MTL - American Comic Survival Guide-Chapter 686 Goofy and become a gladiator!

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Valkyrie was very confident in Gao Fei, so he agreed to Gao Tianzun's conditions without any hesitation.

"No problem, I'll bring this warrior over tonight so you can see his skills."

As he said that, Valkyrie winked at Gao Tianzun again, making Gao Tianzun laugh.

"Oh little naughty! I know you always have some weird ideas coming up. I like your whimsy."

Topaz, who was standing next to him, kept rolling his eyes, and he simply disliked the old man who was dead Gao Tianzun.

Valkyrie did not delay too much, and said: "Then I will go first, Gao Tianzun, see you at the gladiatorial match tonight!"

"Okay, see you tonight!" Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands excitedly, "Great, there are two games tonight, and Sakaxing hasn't been so lively for a long time... I've already started to get excited..."


After leaving Gao Tianzun's palace, Valkyrie returned to his apartment.

The whole negotiation between him and Gao Tianzun was broadcast live to Gao Fei, and Gao Fei knew the conditions proposed by Gao Tianzun.

"What do you think, Goofy? Do you have the confidence to defeat the two-headed beast tonight?" Valkyrie asked straight to the point after entering the door.

"I don't think it's a big problem." Goofy said leisurely, leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed, "It's just a biological robot, there's nothing to worry about."

Afterwards, he asked about Thor's situation: "By the way, who is fighting against whom in the other gladiatorial match tonight? Is that the **** of Asgard?"

"Yes, the other fight is Thor and the humanoid, and this match will be played first," Valkyrie said. "After all, one of the two is the champion last season and the other is this season. The seeded player, Gao Tianzun started to build momentum for this game as early as three days ago, and everyone's enthusiasm has been fired."

"So..." Gao Fei smiled and asked without a trace, "So will I meet my opponent? Before the game? Will we have a chance to communicate before the game?"

"You mean...meeting the two-headed beast?" Valkyrie shook his head and said, "I don't think so, Gao Tianzun will not allow the opponents to communicate in advance, which violates the principle of fair competition..."

"But you might have a chance to meet Thor and the humanoids, who are gladiators for another match, and maybe you'll meet them just in time to finish the fight while you're getting ready...provided they're not killed by their opponents. ."

Hearing this, Goofy had already got the answer he wanted - he had hope to meet Thor.

"Is that so..." Gao Fei pretended to be calm, nodded as usual, then pointed to the bathroom and said, "Then can I take a shower first? After that, I will participate in the gladiatorial fight with dignity."

"Of course." Valkyrie nodded and allowed, "I'll go get you a clean towel."

Half an hour later, the freshly groomed Goofy was led by Valkyrie to the arena of the Saka Star Gladiator Competition.

This is a huge ring-shaped arena, surrounded by a huge audience that is eighty-three stories high. If all the seats are seated, 80,000 people can watch the gladiatorial competition at the same time, which is a well-deserved magnificent building.

As a gladiator tonight, Gao Fei of course did not appear in the auditorium. He was led by Valkyrie to the backstage and took the lead to meet with Gao Tianzun.

After walking through a passage filled with Saka star warriors on both sides, Gao Fei saw Gao Tianzun in a quiet secret room. At this time, Gao Tianzun was sitting on a chair, eating ice cream leisurely.

Seeing Gao Fei and Valkyrie come in, Gao Tianzun squinted and asked, "Oh, No. 142, you're here again? Where's the great warrior? Let me see."

Valkyrie pointed to Goofy beside him: "This is the great warrior."

"Huh? What?" Gao Tianzun quickly put down the ice cream, picked up a magnifying glass from the table and took a photo of Gao Fei, and finally said in confusion, "This is the great warrior? The 'golden titan' who can compete with me. , a great warrior on a par with 'Thunder Emperor'?"

"It's like this." Valkyrie said humbly, "Don't be fooled by his appearance, his strength is far stronger than he looks."

"Oh oh oh... I understand that there are many creatures in this universe that have deceptive appearances. They look cute on the outside, but they are actually extremely ferocious... For example, the Elemental Devourer, No. 142, you have seen Elemental Devourer. beast?"

Gao Tianzun rambled.

"Original Devourer?" Valkyrie shook his head gently, "I haven't seen it before."

"It is an ancient and dangerous creature. Several poor races have been completely wiped out due to the invasion of this small animal... But they look so cute on the outside, they just want to be picked up and ravaged."

Gao Tianzun squeezed his chin and said,

"I think the great warrior is of this type, right? By the way, what's your name, warrior?"

Gao Fei responded, "My name is Gao Fei."

"Gao Fei? Oh, Gao Fei, that's a good name, it sounds easy... So Gao Fei, it's up to you tonight, if you don't behave well, your manager is the one I like very much. A little girl, number 142, she will be made into pet food." Gao Tianzun said with a smile.

"Okay, I see." Gao Fei nodded lightly, with no nervous expression on his face.

This made Gao Tianzun look at him with admiration.

"Oh! Your mentality is very good! This is the quality that a champion should have. Very good, you can go to prepare for the gladiatorial fight, I will wait to see your wonderful performance in a while..."

"Now, the first gladiator fight is about to start. I think the two gladiators are about to enter the arena, right?"

Topaz, who was standing beside him, nodded and said, "Yes, esteemed master, they have already gone to the armament depot to select weapons."

Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands excitedly: "Great, great, I can't wait! Really! I can't wait!!"

And Valkyrie gently tugged on Goofy's sleeve and took Goofy back to the backstage of the arena.

Walking along the corridor, Gao Fei asked in a low voice, "By the way, where is the armament depot? Can I also pick up weapons?"

Valkyrie nodded and said, "Of course."

After that, he pointed to the end of the corridor and said, "There are various weapons and equipment in the armament depot, and you can choose any weapon that is handy."

"I Gao Fei nodded lightly, and then walked to the armory, but at this moment, a burly man accompanied by two Saka star warriors walked out of the armory. came out.

"I don't need to choose weapons at all, I just have my hammer. Really, what kind of human body is not worth mentioning in front of my eyes, hahahaha..."

As soon as he heard the loud laughter, Gao Fei knew who this guy was.

Thor - He's coming out of the armory.

When this guy laughed, he habitually raised his head, and in the process of raising his head, he just caught a glimpse of Gao Fei.

Immediately afterwards, his smile froze, shock and disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Then his emotions became agitated, and he was ready to rush towards Gao Fei with a shake of his body. His eyes were wide and his eyes were wet.


This is so family!

Seeing relatives in this remote area where birds don't **** is a big happy event! !

But at this moment, Gao Fei frequently winked at Thor, indicating that he should not be too excited. After all, besides Gao Fei, there were Valkyrie and several Saka star soldiers beside them.

It's not that Goofy is incapable of saving Thor. In fact, if Goofy is willing, he can directly overturn the Saka soldiers and turn on space magic to bring Thor back to Earth without difficulty.

But since Goofy decided to use the gladiatorial competition to earn worship points, he couldn't leave Saka star so rashly.

Come here, don't you cut a stalk of leeks?

Fortunately, Thor is also a smart guy. As soon as he saw Gao Fei's eyes, he understood the meaning. He didn't recognize Gao Fei directly, but had an idea and turned to the soldier beside him: "Uh... Actually I still need to choose another weapon, you guys wait for me here! I'll go to the armament depot to have a look!"

Read The Mage of Eternity