MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 85

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"It's not right, it's not so much that everyone can't see us, it's better to say..."

"Everyone subconsciously avoided our place!"

"Have we disappeared?"

"What's going on?!"

Discussions continued one after another, until the appearance of the X-Men, more than half of them disappeared.

Working in the second world until now, the employees more or less suspect that their company has something to do with mutants, but they haven't got a solid hammer.

At this moment, they still have no evidence, but everyone is certain in their hearts...

I am working for mutants!

No one felt angry and aggrieved!

On the one hand, it is because the salary far exceeds that of the peers. On the other hand, the reputation of mutants is completely different from before. Even the government has established a mutant affairs bureau, which is tantamount to acknowledging the legal status of mutants. A group of ordinary people, Do you still have trouble with mutants?

Most importantly, at this moment of life and death, the X-Men came here immediately...

They are undisputed superheroes!

I'm working for a superhero, what's unacceptable? !


The Phantom Cat's voice came out from the radio again: "I know everyone is worried about the situation outside, but the president once said that there is a specialization in surgery, and fighting the Chitauri is the job of the X-Men. Our task is to stick to our posts and continue to complete the work at hand, understand?"

All the employees woke up like a dream.


"Receive monitoring data immediately!"

"Single Chitauri soldier, height...weight...shape...weapon...`ˇ..."

"Chitauri aircraft, shape... speed... power source..."

"Leviathan monster, appearance...weakness..."

On each computer, dense data filled the sight, and all the employees were quickly immersed in their work.

In the technical director's office.

The four girls, Phantom Cat, Li Qianhuan, Skye, and Felicity tapped on the keyboard, summarizing these data one by one and integrating them into the database of "Oasis".

"That guy, Lynn, left all the work to us, but he didn't know where he went to be lazy..."

"Next time we meet, make him look good!"

I don't know who it is, so I couldn't help but complain.

It quickly got the unanimous approval of the other three.

Lynn was not lazy.

At this moment, he was standing on the roof of a house.

With his eyes slightly closed, the vast sea of ​​mental power spread like a tide, covering almost half of the earth.

Through the eyes of spiritual power, he saw Tony pushing the nuclear bomb into the space wormhole, and also saw the sides of Phoenix Girl, Polaris, and Blinking Three Girls, and a portal appeared at the same time.

That was the spellcasting from the mirror image.

The three women passed through the portal and appeared on the three major battlefields of Wudu, Neon, and Australia respectively.

At the same time, Magneto, who was far away in the new X Academy, also rushed to Paul's battlefield through the portal.

Phoenix Girl casts telekinesis, Polaris manipulates metal, flashes and draws a big portal in the air, and Magneto raises his hand casually...

All four nuclear bombs went where they should go!

The next moment, in the vast universe, five nuclear bombs exploded at the same time, and the mothership of the Chitauri was ravaged!

"it's over…"

Lynn sighed softly, and turned to look at a figure beside him: "Master Guyi, these are nuclear bombs, and there are still five of them. If they really fall on the earth, I don't know how many casualties will be caused. You really are like this." It looks like... there is no intention of making a move?"

A bald mage dressed in apricot yellow, with a calm face and an indifferent expression.

"Kama Taj's mission is to protect the earth from the invasion of magical forces, and other things have nothing to do with us."

She heard the words and said lightly: "I have lived for many years and have seen many things. Human beings have been accompanied by wars and deaths since their appearance, and the destruction of the earth's environment has never stopped. If Ma Taji wants to take care of it, isn’t it human interference with the laws of natural development?”


Karma Taj does big things.

Compared with the powerful forces on the magical side, the Chitauri invasion is nothing more than a trivial matter.

Not worth the shot.

Lynn grasped the point at once, smiled and said: "No wonder, the flames of war are raging outside, but you just killed a few Zeta Swiss soldiers who were close to the Temple of the Twist."

Master Gu Yi glanced at him: "It's just a few nuclear bombs, even if the mutants don't take action, it doesn't matter."

"Of course, there are too many hidden superpowers on this earth."

Lynn nodded: "But we have to take action. We have already stood up in front of people all over the world. If we don't take action to stop these nuclear bombs, wouldn't what we did today be meaningless?"

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of Master Gu Yi.

"You don't seem to want to hide?"

She smiled imperceptibly at the corner of her mouth: "Using the invasion of the Chitauri to enhance the reputation and strength of mutants, you... want to replace humans to rule the earth?"

Lynn looked at her curiously: "If the mutants really do this, will Karma Taj intervene?"


Gu Yi replied without the slightest hesitation: "The change of regime is inevitable in history. Whether ordinary people rule the earth or mutants become the rulers, the earth is still the earth. In the vast and boundless river of time, it is just a short moment. !"

