MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 98

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"Amanda Waller, you are in charge of this matter!"


Chapter 118 All parties are calculating! All ghosts, ghosts and snakes are dispatched!

"What an evil door!"

The Green Goblin and Dr. Doom Alliance, whom the officials are eager to find, are secretly meeting in another place.

It was the scorpion who spoke.

This is a not-so-famous villain, almost all of his combat power comes from the scorpion battle suit on his body, and this battle suit is researched based on the biological experiments of the Osborne Group (the spider that bit Spider-Man). .

If there were no accidents, he should have been working for Jin Bing in the near future.

However, before the two parties reached an agreement on the employment price, Jin Bing's underworld group collapsed overnight.

Losing a well-paid job, Scorpio was originally very depressed.

Unexpectedly, the Green Goblin and Doctor Doom suddenly came to him and recruited him into the group of this evil alliance, preparing to do a great job.

"I feel bad right now!"

There is clearly a lack of trust among the members of this group.

Because when Scorpion spoke, he didn't take off his combat uniform: "It is rumored that Jin Bing just wanted to get involved in the "Oasis" business, which led to the destruction of the entire underworld empire. dead..."

"I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems that it is very likely to be true!"

"These mutants are too weird!"

As the founders of the organization, the Green Goblin and Doctor Doom certainly knew the truth about this matter, and even the most fundamental reason they recruited these people to strengthen themselves was their fear of Lynn.

I fear that one day, they will follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Jin and Mrs. Gao.

But at this moment, neither of them spoke.

Instead, let the other members discuss.

"Before this, we always believed that the power of mutants lies in the X-Men, but now it seems that this information is obviously wrong!"

Dr. Octopus tore open a pack of 623 French fries, and ate it like no one else was there: "We know too little about the Second World and the New X Academy, and those one hundred people seem to have popped out of nowhere!"

"Did you really play "Oasis" and get superpowers through genetic evolution?"

Dr. Lizard was drenched, as if he had just crawled out of a sewer.

"Does anyone believe this kind of nonsense?"

Killian, who participated in the press conference from beginning to end, sneered and said, "If it is true that genetic evolution has obtained superpowers, why do they all rely on those weird wooden sticks when they display their abilities?"

The reason he joined this organization was to deal with Iron Man.

Back then, he was Tony's number one fanboy, and he invented the Extremis virus. He worked hard to find Tony, and wanted to get Stark Group's investment, but he didn't expect to be left hanging on the roof, blowing the cold wind all night!

God knows how he got here that night!

Especially later, when he found out that Tony didn't show up for the appointment that night, he was actually spending the night with a beautiful reporter...

The seeds of jealousy and hatred took root in my heart at that time!

Today, he has become the president of Pioneer Technology, and the research and development of Extremis Virus is becoming more and more mature. The closer to the day of success, the more he wants that **** Tony to pay the price!

But he didn't expect that when collecting information, he found that Tony and the mutant were walking very close!

The target is not alone anymore, obviously not so easy to deal with!

What to do?

It was under such circumstances that when the Green Goblin and Doctor Doom formed this alliance, he chose to join almost without hesitation.

"Those one hundred people are obviously mutants in hiding!"

Killian thought about it, and analyzed: "If this is the case, do they have other hidden forces? Most importantly, why did they let you go and have no intention of chasing you?!"

That's why everyone thinks it's evil.

In fact, Hill, Potter James, and others were new magic apprentices after all. Although they had the wand made by Lynn in their hands, the magic they cast was not so powerful that these people were afraid.

At most, it was unexpected and caught them off guard.

So when they retreated, they were ready for a big battle.

who would have thought...

Lynn ignored them at all!

"Could it be that they are secretly tracking and trying to catch us all?!"

As soon as the electro-optic man said this, he shook his head.

A lot of time has passed since the incident happened, and they didn't feel anything strange.

"No matter what, this appearance was a complete failure!"

The Green Goblin finally spoke, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes: "Not only failed, but also became a joke. The reason is also very simple. We don't know enough about mutants. Since the disappearance of X Academy, they hardly appear, but every time Appeared, regardless of strength or equipment, there have been huge changes..."

"What do you want to say?"

The eyes of Scorpion, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Lizard, Killian, and Electron all came together.

"Since we don't know enough about mutants, let's cooperate with them and exchange information!"

The Green Goblin obviously had an idea, and said in a deep voice: "After this press conference, those people from the government and the military are probably going crazy? Can they still tolerate mutants and continue to develop so unscrupulously?!"

"Cooperate with the authorities?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, with unswerving expressions on their faces: "Those politicians, apart from making us thugs and cannon fodder, and then taking it all at once when they lose their use value, I can't think of any other possibility!"

They are all smart people, obviously unwilling to become official vassals.

"Then it depends on the way of cooperation..."

The green goblin's eyes flickered, extremely strange.

There was a brief silence in the room.

I don't know how long it took, and a person nodded slightly, agreeing with the Green Goblin's idea.

