MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2040 Return

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In the caves of the heavens and the stars and the stars, the body of the king of the Western Heavens trembles constantly, and the life of the people is constantly out of control, and the heavens resonate, and he certainly feels it.

"No, no, no..." He shook his head madly, and he had a strong unwillingness in his heart. He had already foreseen that the timing of the detachment had arrived. His predictions were not wrong, but the detached person was not him. ?

Why is this happening?

He wins the faith of all beings, controls the life of the people, the person who is detached, why is it not him?

The starlight flowed, and the martial arts stars in the Milky Way disappeared. Soon, the Western Heavenly King appeared in the original starry sky. In the sky above him, Qin asked Tian Tianguang to look at him, and his look was cold to the extreme.

"Super-detached, what qualifications do you have to detach?" Qin asked him to look at him. At this moment, the king of the Western Heavens felt that all beings were watching him. Every look was so cold. He abandoned him and he no longer The belief is added, the breath is getting weaker, and the fate of his control is constantly being stripped.

The body of the Western Heavenly King is still shaking. After a while, he seems to calm down and look at Qin Wentian. Suddenly he laughs wildly: "I didn't expect that I predicted the future and speculated about fate, but after all, I didn't predict my fate. I practiced the path of destiny, but I was tricked by fate. This is not my sin. I am not wrong, and I am also a life."

When the voice fell, his huge boundless body burned up, and the whole starry sky was burning. He seemed to know that his fate was doomed and no longer resisted.

A loud noise, his body bursting, the stars tremble, the world looked at this scene, all trembled, the dark road, is it over?

Before the end, Qin asked Tian to look at his disappearing figure, showing a cold smile, only to see him raise his hand and grab it toward the void. In an instant, above the stars, a ray of light descended and landed in the explosion. I saw a figure gradually forming a figure. This figure is extraordinarily illusory. Half-Bud and Half-Devil can't see his appearance.

"This is your way of selflessness, your body, the fate of all beings, not your physical body is in control, your true body is attached to the stars, controlling the people, and now, you still Want to deceive me, want to live?" Qin asked the voice of the plain, but indifferent, the figure appeared trembling, the Buddha and the magic alternate, yelling at Qin asked, want to break free of the invisible heaven power, but At this moment, as if the power of the nine-day avenue fell on him, he could not get rid of it.

The face kept changing, and sometimes turned into a crazy old man, watching Qin ask Tiandao: "Ask, you finally got to this step."

Sometimes turned into a leaflet, said: "Dry."

Qin asked the sky to look at all this, faceless, he looked at the figure, said: "Since you like to play with fate, then I will let you die in the hunger of endless destiny."

The voice fell, above the sky, the light of endless destiny came, turned into a robbery of destiny, descended on the shadow of the king of the West Heaven, in an instant, the screams came out, the endless fate of robbery, a little bit of the West Heavenly King The soul of destiny, every second, is the cruelest torture in the world.

"Kill me." A roar of anger came out, and the king of the Western Heavens struggled with pain, but Qin asked the heart to be like a stone, even if he used the most cruel torture in the world to deal with him, he felt that it was not enough.

The meaning of endless anger came to Qin Wentian. It was a business. They and Qin Qiaotian, I wished that the king of the Western Heavens would be worth a thousand dollars. At this moment, what kind of **** is kind, roll, if at this moment, talk about benevolence and morality, Before that, what is it, is it even if it is, the king of the Western Heavens can only deal with him in the most cruel way.

"You will be tortured for hundreds of millions of years in the endless chaos of time and space." Qin asked the day to wave, as if he didn't want to see the figure of the king of the Western Heavens for a moment, the other party entered the endless chaos of time and space and will endure hundreds of millions of years. The robbery of fate.

After expelling the king of the Western Heavens, Qin asked the heavens to look at the nine days. His thoughts shrouded the nine-day world. The whole world was like one at the moment. The light of the world came to him. Gradually, a spiritual body was gathered. Constantly changing, turned into the appearance of Jun Mengchen.

Jun Mengchen's body moved, then opened his eyes. He looked at Qin Wentian, as if he could not believe it, shouted: "Qin brother."

"Dream dust." Qin asked Tian to smile at him.

"Qin brother, have you defeated it? And what is going on here? Am I not apath?" Jun Mengchen looked at this scene.

"Dream dust, you are born to control the world, because you are the true spirit of heaven and earth, but the world spirit, even if it is justified, it is only part of the nine-day world." Qin asked the day, he I just knew it.

