MTL - American Comic Survival Guide-Chapter 697 battle of gods

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Thor, holding a giant axe, did have the demeanor and deterrent power that a **** should have. He leaped high and chased after Hyperion in mid-air.

Even the sturdy Hyperion didn't dare to carry Thor's axe, he could only take advantage of his speed to dodge again.


The battle axe pierced the sky and slashed heavily on the ring at the foot of Hyperion.

Hearing a bang, the arena was immediately split into a deep crack by Thor's battle axe.

Although Thor's blow failed to cause any substantial damage to Hyperion, this earth-shattering lethality was exchanged for a full house. The audience of Saka star shouted Thor's name loudly, and their enthusiasm continued. become high.

In the cheers of the onlookers, Thor's momentum gradually rose. He looked up at Hyperion with his battle axe in hand, and provocatively said: "Are you Eternal Protoss only hiding?"

"Of course not." Hyperion hovered in mid-air, looking down at Thor with his arms crossed, "It's just that our Eternal Protoss is not as reckless as your Asgardians."

"Reckless?" Thor sneered, "This is called the blood of a man! The dignity of a god!"

After that, he pointed at Hyperion in the sky with his battle axe, and said sharply: "There is a kind of battle with me head-on!"

Hyperion is also unequivocal, said solemnly: "As you wish!"

It's too late to say that, Hyperion, which has absorbed a lot of stellar radiation, has risen to a very powerful level in terms of speed and strength. He bombarded Thor directly from the air like a cannonball, and the strong wind blew him. 's cloak rattled.

The audience saw that Hyperion finally took the initiative to attack, and they all watched with bated breath, while Thor saw the opportunity to swing his battle axe and slashed towards Hyperion's neck.


It's a pity that Thor's speed was a little slow in Hyperion's view. The Golden Titan made an emergency brake in the air, first dodging Thor's axe, then trampling on the handle of the battle axe and dashing forward a second time, kicking Thor. Er's face.


Thor's face was wounded, and his body flew out backwards, while Hyperion chased after the victory, his fists fell on Thor's chest like cannonballs.

There were exclamations from the audience, and at the same time the fans of the Golden Titan shouted his name excitedly.

Valkyrie in the arena couldn't bear to look at it, shrugged and said: "I said it, Thor without a hammer is definitely not Hyperion's opponent..."

Goofy's mentality is better than Valkyrie: "Don't worry, the battle has just begun. Asgards have the best fighting ability in the universe, and I believe Thor will not fall easily."

What Gao Fei said was right, even if Hyperion was pressed to the ground and rubbed, Thor did not lose his fighting spirit. He still held the battle axe tightly in his hand, looking for an opportunity to counterattack while being beaten.

Hyperion's attack is not impeccable, and his speed is not always maintained at a very high level, which gives Hyperion a flaw, and if there is a flaw, Thor has a chance to counterattack.

Finally, in the process of Hyperion's fist speed gradually decreasing, Thor saw the opportunity to counterattack the battle axe.

"Go to hell! You **** bastard!"

The battle axe slashed upwards, aiming at Hyperion's shoulder socket. Thor's move was a tribute to Goofy in the previous game. He planned to take off the opponent's arm directly like Goofy!


There were bursts of exclamations from the audience, and everyone obviously did not expect Thor to have room to fight back when he was completely suppressed.

As a result, Thor's fans were instantly excited, and they began to cheer for Thor loudly.

"Thor! Thor!"

"Thunder God!!"

"Thunder God!!"

Thor roared loudly, and the battle axe in his hand became more and more vigorous.

Hyperion did not expect that the Asgardians' ability to fight was so powerful that it would be difficult for any ordinary warrior to continue fighting after enduring his combo, but Thor seemed to be nothing.

The underestimation of Thor made Hyperion suffer, and Thor's battle axe slashed his armpit with precision.


The Golden Titan hurriedly used its flying skills to hide in the sky, so that an arm was not directly removed by Thor's battle axe, but the wound under the armpit was already very serious, and blood kept flowing from the wound...

"Damn, this guy is tougher than I thought."

Hyperion hurriedly used the fission ability to repair the wounds of his body, but his fighting function would naturally decline in this way.

Seeing Hyperion running to the sky again, Thor looked depressed.

"Coward, don't run!"

At the same time, Thor couldn't help feeling the inferiority of his weapons: "Damn! If I had a hammer, you would be dead by now!"

While Thor was talking, Hyperion quickly repaired the wound under his arm.

"Does the Northern God only speak his tongue?"

Hyperion sneered and released his thermal vision again, killing Thor from the air.

"Oh, **** it!"

Thor hurriedly rolled forward to avoid the hot sight, and then ran quickly to find an opportunity to counterattack.

While Thor turned to escape, Hyperion quickly dived and stomped on Thor's back.


Thor was kicked out directly by and smashed a wall of the arena. The auditorium in the front row was shaken by Thor's impact, and many spectators began to scream.

"It's my turn to fight back!"

Hyperion is unforgiving, holding down Thor is a mad beat, Hyperion with flying ability constantly soars, dives, and hits; soars, dives, hits... and so on.

Thor, who had no ability to fly, was helpless under the suppression of Hyperion, and was gradually smashed into the floor of the ring by Hyperion.

"Damn, without Mjolnir, I... I really can't beat this guy..."

Thor, who was completely suppressed, gritted his teeth.

Valkyrie, who was watching the battle, couldn't bear to watch it anymore, shook his head and said, "Thor must have lost today. Without Mjolnir, he can't even use the power of Thor."

And Gao Fei, who was sitting next to Valkyrie, squeezed the sweat for his old friend and whispered: "Cheer up, Thor, are you the hammer **** or the Thor?"

Due to the skills of the Goofy Instructor template, the words, though extremely low-pitched, reached Thor's ears.

"Cheer up, Thor, are you Hammer or Thor?"

"Cheer up, Thor, are you Hammer or Thor?"

"Yeah!" Thor opened his eyes suddenly when he heard Goofy's voice.

"I am Thor! Not the God of Hammer!!"

Speaking of this, Thor suddenly felt the violent surge of countless electric charges in his body, as if there were countless thunderbolts running through his veins!

At the same time, a blue electric charge flashed between his eyes, and the thunder rolled inside his body!

At this moment, Thor suddenly discovered that even without Thor's Hammer, he could control the power of thunder!

This is the real Thor!

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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