MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2006 Chariot

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"Hurricane." Jun Mengchen's voice is indifferent, although the prince has become tyrannical, but he dared to kill the cave once and alone, and, madly, to fight against Qin's brother and Qin's father, too arrogant.

I saw him stepping out and staring at the car: "You will defeat me first, then challenge Qin brother."

For more than ten years, he has also practiced thousands of years. Today's strength is no longer the same. The silence of more than ten years, the times are changing, the top three are standing tall, and the world only knows that the cave is one. But who knows how powerful the caves today are?

"You?" Che Hou looked up and glanced at Jun Mengchen. Once, Jun Mengchen had a battle with him in the cave. He hadn't been able to win the other side for a long time. Now, he is actually him, provoking himself. I really don't know how to live.

"I am fulfilling you." The voice of the car was falling, his body disappeared directly into the place, like a teleport, lightning-like shot to the body of Jun Mengchen, this moment seems to be no longer a person, but a A strong soldier, wants to break through the sky, tearing up all existence, that Shenhua illuminates the entire space, the golden light is like tearing apart the space, and instantly falls in front of Jun Mengchen.

The light of the gemstone on Jun Meng's body is even more embarrassing. It is like a world body. His body is a world. I saw him punching and kicking, and the car rushed, and the two brilliances collided. In this moment, the glare of the glare, tearing open everything, the space appears whirlwind storm, endless light is shining toward the parties, each light can tear the gods, Qin asked the palm of the hand to stretch out, the void catches, suddenly two There are horrific time-space storms around people, burying all the terrible light.

The aftermath of their fighting can directly destroy Qin Tian Shenzong.

Jun Mengchen’s body flew back and sighed, and the light of the gemstones on his body seemed to be cracked. His eyes stared at the opposite car, flashing a touch of surprise, the power of his current strike, It is enough to easily kill the ordinary gods. It is comparable to the destructive power born by the world explosion. His body is also integrated with one world. He is the body of the world and is indestructible.

However, the most direct collision between him and the car is actually in a downturn. What kind of body is the body of the car?

I don't know that the car at this time is also very surprised. No one except himself knows what kind of body he is now, and the combination of the world's strongest soldiers. Jun Mengchen can directly touch him directly? The attack and defense of the world is really terrible, but how about it, even if it is really a big world, he can tear it.

Like lightning, he shot again, and came to the front of Jun Mengchen. Shenhua is still the same. The body of the car is turned into a peerless soldier. The world of the dream is in the world, the light of the glass shines, and the endless power between the heavens and the earth gathers. Together, it is like an invincible body.

"Hey." The humanoid soldiers penetrated everything and shredded the world. The humanoid soldiers on the car, the golden flames, the body of the Meng Meng dust and the surrounding space world, the direct flame Burning out all beings is like the power of the world, letting the whole world burn and attaching to the light of the flames of flames. No power can exist in this flame.

The body of Jun Mengchen was covered with sacred flames and burned. He screamed, and the light of the world was directly blown up. The flesh broke open and bounded from this space. Only the bottom, the sacred flame was like the most The terrible gods are still refining the world, and under that flame, everything will cease to exist.

"You are not a human." At this time, a voice descended from the cave. Qin Yuanfeng's figure appeared in the sky. His eyes gazed at the car: "You are a **** soldier. The car family is the first refiner of Taikoo. You The entire car family, refining for a soldier, including yourself, your way, are among the soldiers."

All the Qin Tian Shenzong people are exposed. It is no wonder that the car is like a humanoid soldier. It turns out that he is already a **** soldier, not a human being.

Che Hou looked at Qin Yuanfeng, and the cold mouth flashed a slap in the face, and he had to say that Qin Yuanfeng’s speculation was very close to the truth.

"I am indeed a **** soldier, but I am still a car, not just a car, the car owners all the strongholds are in my body, my car family, refining the first ancient soldiers, this The **** soldier is me."

"The power of the family, the car family is a sacred burial, is it worth it?" Qin Yuanfeng sighed: "The soldiers are the soldiers of the future, people are the masters, but your car family, but dominated by the gods, sad."

"Haha, is it sad? The power of the car-collecting family and the obsession of the car-family are the most powerful. It is sad that I will inherit the whole car race. I will dominate the Taikoo, and your cave will be a witness. Che Hou laughed and said, his voice fell, his body released endless Shenhua, every Shenhua, can be compared with a weapon of the gods to kill, killing in every direction, want to destroy the entire Qin Tian Shenzong.

