MTL - An Impossible to Reject Confession-Chapter 29 The next day, Xu Youyou complied with her words and brought...

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The next day, Xu Youyou went to school with the camera.

Since he had promised Lu Shi to help him take pictures, Xu Youyou didn't plan to perfunctory. As soon as he arrived in the classroom in the morning, he started staring at Lu Shi's face.

Look, he's really uncomfortable. Especially when Xu Youyou got closer and closer, Lu Shi was frightened and hurriedly turned his head away, but it happened to meet Qiao Mu's suddenly gloomy face.

It was this woman who was interested, why are you gloomy at me.

"Looking for a good-looking angle." Xu Youyou's experience in photographing characters is limited to Shen Lili, but in fact, when she helped Shen Lili shoot, the focus was on the Hanfu that Shen Lili was wearing, Let the people in Hanfu and the scenery perfectly blend. But star portraits are different. The star must be highlighted by the star itself, so the shooting of facial features is particularly important.

"There is no dead angle in 360 degrees. In other words, every angle of your 360 degrees looks the same. This kind of model is the least characteristic." Xu You You ruthlessly complained.

"..." Lu Shi choked.

Qiao Mu couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, just pat it." Xu Youyou said reluctantly.

Lu Shi suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot. Originally, Lu Shi thought that Xu Youyou's casual photo was just a casual talk. After all, he was a star anyway, and this photo was agreed to be used as a photo. He felt that even if Xu Youyou was talking about taking a photo, in fact Will still be more attentive.

But Xu Youyou is really a real woman who walks the talk. She says she can take pictures casually, and often he finds the camera, and Xu Youyou has already finished filming. The only time he faced the camera was when he was playing with his classmates, laughing with complete disregard for his image. At this time, Xu Youyou would always call him suddenly, and when he turned around unsuspectingly, she clicked.

Lu Shi seriously suspected that Xu Youyou was deliberately taking his ugly photos.

In the afternoon, Lu Shi completely forgot that he asked Xu Youyou to take pictures, what to do at school, and when he returned home from school, Xu Youyou took out the data He only remembered when the line asked him to direct the photo.

"What are you doing, hurry up and guide, there are a lot of photos, so you have to guide them for a while. In the evening, you choose the photos yourself, and then decide whether to send them to your agent." Xu Youyou said.

"Oh, good." When Lu Shi suspected that Xu Youyou deliberately took ugly pictures of him, he completely gave up the idea of ​​sending his photos to his agent, but this idea could not let Xu Youyou You know, after all, people did help him to shoot, even if the effect is not ideal, it can't be shown in person.

Well, he's a really considerate and emotionally intelligent person.

In the evening, after taking a shower, Lu Shi just checked his Moments for a while, and his agent sent him a WeChat message saying that two movie scripts that started during the summer vacation had been sent to his mailbox. He took a look and picked one he liked.

Lu Shi replied ok, took the iPad on the table and was about to log in to the mailbox to download the script. After reading the script for a while, he was a little tired, and suddenly remembered the photo that Xu Youyou took for him during the day I haven't seen it yet, and I immediately clicked on the album. As soon as he opened, he was stunned.

Because, the finished film is completely different from what he imagined, the light and shadow of each photo is combined even if an outsider looks at it, you can see the intention. The most important thing is that he in the photo has no sense of disobedience.

Why use the sense of disobedience to describe it, because in the past, whether it was watching the movies he starred in, or watching the posters and photos he took, he was very handsome in the pictures, with facial features and facial features. Even a strand of hair is delicate, but when Lu Shi looks at himself like that, he always has a sense of disobedience. It was himself, but not like himself. But the photo Xu Youyou took of him didn't feel that way. He in the photo was so real. Real daze, real drowsiness, real sparring with classmates, real running on the playground, no deliberate expressions, but full of contagion.

Lu Shi turned over one by one, and before he knew it, he had finished flipping through nearly 200 photos. There were still a few photos of him and a few classmates, but his favorite was It's a photo of him and Qiao Mu.

It was during the lunch break, when he was bored, he pulled Qiao Mu to play a game of backgammon, and shamelessly told Qiao Mu not to beat him within five minutes. Xu Youyou seems to have no intention of letting Arbor to enter, so she cleverly used the halo that came in from the window to block Arbor's face, but the artistic conception of the whole photo is very good, the leisurely afternoon and the joy of the teenager are vividly rendered. .

Lu Shi looked back and forth twice, but in the end he couldn't choose. Seeing that it was too late, he simply packaged and sent it to his agent.