Doctor Octopus thought for a while and said, "Little Spider seems to have joined the X-Men. She doesn't live in the X Academy. We may be able to find a lot of information we need from her!"


The Green Goblin nodded and was about to say more when he suddenly saw Doctor Doom standing up and walking outside: "Victor, where are you going?"

"Get an "Oasis" bracelet, come back and study!"

Dr. Doom's voice could not conceal his anger: "I would like to see what kind of (bgag) mutants can come up with, and dare to claim to lead the evolution of all mankind!"

Because of the Butterfly Effect, he has not had a conflict with the Fantastic Four, and the other side has joined the Avengers, and the days seem to be going pretty well recently.

But he himself has to worry about Lin En's revenge all the time, and he is in constant fear.

This made him extremely aggrieved and angry.

But even so, he clearly hasn't lost his sanity.

"Buy us all, too!"

Before Green could speak, Dr. Octopus's voice sounded: "Don't use the lowest-level bracelets, just use the high-level helmets or game cabins!"

Someone pays the bill when you buy something, that's the benefit of joining an organization.

So he was not polite at all.

"Guess, on Earth tonight, how many high-level countries will be meeting overnight?"

It was still that luxurious yacht, and it was still a group of people from the Injustice League. Lex Luthor lay on the rocking chair and said comfortably: "And after the meeting, how many of those people will go secretly Buy "Oasis" equipment?"

The group of villains who were discussing in full swing were all startled when they heard the sound.

"Luther, what do you mean?"

William Stryker, who turned into Red Hulk, asked in a muffled voice.

"The meaning is very simple. We all know that after this press conference, the authorities will definitely take action against the mutants, but we are here to discuss whether or not to take action, which is meaningless at all!"

Lex Luthor's smile was a little crazy, but he was extremely confident: "What we can all see, mutants can't think of? Then why did they release "Oasis" at this time?"

"The reason is also very simple, they must have made enough preparations, so they don't care at all!"

"The release of "Oasis" is a conspiracy. The so-called promotion of human genetic evolution may be false, but it must be true if it can make least some people...get superpowers!"

"They are going to use this method to subvert the whole world!"

As expected of someone who can plot against Batman and Superman, with just a few words, he can hit the nail on the head.

William Stryker said angrily: "You mean to say that this incident was simply thrown by mutants...bait?!"

"Whether it's bait or not, it doesn't matter at all."

Lex Luthor said indifferently: "The important thing is that the rise of mutants can no longer be suppressed. Among those politicians, there must be some who can't see the situation clearly and want to take action, but the same, they will definitely Someone who can see the situation clearly, go and inform the mutants!"

"After all, who can resist the temptation to become extraordinary?"

"Everyone, from the moment "Oasis" was officially released, the human forces have already lost half!"

He got up slowly, and picked up a glass of red wine from the table: "So, if you go head-to-head with mutants with the strength of ordinary people on the earth, you will definitely not get any benefit..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Before things even started, this guy decided that the human forces would fail?

"We don't need to get involved in this matter at all. Why don't we let those politicians and military leaders meet and break their heads, and let us see the true strength of mutants!"

Lex Luthor drank the red wine in one gulp, his eyes filled with strange excitement: "Isn't it better to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance our own strength?"

"Increase our strength?"

Everyone is puzzled.

"Of course it's "Oasis"!"

Lex Luthor laughed: "Since there must be lucky people who can get superpowers from this game, why can't they be ours?"

"There is no doubt that these lucky ones must have been carefully selected, but with so many players in the world, how do mutants know which ones are related to us?"

"Even if it doesn't matter, we can still pay for it, can't we?"

"The world is indeed changing, but it hasn't completely changed after all. Money still plays a role!"

"what do y'all think?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and had to admire this guy's brain. Although he didn't have any superpowers, he had vision and wisdom far beyond ordinary people.

It's just that what everyone present didn't know was that Lex Luthor actually had another sentence, which he didn't say.

Master a supernatural force in advance, and find out the details of the supernatural forces on the earth...

When the dark power in the depths of the universe really descends on the earth...

I should be credited, right?

At that time, what mutants, what Justice League, what superpowers...

You will be trampled underfoot by me, a mortal! .

Chapter 119 Scarlet Witch VS Wonder Woman!

"Do you really let talented players learn magic in "Oasis"?"

This is the first sentence that Wonder Woman Diana uttered when she and Lynn met for the first time.

At this moment, in the huge exhibition hall, all the audience had already left, leaving only Lynn, Tony, the staff of the second world, and Wanda and a hundred other magic apprentices.

The existence of Wanda and others is not even known to Tony and everyone in the second world.

Therefore, they were particularly interested in these one hundred magic apprentices. As soon as the press conference was over, they began to communicate closely under the leadership of Phantom Cat, Li Qianhuan, Skye and others.

Lynn, on the other hand, strolled to Diana's seat - next to her.

Read The Duke's Passion