Qin Wentian’s eyes shot an amazing light. At this moment, the time and space of the heavens and the earth seemed to be covered by his eyes, and the time and space were twisted. This time and space seemed to be twisted and rotated, and the car was frowning. The next moment, he I found that the surrounding scenes are changing. Here, it is no longer the Qintian gods, but the stars.

Apart from him, only Qin asked Tian to be alone. His attack of blooming did not kill anyone, but disappeared into nothingness.

Very terrible time and space, at a glance, time and space reversal, separated by more than ten years, Qin Wentian is as ever, once again, every time it is, no exception, his way now, become stronger and more Close to the extreme.

"Since you want to fight with me, I will fulfill you." Qin asked the indifference to say that thousands of years of practice, beyond the sum of his past years of practice, the changes in his body, can not be big, although today's realm I want to go further and further. Otherwise, the gods of Taikoo will not be able to change their strengths for countless years. To the gods, they need to understand and understand, and it is difficult to move forward.

However, his cave has a natural advantage. In it, he can be a martial artist, and he can understand the Taoism and enlighten his ability. Of course, he is stronger.

Qin Wentian practiced thousands of years in the caves. He was no longer able to compare the Lei people in the same year.

"It seems that I have to be serious." Che Hou voice is indifferent, he released Shenhua in the whole body, starry sky, the birth of endless gods of light, the real avenue of the gods, like a big net, covering this world.

This golden **** net is like a sacred chaos, from which the avenues of the avenues are constantly bred and gradually formed. The scene of this scene is like the scene when the car was refining.

Qin Wentian looked at the surrounding world and was covered by this terrible chaotic gods. The sacred flames and the avenues of the avenues contained incredible avenues of power. This space of heaven and earth was blocked by the chaotic gods.

The flames of the flames came out and came to Qin to ask the heavens. At this moment, Qin Wentian was in the center of the supreme destruction power, and the Shenyan and the avenues of the avenues were killed together, turning into the power of killing the world, the ordinary god. I am afraid that it will die. The top gods are afraid of how many deaths there are. This scene is terrible, just like the power of the world.

"Even if you can open up time and space, but in the world of Taikoo, any time and space is within the time and space of Taikoo Xianyu. This power of killing covers everything in this time, even if you avoid it in time and space. The same is to be destroyed." Che Hou said coldly, the real powerful killings, can ignore the dodge of time and space, Qin asked the day, can not escape.

"You are right, but why should I hide?" Qin asked Tian to stare at the figure of the car, and he witnessed the power of the world to kill, and the eyes were calm and terrible.

An invisible force is born between heaven and earth. It is the power of the Tao. It covers this time and space and penetrates into the power of the Taoism that has been killed.

"Time and space countercurrent." Qin asked Tian’s mouth to spit out a voice. In an instant, the attacks that had been killed suddenly stopped. Then, they did not continue to go to Qin to ask the sky, but to countercurrent, to cover the sky. The chaotic gods flowed away, and a little bit of returning to the inside disappeared, and the way of killing the world was so invisible.

When Che Hou saw that this scene became particularly embarrassing, he angered: "Kill."

When the voice fell, the killings broke out again and continued to kill Qin. But the time and space countercurrents left and right the way of this time and space, so this scene of time and space appeared a very wonderful scene, killing and moving back and forth, stalemate, like It is in the competition who is more capable of controlling the Tao, who is the way, deeper.

"You are born in the refinement of the heavens and the earth, but there is no real sense to comprehend a kind of Tao, but it is naturally brewed. Even if you really control the power of the peerless killing, I only need to control your way, you How to kill me?" Qin asked Tian Leng coldly, he looked up and looked toward the chaos of the heavens and the earth. The eyes were terrible to the extreme. Then, the time and space split, and the chaotic gods were constantly being swayed from the middle. The horror of the law is broken.

The chaotic gods are more powerful, and after all, this is the power of this time and space. Qin asked Tian to break the time and space, and the gods naturally split.

Above the sky, with the chaos of God, the power was suddenly ruined, and the power suddenly disappeared. Gradually, it was destroyed and dissipated. The power of the world’s peerless killing was solved by Qin Wentian’s time and space. Although it is also the same as before, but the power is almost the same, it is a metamorphosis.

Any kind of Taoism, the practice to the extreme has incredible power, not to mention the way of time and space itself contains the heavens and the truth, is a kind of the ultimate Taoism, the former King of Time wants to pursue the ultimate, transcend the time and space !

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