about problems... No wonder Lynn said that you are an excellent principal, but not a qualified one. leader!"

Facing the ridicule of his old lover, Professor X could only smile wryly.

"I see how Lynn convinced you..."

He picked up the coffee and took a sip to hide his embarrassment: "But even so, I don't think you will be persuaded so easily!"

"You sympathize with mutants and are willing to help mutants change their living environment to a certain extent..."

"It's because of your kindness..."

"But as an ordinary human being, and an ordinary person who is very familiar with the power of mutants, mutants gain power step by step, and eventually surpass ordinary humans...

"It's not what you want to see and accept!"

He knew Maura just as Maura knew him.

In other words, he understands the psychology of ordinary human beings.

The more he gets in touch with human thinking through the brain wave enhancer, the more thoroughly he sees the inferiority of human beings, so he knows very well...

Vested interests will never give up power willingly!

No matter how kind, noble, and selfless people are!

This is the instinct of human beings!

So Mora must have other reasons for doing this!

Mora was silent.

"Your eyes are still so sharp..."

After a long time, her eyes suddenly became complicated, and she asked an irrelevant question softly: "Charles, do you really understand your students?"

"Who? Lynn?"

Professor X didn't keep up with the rhythm for a while, and after thinking for a long time, he finally said: "He is a mutant who is stronger than me and Eric!"