This is a bit high...

Lynn nodded.

"People who look up and see the starry sky and the universe, naturally they don't care about the little power struggles on the land under their feet."

He sighed softly again: ". But in this world, there are too few people who can see the starry sky. How can those high-level human beings be so stupid that they think that launching a few nuclear bombs can wipe out the X-Men ...can destroy Superman?"

Hearing the word Superman, Gu Yi's expression remained unchanged.

But both she and Lynn are clear about the other big war that is happening on the earth at this moment.

In Gotham…

Batman and Superman fought each other, and Lex Luthor seized the opportunity to transform General Zod's body and create the Kryptonian monster "Doomsday"...

Superman lost...

So humans officially launched the sixth nuclear bomb, trying to destroy Doomsday...

But is it really just Doomsday that they want to eliminate?

Just like the other five nuclear bombs, do they really just want to destroy the space channel?

"Those people are certainly not stupid."

Without waiting for Gu Yi to respond, Lynn said to himself: "It's the desire for power and the fear of superpowers that blinded their eyes and minds."

"In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the fact that people in the old era are unwilling to give up struggling under the general trend of the alternation of the old and new eras."

Loki's invasion plan is completely different from the plot in memory.

This made Lynn understand more deeply the complexity of this world.

Why did the Chitauri invasion of Earth only target S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, but never seem to take into account Earth's most (Lino's) most famous superhero - Superman?

Lynn was a little puzzled about this.

But now it suddenly dawned on him.

Superman is no longer a threat.

The universe is like a chessboard, Thanos has dropped a piece, and Darkseid seems to have dropped a piece, otherwise, Lynn doesn't think Lex Luthor can transform "Doomsday" so smoothly...

But even so, Lynn didn't mean to change his plan.

He still appeared here step by step.

see ancient one...

It was the sixth thing he had to do in this Chitauri invasion incident!

"A new era is indeed coming, but among the countless futures I have seen, there is not one where mutants dominate the world!"

Gu Yi shook his head, an aggressive golden light suddenly burst out from his cosmic pupils, covering Lin En's body: "Even today, you shouldn't be the one who came to see me..."

"Then, Mr. Mutant Lynn, come to me..."

"What is the intention?"

In the flat voice, there was an incomparable spiritual oppression, the surrounding space was "pop" and "pop" shattered, the real world went away, and the huge twisted contract was emptied in an instant!

Karma Taj Magic Mirror Space! bar.

Chapter 104 Karma Taj, must it be magical orthodox?

I have to say that there are too many bosses in this world!

Because of this, before obtaining [Psychic Immunity], Lynn tried to avoid contact with Professor X in X Academy. After graduation, he never thought of going to Karma Taj to exchange experience in magic.

After all, there is Gu Yi, the strongest mage on the surface, sitting in this place.

But at this moment, since Lin En has come to the Temple of Rescission, he naturally has the confidence to face Gu Yi, at least...have the confidence to let this conversation continue without interruption!

Facing this sudden change, he smiled slightly and snapped his fingers habitually.

It was as if a breeze was blowing by!

The changes in the void suddenly reversed!

The two returned to the real world again!

The mirror space opened by Gu Yi just now seems to be just an illusion, it never happened!

"Turn back in time..."

Gu Yi's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme, and his expression finally changed. He looked at Lin En in disbelief: " actually..."

"I'm also a mage."

Lin En's smile did not change, as if he was not the one who manipulated the time when he raised his hand just now: "Since you are a mage, it seems normal to master a little magic in the field of time?"

Of course he would not say that this is the only seven-ring magic he has mastered so far.

Although powerful, it is not a real time travel.

It's [back in time]!

Compared with going back in time, the difference of this difference is that the scope of the display is not large, and the reversal time is only three seconds!

Of course, in many cases, three seconds is enough to do a lot of things!

And the appearance of this magic means that Lin En's strength has entered the realm of the Seven Rings!


The aura on Gu Yi's body gradually disappeared.

She didn't think it was normal.

In this world, the essence of magic is cosmic energy, and the source of energy is those dimensional demon gods. Magicians borrow the energy of dimensional demon gods by means of loans to perform various magics.

(PS: DC is the same)

Among these magics, time magic is undoubtedly the deepest, most powerful, and rarest kind!

Even Gu Yi himself, if it weren't for the time gem [Eye of Agamotto], he would not be able to touch the field of time magic, let alone spy on the future in the long river of time!

But now, this mutant mage in front of him...can actually turn back time? !

Without any (bgag) items!

Read The Duke's Passion