MTL - An Impossible to Reject Confession-Chapter 41 The next day, Xu Youyou deliberately decided...

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The next day, Xu Youyou deliberately set the alarm clock, ate breakfast with Qiaomu, and then went to the Go Club together.

Lu Shi's fans are amazing, and the distorted public opinion on the Internet has led to the right path, but also because of Lu Shi's relationship, Qiaomu's popularity has not decreased but increased. Although they are all positive comments, for an ordinary person, excessive attention, whether good or bad, will always be uncomfortable.

On the way to the venue, Xu Youyou did not mention anything on the Internet, and Qiao Mu did not show any abnormality, the two of them were like nothing happened. Although Xu Youyou didn't mention it, Qiao Mu knew in his heart that if he hadn't been worried about him, Xu Youyou would not have specially sent him to the venue. He didn't say anything to appease Xu Youyou, but saying that he was fine was the most powerless argument. Anyway, the game is going to be played in a while, as long as you win the game and go back, you don't need to say anything.

, When we arrived at the gate of the venue, it was already very close to the game time.

"Then hurry in, I'll wait for you to come out." Xu Youyou said quickly.

"There is no fixed time for the game, go back to the hotel, and I will find you after the game." In such a cold day, Xu Youyou is afraid of the cold, how could he let Xu Youyou wait outside she.

Xu Youyou wanted to say come back in the afternoon, but she didn't say anything after thinking about it. The game requires full attention. If Qiao Mulao thinks about waiting for him outside, what if he gets distracted . Moreover, the relationship between him and Qiao Dongyuan was only revealed. If he lost today's game, what would he do if there was something bad online.

"Okay, then I'll go back and sleep for a while, and then think about what to have for dinner." Xu Youyou said.


"Then I'll go back." Xu Youyou waved her hand, turned and started going down the stairs.

Qiao Mu did not go in immediately, the stairs outside the Go Club were long and high, it was frosty in the morning, and when I came up just now, I was a little slippery. He wanted to see Xu Youyou go down safely and then go in again .

Xu Youyou descended seven or eight steps and suddenly stopped.

Qiao Mu was wondering, when Xu Youyou suddenly turned around, the big eyes on her fair little face were brighter than the pair of cat pupils on the hat.

"Qiao Mu, are your opponents formidable today?" Because of the distance, Xu Youyou's voice became louder.

Qiao Mu was stunned for a moment, but still replied loudly: "Amazing." The second in points, only two points lower than Aileshan, so far, only lost to Aileshan.

"Then can you win?" Xu Youyou asked.

"I'll do my best." Qiao Mu has never played against this man, and he doesn't know his chess path.

Xu Youyou didn't hear a positive answer, but he saw the answer from Qiao Mu's confident expression and was completely relieved. Along the way, she deliberately avoided online topics, and carefully took care of Qiao Mu's emotions, for fear of affecting the game for a while. But just because I was too careful, it seemed deliberate, so that the atmosphere along the way was weird. This weird atmosphere is sometimes more uncomfortable than a straightforward question, so Xu Youyou decided to ask directly.

And then Qiaomu did not disappoint him.

"Let's go." Xu Youyou didn't stop, her footsteps were light, and she jumped down two steps one step at a time. It was not until Xu Youyou finished the steps that Qiao Mu walked into the door behind him with confidence.

As soon as Qiao Mu entered the clubhouse, he met Qi Fang. Speaking of which, he had a lot of responsibility for what happened yesterday. If he hadn't been too obvious in front of Go Weekly reporters, he wouldn't have let the other party know Qiao Mu's identity so quickly. Although Qiao Mu's identity is not a secret, and people who are interested will come out, but if it hadn't happened yesterday, Qiao Mu's old affairs can at least be delayed until after the fixed stage competition. In this case, at least it won't affect Qiaomu's game.

When the incident came out yesterday, he thought of a lot of ways to try to suppress it. Weiqi Weekly also sold him a face to withdraw the report of Qiaomu, but the fermentation on Weibo was beyond It was beyond his expectations and beyond his ability. Because of this, he didn't sleep all night last night, he was afraid that he finally mustered up the courage to return to Qiao Mu in the chess world and repeat the same mistakes of seven years.

So this morning, he was waiting here. He originally wanted to say something to appease Qiao Mu before the game, but he heard the conversation between Qiao Mu and the girl at the door clearly, and Qi Fang suddenly felt that he didn't need to say anything.

"Director Qi?" Qiao Mu did not expect to meet Qi Fang as soon as he entered the door, and was a little surprised.

"Uh, here it is? Today your opponent is Liu Yaming. If you beat him, your points will be in the top 20. Come on." Qi Fang said.

"Thank you." Qiao Mu nodded politely, then walked into the venue by mistake. In the match bench, his opponent today was already waiting there.

"Sorry for the long wait." Qiaomu sat down opposite.

"It's fine." Before yesterday, Liu Yaming didn't take Qiao Mu to heart, but after yesterday's incident, he looked at Qiao Mu a little differently.

Not only Liu Yaming, but other chess players who came to participate in the competition today, the moment they saw him come in, their expressions changed somewhat.

"Let's get started." Qiao Mu raised his hand to lift the lid on the chess basket and grabbed a handful lightly.

Xu Youyou swiped Weibo all night yesterday. She woke up a little reluctantly in the morning. After returning to the hotel, she continued to sleep for a while, and didn't wake up until almost eleven o'clock. When I woke up, I saw the message Lu Shi sent him, asking him to get up and go out for lunch.

