MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2014 Invincible

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The figure of the mad old man appears in the dark cloud of death, like the true **** of death, controlling the life and death of all beings.

His eyes are no longer turbid, but sharp, his eyes staring at the giant Buddha in front, the star soul shines, is a statue of death, tall, stalwart, dark, cast by the dead, his eyes There is a round of rims, and each round of crepe is extremely complicated, but it makes people feel the real death.

When his eyes looked at the Buddha's Legion, in an instant, a **** who controlled the death came from the sky. At this moment, the Buddha's army was inexhaustible, and there was a faint silence in them, and the birth of the dead spirit. Appeared behind them, as if to devour their soul.

"The demon snarls." The Buddha voice trembles in the heavens and the earth, the golden light is full of the sky, expelling all the dead spirits, the two forces collide in the void, and at the same time there is endless Buddha light on the dead, shrouded the huge boundless **** of death, want to purify it. Killed.

"You are wrapped up in the beliefs of all beings and the power of destiny, to achieve your own ambitions, who is the demon." The old man is indifferent, these people who are enshrined in faith, they have lost their self, and become a tool for the fight of the small West, wrapped up the whole Western practitioners, turned into world legions, this is the real evil, big horror.

"The demon snarls, knowing what is faith, Buddhism is a sentient being, and he is too ancient to be unified. The world will be prosperous and prosperous, and the people will be good, and then there will be no evils." The Buddha's voice trembled between heaven and earth, and the Buddha's army sang the mouth. Constantly expelling and destroying the gas of death, the dead spirit is continually being annihilated, and the whole piece of innocent starry sky, like the Buddha light is shining, under the giant Buddha, all beings are small.

"It seems that the old guy still can't compete with this Buddha." Qin asked Tian Zhongzhong secretly, the Yuyu **** king wrapped up the power of all beings, the birth of the supreme giant Buddha, even if the real ancient **** king appeared, fear is not an opponent Although the old man is strong, he has not guarded Qingxuan, indicating that he cannot surpass the Yuyu gods. He has the most strength, but now he is the one who has taken the power of the sentient beings and the power of the Western world. How terrible is this?

The old man of death is staring at the front, and at first glance, the Western Buddhism Corps can't see the end, and the invincible existence, the vulture has become more terrible.

Qin asked the body to flash, his eyes reversed the sky, wrapped in the heavens and the earth, and the time was reversed. He wanted to move the Buddhist army to the time and space he controlled. However, the endless Buddha’s voice lingered, making the Buddhas indifferent and unable to move. When the power of the Dafa is strong to a certain extent, the Taoist attacks of others will be directly invalid.

"Hey." A screaming sound came out, like the power of Buddhism and Taoism, and suppressing the heart of Qin’s heart, as if the heavens were oppressed, it was too heavy to compete. His heart was like pressing the Buddhas of the heavens, one of the sky. All the Buddha's martial arts stars are pressed against his heart, making him screaming and extremely uncomfortable.

The next moment, the nine-day galaxy, the endless Buddha light shines, those martial arts stars that contain the power of Buddhism, as if they were really projected down, turned into giant Buddhas, oppressed to the people, and rushed to the hanging palaces in the starry sky. Similarly, They also oppressed Qin to ask them, which is comparable to the great power of the world.

Qin asked the sky to flash, like a lightning bolt, and went to a suspended palace above the sky. His relatives were there. If they were destroyed by the giant Buddha, the consequences would be disastrous. Shooting in different directions, their looks are ugly, and the king of the universe is wrapped up in the power of all beings. It is really impossible to crack the forces of the Buddhist army.

Without breaking the power of the Buddhism Corps, there is no chance of winning in this battle.

Qin asked the sky to come over the sky, and the empty sky was shrouded in a hanging palace. At first glance, the entire suspended palace moved from time to space, and went toward the starry sky. He only covered the sky and directly shattered a hang from the sky. The huge Buddha body underneath.

"Great, it is the opponent who defeated the people of this world several times." Qin looked at the heavens in the sky, but this power is not enough to resist the Western vulture.

In order to defeat the vultures in the West, there is only one way to cut off the connection between him and the Buddhism Legion, and not let him enshrine the beliefs of all beings. Otherwise, this vulture is equivalent to the King of the Nine Heavens, and there is no one to be able to contend. Even if he himself, he thinks he can't.

The gods of the top forces around the moon are trembled fiercely, too strong. The giant Buddha in the Western world, the Buddha worship, is simply the invincible existence, and Qin Wentian, he is stronger than that. A trace, it is simply metamorphosis, the former youth, has truly stood in the existence of the pinnacle of Taikoo.

Qin asked the face is also ugly, he is thinking, this means, how to crack?

At this time, above the starry sky, there was a slender figure in Tsing Yi who came forward. His eyes were terrible, and there seemed to be a reincarnation in his eyes. When he came down from the sky, the starry sky seemed to follow him. A few martial arts stars, like following his figure, wherever he goes, where the stars are scattered.

"Good powerful belief power." The figure in the void said, he came to Qin Wentian's side, both of them are so handsome, heroic and extraordinary.

"The Yuyu God King controls the beliefs of the sentient beings in the Western world, and casts the Buddha." Qin asked the day to open.

"The power of faith controls the eight senses of people, controls the minds of others, and the practice of the two worlds. My current Dao Law can help you, but with such a powerful force, I can't resist one person. We need a lot of gods to join hands." Said the opening, it turned out that he is Hua Tai.

In fact, he practiced on the martial arts stars in the caves very early, retiring for countless years, never going out, feeling the heavens, and comprehending the understanding of the two worlds, even if the last battle of the gods, he is in a state of death. In the state of the state, there was no war. Until today, a more terrible battle of God broke out in the cave.

"How do you do it?" Qin asked Tian.

"The power of Buddhism to control the Eight Senses is very strong. At this moment, the Western King of God is enshrined in the beliefs of all beings. He will be able to launch all kinds of Buddhist principles. He wants to keep the people of the Western world from being controlled. He needs to directly put the will into their minds. Among them, let them wake up, I can reincarnate, can cast a reincarnation, create a reincarnation, and a little bit of severance between them. However, I need you to help me block the interference and block the Western Lord Buddha. attack."

Hua Taixuan said, Qin asked the sky to flash, Hua Taixu also knows Buddhism, and can crack it. It can be seen that his reincarnation is bound to be extremely strong, but he still can't solve it by himself. People can do it unless they really get rid of it.

PS: This chapter has a small number of words, a little something, and more words in the evening chapters!

Read The Mage of Eternity