MTL - Amnesiac Queen-Chapter 15 will

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Ye Hao stunned, this name she did listen to Zhou Ayi before.

Sun Qian at the other end of the phone saw Ye Hao not talking, and he said: "He just got off the plane and went back to the lawyer's office to get some information. He will probably come home at night."

"I know." Ye Hao responded with a bang and hang up the phone. With his mobile phone frowning, Ye Hao glanced at Wu Shushu, who was driving in front, and said: "Uncle Wu, drive the car back to school. I suddenly remembered that I had a class in the afternoon."

"Okay, miss." Wu Shushu's tone was consistently polite. He turned his car to the front of the intersection and then turned his head. The car stopped at the school gate again. Ye Hao asked Wu Shushu to pick up himself at four o'clock in the afternoon and walked into the campus alone.

In fact, she didn't have classes in the afternoon, but Sun Qian's phone made her nervous, just like the sick child was suddenly told by the parents to go to the hospital for an injection.

This metaphor may not be appropriate. After all, the injection will hurt, and the procedure of inheritance is nothing more than letting her sign a few words.

Ye Hao sighed and pressed the little uneasiness in her heart, and then remembered that she didn't seem to know where the student dormitory was. She made a phone call to Jade Cui, and after asking about the general direction of the dormitory, she fumbled for herself. With a good sense of direction, she managed to find the dormitory smoothly, but when the aunt saw her, she suddenly saw a penguin in the desert.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded to the aunt of the board, and climbed up the sixth floor with a bang. The door of the 603 was hidden, and Ye Hao glanced through the crack in the door and carefully pushed the door open.

This is a quadruple room, cleaned cleanly, at least there is no large garbage visible to the naked eye on the ground. There are no people on the four beds, and there is only one person in the house who is sitting under the computer. When I heard the sound of opening the door, Emerald looked back and glanced at it quickly and stared at the computer screen: "How do you think of coming to the bedroom? I thought you were going back."

Ye Hao smiled and closed the door and walked to the front of Emerald: "I just don't want to go home."

Emerald was still staring at the computer, but she nodded in the same place: "I understand completely, I don't want to go home for seven days a week."

Emerald is playing the game, Ye Hao curiously smashed on her computer screen, and Jade Cui quickly slammed the block: "Stealing what! If I was watching the island, I wouldn't be very embarrassed!"

Ye Hao pulled the corner of his mouth: "Do you speak Japanese?"

Emerald is incredible: "Where is the Japanese national small x piece used to get Japanese?"

Ye Wei: "..."

Cheap shame!

She stood on the side and didn't talk. Emerald continued to play the game and took time to ask her: "How have you and your little apple developed after I left?"

Ye Hao remembered fleeing in the barbeque shop, and some unnaturally coughed: "Nothing, he should go back to the hospital."

The emerald green eyes blinked, and his eyes finally moved from the screen: "Why do I always think that you are looking at me?"

"That must be your illusion." Ye Hao avoided her gaze and looked around in the room for a week: "Which is my bed?" Emerald followed his finger to his back: "That is, but you I have never slept in the bedroom. I heard that it was specially applied to the counselor in your home."

"Oh." Ye Hao looked at the bed a few times, although no one had been sleeping, but the cotton quilt was placed neatly, and there was a poster next to the pillow, which was very long. Handsome man. Ye Hao couldn't help but look at it a little more, then asked the person behind him: "Who is the person on the poster?"

The sound of tapping the keyboard suddenly stopped, and Emerald stood up directly from the chair: "Mo榛Mo Tianwang! You don't even know your own god!"

Ye Hao looked at the poster carefully and looked at it, then shook his head. Emerald’s eyes turned and he came up and said: “Would you give me this poster?” This poster is a special poster of Mo Zhen’s album, only one one. At the time, Emerald took out a hundred pieces. Huge money, I could not buy it.

Ye Hao nodded and said, "If you like it, take it."

“Really?!” Jade Cui simply wanted to go and kiss her. “With a small apple, the consequences are different!”

Ye Hao’s mouth was pumping: “Since I don’t live here, why are you posting the poster here?”

"Oh, I heard that your family is not allowed to post posters." Emerald has climbed the bed of Ye Hao and began to tear down the poster on the wall. "Right, when are you free to go to the movies, never go It’s going to be released."

Ghost school? One is the name of the ghost film. Ye Hao took off her shoes and climbed onto the emerald bed while thinking about whether to look. Emerald saw her sleep on her bed and knocked on the bed with dissatisfaction: "Your bed is in the opposite direction."

"The bed was too long for no one to sleep, gray, I got up after a nap." Ye Hao opened her claws and covered her quilt and lay down.

