MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 68

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"This is completely a real extraordinary world..."

Clark expressed the same emotion as Iron Man. For a superhero like him, the extraordinary world like "Oasis" is even more attractive than the real world.

At the same time, he also discovered the special features of superpowers in the game.

"Obviously, this is called the Second World Game Company, and it is inextricably related to mutants!"

"The boss of their company must also be a mutant!"

As a person with superpowers, Clark does not discriminate against mutants. He even couldn't help thinking: "Should I go to him and ask him to help me lift this restriction?"

"Although in this way, my identity as Clark Kent will be exposed..."

"If you don't go, the combat experience is really not enough..."

After living on the earth for so many years, Clark never expected that he would fall into an unprecedented entanglement because of a game.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't make up his mind.

Then continue to choose a copy.

Soon, his eyes were attracted by the names of the two copies.

【Saint Seiya】

【Dragon Ball】

"They all seem interesting, which one should I go to first?"

He took a slow breath and muttered to himself.


This time, in the "Oasis" Pioneer Experience Program, there are quite a lot of qualified superpowers.

Foot basin country, Kyoto.

Wearing a purple leather jacket, Lingdie, who showed her bursting figure to the fullest, also experienced it immediately after receiving the bracelet.

Like Gwen, she was also a mutant who saw the admissions information of the new X Academy, but didn't go to report, but the reason for her not going was not because she didn't trust X Academy or worried about her family.

But pure disdain.

Since she became a mutant, she has wandered between life and death countless times. She has long developed a withdrawn and cold personality, and the development of her own abilities has reached the extreme she thinks.

So she didn't think she could learn anything by going to X Academy.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that she was wrong.


With a roar, her eyes went dark, and she returned to her room in the world of "Oasis".

Then, a settlement panel appeared in sight.

[Dungeon: Ninja Gaiden]

[Progress: First level]

【fail! 】

"With my skills and superpowers, I can't pass the first level? The difficulty of this dungeon is so outrageous?!"

Maybe it's because she has lived in the foot basin country for too long. After she entered "Oasis", she chose Ninja Dragon in the first instance. She thought she would be able to pass through it easily, but unexpectedly, it got off to a dismal start.

This made the proud and arrogant her completely unacceptable, but at the same time, she suddenly discovered...

It seems that my fighting skills and experience are not as perfect as I imagined!

I need more training!

So, without even drinking her saliva, she re-entered the dungeon without hesitation: "I must break through this dungeon, and I must get that ninja knife..."

In the firm and unruly voice, the war started again.

If Lynn was present, he would probably recall playing soul games in his previous life... those unbearable days.

Repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles!

That's the only way to become stronger!

S.H.I.E.L.D., Air Base.

Nick Fury has been very busy recently, and finally returned to the mothership at this moment, only to feel a strong exhaustion.

But he did not rest, but found Hill immediately.

"Hill, get ready, follow me to Base Zero!"

Nick Fury said a word, but he didn't get an immediate response, so he couldn't help but be taken aback.

As soon as he turned his gaze, he saw Hill leaning on his chair, seemingly in a daze.

Still holding a drink in your hand?


Nick Fury's anger welled up all of a sudden. As the director, he was busy every day without touching the ground. Hill, the commander of the mothership, was actually being lazy?

With a low shout, the necks of the surrounding agents were frightened.


Only then did Hill react, the Hawaiian beach that only she could see quietly disappeared.


Only then did she see the boss with a face as heavy as water, and she got up quickly, with her right hand still tucked in the clothes on her left wrist, and covered the black bracelet inside: "Boss, are you back?"


Nick Fury was about to get angry, but when he saw the dark circles under the eyes that could not be concealed on Hill's face, he froze for a moment, and could only slow down his tone: "I know everyone has been working hard recently, but our world is facing threats. As members of S.H.I.E.L.D., we must always be vigilant..."

"Understood, boss!"

Hill apologized without the slightest hesitation: "I promise, it will never happen next time!"

Nick Fury nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go to Base Zero. Eric Shavig has recently accelerated his research on the Rubik's Cube. It seems that there is some progress. Let's go and see!"


Hill followed closely.

At the same time, he swore secretly in his heart that he was lucky enough to get the "Oasis" bracelet, and he must not let Nick Fury know.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

Speaking of...

