MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2009 Stormy eve

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Taikoo Xianyu, Yuyu Shenwang returned, the world shook.

Subsequently, there was a message scattered in the Taikoo, one of the eight kings of the ancient kings, the king of the king, the body is a king of swallowing the beast, was tortured when he was practicing, and then sneaked into the king of Yuyu, suppressed in small Xitian, seize everything from him.

This news subverts many people's views on the Buddha, but some of them are surprised, but they are not incredible. It is cruel to the level of competition. They understand that no matter whether they are human beings or not, they are not sages. The so-called one will be a million bones, not to mention, to be on the top of the world, you can imagine how many strong bones will be trampled.

Just like this era, the Western world, the caves, the moons and the sky, the princes, the representatives of the four great peaks of the ages, they will surely break out of war. By then, I do not know how many people will die.

The world feels that this day is already fast, coming soon.

Taikoo, wind and rain, a storm, will sweep the world.

That news, naturally introduced to Qin Tian Shenzong, was introduced into the ears of Qin Wentian. After he learned it, his heart was indifferent. It seems that his guess is correct. The little **** really has a big origin, and the so-called so-called The Lord of the Holy Land is so despicable. Of course, Qin Qiaotian has already learned the means of Xiaoxitian. Whether it is the causal Buddha or the Buddha, their means, who is not going to work?

He thought that if the Buddhist monk was like the Bodhi abbot he saw on the same day, he would focus on the Buddha, and he would not be able to achieve Xiaoxitian.

The real Buddha, not in Xiaoxitian, the Buddha of Xiaoxitian, is a Buddha who advocates strength. It is not goodness to practice, but the power of Buddhism.

Qin asked Tianben to try to squat on the little bastard, but he still knew it. After the dream appeared in the dream scene, the little **** had been restless. After learning the truth, he roared in the cave, incarnate the behemoth. , suffocating, wanting to enter the Western world, destroying the small West.

The huge body rolled and went away from the cave. Qin Wentian’s figure appeared and blocked his figure. “The little **** is now undergoing major changes in the Western world. The return of the Western gods will have Extraordinary supernatural powers, you want to kill him now, afraid it is impossible."

That is the real king of the gods. From the time of the ancient times to today, today, since the return of such a big movement, it means that he is about to return, he has the means of the king of the ancient times, even if Qin Wentian is very confident about his own strength, I dare not say that I can deal with the Yuyu God King, the real **** king exists.

Little **** can't cope, they need more time than the Western world.

"I want to swallow the thief." The little **** spit out a cold voice, and the fierce gas turned into a terrible demon cloud. If you don't know your own life, then you know that you are a god. The descendants of the wild, while their parents were killed by the Western vultures, the killing in his heart can be imagined.

"I will avenge you, not only for you, but also for Xiaoye's hatred, but now, it is not the time, our enemies, not only the Western world, but also the moon and the sky in the dark, coupled with the hostility of the car No one knows when he will kill the cave again. We need to become stronger and become stronger than ever.” Qin asked the day, he didn’t want to kill, in fact, although he killed the causal Buddha, But is the vengeance of Xiaoye just a causal Buddha?

The Western world has always smashed his caves. He once promoted the Taikoo stalwart to break into the caves. In the past, all kinds of hatred, like the little bastards, I can't wait to razed the fake Buddha's holy land to the ground.

The eyes of the little **** turned and stared at Qin Wentian. I saw that his huge eyelids were reddish, like a pair of bloody. Qin asked Tian to see his eyes tremble, and some could not bear it. "If you want to go, I will accompany you to Xiaoxitian."

"Oh..." The little **** made a low snoring in his mouth, a little hoarse, like extreme depression. He looked at Qin’s eyes. The two had already shared their minds for so many years. He knew what Qin said. Is the truth, willing to accompany him to this embarrassment, but, can he lose his reason for revenge, and hurt the day?

Looking back, the little **** glanced at the cave. Behind him, there are many familiar faces. For thousands of years, these are already his relatives. Similarly, Qin’s close relatives need Qin Wentian. guard.

"Oh." The screaming screaming, the huge body of the little **** turned and went toward the starry sky, reaching up to nine days, swallowing the light of nine stars.

