MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 2048 came back

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All the people worship, the gods and beasts see, the gods come to congratulate, the world is called the king of God.

The young man looked at all this. The whole person was soft on the ground, and he couldn’t lift his strength. Why was it so ridiculous? Such a thing was actually met by him. He was fascinated by the woman that God liked. He should be honored. ?

Just now, he said that he would kill the king of the gods. At this moment, he looked at the heavens and the dynasties. In the thirty-three days, the fairy tales trembled. His words seemed so ridiculous. I am afraid that at this time, no one cares about such a small person. No wonder, He has never seen himself from beginning to end, and the king of the king robbed the woman, he, match?

Qin Wentian did not care about him. Although he had thoughts about Mo Qingcheng, this only shows that he has a good vision and he has not done evil. Tonight, Qin’s status does not kill such a small person. Therefore, he Directly ignoring the other party, the so-called Shangxian, Qilian Xianmen, he did not have time to pay attention, but he did not know, although he did not have time to pay attention, but because of this incident, in Qingxuan, Qilian Xianmen, soon disbanded, In Qingxuanxian, some people insulted the Emperor of Heaven, even if Qin did not care, but still want to be as quiet as before?

The people of Mofu, the chaos of the heart, the uncle of the city, also frightened to sit down on the ground, the eyes of the whole person are sluggish, the world, it is too crazy.

God King, King of God, a man who has been outside the Mo family for 20 years, when he was born in the city, he stood outside in a daze, he would be the king of the heavens, this is ridiculous ?

He laughed himself, and he wondered if he was taunting himself or sarcasm.

The **** king, fell in love with his niece, Mo Qingcheng, but he is not happy at the moment, because he has driven several times and threatened Qin to ask the heavens. He could go to heaven and heaven, and now he is afraid that it is only Can struggle in hell.

The beautiful face of Mo Qingcheng has already been wet by tears. She looked at Qin Wentian and looked at the congratulations from the heavens. Isn’t it the scene that Qin Wentian once said?

Spreading hundreds of thousands of red makeup, red clouds all over the sky, the gods and beasts descend, the world shakes, the gods of the heavens come to congratulate!

"Why is it so lyrical." Mo Qingcheng smiled and cried.

"Because I promised you." Qin asked Tian Wendao.

"But, my strange uncle, why is it a **** king, so I am afraid, afraid of all this, are fake." Although Mo Qingcheng moved, but she is not stupid, she was born outside Mofu from her birth. The person waiting for her, watching the person she grew up a little, is the king of God. What it means means that from the moment she was born, Qin Wentian is already waiting for her, not later. On her.

"Stupid girl." Qin asked the day to look at Mo Qingcheng, his eyes are full of soft and petting meaning: "Because, you are my wife in the past life, I have already waited for you to reincarnate, now, you are finally coming back. ”

"Previous life?" Mo Qingcheng whispered, she was not shocked, and even she believed, because she did have a feeling, as if she and her uncle, I met before.

It turned out that her past life was the wife of the uncle.

"So strange uncle's past life, I must love me very much." Mo Qingcheng smiled sweetly, she was really happy, it was not just this world, in the past life, the uncle uncle loved her, waiting for her, Watching her grow up.

"Of course." Qin asked Tiandao.

Around the void, a figure walks quietly out, everyone, regardless of men and women, is a genius, rare in the world, the temperament, even if you do not release any breath, you can still feel how they exist.

Among them, Qin Qiaotian’s father, Liu Daofeng, the six gods, his mother, Luo Shenqian Xue, Qin’s sister, Qin Kexin, and Mo’s people, the former relatives of Mo’s city, and Qin Wentian The righteous parents Qin Chuan, their younger brother Jun Mengchen, the female emperor Nanhuang invited the moon, the South Phoenix Yunxiao, the sunny Shantou, they are all one.

Looking at the scene where Qin Wentian and Mo Qingcheng once again fell in love, they all showed a bright smile, silently blessing, the emotions of the two worlds, who can understand.

All of this will be completed, and the woman who once made a vow to reincarnate will finally return.

Mo Qingcheng looked at the figure and his heart trembled. Everyone had a feeling of deja vu, and he never saw it. The feeling was still strong. Her head was a little messy at the moment, and she could not help but close. eye.

Qin asked Tian to take a deep breath, as if he had known what it was, his smile was even more brilliant. He said: "Go down, come back."

In the body of Mo Qingcheng, there is a mysterious brilliance that makes her beauty more sacred, her eyelashes move, and then, the beautiful squat slowly, and then look at Qin’s question. The beautiful eyes, the hidden feelings seem to be deeper, that is the emotion of the two worlds.

