MTL - Amnesiac Queen-Chapter 28 recording

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Ye Kangping's sentence is like a thunder, leaving Ye Hao in the same place. She stared at Ye Kangping for a long time before she found her voice: "Hey, what do you mean?"

"Oh, you are very entertaining." Ye Kangping snorted, his eyes still with a bit of disdain, "Also, more than one billion homes, personally will be tempted. But don't forget, we signed. Agreement!"

Ye Hao analyzed his words over and over again, and did not sort out the outline of the story.

Because this is really incredible.

Although the left police officer told her that as long as she pretended to restore her memory, Ye Kangping would not help but talk to her, but she did not expect that this heart was so shocking.

What is she not Ye Hao? If she is not Ye Hao, who is she?

After she woke up, everyone told her that she was Ye Hao, and now they told her that she is not Ye Hao? She pulled her lips and looked at Ye Kangping with a faint look: "Hey, I don't understand what you are talking about. I am a little tired today, I will go back to the house first."

When she finished, she quickly walked toward the second floor, and Ye Kangping behind him did not stop. When her figure disappeared into the corner of the corridor, Ye Kangping took out a voice recorder from the pocket of the jacket and pressed the end button.

Originally, I wanted to put some words out of this little girl's mouth. I didn't think she was so cautious, and she didn't say a word. Oh, she thought she could get the property of Ye Family smoothly when she was dressed up like this? Joke, he is worried that she will temporarily change her mind, and she signed an agreement with her.

Ye Kangping thought of it here, his eyes gradually became smashed, and he couldn’t make a big break. Don’t even want to get a penny!

After Ye Hao returned to the room, she breathed a few breaths and took out a voice recorder from her pocket. This was before left to her, saying that if Ye Kangping came to talk to her, they recorded their dialogue.

She smacked a conversation that was just recorded, and the effect was very good. There was no murmur at all, and according to the request of the left police officer, the identity of the other party was clearly stated in the dialogue. Just... Is this content really going to be given to the left police officer? If you are telling the truth, you are really not Ye Hao, then what will she do?

She hesitated with her mobile phone, and finally transferred the name of Ji Zheyan from the contact person and sent a text message in the past: "Mr. Ji, I may not be Ye Hao, what should I do? qaq"

Ji Zheyan was busy today. Just after the consultation, I received a text message from Ye Hao. When he clicked it, his brow wrinkled. The doctor wearing a white coat behind him came out of the consultation room, and Ji Zheyan went to a secluded place and called Ye Hao’s phone.

"Dr. Ji." The phone was almost connected by Ye Hao in an instant. Listening to her pitiful tone, Ji Zheyan could imagine what she was now. Ji Zheyan frowned slightly and asked with a calm voice: "What happened? Why would you say that you are not Ye Hao?"

"I don't know..." When Ye Hao heard the voice of Ji Zheyan, she felt more wronged. She couldn't wait to hold the other person to cry. "I pretended to recover the memory according to the left police officer. I really came to me." I talked about it, but he said that I was not Ye Hao at all, and that we signed an agreement."

Ji Zheyan’s glory moved and silenced the line: “You and Ye Hao are exactly the same.” The appearance is the fastest and most basic way to identify others. Even if it is cosmetic, it’s impossible to make it look like Ye Hao. - At least so far, no one thinks she is not Ye Hao.

Ye Hao also felt that this was very strange. She had seen the photo album in the room. Although the temperament was different, she never doubted that the person above was not herself.

Because they clearly have an identical face.

"Are you recording?"

Ji Zheyan’s voice called back Ye’s attention. She sighed and said, “Record.”

"First hand over the recording to Zuo Yi, let them go to investigate, maybe it’s just that Ye Kangping is making a fool of himself."

"Well..." This is the only correct way to do so, but she still has to worry about it. "Dr. Ji, what if I am really not Ye Hao?"

Ji Zheyan paused, with a hint of subtlety in his voice: "The three words of Ye Hao represent only one identity. Without this identity, you are still you."

Ye Hao groaned, the corner of his mouth unconsciously dyed a layer of smile, Ji doctor really is an angel falling on the earth! Focus on the 30 years of spreading love and hope!

"Dr. Ji, thank you."

Ji Zheyan smiled and said: "You are welcome, I am almost busy here, I will accompany you to the police station."


Although Ye Hao has recently met with Zuo Yi frequently, but it is still the first time to come to the police station, it is inevitable that there is some tension. The police stationed at the door asked about their intentions and confirmed them with Zuo Yi before they were put in.