"What is the world spirit? I am born in heaven and earth?" Jun Meng dust scratched his head and shouted.

Qin asked the sky with a smile and said: "It means that in the future, you will control the world of the world. This world is yours."

"What about your brother?" Jun Mengchen didn't understand.

"I?" Qin asked Tianxiao to smile, but did not respond, but continued to look at the nine days, the nine-day starlight is still so beautiful, so magnificent.

The endless starlight, like a beautiful figure, the shadow of the emperor of the North, the emperor of the North, and the integration into the nine days, so that Qin Wentian can better perceive nine days.

"The emperor, I want you to come back."

Qin Wentian shouted at the sky, the endless light descended, and a virtual shadow appeared on the nine days. The figure was beautiful and holy, and it was the shadow of the Northern Emperor.

Like Jun Mengchen, she squatted down. Then she saw Qin Wentian, the king of the Western Heavens, who had disappeared. At this moment, how could she not understand what was going on, showing the most brilliant smile on her face? At the same time, with a drop of tears falling down, that tear is as crystal clear as the stars.

Did you make it?

Qin asked Tian, ​​still alive, well, as for her, whether it can return, it should have been indifferent, and now, she is back, this is naturally a better ending.

Qin asked Tian, ​​he also looked at the emperor of Beiling. The two stared at each other in the starry sky. They all showed a bright smile in their eyes. Qin asked the day without thanks. What is the meaning between them?

Qin Yuanfeng, Luo Shen Qianxue and others saw this scene laughing, they hope that everything is fine.

When they were desperate, the city entered the reincarnation, Jun Meng dusted the road, Qin asked the heavens to change, and the nine days trembled. Now, Qin Wentian, finally came to the step that no one has ever been to?

Qinger looked at everything in the void, and she laughed too, but her hands were still tightly held, because there were people who didn't come back.

She doesn't know what detachment means, whether she can change everything, whether she can die and resurrect. If she can't come back, Qin Wentian will still suffer, and she will be the same.

Not only Qingqing, many people around her are the same, very happy, because Qin asked Tiansheng, all these disasters are finally over, but they are also very nervous, because some people have not come back, everyone understands that the person is Qin asked the weight of Tianxin, that no one can replace it.

She seems so indifferent, she can ignore the life, but also Qin asked Tianhuo, but she would rather bear the disaster of billions of years of reincarnation, she only asked Qin to fight the day.

Mo Qingcheng, can she come back? Everyone is praying in the heart, I hope that Heaven can do it.

Everyone is staring at the stars.

Qin asked Tianmuguang to finally remove from the North Emperor. He closed his eyes. The next moment, the people only saw Qin’s figure disappearing. However, just after a moment, he appeared again and still stood in the sky. In front of him, there was another figure, that is the figure of death.

When I saw the moment of death, Qing Er’s smiling eyes shed tears, and he was able to do it.

Everyone has put down a nervous heart. Since death can come back, everyone can come back.

"What is this ability?" In the Taikoo world, someone saw the return of death, the heart trembled, and the dead, all came back.

"He has been detached and surpassed the nine-day road. Today, he is no longer bound by the heavens. He can surpass the cycle of life and death. He can walk in the past and even go backwards. Just now, maybe he went to the past and brought the **** of death. "There was a strong man whispering, but the inner shock was not added."

After today, Qin asked Tian, ​​Taikoo Feng Wang, he really deserved the name, all sentient beings are happy for him, but fortunately he stopped the king of the West Heaven, otherwise it will be a catastrophe of all beings.

"Since the death can be resurrected, then all sentient beings?" Many people have expressed their expectation. This is a catastrophe. Now Qin Wentian has already reached the supreme realm, and he will not be willing to see this catastrophe. A catastrophe is too bad, everyone wants to be able to recover.

There is also Qin Qiaotian's wife, the world also hopes that she can return, can live well, although she seems so indifferent before, regardless of the life of the people, but no one blames her, but sincerely hope that she will return.

They hope that Taikoo can have a perfect ending!

PS: I saw a lot of people, many people reminded, no traces are updated in advance today, in fact, it can be finished here, but there will be a little ending chapter after the trace, maybe a few days, for many people It’s nonsense, no suggestion that friends who don’t want to see can watch it, it’s already finished, this is the truth, because no trace has seen many people can’t stand it, want an ending, now the main content is already the end, If you don't want to see it, you don't have to look at it anymore. Really, the reason why I continue to write is because I want to write a little bit, and there are many friends who want to see a little end. You can also make some suggestions. I hope that I will write at the end. What to?