Jade Cui smoked the mouth of the mouth without a word. The young lady lost her memory and rebuilt it. The whole personality is wrong.

Ye Hao woke up until half past three and woke up. Emerald also sat down to play the game. Ye Hao went out with her and said hello. When he walked to the school gate, Wu Shushu’s car was waiting there. .

The car went all the way to the Yejia Mansion, and there were fewer and fewer people watching the road. The feeling that Ye Hao had already calmed down became nervous again.

The black car drove into the garden, and Ye Hao’s eyes moved subconsciously. There were several cars parked in front of the door. Except for the sports car of Qinkong, the other two cars she had never seen before.

It seems that this inheritance procedure has been quite sensational.

Ye Hao came down from the car and took a deep breath and pushed open the door in front of him. There are many people gathered in the bright living room. Ye Hao walked to the hall and looked around. Not only Qin Kong and his aunt were there, even Zhou Ayi and Wang Ergou stood side by side with respect and respect. What she did not expect was that Zuo Yi actually came.

"The left police officer is good." Ye Hao went to the left of the easy, first said hello to him. Zuo Yi nodded and looked at her. "How do you still get used to living in Ye Family? I heard that you went to school, and your body is fine?"

Zuo Yi asked her if she didn't think of anything, but cared about her body, which made Ye Hao somewhat surprised. She smiled at the left and smiled: "Thank you, the left police officer is concerned, my body is recovering very well."

"That's good." Zuo Yi's voice just fell, and Sun Qian went up. She gently pulled the arm of Laye, and walked a few steps forward: "Hey, this is the money lawyer."

Qian lawyer is a 50-year-old man, not tall, wearing a custom black suit, wearing a black tie, hair combed meticulously, even the black shoes under his feet are polished.

"Hello Miss Ye." Qian lawyer stepped above and extended his hand to Ye Hao. Ye Hao took his right hand and politely said: "You are a good money lawyer."

After simply meeting the ceremony, the room was restored to silence, and everyone’s eyes were concentrated on the money lawyer. Money lawyer seems to have been used to it for a long time, and there is no discomfort at all: "Since everyone has arrived, I will not delay everyone's time. Mr. Ye Hongsheng has commissioned me to prepare a will, including cash. , shares and real estate, totaling about 1.2 billion yuan."

After the money lawyer finished, he took out a piece of material from the briefcase. The living room has been quiet. The sound of the paper flipping is especially clear: "In addition to the overseas three-bedroom property, Mr. Ye Hongsheng has all the cash, company shares and Domestic properties – including a villa in Yejia Mansion and Kensney Manor – will be inherited by his granddaughter, Ms. Ye Wei.”

After the testament was read, the living room was still very quiet. Ye Hongsheng left the property to Ye Hao. It was no secret in Ye Family. However, this is still a bit shocking for Ye Hao, her heart is far less calm than the appearance.

Everyone is standing in the living room in the original position. It seems that he is waiting for Qian’s lawyer to put out a lot of contracts to sign Ye Xie’s signature. However, after the money lawyer’s hand put the information back to the briefcase, he stood up straight, as if There are still other important things to announce.

Everyone looked at him subconsciously. Qian lawyers coughed and said again: "Before the official formalities for inheritance, I still have one thing I want to explain - and today the policeman is here."

Zuo Yi unscrupulously twisted his eyebrows. With his experience as a policeman for so many years, he instinctively said that the money lawyer’s next words were related to Ye Hongsheng’s murder.

There was finally some whispering voice in the living room, and the money lawyer coughed again and the room was quiet again.

"Things are like this. More than 20 days ago, Mr. Ye Hongsheng suddenly called me and said that he wanted to amend his will." Qian lawyer said that he had paused here and looked at Ye Hao, who was standing opposite. "He wants to donate all the property that was originally to Ms. Ye Wei to the Ye Hongsheng Foundation."

All the people in the living room were stunned, and Ye Hao was also a little wrong in an instant. Qian lawyer continued: "Because I was preparing to rush to deal with a case abroad, this matter was only mentioned by Mr. Ye Hongsheng verbally and did not have legal effect. We made an appointment and then talked again. I did not expect me. After returning home, I received the news of Mr. Ye Hongsheng’s death."

The voice of Mr. Qian’s voice just fell, and everyone’s eyes in the living room fell on the leaves of Ye Hao – or examined, explored, or suspected.

Ye Xie’s heart suddenly jumped, and an idea suddenly came to mind.

The grandfather wanted to amend the will to be discovered by her. After she persuaded her to lose her fruit, she killed him before he modified it, and then deliberately rolled down the stairs and finally pretended to lose her memory.

Just a little accident in the process - she really lost her memory.

Ye Hao’s fingertips are cold. She has doubted everyone, but she has forgotten herself. 2k novel reading network