Qin Wentian can imagine his pain and depression, just as he learned when the Qin people did everything about his father Qin Yuanfeng, his anger seemed to be burning everything, and he wanted to kill nine days. The family avenged their father.

But even then, the little **** still resisted, for him, but also for the cave.

Today, Taikoo Xianyu is not calm, Xiaoxitian and Yuekong are already very difficult to deal with, and there is a car waiting, the pressure on the cave is more than any force.

Qin asked Tianshen people to monitor the movements of all parties. Qin Tian Shenzong people are ready to withdraw into the caves in order to prevent Taiji from changing. He clearly knows that nowadays there is a change in Taikoo, and it is a stone-shattering shock.

As for himself, he led the troops to practice in the caves. Even the gods of Qiankun and the nine-day Xuan Nuong Palace were built into the caves. Today, the caves need strength to cope with the dramatic changes that will occur in Taikoo.

A few days later, one person came to the cave of the heavens. The people of Qintian Shenzong did not stop and let go directly, because the person who came here was the old man who used to darken the heavens and caves to scare off the ancients and the gods.

According to legend, the sect of the sect of the gods, Qin Tian, ​​who is in charge of the cave, has received his inheritance, and the people of Shenzong will never stop him.

Qin Wentian quickly received the news from the following layers, and then ended the practice to see the crazy old man. At this time, the old man appeared, which means great significance to him. Now, his cave is in desperate need of peak strength.

"Old guy, you finally have to show up again." Qin asked the old man to look at the crazy old man, and this guy is not seeing the end of the dragon, it is really difficult to see him.

"How, feel the pressure?" The old madman swept Qin and asked: "Are you already strong?"

"I have never played against the real king of the ancient gods, but from the point of view of the gods, I am not as good as now." Qin asked Tiandao.

"There is some self-knowledge. This time, the return of the Western vultures will only be stronger than before. You are ready at any time. The Western vultures control another kind of avenue. It is possible to launch a war that has swept the Taikoo, just like the past. The battle is the same.” The old man’s eyes are indifferent. In those days, the battle of the destruction of the world was ruined and ruined, and it has never been forgotten.

Now, the scene of the past may be staged again, but this time the goal is the cave.

"I will not let everything happening in Qingxuan repeat itself in the cave. Old guy, you will help me, sweep away the Western world and revenge for Qing Xuan." Qin asked Tiandao.

"When you discovered the battlefield, everyone would have expectations. I hope that one day you will be able to fight for thirty-three days. Taikoo will be unified, and Qingxuan will be re-established and re-established the ancient order, and restore the Qingxuan prosperity. I will not sit idly by. Where is the North Emperor, and her current cultivation is also very strong."

"Well." Qin asked Tian nodded: "The emperor's accomplishments in the soul are very strong. She has the magic weapon that does not destroy God. Now, even if the gods are surrounded, she is not afraid, she can be alone."

"Well, you let her come, I want to take her away." The old man said, Qin asked the sky to flash, then nodded, he did not ask, the old guy tried his best to train him and the North Emperor, Nature will not harm them, it will be beneficial. He took out the crystal and notified the Emperor. Not long after, the Northern Emperor came to this side and shouted to the old man: "Predecessors."

"Well, Youhuang, you go with me." The old man, the North Emperor, looked at Qin and asked the sky, and saw the old man screaming at the scene: "Hey, this heart is toward someone, I am Half a master, there is no point in talking."

The Northern Emperor heard the words reddish and trembled and looked at Qin Wentian.

"Yu Huang, you go with the old guy." Qin asked Tiandao.

"Well." North Ming Yu nodded and looked at the crazy old man: "Predecessors, let's go."

"How good a girl is, this kid is cheap." The old man sighed and left with the North Emperor. Qin asked Tian to face the black line and looked at the back of the emperor. He thought about it, the next time he met. The emperor will be stronger, and since the old man is taking her away, he will not do anything useless.

Just, I don’t know when to return.

Qin Wentian has a kind of hunch. When the emperor returns, it may be the time of the Great War. At that time, what kind of scene would it be? How many people will leave him by his side?

When I think of it, he has a strong obsession in his heart. It must be stronger and stronger than ever. Only in this way can he protect the people around him when the Great Wars broke out!

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