MTL - Amnesiac Queen-Chapter 53 past

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Wuyang Park is located in the northwest of Zhuquemen. It is a very small and inconspicuous small park. However, because there are several residential areas around, there are many people who usually come to the park for a walk.

Near noon, the people who enjoyed the coolness in the park continued to go home for lunch. Ye Hao stood under a big tree and felt a little excited.

She finally found it.

The park is almost exactly the same as the park she painted, and even the billboards of the small supermarket across the street are not in the same place.

Zuo Yi also found this. He put away the painting in his hand and looked at Ye Hao. She must be very familiar with this to be able to draw such accuracy.

In the supermarket, a middle-aged woman walked out and wrote something on the billboard. When she turned around, she saw the leafhopper standing under the tree, and the chalk in her hand fell directly on the ground.

Zuo Yi’s brows moved and took Ye Hao and went up. The woman looked at the leafy owl coming on her face, and her face flashed a few complex looks. She subconsciously walked a few steps forward and asked Ye Hao: "Jia Jia, are you coming back? You Where did the month go? The phone didn't bring it. I don't know if I am worried?"

Ye Hao slightly frowned, said to the woman: "Who are you?"

The woman stunned and looked at Ye Xun incredulously: "What are you talking about? What about you? I am a mother."

The mother's two words shocked Ye Hao, this person is her mother? But why does she feel so awkward?

"Hello, I am a policeman." Zuo Yi stood up and smiled at the woman. "What is your name?"

"I, my name is Li Su." It seems that the identity of Zuo Yi is very unexpected. Li Su subconsciously shrunk his shoulders.

"You are the mother of Li Jiajia?"


"Can we go in and talk?"

"Good, good."

Li Su invited them into the supermarket - although it is a supermarket, but the area is not much larger than the small shops on the roadside. It is easy to use the five minutes to summarize the ups and downs of the story. After the woman listens, the face is already It’s like a blank piece of paper: “You mean, Ye Jia’s people found Jia Jia to pretend to be Ye Hao, but when they arrived, Ye Hao was already dead?”

"Yes." Zuo Yi pays attention to her expression and asks, "Although it is a bit presumptuous, I still have to ask, is Li Jiajia your birth daughter?"

Li Su rubbed her lips and shook her head: "No, Jia Jia is adopted by me."

This answer seems to be in the expectation of Zuo Yi, he nodded and asked: "Can you take us to the house to see it? Maybe she can think about what to start."

"Well..." Li Su said that he stood up and his eyes fell on Ye Hao's body. "Jia Jia, can you really remember it?"

Ye Hao looked at her and shook her head.

Li Su didn't say anything anymore. When he closed the store door, he walked with his left and Ye Hao. Li Su’s home is in an ordinary residential area, only about five minutes away from the supermarket. The houses in the community are relatively old. The highest one was only 7 stories. Li Su took them to the sixth floor and opened an iron gate on the left.

"The home is relatively simple, I have lived here for more than ten years." Li Su looked back at Ye Hao and pointed to a room on the left side of the living room. "This is your room."

Ye Hao responded and went to the bedroom. Although the house was old, it was simply renovated, especially Li Jiajia's room. This all-pink style instantly reminded her of the bedroom in the Ye Family House.

Zuo Yi asked Li Su about some relevant situations in the living room. Ye Hao opened the drawer and found an ID card inside.

Li Jiajia, born on January 5, 1993.

Her twilight moved, and Ye Lan’s date of birth was the same.

The photo looks like it was a few years ago, but it is not much different from the present. She took the ID card into the bag and looked at the sketch in the drawer.

There are a lot of sketches in the drawers, which are piled up neatly together. The one on the surface is a small bean. Ye Hao took it out and looked at it, similar to the one in her dream, but the background is indeed Minghai Park instead of Wuyang Park.

It seems that the left police officer guessed that her memory was in chaos, which led to the recording of the two parks.

Zuo Yi asked Li Su and wanted to enter the house to look at Ye Hao. He received a newsletter from Li Xinran, which stated that Li Jiajia’s birth date and family address were exactly the same as his own information.

He glanced at the room and said to Ye: "I will stay here tonight. I will visit nearby residents in the afternoon and return to the city tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded. She glanced at Li Su, who stood at the door, and said to Zuo Yi, "I will go out with you."

She really does not know how to face Li Su, although this person is her own foster mother, but for her now, she is not as close as Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi had no objection. He told Li Su a few words and went out with Ye Hao. The two had a lunch at a small restaurant downstairs. The boss seemed to know Ye Hao. He kept saying that she had not seen the figure for several months. It turned out to be a boyfriend.

Ye Hao and Zuo Yifei quickly solved the lunch and left the right and wrong place. Zuo Yi said that he was going to visit the residents. Ye Hao had nothing to do. She was in the alley for a while and saw Li Su coming over.

Li Su also can see her cautiousness. She handed the door key to Ye Hao and said that she was going to guard the supermarket and let her go home first. Ye Hao said thank you, and returned to Li Su’s home.