Although he had already passed the off-duty time, Zuo Yi was still sitting in the office to study the case. Looking at Ye Hao and Ji Zheyan who came in from the door, he couldn't help but smile: "We are not responsible for registering marriage here."

Ye Hao was said to have a red face on his face, and Ji Zheyan went calmly into his face. "Left police officer, this case may be somewhat confusing." Ji Zheyan sat down on the empty chair opposite Zuo Yi and looked at him.

Zuo Yi looked at the time: "wait another three minutes."

Ye Hao strangely said: "Wait for another three minutes?"

"Wait for another three minutes, my instant noodles will be fine."


Ye Hao followed Zuo Yi's gaze to the left, and a box of instant noodles with a fork was quietly standing there.

Smell the taste, or the taste of pickled beef.

Ye Hao couldn't help but pump his mouth. It seems that the left police officer must have eaten before he can think.

Ji Zheyan did not wait for him for three minutes and directly played the recording of Ye Hao. Zuo Yi looked at him silently, and this time, the noodles were not in the mood to eat. "Left police officer, we can do all the work, and then it is time to test your ability to handle the case." Ji Zheyan finished, he stood up from the chair, took Ye Hao and went out, "Farewell."

Zuo Yi: "..."

So he hates intellectuals.

He turned over the mobile phone that was flooded with documents and dialed the phone of Li Xinran.

"Head, we are in the rotisserie next door, I will hurry to eat when I figured it out!" Li Xinran was noisy, and he seemed to be carrying something in his mouth, and his speech was ambiguous.

Zuo Yi took the phone and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "The circumstances of the case have changed, and everyone will give me back within three minutes."

Li Xinran: "..."

Why is he... answering the phone!

Ye Hao sat in Ji Zheyan’s car and was a little sympathetic to the left police officer: “Mr. Ji, I think the people’s police should take care of them.”

Ji Zheyan nodded and nodded. "Well, so we will not hinder him from eating instant noodles when we leave."

Ye Hao licked his mouth and decided to change the subject: "Dr. Ji, are you hungry? I know that there is a delicious beef noodle nearby, it is better to go eat it!"

"Good." Ji Zheyan drove the car to a small noodle restaurant in accordance with Ye Hao’s instructions. Although the noodle restaurant is small, but there are a lot of people inside, the most commendable is that the cleaning is quite clean.

The boss has seen Ye Hao twice, naturally recognizes her, but she is next to her... "Miss Ye, come to eat again, why didn't I come with the left police officer today?"

Ye Wei: "..."

The boss must be the whistle of the left police officer.

"The left police officer may think that the instant noodles are better than the beef noodles here." Ji Zheyan answered the boss's question and found an empty seat and pulled Ye Hao over.

"Hey." The boss sighed, left brother, your competitor seems to be very strong, I can only help you here.

Here, Ji Zheyan and Ye Hao ate the fragrant beef noodles, and there was no time to eat the noodles on the left side.

"Ye Ye is not Ye Hao?" Lin Xinran was yelled back after half a meal. It was very uncomfortable, but after listening to the recording, he suddenly felt very sour. "Why don't they write novels?"

Zuo Yi gave him a look and said: "Less a poor mouth, if Ye Kangping said it is true, maybe our investigation direction is wrong from the beginning."

Li Xinran listened to him and said that he was wrinkled into a flower. Hard work for half a year, once back to liberation!

Ye Hao, how can she not be Ye Hao!

"Head, I think that what Ye Kangping said is not credible. Ye Haoming is exactly the same as Ye Hao on the photo! And even if we can’t recognize it, the next person and her classmates in her family can’t recognize it. ?"

The left is frowning, which is also the problem he has been considering, and Qin Kong, he obviously does not know that Ye Hao is a fake. It is impossible for two people to look like this for no reason. Even the best cosmetic surgeon can't be perfect - at least such a large cosmetic surgery will have sequelae, but Ye Hao obviously does not have this trouble.

He leaned back on the back of the chair, ignited a cigarette and took a sip. His eyes became a bit deeper: "I will know when I ask Ye Kangping to ask."

Ye Kangping was summoned to the police station twice in one day. The mood was violent: "What are you doing? I want to see my lawyer!"

"Don't worry." Zuo Yi smiled at him and laughed at the cold sweat of Ye Kangping. "You listen to this recording first, and then decide whether you want to see your lawyer."

He said that he took out the recording pen, and Ye Kangping’s voice echoed in a small room: " know that you are not Ye Hao at all!"

Ye Kangping sneaked in his heart. Is this recording the one he recorded? But it is impossible, his recording pen is still at home, then... Ye Hao!

I originally wanted to set the little girl, but I didn’t expect to put myself in!

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