MTL - American Comic Survival Guide-Chapter 700 Last 1 semi-final

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Comforting Thor, the **** of thunder, who regretted his defeat, Goofy returned to Valkyrie's apartment. At this time, Valkyrie, who had been drinking too much, was soundly asleep, and the whole apartment was filled with her snoring.


Gao Fei sat on the sofa in the living room and quietly called out the data in the background of the system - the current explorer template has been completed at 90, and the worship value in the background has also accumulated to 4500 points.

This means that as long as you harvest 5500 more worship points in the next game, Goofy can complete the explorer template. At that time, Goofy's brain will be strengthened to an unprecedented level, even higher than the current level.

But in this way, Goofy has to face a problem, that is, he will choose a new superhero template in the semi-final ring.

Because according to his previous experience, after completing a gladiatorial match on Saka star, the worship value obtained is about 20,000 to 30,000. At present, he only needs 5,500 worship value to open a new template. There will probably be 15,000 to 25,000 worship points left.

If Goofy waits for the game to end before choosing a new superhero template, then these remaining worship values ​​will be cleared, which is a huge waste and very uneconomical.

Because Goofy had wasted a lot of worship points before without knowing the system, he decided that he must not make the same mistake this time.

So the best way is for Gao Fei to use it immediately when the worship value in the background reaches 10,000, and open a new template. In this way, the remaining worship value can be accumulated into the new template to avoid unnecessary wasted.

However, if he does this, Gao Fei will have to stay in the ring for a while, which means he will give his opponent a chance to attack him freely.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei whispered to the berserk in his body, "Rage, discuss something with you."

"Go ahead, Uncle Goofy." Berserk said cooperatively.

"When I play tomorrow, I may not be able to react for three to five minutes. During this process, I hope you can control my body for me, okay?" Gao Fei said.

"Really? You let me take over your body?" When Fury heard this task, not only was there no pressure, but he felt very happy. "I can play as I want? I can do anything?"

Hearing this, Gao Fei suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart...

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Uh..." Violent was stunned by Gao Fei's question, pondered for a moment, and replied, "It seems that there is nothing else to do except for gladiatorial competitions..."

"It's better." Gao Fei said solemnly, "Don't be too embarrassed, understand?"

"I know Uncle Gao Fei!" Violently replied seriously, "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"


the next day.

Only the last game is left in the semi-finals of the Saka Star Gladiator.

The two sides were Goofy and a mysterious warrior who didn't reveal much information.

With the last thirty minutes to go before the match, Goofy sat with Valkyrie in the spaceship above the arena as usual.

"My opponent... Who is he? Is he very good? But those who can reach the semi-finals should be very good." Gao Fei said.

Valkyrie pouted, "In short, he is a low-key guy. He also joined this season, a few days later than Thor. But because he was brought by the scavenger No. 37, I know him well. not much."

"Uh...why?" Goofy asked curiously, "Just because you didn't catch him?"

"Because I have a bad relationship with the scavenger No. 37." Valkyrie said bluntly, "I am too lazy to pay attention to him, let alone the soldiers under him."

"So how did my opponent perform in the first few battles?" Gao Fei asked again.

"It's quite satisfactory." Valkyrie said, "It's not as good as Thor, but they all made the cut."

Gao Fei asked around, and it seemed that he couldn't find any useful information here in Valkyrie, so he simply gave up and waved his hand and said, "Forget it, no matter what his origins are, it will be a bad beating then..."

Valkyrie laughed, "I like your blind confidence."

A few minutes later, the host of the gladiatorial match entered the ring.

"Audience friends! The enthusiastic people of Saka Star! Viewers who love blood fighting! Welcome to today's Saka Star Gladiator Competition!"

"After witnessing the twists and turns of the golden titan Hyperion and Thor last night, we are in another semi-final today, with our mysterious and powerful undead warrior flying high against our other A mighty warrior - Beta Ray Bill, survivor of the planet Corbit!!"

Goofy, who was sitting on the spaceship, finally knew the name of his opponent - Beta Ray Bill.

"What kind of messy names, smelly and long..." He couldn't help but spit out, "Are aliens' names so eloquent?"

Valkyrie agreed, "I haven't remembered this guy's name until now, I only know that this guy has a horse face..."

Having said that, the host on the arena pointed to the ring and shouted, "Now... we invite two fighters to make a grand appearance!!"

As the host's voice fell there were instant cheers and screams in the audience.

Gao Tianzun, who was sitting in the supreme position, even clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and the whole person was excited like a billion-year-old child.

However, even though the screams were louder and louder, and the host announced that the fighters would be on the court, the iron gates on the arena did not respond, and neither of the two fighters appeared.

This made the host very embarrassed, and Gao Tianzun's expression was a bit unbearable.

"What's going on?" Topaz yelled at the host. "Where are the soldiers? Get them out now!"

"Hug, sorry..." The host hurriedly bowed his head to apologize to Gao Tianzun, and then shouted again, "Now... We invite two warriors to make a grand appearance!"

Having said that, the host looked up at the Valkyrie's spaceship in the air, and desperately beckoned Gao Fei to jump down quickly.

However, Gao Fei shook his head arrogantly and said, "No, I'm the finale every time, how can I jump first?"

Valkyrie also coaxed and said, "That is, let the guy with the stinky and long name on the opposite side come out first!"

Before he finished speaking, the iron gate opposite the arena suddenly trembled violently.




Suddenly, the iron gate was slammed open, and then a burly man flew out, and he was wrapped in blue lightning at the same time as he came out, as if this guy was another Thor.

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils contracted immediately.

I saw that this guy was carrying a heavy, quaint giant hammer in his hand!

This giant hammer is hooked to the power of lightning and wrapped with heavy charges - it is Thor's weapon that Thor has lost for a few days, Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor! !

American Comic Survival Guide