Li Su looked at the back of her departure and stood in the place for a long time before turning to the supermarket.

After Ye Hao arrived home, as if he had just arrived at Ye Family, he began to explore everywhere. She turned over in the closet, not only pulled out a photo album, but also pulled out the agreement signed with Ye Kangping.

She looked at the following payment, and she still signed the dog egg. She took a slap in the mouth and put the agreement into the bag, and opened the photo album and turned it up.

Zuo Yi strolled around the park and saw Li Su coming back to reopen the supermarket door. The twilight could not help sinking.

According to her previous confession, Li Jiajia had a little conflict with her because of some trivial matters in her life four months ago. She left home the next day. She originally thought that Li Jiajia would come back in a few days. I didn't expect to have four months. She still didn't have any news.

The daughter left home for four months without any news. She did not even report to the police. Even if she was not a biological person, she could not say it. There are also reasons for the contradiction between the two people. He also feels that it is not as simple as the trivial things in her mouth.

Li Su should have concealed something.

His eyes turned around and returned to the little shop that had just eaten. The boss seems to be very familiar with Li Jiajia, but just watching the girl's face is thin, she did not stay here.

The boss saw the left and went back, thinking that he had forgotten something here, and the other party brushed out a police officer's card. The boss stayed for two seconds, then opened his mouth in surprise and shouted in the direction of the kitchen: "Flower girl is coming, Jia Jia finds a policeman as a boyfriend!"

This time, even the left Yi is a little stretched, and there are several people in the kitchen, and they look at him like a national treasure.

Zuo Yi lightly coughed, ignoring the curious eyes around him: "Do you know about Li Jiajia?"

"Understood, when she and her mother just came in, they were so big, they became a big girl in a blink of an eye." The boss said that he looked at him strangely and then suddenly realized, "You want to know more." Is Jia Jia’s business so happy she is happy?”

"Yeah." Zuo Yi smiled and nodded. "So the more detailed you say, the better."

The boss came to a sudden, this time the number of guests in the store is not much, he directly moved two small benches, placed at the door and left Yi chat.

"When Jia Jia was young, he was smart. Although he didn't like to laugh or love to talk, every exam is the first grade. My son is simply incomparable." He said here, and he shook his head with some regret. "Unfortunately, six years ago, she had a car accident and broke her brain. Not only did she forget a lot of previous things, but her academic performance was not as good as before."

Zuo Yi’s nephew moved quickly. He stared at the boss, and even the boss couldn’t help but nervously: “Do you remember the accident?”

The boss shook his head and said: "I am not very clear. I heard Li Su mentioned the next day, only to know that Jia Jia was in the hospital. We are an old community. There is no surveillance video nearby. Let the collision happen. The man's **** escaped."

Zuo Yi was silent and asked: "Are there other witnesses besides Li Su?"

The boss frowned and thought for a while: "You feel like asking me, it seems that everyone is listening to Li Su, and there is no such thing as this happened."

Zuo Yi slightly licked his mouth and said: "Is Li Jiajia and Li Su's relationship good?"

“It looks good. You know that Jia Jia is a single-parent family. Parents usually love more.” The boss said that he suddenly thought of something. “Oh yes! But I heard that Jia Jia is not a biological person. It was adopted by Li Su."

"Isn't this a clear thing?" A middle-aged woman with an apron walked out of the kitchen and wiped her hand. "You see that Jia Jia doesn't look like her. How can she look like that?" Born to get a good prostitute like Jiajia."

The boss glanced at her and smiled at the embarrassment of Zuo Yi: "This is the inside, the woman is a little broken, don't see it outside."

"I have a broken mouth?" The woman pulled up the volume as soon as she heard him. "Where is it wrong? If Jia Jia is her relative, she will not let Jia Jia go to college?"

Zuo Yi moved a small stool from the side and smiled at the woman: "Sit down and say slowly."

The woman was flashed by his smile and sat down beside him. "You said that although Jiajia had a bad cultural performance, he could have a talent for painting. He was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts. Li Su also Not let people read."

"Where is she not to let Jia Jia go to read, you also know how expensive the Academy's tuition is for a year, Li Su himself said that family conditions are not allowed." The boss quickly went round the field.

However, the woman apparently did not eat this set. She snorted and sneered: "Hey, when the old lady doesn't know wow, don't look at her supermarket, but the location is good, the business is definitely not worse than us, she earns a year. The money of the Qianlian Academy of Fine Arts can’t afford it? It’s not believed to kill the old lady.”

Zuo Yi heard this and asked: "Which Academy of Fine Arts?"

“It’s a city, wow, or a key institution.”

The light of Zuo Yi flashed, maybe, Li Su just didn't want her to go to the city.

The author has something to say: Thanks to a mine thrown by the jerair little angel, touched!

The weather is cold, everyone should pay attention to keep warm, don't catch cold qaq

The author is unfortunately recruited, all kinds of uncomfortable death qwq2k novel reading network