MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2002 Destruction, new life

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The remains of the car family, once the car family turned into a ruin, but now, it is already magnificent, stands a magnificent palace, and, does not belong to a force, but is occupied by multiple forces.

Today, the three giants of Taikoo may not see the remains of the car race. However, for other forces in Taikoo, it is a gem. It has caused many wars in these years, and finally reached a certain balance. Some forces occupy this treasure. Reluctant to leave, I want to continue to dig the treasures of the car family.

Once the car family was a very popular one, comparable to the land of a country, this piece of relic, it is not so easy to dig all out.

However, these forces occupying the car family do not know that in the other time and space under this ruin, the strong people of the car family are there, the golden flames burned the vast world, and there is a huge boundlessness in this space. The world's melting pot is like a fire of chaos. There is a world of shocking power. The endless gods are engraved between the heavens and the earth. If there is no such endless array of gods, the chaotic flames will burst enough to easily destroy the whole space. world.

Even if there is a gods, but at this moment, there are still signs of uncontrollable. In the chaos of the gods, there is a vague chaotic **** soldier, constantly deriving various forms, the power spewed out from it, a little bit Destroy the gods, as if to break the **** and tear the space.

"How could this be?" The car family chiefs looked ugly, they exhausted their efforts, and the efforts of the generation of car-powered strongmen, many gods snarled because of it, in the end, the refining of the soldiers can not suppress it? Their car family, is there not enough powerful way to make it finally form?

He is not reconciled. The soldiers of this family refining will be the last hope of his car family. Once they fail, the car family will be destroyed and will cease to exist.

Around the chaos of the gods, above the gods, the invincible strong people of the car are working hard, all the power is in the middle of the chaotic flame, want to control it, and the Tao is integrated into it. Trying to communicate with them and achieve resonance. However, the chaos and flames spit out the power of the monks. At this moment, they suddenly turned into a chaotic vortex, madly engulfing the people's way, but no resonance was born.

"Be careful, it is counter-attacking." A **** shouted, and then saw a strong car screamer, directly turned into ashes, flew into the chaos of flames, and became part of it.

"Boom." The flames of the gods spewed out the power of the monks, and the terrible whirlpool was roaring. Then, some people screamed, and the smoke and the smoke were extinguished. They were all caught in the flames of the flames, and they were ashes and absorbed by the vortex.

"The patriarch." Many people turned their attention to the patriarchs of the car races. The car-faced face was iron-green. The efforts of their generations, the hard work of the family, and finally, was the refinement of such uncontrolled monsters? Only one step away, this **** soldier seems to be born, but their power can not be controlled.

The face of Che Hou was slightly distorted, and the cold road: "To subdue it, if it is destroyed by this space, the car family is also dead."

The car owners are full of crazy looks. They understand that the patriarch is telling the truth. The power of the gods is too strong. If they can’t be suppressed, the whole space will be destroyed. The car family will disappear. They are crazy. Unleashing your own strength, suppressing and urging the gods, but it is useless. The horrible vortex devours all the forces, the flames snarl, rushing into the sky, igniting the sky, and the car owners are constantly being involved. A roar came out, it was a roar from the gods, but it was useless. He was also involved in it and became part of the chaos.

The golden flames burned the sky, and in the chaotic whirlpool, there was a hidden humanoid face. It was like a devil. The whole space was mourning. This is the disaster of the car race.

When Che Hou looked at this scene, the painful look appeared in his eyes. The car family would be ruined by the soldiers who spent their lives trying to refine their generations. This is ironic, he is not willing.

The endless array of gods covered the vast land, and the princes held the scepter and refining the heavens. He took a step forward and saw the power of the refining world bloom, locking the devil-like figure born in the chaotic flame.

The figure looked up and stared at the car, as if there was life, which made the car's inner heart tremble.

"Since you have created me, why bother to resist, and integrate the life and strength of all of you into me, and naturally complete your wishes, do everything, and refine me." The devilish The figure said, he vomited his voice, his voice was cold, and there was no trace of feelings. He was not a human being, but a refining device.