She smiled and cried, and walked forward step by step, drying the tears in her eyes. All this is so beautiful.

Qin Wentian also lifted his footsteps and walked toward her step by step. Finally, the bodies of the two men were close at hand. Qin asked Tian to reach out and wipe the tears hanging from the corners of the eyes. "Stupid girl, later, I Let you cry again."

"Uncle Uncle, what is your saying about this city?" Mo Qingcheng flashed a playful look in the beauty of the city. Qin asked Tian to look at the narrowing of her eyes, and suddenly reached out and pushed him into In the arms, I waited for the reaction of the city, and kissed the past.

Mo Qingcheng’s body trembled, and then the body seemed to melt.

Time has stood still at this moment, as if to be immortal.

I don't know why, after the scenes of the gods, the endless creatures saw this scene, many emotional people could not help but leave tears, especially the people of Taikoo Xianyu, they have witnessed the battle of God, they saw Mo The whole city made a vow to reincarnate. Now, they can witness her back. They are really happy. They witness the love of the king, the love of the two worlds, waiting in the cycle.

"Little Allure, this world, make up for you a wedding." Qin Wentian sneered in the ear of Mo Qingcheng, Mo Liancheng pinched his waist, whispered: "There are Qinger sister, Youhuang sister, Thousands of sisters."

"Good." Qin asked Tian nodded: "All according to you."

"Go and see the family, they all miss you." Qin asked the sky to whisper, Mo Qingcheng nodded and walked toward the family. Qin asked the eyes of the people to see the people of the heavens, said: "This particle world It is the place where I grew up, my hometown, I will cast a large array in the thirty-three days of Xianyu, leading to this world, where the gods and the realm of the realm of the border, if they wish to enter the particle world, educate the world, I special It is allowed to borrow the ancient caves into the sky and practice. I will let people sit in this city. How many years can be practiced in the caves for many years."

His voice was directly communicated for nine days and spread throughout the heavens. When this statement came out, countless landlords of the Tiantian Xianyu were crazy. Even if they did not have the opportunity to join the power of the Temple of God, would they be eligible to enter the temple? ?

Qin’s words are equivalent to opening a door for all the gods and the powerful realm of the realm. They will all have the opportunity to practice in the caves. As for the world of particles, this is a long life for them. It is nothing at all.

They all understand that the King of God is doing this to give the world a way to the caves of the world. At the same time, he uses this to do something for his hometown. The gods and gods are in harmony. It is conceivable that in the future, the particle world will be prosperous and prosperous.

"In addition, I will return to the Temple of God to hold a wedding ceremony. The big feast of the world, the people of the heavens and the fairyland can see everything on the spot. In addition, all the people who come to celebrate can enjoy the feast, and at the same time, I will kill the gods. Preaching, people who come to congratulate can listen." Qin asked heaven and again, it is also causing countless people to be crazy, especially the people of Tianyu. They are closest to the Temple of God and can rush, but people far away They are depressed and missed the opportunity, but they are still blessed, and they will all see the grandest wedding under the nine days.

God King is married, and all beings can observe and congratulate.

After that, Mo Qingcheng returned to Qin Qiaotian and whispered: "Ask, I want to ask my parents, if I am willing to travel to Taikoo."

"Well." Qin asked Tian nodded: "And your family, if they want, they can go, and want to come back, they can always."

In this world, they raised the city.

Mo Qingcheng nodded and went to his parents. Many people in Mo’s family would of course be willing to accompany him. That is the Temple of the Gods, Mo Qingcheng, will marry the King of God, but there are not many people invited by Mo Qingcheng. Her good dear, such as her second uncle, she did not invite, her second uncle, more often, is hoping to use her, let the family and their own profit, not really love, but also threatened to expel several times Qin asked the day.

After doing all this, Qin Wentian took the Taikoo to leave, the gods and gods disappeared, the beasts left, and the sky was not seen, just like a dream.

Looking at the figure that disappeared into the sky, many people in the particle world still bowed to the ground. Qin asked the heavens. Before leaving, there is still no home. In the future, there will be gods and landlords coming to this land, although I don’t know. What is the realm, but it must be beyond the level of the immortal, above the emperor.

The two immortals of Xianmen are still there, and the youth are soft on the ground. When Qin asked Tian to go, he did not look at them.

The second uncle of Mo Qingcheng looked at the many Mojia people who had left with the same one. He sighed in the sky and made people. For the sake of the city and the relatives of Xianmen, he ran the most and was the most active. However, in the end, he was The saddest person.

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