Lu Shi's agent, Sister Xing, called after him at noon the next day: "Lu Shi, did you find a photographer locally?"

When Lu Shi heard the tone of his agent, he felt confident: "The photo is not bad."

"It's more than good, the atmosphere is amazing, I feel better than you have ever shot." Sister Xing praised unabashedly, "Especially you, the first time I saw you so relaxed, The teenage breath that blows in your face almost overflows from the photo."

"Then, can I use this set of photos directly for my photo this time?" Lu Shi said directly, "The monthly test is next week, and I really don't have time to go back to City B."

"The photo is good, but it needs to be fine-tuned. Who is the photographer, I want to communicate with him directly. If there is no problem after communication, you can send it directly." Sister Xing said.

"Your classmate? It's impossible." Sister Xing subconsciously didn't believe it.

"What's impossible, otherwise, given the circumstances of our school, do you think I can find a photographer to enter the school to take pictures?" Lu Shi asked.

Sister Xing, who once tried to find a photographer to enter the school to take pictures, and was ruthlessly driven away by the security guard, was immediately persuaded.

"Then sign a contract. For commercial photos, it is better to sign a contract." As an agent, Sister Xing has always been considerate in protecting her artists, no matter who took the photo Yes, there will be no disputes after the contract is signed.

"Is this necessary?" Lu Shi frowned.

"Yes, and we will pay each other." Sister Xing said.

Lu Shi heard that he was paid, so he didn't refuse, and asked directly, "How much?"

"If you are a classmate, you are still a student. Photography should be a hobby. Would you like to give it fifty thousand?" .


"But that's my classmate. We have a good relationship. Sister Xing, please give me more." Lu Shi felt that Xu Youyou's photos were no worse than those taken by well-known photographers .

"Then one hundred thousand. When you are hours, don't think that you are taking advantage of your classmates. With your popularity, she will definitely get more benefits than you if you send this set of photos." Xing Sister Road.

Lu Shi also understood this truth. He didn't say anything at the moment, hung up the phone, went in and told Xu Youyou the news.

Xu Youyou was not very resistant to signing the contract, but was a little surprised at the reward of 100,000 yuan. Although Lu Shi had told her early in the morning that it was not a problem for a good photographer to earn an annual salary of one million yuan, but yesterday she just used the time between classes to take pictures casually, and she earned one hundred thousand. Moreover, it is still a rookie price, if this is mixed into a god.

Xu Youyou frowned and began to think about her future career direction. In her last life, after graduating from college, she climbed mountains everywhere, and before she had time to think about her future career, she hung on Mount Everest. Once again, Xu Youyou felt that it was time to think about it.

The day before the monthly exam, Lu Shi's photos were finally finished by the studio. Sister Xing picked nine photos for Lu Shi and asked him to post on Weibo. The photo I liked with Qiao Mu couldn't help but ask on WeChat.

Sister Xing: [The atmosphere of that photo is good, but it cannot be put. 】

Lu Shi was puzzled: [Why? 】

Sister Xing: [Although that photo shows your face, the protagonist is the person sitting opposite you, and you are almost a foil. 】

Lu Shi didn't respond for a while, and Sister Xing then sent the photo.

Sister Xing: [The artistic conception of the whole photo is also to set off your classmates. If you don’t believe it, cover yourself and your classmates to see if there is any difference. 】

Lu Shi covered it according to what Sister Xing said, and as expected, when he was covered by himself, there was no obvious change in the photo, but once the tree was covered, The mood of the whole photo is gone.

Lu Shi paused, rolled his eyes, and sent the photo to Xu Youyou: [Eccentric, it was obviously me who took the photo, why do you only highlight the trees. 】

Xu Youyou saw the phone vibrate, took it out, and was stunned when she saw the photo. She then snapped it, and when she was focusing, she just wanted not to take Qiao Mu's face in, and then it ended up like this unknowingly.

Looking at the facial features blurred by the halo in the photo, others don't know what kind of look Qiao Mu was at that time, but she does. She blurred Qiao Mu's face with a halo, not because he was afraid that Qiao Mu would take over, but because she subconsciously didn't want others to see him at that time.

Lu Shi: [Ask you, why are you pretending to die. 】

Xu Youyou returned to her senses and replied fiercely: [I know the reason, you still ask. 】

This is what Lu Shi was waiting for, and the screenshot was forwarded to his cousin on the spot.

After reading the chat log, Qiao Mu couldn't help turning his head to look at the girl next door who was practising calligraphy.

Is it eccentric?

Read The Duke's Passion