"We created you, but never thought about being hunted by you." Che Hou said indifferently.

"From their memory, I learned that the purpose of creating me is to create a detached soldier. Since this is the case, you should know that your power cannot control me. If you can control it, I will not be able to To reach your goal, don't you understand all this? Is it stupid?" The cold, mechanical sound recalled again, and the car was ugly, and he was speechless.

Indeed, they want to create detached soldiers, naturally beyond the scope of their abilities, and how they can control them. Isn't this all self-sufficient?

"I didn't think that I would refine a monster like you." The car sighed, is this the fate of their car owners?

"Maybe." The cold voice came out again, the whole space was destroyed, and the car family was ruined and part of the device. The devil-like figure made a sigh: "I am After you refine your life, you will still be influenced by you. This obstinacy is so strong. If this is the case, then you are me, I am you."

When the voice fell, the gods directly broke the power of the prince's refining, swallowed his body, and then, as if a little bit of integration into his body, the car body trembled fiercely, he seemed to be being The devil is possessed, this space world, the endless power madly in his body, endless, to digest the power of the whole world.

The chaos of the monks broke through everything and shredded the space.

There are still many people exploring the land of the car ruins, and even some conflicts have erupted. Many people are squatting.

However, at this moment, the whole world seemed to tremble. Then, the space was torn open, and a blood pressure that destroyed everything broke out. In the space of the dimension, there was a light that shredded everything.

"No..." One person reacted, but it was already late, and the light broke out. Everything was gone, and the remnants of the car, the buildings that were re-established, were once again torn into pieces and turned into ruins. This light not only swallowed the ruins of the car family, but also continued to spread toward the surrounding, like the power of the real world, constantly destroying everything, the people in the distance just saw the light of destruction, then the power came Come, cover them, this terrible light, straight into the sky, like to break open for nine days.

The vast city where the car family is located, destroyed, the land of a city, was destroyed, turned into a ruined land, the light, the endless people of the ancient times can see, their hearts tremble, car family, what happened ?

At this time, on the ruins, the patriarch of the car race stood there, his temperament and the earth-shaking changes that had happened before, like a cold god, cold to make people feel terrible, now, he It is a **** soldier, and a **** soldier is him.

The car family, the efforts of generations, the strength of the whole family, the refining of the sacred soldiers, and finally the anti-destruction destroyed the car family, but the obsession of the car-powered strong also affected the soldier, so all this In the end, it was only the achievement of him today.

His car is not a former car.

The endless brilliance was released from him, turned into a golden world, laid on the ground, and soon, golden palaces rose from the ground, were born in the ruins, and continued to spread to the eight sides, turning into vastness The castle, even, is exactly the same as the car family.

After the destruction of the car family, he wants to re-create the car family. Now, he is, the car family will not die, he will represent the entire car family, his life, carrying the lives of countless people.


The car family broke out such a big movement, a city was destroyed, and soon the news swept the Taikoo Xianyu, and the Taikoo Xianyu shook.

Many people want to know, what happened to the car family?

Soon, some people said that they saw the car patriarch's prince, he returned, and may have broken through to a more powerful realm, comparable to the king of God, returning to rebuild the car family, ready to compete for the Taikoo.

Could it be that the three strong players will be broken? Has the fourth force emerged?

The car family has undergone such a big change. Presumably, the three major forces can’t sit still.

Tianqu, Qin Wentian was a little surprised after getting the news, the car family actually re-opened, and, only the car patriarch, one person, was surprised.

Qi Yu took the initiative to ask, and wanted to go to the car family to explore the real thing. If it was OK, he would kill the car family's chieftain Houge. However, Qin Wentian did not agree. He felt a bit unusual. The car patriarch dared to reappear and destroy. After recasting the car family after a city, it will never be so simple. It may be like the outside rumor that it broke through the realm and reached another level!

Read The Duke's Passion