I filled out a registration form on a whim, and I still wrote my home address...

How did you win the lottery?


So lucky recently?

It's a pity that in the mothership, many dungeons are inconvenient to enter. Only to experience some casual dungeon scenes, it is regarded as a holiday trip.

Speaking of which, the beaches of Hawaii are no longer attractive.

Go to the moon next time?

Or Mars?

Just as he was thinking, Nick Fury's voice came into his ears again: "Go and pick up Stephen on the way, things haven't been going well recently, with him here, at least we'll be safer."

"By the way, what has Stephen been doing lately?"

Hill was taken aback.

After hesitating for a long time, he said cautiously: "During the last call, he seemed to have said... Want to find a game to play? Experience the fun that has never been experienced during the seventy years of being frozen?"


Nick Fury's footsteps suddenly stopped, his one-eyed eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he stared straight at Hill: "Don't tell me, that game happens to be called..."Oasis"?!"

Hill really didn't know about this question.

So she shook her head honestly: "Maybe, I can't deprive people of the right to play games in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D."


Nick Fury gave a strange laugh, his face full of sarcasm: "You want to tell me that among the more than 8 million people in Twisted City, 100 people were randomly selected to participate in the "Oasis" Pioneer Experience Program, which happens to be Is there our captain of the Avengers - Stephen Rogers?!"

"The president of the Second World Company is Lynn!"

"What does he want to do?!"

"Let my number one officer become a severe internet addict?!"

The sound of cursing spread throughout the command room.

Hill's face remained unchanged.

In my heart, I sighed slightly.

During this period of time, the more than 1.8 million people who participated in the Pioneer Experience Program all over the world have probably become severe Internet addicts!

Among them, may also include myself...

It's not that I want to play games!

It is really "Oasis" developed by those mutants, it is really fascinating!

Everyone is afraid of superpowers, and everyone wants to have superpowers!

Who can refuse a completely real second world where he can become a superman step by step and experience all kinds of wonderful and exciting life? !

When it is actually released, the whole world will not go crazy? !

[PS: The combat power of this book is mainly based on the performance of movies, and it can be raised appropriately, so it can’t be written like comics] Six.

Chapter 86: The Infiltration Plan and... The Real Function of "Oasis"!

Compared to Nick Fury, Lynn had a much more chic time during this time.

He is enjoying a romantic date.

In Manhattan, in a French restaurant on Fifth Avenue.

The female judge Kate Mara, who has been in the limelight recently in the Federal Court, is wearing an elegant fuchsia dress, which perfectly outlines her graceful figure.

She lightly cut a small piece of steak, and chatted with Lynn while eating: "Sir, the actor in the "Oasis" commercial is very handsome, and many people in the office are discussing him recently... He is the new X Academy s student?"

"That's right."

Lynn smiled.

In fact, among the male students of Academy X, many of them are quite good-looking, but after all the female students voted, Warren Worthington (Angel) finally won the first place and won the opportunity to appear on the scene.

"That video had a huge impact..."

The watery eyes always lingered on Lynn. Kate Mara smiled and said, "Using the Hulk and mutants to shoot advertisements is really your style, sir. I didn't intend to hide the relationship between the second world and mutants at all." relationship!"

"Why hide?"

Lynn took a bite of caviar, and frowned slightly. He didn't like this kind of food at all: "There are no secrets in this world. Could it be hidden? The relationship between the second world and mutants... won't be found out. ?”

He never underestimated the official intelligence capability "May Four Three".

What's more, he has already made public appearances in front of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hiding it again is pure self-deception.

Kate Mara obviously understands this truth: "But in this way, the officials will definitely not sit idly by. They don't dare to blatantly deal with mutants now, and they can't find the position of X Academy, but they will definitely not let the second The world goes on smoothly…”

"so what?"

Lynn didn't care, and his expression was even a little surprised: "Even if the government wants to deal with mutants, what does it have to do with me as a game company? We are a conscientious enterprise that operates legally and pays taxes according to regulations!"

Kate Mara covered her mouth and chuckled: "The officials want to make trouble, but they still care about whether you operate legally and pay taxes according to the regulations?"

Read The Duke's Passion