Lu Shi and his uncle arrived last night. After getting off the plane, the road was blocked for more than an hour. By the time they got to the hotel, it was almost eleven o'clock. They were afraid of delaying Qiaomu's game tomorrow, so they did not disturb Qiaomu. I took the room card that Arbor left at the front desk and went straight to rest.

At that moment, my uncle felt that he was superfluous, so he went back and continued to sleep, and finally slept with his son until ten o'clock.

After nibbling on a few biscuits, it was time to be hungry. The three didn't go far, Xu Youyou took them directly to the Northeast restaurant where Qiaomu invited her to dinner yesterday.

When the food was served, Lu Shi was half full before he had the strength to speak.

"How is the tree, how are you feeling?" Lu Shi asked.

Uncle Qiao Mu also looked over.

"It's fine, it's not affected." Xu Youyou said.

Lu Shi was relieved immediately, and then he snorted: "This is the result of my efforts to turn the tide."

"Oh, Huan Li Wang Kuanglan, have you forgotten what Broker Xing scolded you yesterday?" Uncle Qiao Mu did not hesitate to dismantle his son. Yesterday, the two got off the plane and turned on their mobile phones. The news that I got was not that the online matter had been quelled, but the 59-second voice of Lu Shi's agent, Sister Xing, with more than a dozen of them, so scared that Lu Shi didn't dare to listen.

But she escaped the first day of the first day but not the fifteenth day of the first month.

"For my brother, I am willing." Lu Shi stalked his neck, not at all like the quail he was scolded yesterday.

Uncle Qiaomu made a cut, but he was still very pleased with his son's maintenance of Qiaomu.

"But..." Lu Shihu frowned and said in a serious tone, "This matter is so big, does my aunt know, she won't come to Qiaomu."

Grandma Qiao uses an old computer and can't see any news. People around Hongluo Town also know that Grandma Qiao is not in good spirits and can't stand stimulation, so Grandma Qiao should not know about the Internet However, his aunt is selfish and selfish. She came to warn Qiao Mu before Qiao Mu participated in the competition. Now that the trouble is so big, Lu Shi is really a little afraid of what his aunt will do.

Xu Youyou also looked worried when she heard this.

"She had already found Qiao Mu yesterday." When he mentioned his sister, Uncle Qiao Mu's face was immediately pulled down.

"What?" Xu Youyou and Lu Shi exclaimed at the same time.

"She came to City B? Or did she call and scold Qiaomu again? Is there something wrong with her mind? Don't you always hope that Qiao Mu will be successful?" Lu Shi said excitedly.

"She wants more than Qiao Mu's success, it's too boring for her. In her eyes, as long as Qiao Mu is not a genius, it is a failure." Uncle Qiao Mu said.


"How about the elders?" Uncle Qiao Mu slapped his son on the head and reprimanded.

Lu Shi pouted in disapproval: "What did she say to Qiao Mu?"

"I don't know, but listening to your aunt's tone, it seems that Qiaomu is very angry." The first time he knew about Qiaomu yesterday, he prevented his sister from going to Qiaomu, so he first Time called his sister, but he didn't think it was too late. His sister had already called Qiao Mu.

"Qiao Mu is angry with her?!" Lu Shi expressed doubts.

"Yes." Although I don't know why Qiao Mu is angry, but his sister's manic state can't be faked.

"It can be regarded as a support." Xu Youyou looked relieved.

It's good to have the edge, and she won't be cold anymore. But speaking, from last night to now, her cold symptoms have indeed not occurred.

"Come on, toast." Lu Shi excitedly said to Xu Youyou holding barley tea.

Xu Youyou immediately raised her glasses and touched them, and the two of them, like two fools, drank the barley tea as wine.

After lunch, Lu Shi was called away by his agent. Sister Xing knew he was coming half a month ago and picked up two events in advance. Uncle Qiao Mu also followed. Xu Youyou made an appointment with them for dinner, then took a taxi to a nearby shopping mall by herself, bought a few changes of clothes, and then went directly to the Go Club, where she found a dessert shop and squatted inside.

Xu Youyou ordered a dessert, sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window by the street, took a bite, and involuntarily glanced across the road until the phone on the table vibrated.

Qiao Mu: [The game is over, I will come back now. 】

Xu Youyou was overjoyed, and rushed out with a shopping bag, crossed the road a few steps, and waited under the steps outside the clubhouse. After a while, a tall and thin figure came out from inside.


Qiao Mu looked up, and saw a girl wrapped in a thick down jacket and wearing a black woolen hat on her head waving at him down the steps.

Qiao Mu was stunned for a moment, then ran quickly, stepped down the steps in three or two steps, and ran to the girl's side: "I didn't tell you not to wait for me."

Qiao Mu stretched out his hand to pick up the shopping bag in Xu Youyou's hand, and when his fingers touched, Xu Youyou's fingers were warm. Knowing that Xu Youyou didn't wait too long outside, Qiao Mu was relieved, and at the same time an uncontrollable joy was emerging from the bottom of his heart.

“How was the game?” Xu Youyou asked.

"Win." Qiaomu replied easily.

When Liu Yaming conceded defeat, Qiao Mu didn't have much joy in his heart. According to the rules of the game, he is now a professional chess player. He has returned to the arena where he fell seven years ago, and won the glory that he did not get, and also proved that he can play Go again, but he does not Very excited and joyful.

"Then you are a professional chess player? Great."

"Hmm." At least not as happy as this moment.

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